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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

hi everyone,
@Mona hello
@KenHui I'm having some issues with my nsurl string that includes \n
@Mona never try with NSURL before with \n. But I think you could post your question here and someone may answer you. or try to look for stackoverflow
I couldn't find the solution so I'm going to post my question
@Mona you can use like "\n"
@Vaibhav here is the question stackoverflow.com/questions/11166851/…
@Mona Check my answer on the same url..
@Mona Hope will helpful..
Hi @all Good Morning
@Vaibhav I'm going to try it right now thank
NSString *link = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@?message=%@",link,@"hello   world\nhello"]
NSURL *url = [link stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSData *resultData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
@Hector thanks it worked
HI @Mona @Hector @KenHui @Pheel GM
@Coder hello :)
@KenHui any idea about the below ?
Q: How to create embossed or shadow effects using Core Graphics (for finger paint)

CoderI have issue to implement "Emboss/Shadow effects" in my drawing. Finger paint functionality is currently working fine with my custom UIView and below is my drawRect method code: - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGPoint mid1 = midPoint(previousPoint1, previousPoint2); CGPoint mid2 = midP...

@Coder vGM :)
@Coder hello how are you dear
@Coder not really. sry :-|
@Vaibhav fine .. u
@Hector do u have any idea ?
@Coder nope
HIiiii Alll Gud mrng :-)
@vikas gm
@Hector gm
@vikas vGM:)
how to select date from sqlite and store it into nsdate instance
@virendra NSDateFormatter * formater = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSDate * date = [formater dateFromString:@"dateFromSqulite"];
A: Persisting Dates to SQLite3 in an iPhone Application

drewhI typically use a double, something like: sqlite3_bind_double(statement, index, [dateObject timeIntervalSince1970]); where dateObject is an NSDate*. Then, when getting the data out of the DB, use [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:doubleValueFromDatabase];

@Vaibhav ok...i know this but want to know about the sqlite database operation
@Hector @coder hai
@Hector hw r u
@SAHIL I am fine and you ?
@Hector me 2
@hector do you have experience in cocos2d animations
@SAHIL nope
why we use getche() :-P
@SAHIL hi bro
how r u
net per search mat karna
@code fine , wat abt u
fine @SAHIL i have one problem
do u have worked on paint app
@virendra you can use SELECT QUARY (SELECT date from your table name ) and also use FMDB frame work
@coder no , but tell me your issue , i will try
@Vaibhav ok.....but how can i strore it into NSDate variable
see my above post . have posted ques @SAHIL
@Vaibhav @Hector my question is straightforward .i have one column in sqlite database which datatype is datetime now i want to select it as it is stored in database not want to retrive it as NSString
hello @vikas
@virendra try this myDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:sqlite3_column_double(select_statement, 1)];
did you try that ? @virendra
@Hector yes let me try
@Coder CGContextSetShadowWithColor(ctx, CGSizeMake(2.0f, 2.0f), 1.0f, [[UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:.6] CGColor]);
@coder try this , it might be usefull
@SAHIL ok thanx for trying
hello manish
anyone good with pan gestures?
i made code that when user taps down and taps off it shows the distance between point A and point B
but can someone help me so i can do live updates, so if user basically changes the direction
@Hector returing wrong date and time 1970-01-01 00:33:32 +0000
@Vaibhav ok
this is what i got
UIGestureRecognizerState st = r.state;

if (st == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
startPoint = [r locationInView:self.view];


if (st == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) {

endPoint = [r locationInView:self.view];

output.text = [output.text stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\nThe Distance from start location is:%2.0f",[self distanceBetweenTwoPoints:startPoint toPoint:endPoint]]];
if i change it to state ended it will just change output text a lot with continuing data of the distance from start, how can i change it to check if its going up, then switches to down, or left in movement?
@RadheMohan @owengerig @Pheel @pearl @SAHIL @SandeepChayapathi @SJS @Santhosh @Sunny @DeathMagus @Feeds @Hector @KenHui @zing @zink @Coder @Chris @virendra @vikas @Vaibhav @VakulSaini @VenkatManohar @Byte @BryanH @MaxHasADHD @ManishModi @Mona Hiiii to ALL !!! How are you Guys ??? :-)
@Tauseef I am fine :)
@Hector good :)
posted on June 23, 2012 by John

I’ve mentioned some great libraries that extend features found within the SDK, but few that extend Objective-C itself. Recently I noticed that a project known as libextobjc from Justin Spahr-Summers has undergone significant updates. This library enhances core Objective-c functionality enhancing categories, protocols, blocks and more. Here are some of the features as stated in the [...]

Mansih g u there?
@Mona: Can we place a string dynamically in html file through xcode ?
somebody help me
is there any event or property where i make view disable
no button or control enable
when disable view
view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
@vikas view.multipleTouchEnabled = NO; try may be it helps
Thanks bro
@VenkatManohar thanks bro
anyone know ,,,hw pik contact no from facebook api >?
@vikas: working rite ?
@leena hii
hi @Tauseef
Leena khana ho gaya?
ihungry ho gaya
i hungry yet
aja karele ki sabzi khilati hun
wow i like karela
masala karela.... most wanted here
u cook it ??? @Leena
i dnt know cooking
but masale wale nahi the kali mirchi main bane hue karele pasand hai
kya hai tuzhe cooking aati nahi...... na jane kya hoga aage tera :P
chal be
cook rakh lungi
muzhe Veg mai kuch bhi de de sab kuch pasand hai :D
@TejeshwarGill - no one know that...
i like green vegetales
ok.... i will teach u how to cook karela ... @Leena
@Tauseef - fine what about you ?
@Leena yeah, good here :)
@VakulSaini am good yaar
@NSGod hi
@Tauseef - :-) :-)
@NSGod impressed ... good name dude ... NSGod
@Tauseef - nice to hear that developers are still good :-)
@Leena, dar gayi kya..... jane do tuzhe masala karela nahi..... karela ka dusara type sikha doonga......... karela Bharata :D :)
@Leena hey hi, can you resolve this issue : 2012-06-23 13:26:51.542 BoleApp[1201:f803] ParaA:
Not safe to look up objc runtime data.
Canceling call as the ObjC runtime would deadlock.
Issue the command:
set objc-non-blocking-mode off
to override this check if you are sure your call doesn't use the ObjC runtime.
@Tauseef no idea
@Leena This error is coming on Console when i am passing One class String value into other class
never see error like this
can you show me ur code
It's very big code
use pastebin
@Leena okay
When a video is played full screen from my app and returned , The status bar of iphone gets hidden?I am searching a solution for this since last week
Does any one faced this?
The status bar set hidden method is not working for me
@Appsido @BryanH @Coder @Chris @DeathMagus @Feeds @Hector @iHungry @Leena
@MaxHasADHD @ManishModi @pearl
@Govind are you using MPMovieplayercontroller?
u want to hide your status bar?
it is bug
THe status bar gets hidden automatically
thn i dnt hvae any idea
@Leena thanks for you time
When a video is played full screen from my app and returned , The status bar of iphone gets hidden?I am searching a solution for this since last week
Does any one faced this?
The status bar set hidden method is not working for me
@SAHIL @Santhosh s@Sunny @Tauseef @VakulSaini @VenkatManohar @vikas @virendra @Vaibhav
@Govind No Idea
@Tauseef k
@Govind [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:YES]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO animated:YES];
@Leena Hi
@Tauseef hi
@Leena hii
@Leena: Heiii
@Maulik Hi
@Govind: can show some code ?
@Hector: hi
@Coder hii2 .. HRU?
@Maulik from rajkot ?
@ManishModi the particular is not working for me
@Tauseef fine ..
@Coder good :)
@Tauseef hay do u have knowledge about paint app
@Coder No Idea
@Tauseef .ok ok nop .
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
self.moviePlayer.view.hidden = NO;
[self.moviePlayer play];
playButton.hidden = YES;
thumbImgeView.hidden = YES;
Hello friends
-(void)moviePlayBackDidEnterFullscreen:(NSNotification *)notification
settingsViewClicked = 1;
if([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(navigateToMoviePlayerFrom: withPlayerURL:)])
[delegate navigateToMoviePlayerFrom:self withPlayerURL:movieURL];



-(void)moviePlayBackDidFinish:(NSNotification *)notification {

self.moviePlayer.view.hidden = YES;
thumbImgeView.hidden = NO;
playButton.hidden = NO;

-(void)moviePlayBackDidExitFullscreen:(NSNotification *)notification {

[self.moviePlayer stop];
Hi guys
@Govind use pastebin
@Govind: try this

-(void)moviePlayBackDidFinish:(NSNotification *)notification
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade];

k @Maulik
Let me try it
@Govind: with your current code
nd patebin?
srry pastebin?
whts it?
@Govind use it for share code
@Hector ok
@Abizern Hi, How are you ?
@Hector Hello.
@Maulik how can we show the mpmoview landscape from a potrait view controller
@Govind: status bar's issue is solved ?
@Maulik no
I think The following code creates the issue
if([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(navigateToMoviePlayerFrom: withPlayerURL:)])
[delegate navigateToMoviePlayerFrom:self withPlayerURL:movieURL];

@Govind: are u using MPMoviePlayerViewController ?
@Maulik yes
If it enters in full screen, Another view is presented to show the video in landscape
how to fire local notification multiple time ???
[delegate navigateToMoviePlayerFrom:self withPlayerURL:movieURL]; ???
@Maulik it creates a new view controller and navigates to that view to show the video in landscape mode
@Govind: ok.. show code of that class...like how u init the movie player
@maulik In this project A screen manages is responsible for all navigation
The delegate calles a method that is in the screen manager class
-(void)navigateToMoviePlayerFrom:(id)previousViewController withPlayerURL:(NSString *)movieURL
self.oldViewController = nil;
movieUrl = movieURL;
self.oldViewController = previousViewController;
[self initiateSubView:EScreenTypeMoviePlayer];

This is the method in screen manager
how to handle multiple local notification
@Govind: I am not getting your code structure... have u used wantsFullScreenLayout property of MPMoviePlayerViewController ?
Now I need to show the movie player in landscape when it is in full screen I belive it will solve all my problem
@Govind: you can use MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification notification
when it fires set orientation to landscape
yes now I am trying that
How can we set the view's orientation directly?
@Govind do you know how to handle multiple notification
@virendra Multiple notification??
You will having separate mothods for wach notification right?
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];
@Maulik now i am trying that
@Maulik [[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft];
Is not working for me
@Govind: I am using same thing !!!
@Govind: show code of initiateSubView method
@Maulik But the video is still showing n potrait
-(void)moviePlayBackDidEnterFullscreen:(NSNotification *)notification
settingsViewClicked = 1;

MoviePlayerinFullScreen = TRUE;

[[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft];

-(void)moviePlayBackDidExitFullscreen:(NSNotification *)notification {

[self.moviePlayer stop];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade];
MoviePlayerinFullScreen = FALSE;
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait];
@Govind: MoviePlayerinFullScreen = TRUE ? ?????
Just a boolean variable
I would say send me your code ;) ;) :D
@Maulik How I could Send??
Let me copy and paste here itself
Once again please
I couldn,t note down
did u got my mail id ?/
I ve sent my view controller where MPMoview player is used
Got @Maulik
@Pheel how many rows have you got in your main table?
@Govind: let me check
@Maulik k
@sreecharan hey
Hello Piyush
How are you ?
Excellent, What about you?
boring day
@Govind: unable to download...make it zip and send
@Hector For me its sleepy day, I have worked for 36 hours continuously
@BertieLiu Wassup?
@sreecharan 36? ohh
@Maulik k
Does someone know how you can successfully use two joysticks in Cocos2D? Left DPad for walking and Right DPad for shooting in the direction it is facing. I can't get it to work ...
Here i am, sorry! @BertieLiu hmm like 8, those from Plist
Guy maybe not the right place to ask..but I got curious now..I'm considering buyin an external Hdd for storage...With thunderbolt (Transfer speed up to 10gbs) the bottleneck is the external Hard disk itself .. Is this right?how fast a 5400 rps hard drive can write data?...I mean does a thunderbolt hard disk drive really worth the price?
Could anyone help me with searching a table which is populated by plist data? Thanks
anyone using monotouch ?
@Maulik Got ??
Still not able to download?
ya...may be due to cyberoam
r u using cyberroam?
@Govind yes .....multiple notification ...yes i am having saparate method for them
@Maulik den could you send me a sample for showing landscape movie from potrait view controller?
also can not upload
@Govind: got it...wait
@Maulik thnk god!!
@Govind: check weather moviePlayBackDidEnterFullscreen method called or not
yes its calling
put a break point and check
n let me know
yes i had
Its coming
2 the method
@Maulik nything sent to me??
because u have written [[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationPo... ..
this message I can't see completely
could you please resend it
@Govind how can i fire multiple notification
@virendra NSNotificaton/LocalNotification?
@Govind i liittle confused about how to fire multiple notification........
@Govind i am using local notification for that do i need need to create localnotification object how many time i want to call notification
@virendra In the case of Local notification,I ve not done 2 at a time
@Govind: u are adding view [self.scrollView addSubview:self.moviePlayer.view];
@Maulik yes
try to present video player modally
[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:player];
@maulik I am just playing the video in small frame and when the user clicks full screen button ,only then video is shown in fullscreen
hmm ok
@Govind: write self.moviePlayerwantsFullScreenLayout = YES ; in your showmoviePlayer method
no proerty found like that
I am using ios 4
self.moviePlayer.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES ; sorry it was typo
still cant
How can I select an iPad icon?
@hart1994 App icon?
I have it in my images directory as icon-72.png & [email protected]
@Govind yeah
@hart1994 Give the names in the plist under app Icon
or remname your image as
But on the summary tab is says no image specified
what plist file is that?
You chave an info=plist with your project
just rename images as icon and icon@2x
That will be enough
@Govind will you share the code for multiple notification
@Govind Lovely, done it. Thanks a lot for your help!
any opengl helpers here?
@hart1994 you are most welcome
i got an applicationn that generates a fire simulation for iPad.. all works fine on simulator
but when i run it on an ipad
i get an extra fire on the corner of the screen
and oh m using opengl
any honourable iOS devs there?
hey govind do ya get my issue?
@Govind :) Is it best to use an icon rounded or squared and let apple round it?
did anyone see my message?
@hart1994 It will be autmatically done
use self.moviePlayer.fullscreen = YES ; instead of elf.moviePlayer.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES ;
how rude x-( at least some1 can respond
as u r using MPMoviePlayerController ... I thought u r using MPMoviePlayerViewController
@Maulik I need the fullscreen only when the user clicks full screen button from the small frame where he is playing the video
@Nezam: yes
My view in Potrait(strictly).
clicks the thumbnailplayButton.
the video is playing in small frame with potrait itself
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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