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@GauravGovilkar @iProgrammer @Hector @Leena @all Hi,,... Good Noon :)
Yes @mountainlionmoorthy
@Kartik hello sir...itne dino baad???
@sreecharan @FadedinShadows
how to mention PPT file in info.plist
http://pastie.org/4107491 here i have mentioned pdf file its working fine
same way how to mention the PPT file package and document name
@Kartik Hello Good noon
@ArchanaChaurasia hello
@bugfinder check this
@GauravGovilkar ha yar ...@Hector kya hal h thakur??
@mountainlionmoorthy I donno, but let me search for you
If it is in my case, i would have converted ppt in to pdf
@sreecharan thank you :)
@bugfinder hi r u there?
Q: Minimum Font Size deprecated on ios version 6.0

Hooman AhmadiI just upgraded to xcode 4.5 with iOS 6.0 and it's highlighting a warning on all the UILabels in my xib files saying "minimum font size deprecated on ios version 6.0". Does anyone know what this is referring to and how to fix it? Here is an image: https://skitch.com/hahmadi82/eyk51/cloud

@NinjaTurtle hi can u provide link for ios 6
@ios get it from developer portal/
@NinjaTurtle there is not available
@ios I'd downloaded from there only, do you have paid account or free?
@NinjaTurtle both
@iProgrammer yes i have worked with linked api
@ios It will be available at paid account.
@ios do you have any idea of deprecated minimum font size?
why don't you ask on devforums.apple.com ??
that's the only official place iOS 6 can be talked about.
and I bet it's already been asked there. Go look.
Checking Michael there only, thanks for the advice :)
Anybody here know how to change the background color of a pdf on Mac ?
Q: Dynamically changing font size - UILabel

CodeGuyI currently have a UILabel: factLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 100, 280, 100)]; factLabel.text = @"some text some text some text some text"; factLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; factLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; factLabel.n...

What do I do with?
> That's pretty much all you can do for now. I've talked directly to one of the engineers and a bug has been reported, but not sure what the outcome will actually be. I have over 150 deprecation warnings in my project. So, there is no tool to do this for you. You'll just have to manually change them.
@Michael ^ watch my question
> That works if you are targeting 5. But, if you want to start testing for 6 it's real annoyance. I haven'te tested to see what happens if you update all those values then try to build for a previous version.
I'm looking at it. it's not moving.
I saw somewhere even viewDidUnload has been deprecated in iOS 6.0. Huge changes.
@FadedinShadows Loading view with using import any file ?
lol, viewDidUnload deprecated possible.
What about applicationDidFinishLaunching: withOptions:
Who is Briggs and how do he know all answers at devforums.apple.com?
> In iOS 6, the viewWillUnload and viewDidUnload methods of UIViewController are now deprecated.
@MichaelDautermann hi friend
I'm not in the forums looking right now but if "Briggs" doesn't have an Apple icon by his name (i.e. he's not an employee), maybe he looked at the header files for iOS 6 and saw a "deprecated" notice.
@MichaelDautermann i have file like this
how can i load this file in web view ?
hello friend.
@vikas Meaning?
hello Moorthy... you do realize the location to that PDF file is going to change, yes?
May be possible :)
it won't always be in the "CECC32C3-822A-4901-89B9-53F97F76A5E5" directory.
so you must not hard code that.
@MichaelDautermann i did't hard code that. i get file from email inbox so its automatically return that particular file path ..
How would we know about deprecations then? I mean how to solve them, what methods would be used.
Xcode should warn you during compiles.
@sreecharan hahaha. how are you
@mountainlionmoorthy may be this is useful for you NSString *strPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"Getting Started" ofType:@"pdf"];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:strPath];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[webView loadRequest:request];
moorthy, use the "loadRequest" method of UIWebView
That is how I came to know about deprecated methods.
okay... my work here is done. I like Medeti's style!
@sreecharan u wrk on TWILIO???
@sreecharan speak honestly. you afraid of me because i ask too many questions or because you dont know answers to my questions . hahahha :P
Who is Medeti?
@sreecharan or my questions are just useless
@MichaelDautermann Hi...Can i use a single custom UITableViewCell in multiple viewcontrollers..???
@mann I am just like a laymen boss, not like you
@RA if you can figure out a way to instantiate it, sure!
@MichaelDautermann yes you can
oh Zink, whatever could I do without you?
@sreecharan haha i was just kidding. dont take it so serious. i am blushing. :-)
@MichaelDautermann I couldn't..Already i tried...Could you just tell me how to do that?
@mann :)
oh fer $#$@#'s sake.
R.A., what I'm going to tell you I've never done before... so take it with a grain of salt.
@RA I make the custom cell as a xib and load it from anywhere i want to, instead of adding subviews to cell's content view that looks quite ugly and doesn't let us know how the cell actually looks like unless app is run.
@sreecharan you are master here. People ask you question because they know you are more experienced then them. n at higher level :-)
okay... Faded just said the same thing, @RA
use a XIB file with just the contents of your custom cell.
@MichaelDautermann hi friend i attached link to webview.in that webview i got some alertviews but i didn't get all alert views come from web in our simulator.
@FadedinShadows go back :p
Myself, I wouldn't do that because I think it's a hack. But apparently enough people do it so it's semi-well known here.
@MichaelDautermann how will i get alerts(java script)?
@FadedinShadows How to do that?
Not sure why you aren't seeing all alerts there....
@mann Eh, i dont think like that, i am just helping them. I am nothing, when compared to the knowledge of @FadedinShadows @MichaelDautermann and Abizern though
@FadedinShadows I have already connected and working with single view controller
I'm not smart. I come here to learn from @Hector.
@sreecharan :-) Nice
@FadedinShadows I have tried that same way to get it in another controller...
I came here to learn from @mann
@sreecharan yah that is also true because i ask you tough question and you polish your skills when you reply me :-)
@MichaelDautermann LOL
@MichaelDautermann in website i found some alerts but whenever i use link in simulator webview those alerts i did n't get
@RA How did you try? Show us the code?
@sreecharan thats called mutual benefit
@FadedinShadows One question....For my custom cell class,what file should be the file owner?
@mann But i swear, some of your questions doesn't make sense
@sreecharan agreed. I am improving myself to ask questions .:-)
@RA Customizing Cells Look at the xib method.
@FadedinShadows get back to u
@sreecharan let me ask you simple question today. :-) calling nil on object multiple time raise any memory issue? Using ARC. like you set object=nil; and again set it. does it make any difference?
@RA Look at Loading Custom Table-View Cells From Nib Files method. But don't make use of tags. Instead, make a custom sub class of UITableViewCell and set it in your cell's xib file.
@mann what is the need to setting nil 2,3 times ?
@sreecharan sometimes in program to make sure object is nil for sure and allocate again. But if somebody does it then any memory issue raises?
@sharon kitani bar pu6o ge ? :P
@Hector hello
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@sreecharan i guess when you call nil on object then after that if you call agian then it should not make any difference. what you feel
@Rani Hello
@Hector jb tk koi bta nai deta :p
@sharon mene integration nahi kiya. chalo mene abb bata diya
@sreecharan hello
@Hector do u know how to change rootview controller with other view in iphone
@FadedinShadows aaeen
@Hector hehehe ok @all - @Hector kisi ne twilio integrate kra h
@Hector hehheeeeheheheheheheh le bete all - hector kr diya :p
@sharon :P
@MichaelDautermann @MedetiNaveenKumar
i tried like this but pdf is not loading
- (void)handleDocumentOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
NSLog(@"url %@",url);
[self displayAlert:[url absoluteString]];
NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[webView setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
[webView loadRequest:requestObj];
can you tell me where i'm doing wrong
@all hi
@mann lunch time, brb
and does the URL appear correctly in your NSLog ?
Any body used Apple MacBook Pro ????
and is your webView not null?
MacBook Pro? What's that? I have never heard of such a thing.
@MichaelDautermann R you kidding ??
it is anything like a ThinkPad ?
@Tauseef yup i'm using y?
hello all, any body can help me with looping through array.
@mountainlionmoorthy ohhh Great !
@mountainlionmoorthy did you try my previous code?
@mountainlionmoorthy In my Finder Section ... Home directory is not showing ;( ... Do you know how to make it visible in Finder ??? Please help me bro..
@SJReddy what do you want?
i got a dictionary with strings and arrays by using value for key i stored all the elments in an array, now i want the 18th elment of each array
somebody here have used ivona SDK for iOS? text to speech
@Tauseef u mean this ?
@mountainlionmoorthy YES here it is not showing Home Directory !!!
@SJReddy [yourarrray objectAtIndex:17]; frst of all u take all arrays into an one array anand then by using for loop you get all the 18 th element in one array.
but in this case i got 10 arrays, how can i do it for 10 arrays
@Tauseef track your curser to right favorites you can see the show option click that. now u can see your favorites
right side of favorites.
@Tauseef try this in terminal : chflags nohidden ~/
@SJReddy for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ anotherarray=[yourarray objectAtIndex:i]; }
@mountainlionmoorthy See MAC Screen Here Home directory is showing....
@mountainlionmoorthy sumitghosh Home Directory.... here it is showing.... where in MacBook Pro this Home Directory shows ???
@MedetiNaveenKumar i will give it a try
@Hector I did "chflags nohidden ~/" earlier bro... I need to see my Home directory in MacBook Pro
@mountainlionmoorthy R u there ???
in the loop add this statement [newarray addObject:[anotherarray objectAtIndex:17]];
@SJReddy did you get the way?
@Tauseef finder->go -> Go to folder -> ~/
you can see the user home directory ..
@mountainlionmoorthy okay let me try this bro...
@MedetiNaveenKumar i tried no luck
@SJReddy did you print the output?
@SJReddy paste your code into pastebin.org
@Tauseef okey i should work ..
rit ?
@FadedinShadows Aaeen!
after pasting it, what should i do?
give that link
@mountainlionmoorthy Hey Thanks Bro.... I got it
@mountainlionmoorthy Home directory is there in "Go" Menu of Finder
@mountainlionmoorthy Thanks Once Again.. My Boss Impressed
@Tauseef :)
your welcome :)
@SJReddy are you there?
@MedetiNaveenKumar by the code you should have got it, i got a dictionary in which there are strings and numbers and i am adding them to array and using that array to populate my views with tags.
Hii @all
tell me how to uplaod url over facebook..in iphone
@SJReddy did you print the dictionary ?
@SJReddy plz see my question and reply if u have sol.
@Leena how can i capture bgra information through avcapture session... is it through the baseaddress or baseaddress itself is BGRA component of the frame.... thnx...
i am doing it
@LokeshBhatija no idea
how can i capture bgra information through avcapture session... is it through the baseaddress or baseaddress itself is BGRA component of the frame.... thnx...
@MonishKumar hi
@LokeshBhatija: videoOutput = [[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc]init];
[captureSession addOutput:videoOutput];
videoOutput.videoSettings =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA]
videoOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = YES;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("MyQueue", NULL);
[videoOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:queue];

[videoOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:queue];
@MonishKumar cudu help me out with the question i have mentioned
@LokeshBhatija:Like this u can do
- (void) captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput
fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection

NSLog(@"\n Inside CaptureOutput....");

CVImageBufferRef pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, 0);

// access the data
width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer);
height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer);
rawPixelBase = (unsigned char *)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer);
@MichaelDautermann, hi
@MedetiNaveenKumar pastebin.com/yMAbTW5m
hello hungry
@MonishKumar plz take a look at the code here
Q: Auto-dial a code after a telephone number on mobile websites

Erik DolorOn our website, you can make micropayments by dialing a certain telephone number and entering a 6-digit code. Would it be possible to auto-dial this number, or appending it behind the telephone number, so this 6-digit code will be entered automatically? If it works on either android or iPhone i...

what up @Michael
Anyone who knows if this is still possible? Apparently it used to be possible in the old-telephone time...
@MonishKumar i am unable to get any output for unsigned char* pixel
@LokeshBhatija: I sent the code wt ever u needed exactly
I'm just sitting here working on code, Mr. Hungry. What is up over there?
@LokeshBhatija: this is also similar to that
@LokeshBhatija: y u need char*pixel??
@SJReddy in that code where do you store the values into an array
menuList is the array I am storing into
i have a cpp function to detect images in the format int detect(unsigned char*, width, height)
@MichaelDautermann,whole day i m playing games and reading historical articles...also some practicing on cocos-2dx coding ...
enjyoing work
@Coder hi
@MonishKumar thats why i need to send the bgra values in unsigned char format
@SJReddy NSArray * menuListExt = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; ?
@FadedinShadows Hii
@MedetiNaveenKumar i have more than 1 dictionary
@MonishKumar in your code you have already done that so i will try it
creating an array to store the object at index elements
NSArray NSMutableArray * menuListExt = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; @SJReddy
Hi every body
that's not a problem based on index value you store the dictionary values into an array
@Hector ok, thanks
@LokeshBhatija: rawPixelBase this is the pixel info u need.
@Hector, @MichaelDautermann Hi
Hello @sreecharan
hw r u guys
you missed a few people, DAB
@MonishKumar yes
I dont know every body here so I missed them @MichaelDautermann
Hmm, apparently you can add a pause symbol in your contacts on the iPhone. Would such a pause symbol also work on weblinks?
@LokeshBhatija: try n let me know
Anybody tell me how can I convert ios project to ipa file without using device?
@MonishKumar what is the format type of width and height
@SJReddy :)
well I don't know about you @DAB, but if you said hello to everyone in the room except for @NinjaTurtle, I'd be offended....
@LokeshBhatija: int
@MedetiNaveenKumar can you please let me know how i can store the elemts at index into an array from dictionary
@MichaelDautermann, cocos2dx library written so boring ... there no any kind of good guidance it documents regarding how to and access the classes :( :( :(
@LokeshBhatija: once u r done with that pls help me with this
@MonishKumar what is the output of log of muxing_main
i love apple documentation
firstly I said hello everybody then to specified person pls check again @MichaelDautermann
I've never used cocos2dx before... but I hear it's amazing.
are you smoking banana peels, Hungry?
@MichaelDautermann, i m practicing cocos2dx coding
just three line above I reference u @MichaelDautermann
@MichaelDautermann, no i m not smoking as well as no drinking ....
three lines above? I see iHungry typing.
@LokeshBhatija: instead of muxing main u need to put ur method where u r going to pass those parameters height,width, pixel
no three lines above the line in which I said hello to u @MichaelDautermann
three lines above that I see
8 mins ago, by Medeti Naveen Kumar
that's not a problem based on index value you store the dictionary values into an array
@MichaelDautermann how to add new xip file in viewconroller i face this issue
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "ViewController" nib but the view outlet was not set.'
can i run xcode on windows?
what's a xip file? is that like a zip file only with an "X"?
@hellzone u can't
@MichaelDautermann check this line "Hi every body" I have said first
then in that function i am taking log of only the pixel data and i am getting unusual values such as ?, /, etc etc
@MichaelDautermann, actually i planning to not taking any hard drink and smoking throughout of my life
I wouldn't do it either... the only thing that should smoke is my computer when I'm doing my compiles.
@MichaelDautermann why?
why what @NinjaTurtle? @Dab was saying hello to you
Hello @Hector , would u tell me pls how can I convert ios project to .ipa file without using ios device
8 mins ago, by Michael Dautermann
well I don't know about you @DAB, but if you said hello to everyone in the room except for @NinjaTurtle, I'd be offended....
@NinjaTurtle Every body means every body available on this chat including u also
oh @NinjaTurtle I remember saying that. DAB was saying hello to specific people and I wanted to point out that you are an important person here, too.
@DAB, select iOS device in xcode scheme .. change ur target also xcode setting as per ur requirement and build ur porject using appropriate provising profile and build ur project
@all i have scrollview. everytime data loads it preserves its previous position. suppose i scrolled to bottom and again data loads then again it remain on that positon with new data. how can i reset its position to top
does this line compile @mountainlionmoorthy --> "self.viewContro = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController" bundle:nil]; "
I see a typo there.
@NinjaTurtle may be @MichaelDautermann do not see this line "Hi every body" that I have said before I said to specific people.
oh well phooey, now I can't see the code anymore. I guess i'll go back to smoking my computer.
hi guyz
Neal! Neal! it's you!
and then u will get .app build file of ur project ... drag and drop that app file in Apps section in itunes @DAB
where have you been?
@MichaelDautermann Where?
@MichaelDautermann i create xib file like this and i load that file like this pastie.org/4108080 but i got
Oh! Neal :)
@NinjaTurtle Who?
@iHungry I have already specified in the question that I m not using device
my iPhone app gets crashed on ios 5 was coded in ios 4
Do you know Neal @MichaelDautermann ?
him and I go way back.
Here comes **** :)
about one minute ago.
@DAB, i also not specifying anywhere use of device ... i m telling u without device process
@MonishKumar i am not getting any log values for rawpixedata as well in the capture outpur method
Whoa! @Abizern is here, how are you?
if u nt interested then i m sorry @DAB
@sreecharan Hello. I'm okay.
@MichaelDautermann can your tell me where the issue ?
hopefully he's not typing with only one hand.
@iHungry If I select target as iosDevice then it do not run
what issue? I don't see your code.
@MichaelDautermann pastie.org/4108080
my app is working fine on ios4 devices
@DAB, any kind of error u got if u select ios device ?
but crashed on ios 5
good job for using pastie, @mountainlionmoorthy
specify error pls
@iHungry No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
@mountainlionmoorthy do you see the typo in this? "self.viewContro = " ?
@sreecharan how is your hand?
@LokeshBhatija: print height n width
@Michael I think thats not typo, he has declared it like that
Hey @Abizern How are you?
I think, I am still in his ignore list :(
@all - hello
@DAB, check ur target ios version in xcode setting
yeah, I think you might be right sir. blech.
ya @MichaelDautermann that was my view controller class i make that as property
@property (strong, nonatomic) ViewController *viewContro;
is it possible to pass a parameter in predefined functions in objective c
so what's the problem again, @mountain ?
@MichaelDautermann , it contains long listing of errors with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) error

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