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Ok :D
or better sortUsingComparator: it will use the existing array instead of creating a new one
dont forget to star chat messages if they help you ;)
I will :D
thanks =)
i made a custom uipickerview, and when i scroll i want it to put the text of cell into the uitextfield, how can i detect the view the uipickerview is being inputed into?
somthing like [UIPickerView viewForRow:<#(NSInteger)#> forComponent:<#(NSInteger)#>]
you can also respond to the delegate - (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component;
noo so i made a custom subclass of uipickerview, which just makes it easier so i don't have to add all the code to views i need it in, it shows song names in your iPod. so when a view launches it adds the picker onto the uitextfield as an input view. so now i want it so when i scroll, the text will go into the view.and the delegate is in the uipickerview class. so how can i get ether the view controller launched from the subclass of the uipickerview, or how can the picker view detect
the view its being inputed on
I didnt understand anything (tired) but you can add your logic to the delegate. Every time the user changes the picker the delegate gets called and you can change the text
I'm trying to do that, it can't work unless i know the view being shown. I'm trying to make it so i don't have to connect them. like code that works no matter what, so i could make a random view controller maker, and no matter what detect which view is being shown without code in those views, just the picker
– viewForRow:forComponent:
no, the view like whats on the screen, not a view in the picker
as I told you get the current selected view with the delegate
the picker is like a keyboard, when you select a something it ads to uitextfield or uitextview, so now I'm trying to do the same with uipickerview
i think your misunderstanding
not the view of the picker, the UIViewcontroller on the screen
like using presentedViewController
but i still need a uiviewcontroller which i can't get
I think I'm too tired :D 3am here
oh its 6 here
2 hours later…
@BertieLiu Good Morning ~
@KenHui morning. very few people here today.
@BertieLiu i think it is because it is sunday today in other places
@KenHui and even the indian programmers are not online.
@BertieLiu, @KenHui, hi good moring
@iHungry morning
@BertieLiu, hw was ur week-end
@iHungry sleepy morning ~
@iHungry boss wanted me to work extra hours on sunday, and i turned him down.
@KenHui, :D
@BertieLiu, oh!!!!! so u didn't take any rest on week-end? :(
@iHungry not fully. i had to spend saturday evening doing research on mobile ads. it sucks.
@BertieLiu, hummm :( mobile ads means iAd framework u talking about?
@iHungry it is one sort. other like Admob, etc.
@BertieLiu, u have to follow all rules of Admob framework during integration in XCode
@iHungry yep. it's alright, since i'm to use an integration of mobile ads platform.
ur registration on admob server, then it integration and so many
when u register ur app to admob then that service will activate after 5-10 minutes
@iHungry it's more like a platform integrating more than ten mobile ad providers together
@iHungry @BertieLiu do you know him : chat.stackoverflow.com/users/636331/devilsmind ? he invited me to a room between me and him ~~
@KenHui nope
silly clients pissed me with emails... ahhhhh
@KenHui, who is that???? did u create a new chat room?
@iHungry i donno , he invited me to here : chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/12668/…
@BertieLiu, clients is always like donkey....... they are nonsense..... but they are money god...
k @KenHui
donno who is he and the purpose at all
Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen
hi all
@sharon hi
@Chris hi
Hi @all good morning
@all good morning
hi @iHungry gud mrng
@Leena, vGM
@heelo all
has anyone worked with avasset?
hello everyone !!!
@iHungry @Hector Gudmrng
@sharon Gudmrng bro :-)
@vikas vGM :)
@Leena Gudmrng :-P
@Leena @AJPatel vGM :)
whoa this room just filled up.
hi @Hector @vikas gud mrng
@Hector..hi bro..hw r u :)
hi @AJPatel gud mrng
@Chris..i chris good morning
@Puneeth i am fine
whats the maximum size limitation for the ipad app that we can create?
@ALL hii... VVGM :-)
hi all
@Tornado hi
i have 2GB of HTML file....need to put it in multiple webviews...
@coder1010 hey long time
@Tornado yes
hws u
hi @Hector @Leena good morning :)
@coder1010 Fine ... what about u ? Any thing new u r working on ?
@vikas, subhprabhat
@iHungry..hello GM
@all hello
@Puneeth, hi vGM
@relikd @RadheMohan @Tornado @TheDeveloper @iHungry @ios @IulianArcus @Puneeth @Pheel @AJPatel @sharon @sreecharan @SJS @Santhosh @DimplePanchal @DeathMagus @Feeds @geekaygk @Hector @hardikpatel @KenHui @Leena @Chris @coder1010 @Coder @vikas @VenkatManohar @BertieLiu @MaxHasADHD @mountainlionmoorthy Hiiii , How are you all ??
@Tauseef fine and u?
whats the maximum size limitation for the ipad app that we can create?i have 2GB of HTML file....need to put it in multiple webviews...@iHungry
@all i have a question about AvPlayer & AVPlayerLayer
@Tornado yes i am stuck in that
@Tauseef..me fine...hw u
have you worked with videos
@ios M2 Fine ... :)
@all someone can help me?
@Puneeth fine here bro..
@coder1010 hmm k tell me ..... if i can help
@coder1010 hii :)
@Tornado want to export the video using avasst. do you have idea about that?
@zink hii.gm
@Tauseef m fine & wat abt u ?
@zink what are you working on
@9891541 hi tell what can i ?
@vikas fine bro...
@coder1010 u want to save a video file into the ipad photos gallery
@Tornado yes
@9891541 tera abhi tak AvPlayer khatam nahi hua kya
jabse mene account banya tabh se AvPlayer chal rha hai
@coder1010 k have created the video in ur app itself ?
@Tornado everything is done
but the issue is that output file is not in proper format
it is not like the default video we record from device
@all how are u?? vGM to ALL
@DimplePanchal vGM :)
@Hector vGM Copy cat
@Tornado have you worked with such thing?
@all hello gm
@DimplePanchal :(
@vikas i don't understand. please use english.
@coder1010 ofcourse but long time ago when i started iphone development
@Hector y :( ???
@Tornado did you get my issue?
@Tornado hie
@coder1010 k there is an nsdictionary object we use for defining setting for output video file
@coder1010 with which we create AVAssetWriterInput object ... i want to see its code
@DimplePanchal hey dimple
where were u
@Tornado I was suspended for 2 days :(
@coder1010 this is the code for saving video file to photos library :-- (void) moveVideoToSavedPhotos {

ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
NSString *localVid = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:MOVIE_NAME];
NSURL* fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:localVid];
NSLog(@"movie saved %@",fileURL);
BOOL isVideoOK = UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum(localVid);
if (NO == isVideoOK)
NSLog(@"Video at %@ is not compatible",localVid);
else {
NSLog(@"video ok");
@DimplePanchal why ?
@ArchanaChaurasia Hiii..
@DimplePanchal On SO profile ? or in ur company ?
@Tornado @Hector on SO
@vikas hiii
@vikas hello
@Mak hii
@ArchanaChaurasia h r u?
@DimplePanchal k reason ?
@DimplePanchal @Hector @iHungry
2012-06-18 10:32:06.297 SamplePPTreader[1095:f803] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </Users/gurumoorthy/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/1A71BC6C-CC36-40AC-9BAC-2C4E8B0D8BAF/SamplePPTreader.app> (loaded)' with name 'ViewController''
@Tornado they falsified accounts being used to artificially inflate your reputation
I dont know what they mean
they cut my 500 reputations as well
@mountainlionmoorthy check connection of xib
@Tornado check the file at this url:
this is the function
I might delete my account now.... They are cheaters :|
@DimplePanchal account delete kar rahi ho ?
@Tornado did you check?
@Hector soch rahi ho.. Aive hi mere reputations kaat diye
@ArchanaChaurasia u know Siri api?
@coder1010 i m working on push notification
@zink yes
anyone know is there any GUI for setup GIT Server on OS X lion ?
i wanna have source control between me and my colleague
@Every one Hi
nyone know siri api in iso
@piya hello
@Mak i am total newbiee to Iphone & ipad development So i need help now in developing iToast for ipad
@Tornado you there?
@piya yes i will help u.
@Mak what do you want to do ?
@Hector integration this api in apps
A: Does Apple provide an API for SIRI?

logancautrellThere is no API and there is no indication of it changing anytime soon. There are private headers that you can look at by decompiling the SDK. This is a great synopsis: Quora You can be clever like RTM though, this is as close as it gets: http://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/siri/

@piya u can ask any thing in ipad
anyone have idea about push notification ?
Good Morning
@Mak will u please tell me how should i develop small application where i have to show one iToast on click of button
i found this http://code.google.com/p/toast-notifications-ios/wiki/HowToUse but i don't know how to implement this
@Hector thanks buddy
@Mak :)
@Hector handling push notification when my app is not running and i write that in my didfinishLaunch method :- //App Handling When app is not running
NSDictionary *tmpDic=[launchOptions objectForKey:@"UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey"];
if (tmpDic != nil)
[self application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:tmpDic];
@vikas i never worked with push notification
@coder1010 k i was having my brunch...
@Hector i know
then @piya @ArchanaChaurasia @Leena @DimplePanchal //App Handling When app is not running
NSDictionary *tmpDic=[launchOptions objectForKey:@"UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey"];
if (tmpDic != nil)
[self application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:tmpDic];
@Mak what ?
@piya can u explain ur problem
when user clicks on view button of push notification alert, this code will be executed
@Hector i means to say i am worked push notification
@KenHui Download GIT from mac.github.com and install it is your system and your collegues's as well and switch on sharing option in preferences
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
have u used this delegate as well??
@sreecharan very clear answer, lunch now, let me try afternoon :)
if (application.applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive)

NSLog(@"application active state");

NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSDictionary *info = [bundle infoDictionary];
NSString *prodName = [info objectForKey:@"CFBundleDisplayName"];

UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:prodName
message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",
[[userInfo objectForKey:@"aps"] objectForKey:@"alert"]]
[alertView show];
@Mak then help him (@vikas)
@piya what's happend ?
@vikas u mean ur method is not called? even if u receive notification?
@Hector k
@Mak i want to develop one small ipad application for startup.
In which i want to show toast notification when button is clicked thats it How to do it ???
no its call receive notifi but after it crash my app..
@piya, hi
@piya simple u add all file in ur application bundle
@sreecharan GitHub could work in local ? i thought it is online service
[self openwebview ] is viewcontroller which have Webview.
@Tornado did you check the code
@KenHui Nope, it wont work in local
@piya, toast notification is the part of android development not for iOS
@coder1010 i checked it seems alright ... the output file is not playable ?
or have some other extension
//Fetch and Format Device Token and Register Important Information to Remote Server.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
const unsigned *tokenData = deviceToken.bytes;
NSString *deviceTokenString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x", ntohl(tokenData[0]), ntohl(tokenData[1]), ntohl(tokenData[2]), ntohl(tokenData[3]), ntohl(tokenData[4]), ntohl(tokenData[5]), ntohl(tokenData[6]), ntohl(tokenData[7])];
@Tornado it is playable
but the format is not proper
@piya @ArchanaChaurasia @DimplePanchal @Mak pastebin.com/LRQtL5RR
@Mak which files ???
@iHungry i know but i want to do same thing in IPad
check this plzzz
this code - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

// Override point for customization after application launch.

// Set the tab bar controller as the window's root view controller and display.

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound)];
@Tornado it does not comes in full screen. it just comes in the center small portion of screen.
what format it is in ? @coder1010
@coder1010 k wait
@Mak m using same code
@Tornado i am sending you a mail please check that
@vikas i think ur server side problem (service)
@KenHui And note that this works on only master directory
@vikas ur using this line of code [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound)];
@piya,u can create ur own custom toast notification in iphone
in iOS not any standard API given us to developed that
Create ur custom UIView like toast view ...add and show it on front of the screen when u want to used it... give some time factor and after that end of timing release it
@iHungry i know but this is my first aplication in Ipad so will you plz guide me
i found this but http://code.google.com/p/toast-notifications-ios/wiki/HowToUse but dont under5stand how to use this
@vikas hi
@piya Have you tried this
@coder1010 can't do that ... yahoo banned here ...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions


UniqueID=[GloBalClass GetUUID];
[UniqueID retain];

if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil] autorelease];
} else {
self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController_iPad" bundle:nil] autorelease];
@vikas use pastebin
@sreecharan i took one button on that i show alert but alert have at least one button i dont want any button in toast
@sreecharan @vikas @sharon @piya @Tauseef @iProgrammer How to open this url in webview ? google.com/… it will redirect me on google home .. not open that url .. is there any authentication required for that ?
@Hector k Bro..
@Coder ???
@piya Who told that alert should have atleast one button init?
@sharon i want to open that search api in webview .. but not open .. plz check the url
@Hector @Mak @DimplePanchal @ArchanaChaurasia @Leena help me pastebin.com/qmbPFD87
@vikas are you receiving notifications?
@sreecharan no one :( :(
I just want to show one toast to user that button is clicked
are u geting alert ? @vikas
@Coder @Hector OK
@Coder Please paste correct URL !!
@vikas that method is called?
@piya, piya o piya piya ... :D..... please read carefully link that provide me by u ... on that link how to create those functionality is already explaining very well
@sharon what ?
didreceive ?? @vikas
@Coder ok
@DimplePanchal hi
@vikas then what is ur issue
@iProgrammer hie
@coder1010 will u change preset name from presetName:AVAssetExportPreset1280x720 to AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4V480pSD i want to know the output change
how are u?
it crash when my app is not running
@DimplePanchal fine ,, and yu?
@Hector kya hua?
@iHungry okz :(
!\@iProgrammer fine
@DimplePanchal it crash when my app is not running
@vikas at what line it crash?
can any1 tell me how can we find image size
@piya, u need to create on toast NSObject custom class and access its methods .... it so simple
2 mins ago, by sharon
@Coder @Hector OK
@vikas can u have crash log?
@coder1010 u there ?
@Tornado yes..:(
1 min ago, by sharon
@Hector kya hua?
i cant debug just bcoz my app is not running
@iHungry may b but it is my 1st application dear
@piya ok, try the git code which i have given you
@Endeavor width/height ya in kb /mb ?
@vikas u will have crash log in device t6ake them
@piya, but there not any code
@coder1010 will u change preset name from presetName:AVAssetExportPreset1280x720 to AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4V480pSD i want to know the output change
@Hector kb/mb
code also removed by owner @piya
@Tornado ok
@iHungry :(
@piya u are add a file The Shared Settings code in ur apps
@iHungry piya wants to show an alert without any button, but @piya is thinking that UIAlertview should have atleast one button
is there a way to get an object at index with nsdictionary?
` NSDictionary *remoteNotification = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey];
[self handleRemoteNotification:application userInfo:remoteNotification];

@Endeavor ok wait
@Hector ok aree kuch nai wo tu pastebin m kuch daala tha na
@Hector ok
@sreecharan doing that
@mak ok
@sreecharan, i know it .... and also i have some knowlage in android also :D
@MaxHasADHD why not? first confirm your key and then access your index
i have a bunch of different dictionaries and might be easier to do a object at index instead of key, because if i have to do all by key then i have to check the type of view for each one instead of checking a batch of view types at once
@sreecharan hi
@vikas it works for me ...
@vikas are u there?
How r u?@sreecharan
@ios hello
@vikas [webPage loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http:WWW.google.com"]]];
@piya and create class(iToastSettings) object
@ios I am excellent
@sreecharan can u help in core data frame work?
@DimplePanchal yes
containg code of toast
@vikas try that
@ios Sure
@sharon yup dear ?
@DimplePanchal k
@MaxHasADHD Nope, you cant access index directly
@DimplePanchal i will try that.
@piya share this code [[iToast makeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The activity has been successfully saved.", @"")] show];
@coder This is what you exactly want
@vikas k
@sreecharan how start working with that?
but their different keys, my app launcher, had 7 different uiviewcontrollers, i simplified the code to 1 view controller, which produces same effect on all and i can enter stuff into array and that detects what the fields say and how large the view is and so on. so now I'm redoing the edit screen, and i made a typedef NS_ENUM for view type, so now i would rather check all view types which do more than only 2 fields, where object at index maybe easier?
just add those classes in ur code and use it as per README documentation in link @piya
@sreecharan any tutorial
now u r happy
would a for (nsstring *test in dictionary) work?
wait never mind-_-
@iHungry back from lunch @sreecharan how are you
@piya u create this button iToastGravityBottom then add [[[iToast makeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The activity has been successfully saved.", @"")]
setGravity:iToastGravityBottom] show];
@BertieLiu Excellent
@iHungry @Mak @sreecharan ok
let me try
@BertieLiu, i m good ... after killing so many enemies... :)
@sreecharan you back from WWDC? @iHungry
@iHungry I am not telling that you dont have knowledge, i am telling that piya dont have knowledge about alert
@iHungry still that online game?
@BertieLiu yeah! I am back
see NSFileSize
@sreecharan you're back to the gulf heat
@Hector ok let me check
@ios There is a sample application in apple docs, hold on, i'll give you
@iHungry i controlled my temper and replied the client's email nicely
@BertieLiu, yup.... actually i havn't work today.... so i spending time to playig gaes
A: iphone sdk see size of local file (one created by application)

nduplessisUse NSFileManager class' method - (NSDictionary *)attributesOfItemAtPath:(NSString *)path error:(NSError **)error The size key in the returned dictionary is defined as NSString * const NSFileSize; So for an example NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *attributes = [[NSFileManager defaultMan...

@sreecharan what is difference between core data and sqlite?
@ios try this
@sreecharan sorry, didn't get you. gaes?
@sreecharan that is for mac os
@BertieLiu, that good ... our attitude should be keep smiley in front of devil client .....
@Hector i am adding items in a array as uiimage
not storing it
@coder1010 output
@BertieLiu I didn't replied you as well, yes i am back to gulf
@Tornado 2 mins
@iHungry i'll become devil myself if they keeping emailing in the tune of my owing them grands of money
@Endeavor hmmmm
how can i check if a view has a back item?

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