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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

now user clicks full screen
then the video is played in full screen in landscape
can this be able to do?
but you didn't set fullscreen property even on button click @Govind
an its working automatically
but the video is showing only in potrait
A double pointed arrow is showing on the frame and by clicking it i am perfectly able to watch he video in potrait
i need it to in landscape
try - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
return YES;
@Maulik But this will rotate my viewcontroller also
that should not be
need to rotate only the movie player
@hart1994 iOS trims 1 pixel from each side and adds a drop shadow.
can u help me in an issue with openmgl on Xcode?
@Nezam I think no body have worked on openGL here
where can i find someone whose worked with Particle Emitter on Xcode for iOS
@Nezam There should be some Game Development chat room here
You can find some awesome game developers there
@Maulik can I rotate the view to landscape?
@Nezam or post your question in
@sreecharan How do you get the glow which goes across the icon as well then?
@sreecharan thanks for that..although theres no chatroom for gd
@Nezam But there is chat in Game Development Stack Exchange
@hart1994 ios adds a drop shadow or what you call now as glow or some one calls it as glass effect , Many names
@Maulik I am just working in it
@sreecharan thanx for that.. m posting the q over there..but
too bad the last chat msg was posted 7 hrs ago
@Nezam but there are 6 users online in that room, they will respond you anytime, just go on with your question
@sreecharan i pinged them there..no ones answering
Hmm @Nezam dont be desperated, they will respond you, patience needed
yeah.. @sreecharan
i made them listen to me by sending notifications :P
@sreecharan till then let me post a good question so that when they get back i can shoot the link to them inshallahg
@Abizern wassup?
@sreecharan The usual: nothing much.
@Abizern Cleaning Pens?
@sreecharan Just rinsing out a couple that I haven't used in a while.
@Nezam The entire page is well worth your time reading, but start with this: catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#idp30004672
@BryanH +1 You'll also find we plug What have you tried? in here a lot as well.
@abizern hii
@Tauseef Hello.
@Abizern what is the meaning of this warning :
warning: Attempting to create USE_BLOCK_IN_FRAME variable with block that isn't in the frame.
@Tauseef Are you getting any other errors? Or compiler warnings or Static analyser warnings?
@Abizern I am passing AccessToken from one class to other class and it is showing warning in console
Due to this warning in second class where i want to pass my AccessToken number it is showing (null)
@Abizern ONLY compiler warning , no other error
@Tauseef Are you running the static analyser?
@Abizern what is that ?
@Abizern you mean static value ?
Static Analyser
@Tauseef No, I mean the Clang Static Analyser. It's part of Xcode if you are using Xcode 4
@Abizern am using XCode4.3
Run the Analyze action.
@Abizern ok
@Abizern When I Run Analyze action, Some memory leak warning show... but that does not crash my app ... when I am running my app in cosole the same warning is coming as previously it was coming
@Tauseef Fix the memory problems and then worry about the crashes.
@Abizern right now i want to pass my Accesstoken to other class
@Abizern hello
@Tauseef How are you passing the AccessToken?
@GauravGovilkar Hello.
@Abizern is it possible to zoom view itself?? I put a view into a scrollview and trying to zoom it like we do for a simple image..but no success yet...what m i missing?
@Abizern I am taking accesstoken from Web server using SOAP services and parsing it using XML parser and collecting AccessToken in one variable
@GauravGovilkar I don't know - because I don't know what you have done.
@Abizern now i am creating object of other class(where i want to pass my access token) and assigning accesstoken to that class variable
@Abizern but there access token is showing as "null"
@Tauseef You haven't answered my question.
3 mins ago, by Abizern
@Tauseef How are you passing the AccessToken?
@Abizern can you elaborate you question ??
@Abizern what i did for passing explained ... didn't get what you are asking ?
@Tauseef How much clearer can I make it? How exactly are you assigning the variable to the new class?
@Abizern ok
WeiboAtext *a = [[WeiboAtext alloc]initWithNibName:@"WeiboAtext" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:a animated:YES];
a.ATypeAccessToken = BrndDetAccToken;
NSLog(@"Brand Detail Access Token ----After %@",a.ATypeAccessToken);
[a ViewWeiboA];
[a release];

Hello :)
@Abizern please have a look pastebin.com/GD3Rfc6V
@Tauseef Are you sure that you are passing a valid BrndDetAccToken to a? How is the property for ATypeAccessToken defined?
@Abizern Hey, how are you?
@GauravGovilkar That's quite a bit of code. Have you stepped through it to find the bit that isn't working?
@Abizern everything is working fine..i m not getting a single line error...when i put imageview at place of uiview it works fine...but when i put uiview it is not working...though i am not getting error or i am unable to find loose node so i thought may be it is not possible to zoom view..
In WeiboAtext.h
NSString *ATyepAccessToken;

@property(nonatomic,retain)NSString *ATypeAccessToken;
In WeiboAtext.m
@synthesize ATypeAccessToken;
And In "WeiboAtext.m" ViewWeiboA method am using "ATypeAccessToken"

NSLog(@"ATyepAccessToken in WeiboAText ----- 1 =%@",ATyepAccessToken);
I wonder if @Faded InLaddu is on her plane right now?
@MichaelDautermann Why are you wondering? Where is she going?
from India to Singapore.
potentially to find a new job.
@GauravGovilkar It depends on the view. I've managed to zoom into custom views - but I've done all the drawing for those views myself.
@Tauseef And the rest of the question?
@Abizern hey I got solution
what is it? "unplug your computer"?
hahhaha :D
@MichaelDautermann lol, she is going Singapre. I too wanted to go :P
@all Hello ~~~
Anyone have good resource of accelerometer ? I am writing apps for that. But not sure how to do a good detection ~
You will get in answer What have you tried? but not answer :P
@NinjaTurtle msg for me?~ hoho
yup, because you hurted Abizern ego behind him :)

What have you tried?

yesterday, 32 minutes total – 31 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked yesterday by NinjaTurtle

@NinjaTurtle a strong man will not be down like that LOL. I just want some good tutorial. Dont' think that's a question.
bwahaha... Try at your level but he wont answer you I am sure.
@KenHui Start with the Event Handling Guide which will give you an overview and link to further documentation.
@MichaelDautermann Seems busy today? or missing fadesInShadow :)
awwwww, shucks. Well at least @Sree is here to keep us company.
@Abizern You Rock.
Sree is with us :)
@Abizern thx a lot. I guess I need to do more test too. I just finished some code this morning. Given two person for a try. One is ok one is not. (the accelerometer didn't trigger the event)
uh, who woke me up ?
@KenHui You wont get code from him, he is not here to provide spoon feeding :D You will get Apple guide links :)
aww @MichaelDautermann you wont sleep and you wont let me sleep
points at @NinjaTurtle
@sreecharan Michael I was too sleeping :)
you're the goof that leaves your computer on when you sleep.
@NinjaTurtle I wanna get a link, instead of code actually. Reading is a good habit for a programmer.
my computer goes to sleep too.
@KenHui He provide you link in which there is no code.
btw anyone watched dragon boat competition today?
I see the fuckwit is trying to goad me.
@KenHui Nah. No fun outside of Hong Kong.
Absolute not pointing me.
@Abizern donno if somewhere have a big chinese community is hold such event.
@MichaelDautermann Today is my birthday and I am in mood :)
bwahaha... I like the way Abizern reply :)
yeah, I'd be in a weird mood if I had to celebrate my birthday with random strangers on chat.stackoverflow.com
@KenHui They do have some in the UK, but it's a lot closer in Hong Kong.
I'd celebrated my birthday and drinking :)
@NinjaTurtle that's nice, although i don't celebrate birthday, haha
Who is starring the messages? MF(My Friend)
@KenHui I celebrated birthdays. This time I am here.
I think this tutorial is good for acelerometer : iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-tutorials/… if you are doing similar things, feel free to read together :)
@MichaelDautermann I don't think he has a choice. I don't suppose many people can stand him in person.
Actually, I'd fought with my friends because of certain reasons and was celebrating with my family members but still missing my friends.
May be my nature, I am alone today.
I don't care what people would say and what they think about me or Abizern think about me. I am what I am. Accept me as I am.
awww, at least your mother loves you.
@KenHui If you say so. But I'd be more inclined to use the modern Core Motion Framework rather than UIAccelerometer.
My whole family loves me may be I am scolding every time.
@KenHui I found this and this and this while searching on internet.
@MichaelDautermann I usually say truth in front of person, whom so ever it may concern if I don't like things I directly tell them.
I usually talk behind their backs. Makes them more paranoid that way.
I don't like, people do I know they are talking about me at my behind.
May be Abizern too angry with me because I tell truth.
Wait let me make a drink.
now I'm going to have to go back into the chat history to see what fine mess you've started, @NinjaTurtle
hahaha, you are too good. Actually I forget when I'd started and why?
Is Monkey boy still prattling on? What a self-pitying little shit-head. I'm off. Have a nice evening the rest of you.
Me too leaving, bye all :)
me too leaving, bye
I'm here all aloneeeee
with nobody else
woo woo
@MichaelDautermann I am still here ~
@Abizern I donno there is something call core motion, i should take a look ~~
hello @all
@MichaelDautermann Thank you :)
can anyone help with url opening
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/"]];
this doesn't work:/
I just knew you would solve your problem, @MaxHasADHD
@MichaelDautermann, hi
hw r u ?
what up
just sitting here... goofing off
oops gr8
so warm here :\
i m working on one stupid game
and stuck
@Pheel, where r u from?
@iHungry Italy
damit, i'm about to destroy this freakin table
hw much salary will be iso apps developer engineer in USA ...candidate have 3 years of exprience?
how much do you want?
@Pheel, what happen my friend y u so angry
@MichaelDautermann, nope i just want info
or a better question is: how much are you willing to work for?
because that's what the H.R. people would ask you.
@iHungry 'cause my FavoriteTable is pissing me off! basically here's what i get stackoverflow.com/questions/11157692/…
if you ask for a low amount, they would LOVE to hire you.
i not know actual suitation in USA
i'm hating plists, since they are the most better way i ever handled a table so far lol
2day i given interview from washingtonDC @MichaelDautermann
oooh, congrats!
@Pheel, this is run time strange behavior ... that time i used manual trace of each line in running code and saw value refection y that happen....
@MichaelDautermann, i think i crack 1st round of interview
but my job location will here in Mumbai, India
waiting for nw 2nd round call
@iHungry yeah, damn. if i select the FIRST row of the main table, then everything works. but if i select something else, it won't
hold on Hungry... on the phone
yeah this happen only inappropriate data reflection..... becoz objective-C and iOS are totally based on pass by reference concept
k i m wait Michael
@iHungry Yes exactly, and how can i try to solve this? I'm trying to log everything in the code, and i can't still figure out the problem
wait let me read first ur complete problem nealty
yeah okay, if you don't understand something just tell me
k yes i will
brief summary: 2 table views, 1 the main, 1 to store the favorited cells handled with plist. (if a cell is favorite, a value on the plist is set to YES)
-selecting a cell for the main table and tapping a button which writes to the plist the value YES or NO (and a star image appear or disappear) stores the favorite
- going into the favorites table, IF I DON'T SELECT THE FIRST CELL IN THE MAIN TABLE, the other cells favorited are shown like they are not
@MichaelDautermann Hi
my web services are working on wifi but not on 3GS
on 3GS its shows "No internet connection"
any suggestion ?
hi hungry, I'm back.
@MichaelDautermann ??
so @iHungry... you want a U.S. salary for a job you'll be working in Mumbai?
@AshishChauhan it sounds like you have a problem with your cellular provider
@MichaelDautermann, nope ... i just know...
@AshishChauhan if WiFi is working on your 3GS but cellular connections are not
@iHungry what do you know?
but on 3GS i can able to open my mail, url means internet is working
hw much salary will be iso apps developer engineer in USA ...candidate have 3 years of exprience?
@AshishChauhan soooo... if you can open your mail, what's the problem??
@iHungry do you want to work in Mumbai or in the U.S.?
the problem is not the problem then!
in Mumbai
@iHungry bosses will pay a different rate if you are working in the U.S. or if you are working in India. The cost of living is much different between the two places.
well then ask for more money for any other job that you can find in Mumbai
but if they offer me in US then what i told them?
It means internet is working but web service gives alert that "No internet connection"
how much does a typical iOS engineer make in India? be truthful now.
@AshishChauhan tried to surf a bit the web?
maybe you need to reboot your device, @AshishChauhan ??
@Pheel yes its work
per month
@AshishChauhan so the problem is with your web service (is it your app??)
that's great... ask for $1000 USD per month.
ok @MichaelDautermann
@Pheel Yes
@AshishChauhan then try to reboot as Michael said, or check your code! lol
in my app web service says "no internet connection"
yup but nw day s according to indian economy $1 = 56 rupees
yep... so ask for $1000 USD per month, and then you'll do fine no matter what.
or you can ask for 57K INR per month.
i telling already 55K
is that what you are asking for?
no way, can't find out why. :(
just wanting know USA situation nothing else..... for my general knowledge :)
maybe $3K USD per month...
i will guess hw much i will got salary if i m in the us
@MichaelDautermann W H A T ? $3K?
damn that's quite a lot!
@Pheel, y u use plist for storing ur 4rate record ???
@iHungry the isFav value?
i m also doing same functionality two years b4 in iphone.... but that time i used SQlite of storing record
yeah but i'm using plist.. in my previous app (handled with arrays) i followed a tutorial which had coreData and stored values depending on their name
i guess ur problem is in reading and write from plist data that y u facing strange porblem
yep, was checking now the method
but can't still find out WHAT it is, damn
that the challenge of iOS ... just fight
@MichaelDautermann, do u have sample code on Jigsaw tile game?
do I? maybe it can be googled up?
on which point u googling?
"sample code for tile game ios"
forget it my friend i googled already
ryt nw i write code on my own logics
oh!!!!!! ther is cocos2d in the game .... that link u given me earlier
i m writing code using purely UIKit framwork
3 hours later…
anyone here alive?
I am.
Now I'm not.
1 hour later…
knock knock
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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