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@sreecharan i mean on officeDuty ur at onsite location ?
i have prepared server side and push notification certificate but for the moment i can send the notification to just one udid, i need to be able to send to more devices. i mean, when the user download runs the app, in my server i think i have to detect his device id
@sreecharan @lakiniphone
@lakiniphone Sorry, I dont want to disclose my details totally, But i am working for a company 4 days week, 5 hours a day
i dont know how to go
i dont know how to go
@lakiniphone ok thanx got it
@sreecharan f haurs? :)
that nmust be great
@ilis yes u can do it ,u need to save the UDIDs in Database by sending the Device Token to the server from App side
yes but how? I couldnt find any example and also i couldnt figure out how to go on
@sreecharan NP ,thanks we will be intouch ,sorry to bother u by asking ur details
UDID? Is Apple allowing an id called UDID from iOS 5
@ilis u know how to send an value to webservice right
@sreecharan i would say device token, sorry for udid
@ilis make a url which takes parameter as DeviceToken and call that as soon as u get the deviceToken in ur App
@lakiniphone yes i know, my app is also a web service
@ilis I am sorry to bother you guys. If i am here, i expect people chatting around here to be perfect
@ilis let me know if u hav any difficlties in sending this way
@lakiniphone i followed a tutorial on ray's blog but i think that wasnt enough, also the apple's documents to didn't give any server side idea. do you know any good article(or tutorial?)
Eh, Ray :(
@sreecharan what do you mean?
@ilis i too follow same ,but the calling the URL to send the Token is easy right no need of extra material
Nothing, I just hate Ray wenderlich
@sreecharan but the link which he given for Pushnotifications is perfect
@sreecharan i know your feelings for him(or hating:)
@lakiniphone but it doent give any idea about server side. it goes as if there will be just one device. am i wrong?
Ok, you guys carry on. I may quarell with you if you tell more about him, Just let me be kind
@ilis no ,ur code will be execute for all devices which using ur App right ,so each time u getting a Device token u have to look for it if its not in ur Database then save it
@ilis otherwise left it i.e its already existed in our Database
@ilis i mean these all taking place at serverside as soon as ur App sending DeviceToken
you mean i will add a table to my database to hold the device yokens, and save unique ones
@ilis Yup :)
good morning all
Morning owen
@lakiniphone i have to finish a part of a project till monday, i have set up anything for development certificae but it in server side i have saved my device token as a string variable and use it, not a dynamic database table.
@owengerig good evenings(not exactly evening but almost evening:)
i have a question
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps
@owengerig shal i annow yo?
look atthis hahahaha
you want the answer?
no in fact not answer
just i asked to mr google:)
go to link
i did, thats the answer
i'm a great man :p i'm just joking:) i hope i didnt disturb you:)
no not at all :)
Hey guys
@lakiniphone thanks man!
My school wants me to make a pedometer app. Does anyone have any source code they don't mind sharing so that I don't have to start from scratch?
@sreecharan hello
:4309249 kik
pedometer as in how many steps people take. like a step counter when you walk.
i really dont know that word. but i looked it up. so its for walking
ya ok
@ilis NP,let me know if u have any issues
so you need to use the motion sensors to recognize a step and gps for distance?
@lakiniphone thanks, tonight i will try server side, i thing it will not take so long
will you be here tomorrow?
@ilis yes ,also u need to use Prod certificate before u launch ur App
@hanleyhansen i have always wanted to mess around more with the motion sensors but had a hard time with the math. just out of curiosity what does this do?float dot = (px * xx) + (py * yy) + (pz * zz);
float a = ABS(sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz));
float b = ABS(sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz));
@ilis yes
@owengerig I have no idea. I haven't looked at that code yet. I just found it off of Google.
@lakiniphone yes i read about that, i will do a demo on monday to the company i work for and then create production cert. that is not the issue
@sreecharan - hi
@FadedinShadows - hi
How to add -fobjc-arc in xcode
Everyone is asleep :-)
@StoryBoard click on the top element in your project
make sure your target is selected and go to build phases
in there under compile sources, double click the file you want to give that flag to, and type it in the box that shows up
however i know the command to be -fno-objc-arc
maybe yours is the reverse though
-fno-objc-arc = not arc compatible
@FadedinShadows - o hi ...... can you help me ?
Simple stupid question - if I have an array populated with doubles, how do I log the contents of that array? valueForKey returns type id, and it won't let my cast from id to double.
i have a little question
@FadedinShadows aaeen
@DeathMagus use objectAtIndex:
It depends on your question
@BobjC But they're stored with keys.
@FadedinShadows - how to add objects in nsmutablearray ?
objects are like UIView, UIButtons
@DeathMagus can u show some code plz
@DeathMagus if sorted with key so do u mean Dictionary ?
There are several ways. One of the way is addObject: method
@FadedinShadows - it is possible to add objects in plist and then we can use those anytime ?
hi everyone
@VakulSaini Yes.

No - it's an array.
anyone has experience with CoreImage/AVFoundation ?
Yes we can store objects in plist. Using array or plist depends on the requirement
rowView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 124.0)];
self.arrayHandleAllView = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:rowView,rowView,rowView, nil];
what wrong with this ?
i added one view three times in array
but when i try to get these on table view cell .... only last view appears
I have some problems with image orientation: stackoverflow.com/q/11246726/401087
[cell.contentView addSubview:[self.arrayHandleAllView objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
first two cell is empty ...only last cell has view
@VakulSaini pastebin.com/1PePusWb i used this in the past to save a dictionary to plist
@BobjC - thanks for telling me ... but i'm not pasting a lot of code here
Show your entire cellForRowAtIndexPath: method and the screenshot how it's looking now.
i know about pastebin
ok @FadedinShadows
:4309724 Possibly. It's a really stupid problem. I've inserted 4 NSNumbers (so integers) into an array with 4 keys. I'm trying to log the output from the keys, but valueForKey returns type id - and I can't simply cast it over to an integer.
Hmm, Casting problem
@sreecharan Er...well I can but it's always 0.
@DeathNagnus It will return you NSNumber only then you would need to get integerValue from it.
[[item hours] intValue] assume hours returns NSNumber
@FadedinShadows Ooh...good call. Attempting...
@sreecharan Right.
@all Brb 10 mins :)
All integers come out 0. :-/
@FadedinShadows - this is my code pastebin.com/45Z2Q2Wb
@DeathMagus Now what ever you are doing in your code is reverse casting numberWithInt cast NSNumber to int
@FadedinShadows - and this how it is looking i.imgur.com/5de3R.png
Okay let me see
@DeathMagus First log your NSNumber and confirm it is not Zero, then you cast it to integer
Back again
@DeathMagus can u show us some code plz
@sreecharan It is not.
16 mins ago, by DeathMagus

No - it's an array.
@DeathMagus Well what is the console displaying ?
@sreecharan Seconds displays as "15". All the values returned from the array are either null or 0, depending on how they're displayed.
anyone ever heard of CMSampleBufferRef ?
@DeathMagus Then try --> int castedSeconds = [Seconds intValue];
@Vakul Di couple of changes and let me know if it works
@Vakul First specify the cell identifier as CellIdentifier and not as nil, and second - adding sub view to cells content view line put inside the if( cell == nil )
@FadedinShadows Hello :)
@FadedinShadows - ok
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@FadedinShadows - nothing chnage
Today I went to Sentosa
nice place
@FadedinShadows How is that island?
Underwater world
And went in cable car also called as rope way
Sentosa in Singapore
I saw lots of fish, dolphins and sharks
@FadedinShadows good
@FadedinShadows - who won shark or you ?
:D Ate it too?? :P
They were covered with glass so couldn't
But I touched them they were very slippery
Yes oceanarium
Nice! ^_^
I know i have just corrected you because you have told They were covered with glass
@Vakul try one last thing
@FadedinShadows - what is this ?
@Vakul now you are adding same view object in the array. Create 3 different views, add them in the array, give them different background colors
@FadedinShadows How is that Lion, water will be coming out from its mouth through out the year
@FadedinShadows - ok i check ....
Do this, show me the code then
Singapore was named from lion, as it was named from Singapura
yeah! And no body knows from where the water is coming
There is a big lion statue at Sentosa, I have taken lots of pics I will show later on
Also in cable car everybody was scared but I wasn't
@FadedinShadows - hmm it works --- i.imgur.com/zkrLt.png
but i can not add the different views ....
so what is the solution
@Vakul probably the issue was cos the view object was same. I am using iPod so can't debug your problem the way I usually do and I am little tired.
Basically you need to create the view objects inside a for loop, add them in the array each time you create
@FadedinShadows - ok you just rest :-)
@Vakul why can't you add different views?
@FadedinShadows - hmmmm it will work .....thanks @FadedinShadows
@FadedinShadows yup thats right or inside cellForRowAtIndexPath @VakulSaini
@FadedinShadows - because it depends on user .... user can add more row and can delete row
You want to show a single view in three different places. Obviously it will look the same in all 3 places. If that's what you want, then it's fine
Nope, dont do inside cellForRowAtIndexPath, this method will be called several times
@sreecharan hmmmm
anybody know why my UITabBar's selectionIndicatorImage doesn't fill the whole UITabBar even when i've got the resizeInsets set correctly?
but i every view has x =0 and y = 0 coordinate then i'm adding these in cell...
in for loop it will be work
Ideally it should be in cellForRowAtIndexPath: method until he has a good reason to have it's references
i try
because i added buttons on scrollview using for loop and i identified each buttons with it tag ......
self.arrayHandleAllView = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
rowView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 124.0)];
[rowView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[self.arrayHandleAllView addObject:rowView];
this is working
This should work
And why is rowView not a local variable? Is it instance variable? Why? If you need reference of those views you create, you already have them in the array
and release the view if you are not using ARC
RowView will essentially point to last view created, becomes useless if an instance variable
@FadedinShadows -- hmmm it can be
@sreecharan - i'm working with ARC :-)
Write less code, don't have useless code,
@FadedinShadows - but i have to write
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:nil];
otherwise cell are being overlapped
@Vakul after what I guided you, can you show me your updated cellForRowAtIndexPath: method
yeah sure
well my cellForRowAtIndexPath: method is same
as it was
i just made changes in my adding method
now i'm adding the view inside for loop
Do the changes I asked you to make in cellForRowAtIndexPath: method
I told 2 changes in it
See older transcripts and do it and let me know
Yes what's the issue with this code?
i wrote reuseIdentifier:nil
instead of reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier
Hello everyone!
@MdAbdulMunim hello
Hey @BobjC
See I am using iPod dont make me type a lot unnecessarily. What I am saying is - specifying cell identifier as CellIdentifer and not as nil, and putting the line of adding view to cells content view inside the if statement causes what issue?
@FadedinShadows - but i'm saying that if i make reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier my cell be overlapped on each other
I am having a weird problem , I am using this method to make an UIView perspective: -(void)animateLayer:(CALayer *)layer
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionAllowAnimatedContent animations:^{
CATransform3D _3Dt = layer.transform;
_3Dt = CATransform3DRotate(_3Dt, 45.0f*M_PI/180.0f, 1, 0, 0);

} completion:^(BOOL finished) {

No it won't if you follow my second point as well. It's not possible.
still offering 50$ for an answer on this stackoverflow.com/questions/11208593/…
hopefully apple will give me answer though. wonder how long their support takes though.
@FadedinShadows - but it is being happen ... you can try when you will have your mac :-)
But it's not working. But once I try this: UIView *myView = [[self.view subviews] objectAtIndex:0];
CALayer *layer = myView.layer;
CATransform3D rotationAndPerspectiveTransform = CATransform3DIdentity;
rotationAndPerspectiveTransform.m34 = 1.0 / -900;
rotationAndPerspectiveTransform = CATransform3DRotate(rotationAndPerspectiveTransform, 45.0f * M_PI / 180.0f, 1, 0, 0.0f);
layer.transform = rotationAndPerspectiveTransform; it works fine! whats wrong with the previous code?
Adding sub views to cells content view must only be done inside if ( cell == nil ) statement.
I don't need to try. I know it doesn't.
@FadedinShadows - yes....
i have already show you my code
Gah...I just want to be able to store integers by string keys. Why is this difficult?
nsdictionary needs [nsnumber numberfromint ]
it needs an object not a primitive datatype
sorry if i was WAY off on the answer, just what i gathered from your statement
Try to make number of rows in table as more, like 10, which will make the table reuse cells and then see what will happen with the adding sub view to cells content view written outside the if statement
@FadedinShadows - wait i show both screenshots
@owengerig Exactly. Why not allow primitives?
its against the rules of the universe
@owengerig Apple doesn't get its own universe, sorry. :-P
@FadedinShadows - i'm not saying to write it outside the if()
@DeathMagus i think its because they are pointers and ints are not pointers
can any one help me?
nsdictionary is made to hold pointers not real data (but i could be wrong)
Overlapping is not possible with all the 3 points I told you.
@owengerig That'd be cool. I could live with that - but NSArray is the same way.
lol yap
what is the difference (in functionality) of doing nsnumber vs int?
@FadedinShadows - http://i.imgur.com/zYotY.png this is when i'm writing
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier].........

and http://i.imgur.com/EXIR6.png is with
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:nil];
with reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier red view is overlapping on yellow view
@FadedinShadows - thanks for helping me.......:-)
@owengerig You have to deal with casting everything and then reversing that casting.
ya i guess that is a pain in the but
@FadedinShadows - Gudnyt ...
gdnyt all
@BobjC - gdnyt
@owengerig - gdnyt
doognight ha ha ha
its time to facebook
@VakulSaini bbye
bye bye @BobjC
anyone heard of google seo, someone was asking me about it, and i was reading the starter guide. It seems like its just guidelines for creating webpages? am i right? how to make your webpage google search friendly persay?
@owengerig - search engine optimization
@Vakul I still don't believe you. Something is wring somewhere. Anyways I am on iPod so I am not keen to find it out. Bye
it is about ranking of your website
@FadedinShadows - but please you see it....
idk the guide talks about making sure all meta data, title/descriptions tags are filled so that it can properly read your site for making search comparisons
@owengerig - right
@owengerig - make the site according to the search engine algorithms so that in the search engine like google the site comes in top ranking when it is search for a particular keyword ......
@owengerig thanks :)
lol, long time reply. but your welcome, glad it worked
anyone ever read the dark tower series by stephen king?
no :-(
@owengerig - bye bye ...... see you 2mrw
bye, c ya
:_ = X
:-) = _/
@FadedinShadows Aaeen
@FadedinShadows hello. in ARC. Do we need to set object to nil or not?
Alright: here's a fun brain-teaser.


Log: "Test result: 0"
nsarrays have keys?
not to mention its an empty array
guess im wrong if nsarray really has valueForKey
@owengerig Yeah...looks like that's it. ::sigh::
@Mann If you do then it means you are intending to release it at that time itself.
You usually don't need to do that.
@anonymous aaeen
@Mann We can't call release in arc. But let's say there is a scenario where you allocate an object in view did load, and you want to free it when you know it's task is done. But since you can't call release on it , what do you do? It will get released in dealloc for you, but you want before that to free up memory. In such cases we can force release it by self.obj = nil;
This question should be reopened:
Q: Any base64 library on iphone-sdk?

BlueDolphinI'd like to do base64 encoding and decoding. But I could not find any support from iPhone SDK. Any suggestion? Thanks.

@FadedinShadows Where are you?
I am in Singapore sleeping on my bed, it's 1.30 am
@FadedinShadows Hey, same time zone here!
Ah! Nice. I am in Senkang.
@Potatoswatter thats something for meta
Today I went to Sentosa.
@owengerig Meta would be to ask a mod to reopen it. I prefer to ask the community
Whats Sentosa?
Hey all, if I create a iphone web app will it be possible to send reminders?
I mean is there a way to create somekind of a wrapper app outside the web app that can send reminders
@Potatoswatter: I reopened the question
What a name- Potatoswatter- I think he love potato's
po tate toes
reminders? you mean local notifications or push notifications
@developer there are services out there, where you download their iphone application and it sends push notifications to that. however it requires your users of the web app to download a 3rd party application
You cannot send push notifications to users without having an application to receive the push notifications on the users device
Ok guys, i need to go, Have a nice weekend, Bye bye
I want to create a website, where the user can login and view all the activities he/she is enrolled for. Then 15 minutes prior to that activitiy I want the user to be reminded. Now if I am using a web app, will it be possible to create reminders for users
@developer read my above message
so I cannot do it without using a third party application if I am creating a web app
guys i have a stupid question about the approval
do they actually read the code or just check for functionality and illegal stuff?
from what i heard they dont read the code
they run test and check output
hopefully someone can give u a more details explanation though
it's not like i'm using private API or stuff like that...but i write code somewhat strange, with no comments at all and if you don't know what i'm trying to do you can't follow it..or at least it's very hard to
ya i dont think that will be an issue but as im sure you know its bad practice for many good reasons.
but do as you will :)
@skytz how can they read your compiled code?
good point didnt even think about that fact
ha...me neither..but then again..if they can't see the source code how do they know if it's yours or it's copied from somewhere?
they dont

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