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@Hector tell me how to download zip file from server
A: How to download a large file with the iPhone SDK and avoid memory usage issues?

Mobihunterz- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response { filename = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0] stringByAppendingPathComponent:save_name]; // filename is in .h file [[NSFileManag...

@Developer hello r uthere ??
@NinjaTurtle oh i dont know abt it... thanks for the info....
@sourishk am not sur, may be this will help you viksiphoneblog.blogspot.in/2010/10/…
@Hector any idea
10 mins ago, by Hector
@NeerajNeeru abb web service ke bare me mat pu6 na
@FadedinShadows hello
thank u @Hector :)
@mountainlionmoorthy welcome .....welcome.......
21 hours ago, by Faded in Shadows
@VidyaMurthy It's okay. I will prepare mine and share with you and all.
@FadedinShadows hi
@Hector hi
kab share kar rahi he ?
@Sunny Hi
@all can anybody help me how to remove cannot proceed with delivery an existing transporter in application loader
@Hector do u know the solution to my pbm?
@bugfinder no :(
@mountainlionmoorthy do u know the solution to my pbm?
@Hector i push viewcotroller from uitabbarcontroller (child controller) at that time loadview or viewdiload call and animate twice..... so in nsaray *arr = [naigationcontroller viewcontroller]; the arr contains same entry again.... how can i resolve it.. i search lots of thing abt it but not getting proper solution
nope :( @bugfinder
@Hector any idea abt it ..
how should i distroy the memory of webview after it dissapears...bcz i want to load another url into it....
Heya, someone here who know a little something about Cocos2D?
@0x8badf00d hi
@Sunny Yes
@0x8badf00d i face one issue when i push viewcontroller from any tabbarcontrollers child viewcontroller that controller load twice / ( animate twice.) i search abt it but not getting proper solution for it.. why it happens...
Where is the link for question you posted on Stackoverflow ?
@0x8badf00d no not posted on stackoverflow...
Q: Cocos2D: Character does not move / SneakyJoystick

BladeI am learning Cocos2D Development right now. I bought the book "Learning Cocos2D" which is really helpful. While reading I tried to build my own game (a test) and everything seemed to work, but for some reason my character won't move when tilting the joystick (I use SneakyJoystick). I then compar...

@0x8badf00d any site where i can put my code so u can check ..
@0x8badf00d except pastebin
@Sunny I don't know what I am supposed to check for.
Because I didn't understand your question.
@0x8badf00d ok any idea abt how can i solve this issue
@0x8badf00d i face same problem but i try all solutions nit getting proper answer
@Hector e thakkur kya kar raha h???
@GauravGovilkar jalsa.......
@Hector face detecting ki library batai thi na tumne???can you please tell me once more??
@Hector hey its not me its @Kartik...
@0x8badf00d r u there ?
@GauravGovilkar hmmmm CIDetecter ki bat kar rahe ho kya ?
@Hector haan
i need a macbook pro
@hellzone i don't have
i need a server
I need a life
i need a wife
i need a girlfriend also
i need all the above
@Sunny I have to look at this later.. Running late for a meeting.
i need ...........
except wife
I need someone who knows his way around Cocos2D!
i need a good job
350.000 $ salary is enough
@hellzone but you just said u need a mac book pro...its not fare...1 time 1 thing
Really, noone here has developed with Cocos2D?^^
Write down what exactly doesn't work... Maybe post Question on SO. I can't spend any time figuring out what you are trying to accomplish or what doesn't work for you.
anyone knows iphone 5 release date ? :D
somebody here with knowledge about NSOperationQueue?
@brush51 ask @iHungry
@Leena ok, thank you
@iHungry are you there? can you help me with NSOperationQueue?
@MonishKumar Hi
hey someone help me
getting error :- webkit error 101
@Hector help me
@MichaelDautermann how can i download iOS 6 developer preview beta version try this link http://adcdownload.apple.com//ios/ios_6_beta/ios_6_beta__iphone_3gs__10a5316k.dmg
but i got this
@dark hi any idea about Cube Animation between two viewcontroller?
@hector: Pls Guide me wts wrong I done here
@dark hi any idea about Cube Animation between two viewcontroller?
@dark hi any idea about Cube Animation between two viewcontroller?
@mountainlionmoorthy do you have an iOS developer account, one that you've paid for??
@MichaelDautermann i have account
A: Of "WebKitErrorDomain error 101" want know the cause

CalebHere's a list of WebKit errors. Specifically, 101 is WebKitErrorCannotShowURL, described as "Indicates a failure in changing a location."

hmmm... then you'll have to call apple and find out what's wrong.
cause I sure as heck don't know.
@iDroidDeveloper i think it should be crawl effect..
Hey @Michael How are you?
@mountainlionmoorthy Agreement Update kiya ?
@mountainlionmoorthy Even I am not able to download it:P
then plz see this link
any error there?
I'm okay here... how are you over there @Ninja ?
@iDroidDeveloper hey i don't have
@MichaelDautermann hi
hello to you too droid.
@MichaelDautermann hi any idea about Cube Animation between two viewcontroller?
nope, I've never done it.
you could be the first!
let me know how it goes.
@MichaelDauermann Any experience with Cocos2D?
no on that question too, Blade... it's one of those things I want to get into.
A: cube structure view controllers

Kevin LowYou cannot use CATransition to switch between two view controllers, but you can simply use the view controller's view and switch it with another view controller's view. iOS 5 made transitioning with UIViewControllers easier as it introduces the transitionFromViewController:toViewController:durat...

can anyone suggest a good VPS hosting?
godaddy.com is good
but expensive
i am going bye all
@MichaelDautermann you should, it's really fun. Well until you get to that point when your main character refufes to move <.<
with empty hand
Most of the expensive things are good.
pastebin.com/bwFcBH3s error doamin 101
@MichaelDautermann great, how is WWDC 12 going on?
Most of the good things are expensive.
@vikas press ctrl + w
kaam ni h kya bhai
@Ninja why are you asking me? I don't know any other iOS or Mac devs from San Francisco who are going to WWDC....
@Hector if i download that i can load my personal iPhone ?
@FadedinShadows macbook pro is good and expensive
Hii...Can any one tell me how to use sectioned table without creating arrays for each section ??

I mean suppose I have 10 items list, and I wish to display them in sectioned table , how is it possible ??
@Hector kahan hai bhai
@vikas hi
@mountainlionmoorthy test nahi kiya
@zing create a datatable
@hellzone Good example :-)
Xcode is so slow and buggy.
@vijaysinghadhikari Hell me
@Hector hahah sai jagah pauch hi gaya hahahahha
@vijaysinghadhikari hello
@dark kya kr raha hai bey?
@MichaelDautermann, hi
i got it
its works
i feel terrible
because I hv seen a lot of examples but to display item starting with "A" they r assigning each in the array manually ..
@Hector k i will test today :)
@vijaysinghadhikari nothing app final kar rha hn aj final build send karni hai client ko
@vijay hii vijay
xcode makes me sick
I'm glad to hear that, hungry.
i m talking about one process at morning that process i did @MichaelDautermann
hiii all
not sure if Hellzone is sirious or just trolling.
@MichaelDautermann if i download iOS 6 developer beta i can load my personal iPhone ?
why couldn't you?
arre koi toh help kar do
@dark ohh bete
@vikas, mitra bol
@vikas kya hua ?
@MichaelDautermann but they telling thats for only developer. i did't register my device in developer account .
you just said you paid the $99 for a developer account... so are you a developer or are you not a developer @mountainlionmoorthy ?
its my personal phone. not a testing device.
@vikas bhai ye link block h .. idr hi paste kr de
@mountainlionmoorthy ooo bete tere p iph h :)
NSString *WebServiceUrl=@"http://app.csmentor.com/mip/mobile/";

NSURL *url=[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",WebServiceUrl,Mip_key]];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[self.webview loadRequest:request];
Apple doesn't care what devices you install iOS 6 on, as far as I know. They do care that you are a licensed developer.
so as far as I am concerned, install on your personal phone.
and keep in mind that if you don't like iOS 6 (or if it crashes a lot, whatever), it's a downright pain (if not impossible) to downgrade back to iOS 5.
who doesnt like ios6?
[webPage loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"YOUR URL "]]]; @vikas
I dunno.. I haven't tried it yet. I only just now installed the "DP" of Xcode.
I hate that stupid "DP" tag.... reminds me too much of Micro$oft.
@vikas bhai apni request print kra k dekh kya h usme
with their "service packs"
@MichaelDautermann ohh then i can load N number of device. no issue rit ?
Hi Michael.
Q: equivalent of waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished

brush51i want to show an alertview while other thread(in other thread there is text to speech). in short words, i want to call two methods at same time and also want them that both "work" at same time. but in my case, i am starting alertView, the screen is dimmed and without alertview, the other thre...

One thing, do you have a twitter account?
nope. no Twitter, no Facebook.
@Hector Bro !! m doing same thing
Yeah, facebook is bad enough.
[webview loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",WebServiceUrl,Mip_key]]]];
anyone havent fb account?
hellzone, how old are you, b.t.w.?
@MichaelDautermann why ou asked that?
just curious.
you don't have to say if you don't want to.
your profile says 22.
request print karta hun!!!
I am also 22.
@MichaelDautermann @hellzone @vikas @JackyBoy @brush51 have u used Graph api/ FBconnect to get the friend liast ?
I was born in 2018.
@ArchanaChaurasia no.
<NSMutableURLRequest (null)>
Hellzone lol...
then? my facebook profile says 32
either you're -8 or we're really in the year 2040, @Faded
request null aa rhi hai
@MichaelDautermann @hellzone @vikas @JackyBoy @brush51 have u used Graph api/ FBconnect to get the friend liast ? @FadedinShadows @hellzone
no, I have not used the Graph API
@MichaelDautermann I came back here physically so i am still 22.
hey Hellzone... you're getting flags for being a little foul in other rooms.
Hi Guys I am looking for iOS 6 SDK Documentation , can anyoe give me the URL, where it is
@Leena @iDroidDeveloper please help me
@zing yes
@ArchanaChaurasia i have used
@iDroidDeveloper I hv list of some items , now I want to display all that Items in sectioned table , how is it possible ?
@MichaelDautermann iOS 6
yes, iOS 6!
@iDroidDeveloper Graph api/ FBconnect ?
@ArchanaChaurasia yes to fetch friend list?
do you have
if any of it exists, @Gaurav & @Arunpan, it would be at developer.apple.com/iphone
and you would need to log in with your official Apple account... because it's still under NDA
@zing yes its possible
@iDroidDeveloper ok i m facing issue
@ArchanaChaurasia ok please let me know
@ArchanaChaurasia which issue?
Thank you @MichaelDautermann but I thought iOS 6 is available for Non Developer-Acccount too
not in the slightest.
@iDroidDeveloper when i m calling [facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/friends" andDelegate:self];
its delegate method - (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result is not calling.
@iDroidDeveloper i also set its delegate @interface FBViewController : UIViewController<FBSessionDelegate, FBRequestDelegate>
@iDroidDeveloper its calling this method - (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
i haven't used iOS 5.1 yet and they released 6...how pathetic...
it's called "Marketing", @Gaurav
deal with it
@ArchanaChaurasia have you any idea about any sample code?
@iDroidDeveloper and error is: error: Error Domain=facebookErrDomain Code=10000 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (facebookErrDomain error 10000.)" UserInfo=0x6c79f50 {error=<CFBasicHash 0x6c78f50 [0x1482b48]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
2 : <CFString 0x6c64ba0 [0x1482b48]>{contents = "type"} = <CFString 0x6c79450 [0x1482b48]>{contents = "OAuthException"}
3 : <CFString 0x6c793f0 [0x1482b48]>{contents = "message"} = <CFString 0x6c79350 [0x1482b48]>{contents = "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."}
(see full text)
@iDroidDeveloper which sample code ?
@MichaelDautermann ya..cruel world...
back in a momento... rebooting back into Lion
@ArchanaChaurasia wait m sending you sample code
@iDroidDeveloper i have a sample code Hackbook
@MichaelDautermann have you seen movie momento???we have remake of it called GAJANI
@all any one need direct link iOS 6. can download from my blog
@ArchanaChaurasia i have another one
@iDroidDeveloper i don;t need sample code, i have done same as in sample code. problem is of some authentication or access token or somthing else.
@iDroidDeveloper i m sending you my code.
@ArchanaChaurasia try this one
Hi @All
@ArchanaChaurasia ok mail me
@ArchanaChaurasia but check this one
@iDroidDeveloper ok
@iDroidDeveloper i have sent u.
@iDroidDeveloper download kiya but usmain fb and json related files nahi aayi hai.
@iDroidDeveloper plz check my code.
@MichaelDautermann have you seen movie memento???we have remake of it called GAJANI
oh yeah? I thought the remake of Terminator named "Endhiran" was even better!
@vijaysinghadhikari help kar yaar
Help me
i want show url in webview and my url is :-NSString *urlstring=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://app.csmentor.com/mip/mobile/%@",1231231];
@MichaelDautermann Endhiran also has its remake Robot
@MichaelDautermann like hollywood we have 2....lolywood in tamil language....and bollywood in hindi....so Endhiran is from lollywood
and robot from bollywood
@iDroidDeveloper checked it ?
Michael, did you went to WWDC?
no, I never had a chance to buy my ticket.
@ArchanaChaurasia still not
I never had the chance to actually get vacation to go to the US
sree were there
@GauravGovilkar thats not a lolywood its "kollywood" ..:)
@ArchanaChaurasia please add this json folder
@iDroidDeveloper its already added there
@iDroidDeveloper check ur mail
@mountainlionmoorthy ohh sorry...
@mountainlionmoorthy seems lyk a big fan of it??
@mountainlionmoorthy lollywood is for pakistan cinema
@GauravGovilkar i'm from tamilnadu :)
they should have released that movie here in the U.S.
I think it's a travesty it wasn't.
@ArchanaChaurasia wait
@all by
i m leave for the day
no @MichaelDautermann its released in US too ...allvoices.com/contributed-news/…
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann how to fire local notificatins based on location in iphone
check out this question:
Q: location based local notification

user736659I was wondering if I can invoke an app based on current location or when the device gets near to certain geographic coordinates. I went through the UILocalNotification Class reference. but it work base on date. regards,

you're welcome.
@MichaelDautermann hi :) good evening..
please check my code once :P
what's wrong with your code?
it should be perfect already
@FadedinShadows can you help me with threads? i want to call two methods at same time without blocking the whole app
@all hi...
@MichaelDautermann have you met Sree?
Where is he?
he's down the street from me.
You are not near Apple HQ?
How can you miss WWDC 12 as you are contractor?
I live an hour from Apple HQ.
why aren't you at WWDC, @Ninja ?
Because I don't have time to go there and that much cash also :)
well keep saving, you can go next year.
@MichaelDautermann its not working fblike button appears in app and when i tried break points all functions r called still fb page is not liked..
I think I can't go in my whole life.
why do you think you can't go? Sree got to go. Other people did. So can you.
@iShru I haven't used the facebook SDK too in depth, aside from OAuth & authenticating...
you might have to ask a full blown question (with code examples) on Stack Overflow
how to assign 2 D arrays object index to label tag
i too did @MichaelDautermann but its not working... i will try tomorrow too but if i dont get will u help me?
if I am here
@MichaelDautermann ur prev msg was for me?
@MichaelDautermann Sree's company sponsored him, my company wont be :)
@brush51 Hi
@FadedinShadows hello born in 2018
@brush51 Make use of NSOperation and NSOperationQueue or Grand Central Dispatch
i have used NSOperatioNQueue, but thats also not really work. i see the gray screen also the uialertview, but the alertview is still in his prompt "animation": [queue addOperation:operationAlertView];
[queue addOperation: operation];

[queue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:2];
@brush51 Keep the task that are to be performed on separate thread independent of UI.
Typically, data loading tasks are performed on separate threads.
@brush51 You can also make use of NSBlockOperation to perform asynchronously and also can set a completion block. Usually we start the loading UI before starting the asynchronous operation/task and remove it when its done.
@FadedinShadows pastebin.com/dEkbK6Bp
@FadedinShadows oh ok.
@FadedinShadows maybe i have a thinking error
@FadedinShadows the UIALertView should contain a button to cancel the TTS operation.
@brush51 Then make use of NSBlockOperation or make your own NSOperation and you can always call cancel method on an NSOperation instance and your operation will be canceled for you.
@FadedinShadows i have used grand central dispatch a different way, after you told me with the UI. i am calling uialertView first and after that calling the TTS start in GCD function. now the UIAlertView appears and also disappears and TTS starts
@brush51 This is one of my current project part of code. I add the spinner and then start the asynchronous task and in it's completion block, stop the spinner.
@brush51 How come the alert view gets dismissed without user dismissing or you doing it programmatically?
@FadedinShadows i have called with waitUntilDone:NO, changed to YES and its not dismissed now. but now, when i dismiss it, after a second it appears again....very crazy :), let me try something, i will have a look to your project in a second
@brush51 If you can show your code..
@FadedinShadows line 1-12 are the changes: pastebin.com/dEkbK6Bp
@brush51 What does the method alertWhileTTS do?
@FadedinShadows oooohhh terminator, i can say that i love you :) it works to 75 percent
@FadedinShadows it calls the alertview..wait
@FadedinShadows pastebin.com/Mkuevhk3
@brush51 hihi u solved ur problem yet?
@KenHui to 75%, thanks terminator
@brush51 wow, very great !
@KenHui only one more thing i have to set. UIButton on UIAlertView for canceling the TTS
@KenHui later i will share clean code
@brush51 wt TTS?
@KenHui TTS = text to speech
@brush51 I see I see delegate should able to do the work.
@KenHui queue cancelAllOperations doesnt work..
@brush51 Did you try just calling that method instead of performSelector?
@FadedinShadows on UIAlertView buttonIndex==0i just call [queue cancelAllOperations], which selector should i call here?
so, i havent been following.. which one is laddu?
@brush51 If you are performing the tasks by adding them to operation queue, then [queue cancelAllOperations];
We can also cancel a specific NSOperation by [anNSOperation cancel];
@Byte terminator ;)
yea which one is that?
is that @FadedinShadows ?
@Byte fadedin
@FadedinShadows why do you keep changing your name?

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