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Anybody has got a link to @Abizern's custom coding conventions he made?
@ hi all anyone who knows.... Prob -: when i push any viewcontroller ( not child of uitabbarcontroller) it load twice ... any idea why it happes.....
@FadedinShadows This?
Is the apple developer forums down for anyone else?
@sreecharan how was WWDC?
like a big bowl of awesome?
let the man eat his breakfast.
@VidyaMurthy Thanks. But not that one. He has made his own guidelines. I think i will make mine.
he got 2 hands now, he can eat with one and type with another :D
@FadedinShadows Hmm I don't think I have that.
@Byte how was WWDC? check my blog
Answer is in my blog
you have a blog?
@VidyaMurthy It's okay. I will prepare mine and share with you and all.
I am going home now. See you all after 2 hours. Bye.
(tl;dr) ...
@FadedinShadows Sure :)
Anybody give the link of my blog to @Byte please
@sreecharan I saw, it is kinda long...
@sreecharan @Byte Here it is
Michael what is this zombo
so you didnt like it?
you can do anything with Zombo.com.
oh ios6, gotta install that!
lol, ok, i had 3 sandwich's and my tummy is full
three sandwiches at Dennys? wow.... you must be a wealthy guy.
and your stomach must be made of iron.
No, Brian is a wealthy guy, whom i told in my blog
Its his party
Today is his birthday
Wish him Happy birthday
@MichaelDautermann loool!!
who is laughing at me ?
I'm laughing at the webiste zombo.com
@all hello
is the apple developer forum down for anyone?
@all I have a problem with AVPlayer progress slider. It is sliding properly but does not respond to user touch
I'd guess that developer forums are down for everyone and probably will be swamped all week long.
Q: How to create a home menu like this Circling animation?

ArvindHi guys pls look into this app and help me how to create an menu as like in this app... Here's a link!

Q: Phonegap page has wrong rotation, shows as portrait in landscape mode

PiTheNumber+50 Bounty There will be a bounty for the right answer as soon as possible! I have a (simple) web page packed in a phonegap app. If I start the app it shows the page in portrait direction with landscape page width. So the text starts left bottom to left top. On the right I have a gap where the p...

I wanted to ask if I developed my app using iOS6 can I submit it before it's released but for iOS5?
yep... you'd need to ask that on DevForums.
@hart1994 u cannot submit to appstore
The facebook integration looks great. The twitter one is so easy to use
@Arvind what, due to it being built using iOS6?
So if i was to develop an app based on iOS6 i would have to wait to its launched in fall?
@hart1994 only aft release of full version of xcode 4.5 and iOS 6 u can submit
@Arvind Right ok, thanks for your help!
Q: How to create a home menu like this Circling animation?

ArvindHi guys pls look into this app and help me how to create an menu as like in this app... Here's a link!

@Arvind try to write some code yourself. people will help you fix your problems but noone writes the whole thing for you.
that is why your question will be closed...
Who's submitted an app on the app store already?
my viewcontroller call twice... from tabbarcontroller who knows abt it plz help me
@hart1994 I did...
@PiTheNumber Did it get approved?
@hart1994 yes
took a few days...
@PiTheNumber Cool, was it a simple process? I am fairly new to iOS development and haven't submitted one yet
@hart1994 I think the whole certificate process is a bit painful. It takes a while to put it all together. Is it simple? You can do it but it takes some time
anyone downloaded the xcode 4.5 yet?
@PiTheNumber Oh right. What's the certificate process all about?
im stucked on 200~300 mb and it stopped downloading
@hart1994 you need to sign your app so it can run on ios
Oh yeah, I've done that I think. I did something in keychain and the provisional stuff
hey somebody help me
@hart1994 in the iOS Provisioning Portal you need to request an Development Certificate, register you device, create an app id and a provisioning profile. than you need distribution certificate...
i have xcode 4.1 and i want to make navigation based project ?
@hart1994 the whole publishing thing then starts with itunesconnect. ;)
i have xcode 4.1 and i want to make navigation based project ?
dear @vikas:
Q: How to make Navigation Based application using iOS SDK 5.0 in X Code 4.2?

Shraddha HarneCan anybuddy come up with a solution for creating navigation based applications in new XCode 4.2 having sdk 5.0? When I used IOS SDK 4.3 I used to get navigation based application while creating projects from XCode. Now it seems apple removed the option for navigation based applications fron new ...

@PiTheNumber I think I have all that installed :/ I'm not submitting now, just wondering how hard it will be
A: Xcode 4.2 creating navigation based application

palanirajaFor Navigation only application, you have to chose single view application first. This will give only a view based application without navigationcontroller. All you have to do is select the viewcontroller and goto menu Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller This will give you a na...

Q: Replacement for Navigation-based application template in Xcode 4.2?

pdenlingerXcode 4.2 no longer has the Navigation-based Application template. What should I use in replacement when starting a project?

@hart1994 submitting it self is not soooo hard. There are a few pages you have to fill with informations about your app. I can send you some screenshots if you like
@PiTheNumber Yeah, if you wouldn't mind that'd be handy!
Morning all... Q: anybody got any experience using Kal?
@MichaelDautermann hi
@hart1994 Here you see the app creation dialogs: imagebam.com/image/beaaf2195797706
@PiTheNumber Argh right
1 message moved to /dev/null
@vikas.... use pastebin or pastie for code dumps of more than a few lines.
@PiTheNumber German? =)
@hart1994 jo :)
@PiTheNumber Thanks :) Have you ever used TestFlight?
@hart1994 no, didn't know about it..
Looks pretty cool. You deploy your app to your beta testers over-the-air
1 hour later…
anyone played around with ios 6 yet?
cause if you planned to, ... dont
it is very broken
uiimagepicker is nice though
camera now have face tracking square
for like 3 seconds, then dissappear
until you move out of the scene and move back in.
I am using video player in my application.When i play video in full screen , and come back to the application , the status bar get hidden ..Does any one encountered this issue??
@owengerig you have any suggestion?
@nik0lias I have written code for hiding and showing status bar ..But it is not effective in most cases.I would like to know the actual reason behind this.Does this have a solution??
Is it a bug of the sdk itself??
no one faced this issue??
@Byte do u have any idea regarding this?
anyone installed ios6 yet?
Do you have any cooments on my issue??
i don't even know what your issue is
I am using video player in my application.When i play video in full screen , and come back to the application , the status bar get hidden ..Does any one encountered this issue??
Maybe set the status bar to show in viewWillAppear
Could you help me @Computer
@Govind nope I dont have any idea
k @Computer
@Byte thanks for the response
posted on June 12, 2012 by admin

This is a follow on tutorial from my “How to move an Image with a button tutorial”. In this tutorial …Continue reading »

2 hours later…
posted on June 12, 2012 by marie

Not everything made it into the WWDC keynote yesterday, however Apple did in fact launched an all-new version of its AirPort Express wireless base station . If you think the design looks familiar then it’s probably because it looks almost exactly like a white version of the Apple TV. Other than a new design the [...]

@FadedinShadows: Hello
@anonymous Hi.
@FadedinShadows: Did you unstarred all those comments?
@FadedinShadows I was just about to nag you to clean them..
@anonymous hmm
@anonymous I will go sleep now.
Good Night. See you tomorrow. Bye.
@FadedinShadows Good night
Hello everyone
Does anyone know if the tabs in iOS 6's maps business listing view is public?
nothing ios6 is public
@ibeitia under NDA, doubt anyone can help.
@Byte True, thanks anyways.
also if i remember correctly talking about ios6 is only prohibited if you are talking with people that have not signed the NDA
@hart1994 I just got one approved yesterday afternoon
Anyone Available to help me?
what with?
hey all
I want to store data and show it in the settings app
Such as the version. Similar to what Facebook do
@JohnMerlino Hey dude
@hart1994 can't help, dunno :\
"{\"alert\":{\"code\":14,\"created_at\":\"2011-12-27T19:00:00Z\",\"data\":null,\"data_static\":null,\"id\":1,\"info\":null,\"proce‌​ssed\":null,\"report_id\":80,\"time\":\"2011-05-10T10:20:14Z\",\"unit_id\":1113,\"updated_at\":\"2011-12-27T19:00:00Z\",\"alert_code\":{\"alert_severity_id\":1,\"alert_type_id\":2,\"cre‌​ated_at\":\"2011-12-21T17:50:53Z\",\"description\":\"The ignition was set to ON\",\"icon\":null,\"id\":14,\"name\":\"Ignition ON\",\"updated_at\":\"2012-04-10T21:06:51Z\"}}}"
you should create a bundle i think, tho
I have a string that looks like that
But, I want to overwise the data
is there a way to loop through this?
@Pheel No, problem man. I can't find much online about it :/
in other words, to convert the json back into nsdictionaries
@hart1994 i guessed so in fact :S
Q: Convert JSON feed to NSDictionary

linkingartsWhere JSON_CATEGORY_DATA_URL_STRING is my feed URL, which returns fine as... [ { "group":"For Sale", "code":"SSSS" }, { "group":"For Sale", "category":"Wanted", "code":"SWNT" } ] I cannot seem to get a nice NSDictionary (or NSArray) out o...

Q: JSONKit parsing json string

happy_iphone_developerHow to use JSONKit to deserialize a json string into dictionary? I couldn't find any examples.

I have instead a tableView which loads data from a plist. each detailView has a button to add to a list of favorites the current detail (should be by writing to the isFav BOOL value to YES in the plist, but not sure) and i don't know how to show those rows who have the isFav to YES :\
@hart1994 you want to add a new file to your project and add a settings bundle
To use the settings app to configure a few things. Found it now. Here it is for reference: useyourloaf.com/blog/2010/05/18/…
it worked
i realize this is not the best room for it, but sql is so universal i figured i would try. How do you store something like tag data. something that might only be one element for one object then 100 for the next. i realize it should be a foreign key to another table but then how do i store multiple foreign ids in a single field
Hello all. I am having problems with my data arrays in a tableView. Something is reducing their retain count and I am not sure what it is. I am declaring the array and then directly assigning i.e.. mySampleArray = [myDictionary allKeys];
Any problem with that?
It is related to this question stackoverflow.com/questions/10989013/…
Thanks in advance for any and all responses.
1 hour later…
@BigE try adding retain [myDictionary allKeys]retain;
Thanks owen. I have tracked all the retains. No joy there.

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