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@BertieLiu Thanks Bro!! i think it correct answer ...
@BertieLiu so there is not possibility to call delegate method directly...from another view ???
@BertieLiu No*
[self.navigationController pushViewController:objSecondview animated:YES];
[objSecondview release];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:objSecondview animated:YES];
anyone will see the my question
@virendra I am not able to find a question there?
@sreecharan ok i want to retrive correct date and time from datepicker
good morning/evening/noon @all
@virendra then use formatter and i guess you are using it also and ?
while i am using formatter it is giving right value(which is in String format) as you can see but i want to convert in to NSdate
and while i am converting it into date again it is giving wrong value
i am converting it in to date because i want to use this data for local notification
@sreecharan no comment... ;)
@virendra while converting, you have to use formatter again
hello all
@Lion hello
@sreecharan hello
@sreecharan will you show me some code for that
Whao! dark
@Lion hello
@Lion Hi, obsolete Operating system
@virendra what is the need to converting to string and then again converting string to date
somebody have knowledge with Ivona SDK? i have problems to load multiple voices. there is an C example but i dont know how to use that in objC.
Nope, sorry brush
@sreecharan so how can i get correct value from uidatepicker directly
@sreecharan what's going on and how is your WWDC
@dark I am back to the hottest gulf and WWDC is a kind of a bowl of awesome
@hie all
@sreecharan good :)
@virendra NSDate *selected =[datePicker date];
@vikas i guess the safest way is to push an nsnotification if you want one view act like another's delegate while they are not in the same controller
@brush51 Is Ivona a public SDK or private ? Is apple allowing it ?
@sreecharan AFAIK there are several apps with ivona SDK, it is(should be) public
@sreecharan ivona.com/us
@sreecharan i am doin this way only but it giving time like below---2012-06-18 07:22:25 +0000
@virendra yeah! that is correct Date format
@sreecharan but expected time is 2012-06-18 01:58:25 +0000
@brush51 Oh! its like siri ?
it is giving some hours difference @sreecharan
@virendra then you are messing here --> HH:mm
@sreecharan the voice is much better then siri. ivona is only use for text to speech.
small hh is 12 hours format
ah dear nstimeformatter
@sreecharan ok let me try
aaeen buffalo
HH is 24 hour format
Hello :)
@sreecharan i am using capital one HH
@VidyaMurthy So what do you want me to bring for you?
@sreecharan it is giving time difference of 5 hours
@FadedinShadows I thought we discussed about it earlier :)
@MichaelDautermann hi
hello moorthy.
@MichaelDautermann good day
good day to you too Bertie.
@virendra 5 hours, it should not give that difference , check this
Breakpoints won't hit on when i debugging in device. its working in simulator @MichaelDautermann what will be issue ?
@VidyaMurthy Yes i remember. You want chocolates. I will bring for you. Also i will bring more things that i like.
if you're debugging on the device, make sure you're debugging with the DEBUG version of your app, moorthy.
@FadedinShadows Sure, thanks :)
often times I'll install the release / non-debugging version of my app and breakpoints won't hit.
Who else wants let me know. I have time until friday.
@FadedinShadows hello whats the topic?
@MichaelDautermann is there any problem in certificates ?
well Laddu and michael, yesterday i have talked with Abizern, he told "Came off my bike banged my face. Healing slowly."
@brush51 I am going to SIngapore this saturday
oooooooooooooh... this sounds exciting.
@sreecharan Ouch! Sounds scary.
@FadedinShadows holidays?
@brush51 Just to visit and probably some job interviews.
@FadedinShadows new work? good luck~
you live with your parents now though, yes? wouldn't you miss them, being so far from them?
@FadedinShadows cool, i really wish you, you can find what you searching for
My previous company's project manager is calling me to work in the new company he has joined. So if i don't get in Singapore, i will join there.
I will make everyone shift to Singapore after i settle there.
@MichaelDautermann hi :) have a nice day:)
@FadedinShadows always nice to have family around
you have that kind of pull with your parents??? wow. I can't get my stubborn mom to abandon Hotmail.
hello Shroom.
@BertieLiu hello
hi @MichaelDautermann @FadedinShadows hi laddu...
@Michael @Faded I am so sad to see this pic of Abizern
@sreecharan..the problem mainly is after getting the time from the datepicker and while converting it to NSDate...it is now converting the time to GMT timezone...All I need to do is to keep the date in localtimezone (system time zone)
hello Gaurav,
I'm not glad to see him like that, but I hope he heals fast.
@sreecharan Its not opening. Can you upload it here
@MichaelDautermann can you tell me how to know the debug version?
It's blocked.
@sreecharan scary
@virendra:can you help me with tableview header??
delete the version you have on your device Moorthy, then "Build & Debug" making sure the app gets intalled onto your device.
@FadedinShadows dnt wry....its scary...u shouldn't see pic like this
Faded... you probably don't want to see that.
how can we change the tableview header programatically?? i have a dynamic array
I want to see. I am Terminator. I have made many people faces like that probably.
Faded no, dont see that, its scary
@FadedinShadows, @MichaelDautermann: @GauravGovilkar: Please help me
@sreecharan No Please, show it.
@iPhoneDeveloper see the tableview class reference
nooo, I wouldn't do that Sree.
when I think of Abizern, I think of this.
I am also scary. I bite hands like hell.
@brush51 hi brush. how's weekend?
@Iphone - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
@virendra:i have an array with dates of three days now how can i change the section when next date comes??
@MichaelDautermann LOL
@Michael lol
@aakilladhani:thanks but i tried everything in this method and this doesnt work for me
@sreecharan Show his pic.
@Iphone this works why didn't work in ur method?
@sreecharan @FadedinShadows so sad to see him hurt. not very very badly, that's quite lucky.
@aakilladhani:i have an array with dates of three days now how can i change the section when next date comes??
@iDroidDeveloper hi
how can i implement this?
@iDroidDeveloper kai nai la
@aakilladhani bol
@FadedinShadows there you go --> dl.dropbox.com/u/75855691/AvNfM0MCAAAWMKX.jpg
@BertieLiu horrible. i have worked at home to end my project and couldnt finish it. the weather was very sunny but not for me this weekend .... :( and your weekend? are you loaded with full energy?
@Iphone then reload section every time
@brush51 ha, not busy as you but similar. worked on saturday as my boss majesty's order.
Dropbox is also blocked.
@aakilladhani : yes thats what i want to do..but how can i do it?
@FadedinShadows Go to hell
@BertieLiu btw i have worked @ my fathers workplace, too. i have selled mango's :)
@sreecharan LOL
@sreecharan i have really really zero energy to laugh but you get me to it, thanks :)
@Iphone set notification when d date'll be changes
I will sign up in Twitter and see myself.
@aakilladhani: no i mean can you help me with the code to reload the sections??just that single line??
@FadedinShadows Hello. Aaeen :)
@Iphone [tableview reloaddata];
@SJS WHo are you
@Iphone [tableview reloadData];
@brush51 @Michael also get me more laugh's, have you watched the mustache image he uploaded, i was laughing hard that i cant type at that time
@FadedinShadows you know me yaar. :p Laddu
@brush51 that's nice~ mango's are cute. i failed to utterly solve some weird problems last week then just let go...
@aakilladhani: thanks a lot:)
i dint think of that
@Iphone welcome :)
@FadedinShadows now you got me ?? Laddu ?
@BertieLiu on what are you working?
@FadedinShadows How's your job going ?
@FadedinShadows And For me what will you bring ?
by the way @brush51 where is your friend ilis ?
I will bring 51 brush for @brush51
oh my god @mann Came in, i should get out of here
@FadedinShadows and for me ?
so im trying to check if an entity exists in my core data database, any good examples?
@sreecharan i dont know, maybe he is still swimming to work because on the bridge bosphorus is to much traffic
@FadedinShadows are going to SIngapore or you are already there
@SJS You say
@FadedinShadows any thing which you like the most there
@FadedinShadows Okay ??
@SJS Yes sure. I will add one more parameter - not so expensive ones
@GauravGovilkar Going on Saturday
@FadedinShadows for job?
@FadedinShadows no problem dost.... Tofa dene wale ka dil dekha jata hai.... Tofe ki kimaat nahi You can buy what ever you like. :)
why lol ?
@FadedinShadows I am planning to start MBA with IT from symbiosis university from this year :)
@SJS Good. I am done with studies.
@FadedinShadows hmmm... Good :)
@user966996 hi
hi @zink
@sreecharan @GauravGovilkar Hii..
Can you please help me how can I load an image and Title for each cell ,? ?
I mean I hv to display store list say for electronics items .
I m hving croma,emall,etc. are related stores. Now I want to display that all stores with their image in cell . How to fetch store and its related image in cellforrowatindexpath method ?
@zing Then customize your table view cell
@sreecharan I dont want to customize it , I m programatically adding images and subtitle
but How to fetch item with its related image .. means have to use nsdictionary or an array ??
@user966996 @zing @SJS @FadedinShadows @dark @GauravGovilkar hi all, I am showing an html page in my app on UIWebview, and now is it possible to get/handle html page events through our objective c code ?
@ArchanaChaurasia yeah
@SJS how ?
say I hv Croma, next , Emall , etc. store , so left hand it should display its logo, and the title of that Store .
How to store all this details ?
@ArchanaChaurasia di. what you want to handle ?? can you please elaborate ?
@ArchanaChaurasia Handle the delegate method of UIWebview and in that implement the below method
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
NSString *strClickedURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", request.URL];
@SJS for example, I have a button on html page, and the action for that button i want to write in my code. Second example: there is a button in html page, now how can i recognize when that button pressed ?
@ArchanaChaurasia I gave you the code for that
@zing customization doesn't mean that you can have only one image init, customize one cell and re use it and load your image into it
@ArchanaChaurasia and with the help of below line you can get the linked url and from that you can perform the action as per the url
NSString *strClickedURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", request.URL];
@iProgrammer Hello ji. Good Afternoon :)
@sreecharan Actually I want to learn NSDictionary , so is it possible to store the store detail in dictionary and load it into an array ??
@SJS ok, but in this case, i will get a url, in case of button pressed what i will get ?
@SJS hi
@SJS who are you ?
@iProgrammer aunty ji meko bhool gai :(
@SJS prem?
@iProgrammer hmmmmm
@iPhoneDeveloper kon hia kfir?
@iProgrammer name change kar diya maine aur uska pata nahi
@SJS SJS means?
@ArchanaChaurasia what you want on button pressed ?
@iProgrammer S Means My Surname J Means My Name and S Means My Father's Name
Q: How do I load multiple arrays into an NSDictionary object (Objective-C; iPhone SDK)?

newDeveloperThis method doesn't work...but when I move away from returning a dictionary object and return a single array to the table data source, it works perfectly. so the error of my ways is in how i am creating this dictionary... Any Help? - (NSDictionary *) returnDictionary { self.shopNameArray = [[N...

@SJS good
@sreecharan hi how are you?
@sreecharan hii, Please tell me ... is it worth to use dictionary to store all the Store's Detail (title,store logo)and then use it
@ArchanaChaurasia means you want button name or its value and you can get that by the return of scripting function called on that button.
@iProgrammer Excellent, what about you
@iProgrammer Thank u
@sreecharan finee
@zing Using NSDictionary is best in this case, watch the link posted
@Moshe Nice long blog post there
@iProgrammer hello
@SJS for example there is a button on html page, and on pressing of that button i want to play some animation, and that animation code i want to write in my code. now how i will get that html page's this button pressed so that i can play animation.
@ArchanaChaurasia call some javascript on that button pressed event in your html page
@ArchanaChaurasia and return the name of that button from the javascript
@ArchanaChaurasia now by using this line you can get the name of that button
NSString *strBtnInfo = [wvYourWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementById(\"btnInfo\").va‌​lue"];
@SJS ok, iwill try. thanks.
@ArchanaChaurasia okay. All The Best.. and your welcome
@sreecharan Yea, I was going to break it up by day, but my memories are hazy of what happened when.
@Moshe By the way, i am there at WWDC last week at 25th row, i don't know where were you
I mean on monday
@sreecharan how to mention PPT file in info.plist
http://pastie.org/4107487 here i have mentioned pdf file its working fine
same way how to mention ppt file package and document name
srry here is the link pastie.org/4107491
@sreecharan In the front on the right side, 2nd row.
@sreecharan @FadedinShadows hi ,
@Moshe Oh! cool, I've enjoyed Beer Bash to the core
on thursday
Hehe, I don't drink, but it was fun chatting with people.
@Moshe By the way, what is the count of your business cards?
@sreecharan @FadedinShadows need some suggestion, regarding analytics
@sreecharan What do you mean? How many did I print?
anyone has worked on LinkedIN API
@Moshe Yeah
@sreecharan 1,000
I only gave out about 100 though...
@Moshe :) I've printed 500, gave out 300 :)
How many did you got from others?
I can see one large Orange letter card in your blog
of Mitch Cohen
@ruyamonis346 Room FAQs #2.4
@sreecharan did u have any idea ?
@FadedinShadows laddu can u help me ?
@mountainlionmoorthy Yes, may be.
@all hi
@ArchanaChaurasia do u know is there any api in iphone todisplay all the country flags and std codes
in a dropdown menu
@bugfinder NSLocale class
@FadedinShadows :-) hey, @FadedinShadows i just need some suggestion - and i expect good answer from you, so i personally i asked.. plz dm, :(
@FadedinShadows what
@bugfinder Oh not flags. Only names and other texts.
@All does anyone knew it?

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