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@Abizern Yes. And he will send me chocolates of price double of the cake.
@Laddu At least double.
@Laddu hi
@Abizern Yes. @MichaelDautermann haha :P
@Rocky Hello
@sreecharan what kind of friend would make you a promise not to be helpful?
Is it normal to invoke the save method on NSManagedContext or do you use the standard generated code and only do that in the AppDelegate methods?
@Dude It's a couple of lines of code - just do it where it is needed.
@MichaelDautermann that friend is none other than Abizern
Okey, so you always invoke save after you are done with an operation? @Abizern
@Dude I save the moc when I want persist the state back into the store.
Sree, so you don't want to help people out? Even when they desperately need it to be shown the right direction?
@Abizern Okey, what about updates? I have a Store entity with a one-to-many relationship to Product, how do you do that?
@Dude How do I do what?
I have a Store object with a one-to-many relationship against Product. I want to remove a product, how do I do that? @Abizern
@Michael dont ask again and again. yes, when the people like you, abizern, Laddu are here, what is the need of me ?
@Laddu hi
don't ask again and again what, @sree ?
@Dude Get the set of products associated with a Product. Delete the item you don't want, save the set back to the store.
@sreecharan ur hand will not heal if u continue over here ... :P
@MichaelDautermann Oh, stop winding him up.
:) I'm just trying to exercise Sree's hands so they'll heal faster
@Abizern Do I just remove it from the set and it will automatically be gone? Or do I need to do something with the "Store" which is the parent after wards?
Hi Sree, did the dust storm finish in Kuwait City yet?
Hi @sreecharan @MichaelDautermann @Abizern
ohh dont star unwanted lines over here .. lets that section help others with useful links/code techniques !
@ThisDarkTao Hello.
@Dude save the context that you have made changes to.
Okey, thanks @Abizern Is it normal to have muliple contexts?
@Dude You can have multiple contexts, yes. but they are only notified of updates to other contexts when those contexts have been saved.
@Dude A moc is like a scratch pad. A place to work things out before actually saving them.
Okey I see
So you don't pass the Store object to the context and then invoke save? @Abizern
Wow. Sree remaining silent reminds me of the time RobinHood got banned and could only sit here and not say anything.
it was like a grown up "time out".
I implemented an awesome single selection table view.
@Dude You should already have the Store entity in the context, because how else would you have the objects that it is related to?
I just made an awesome peanut butter sandwich.
what does your table view look like ?
@MichaelDautermann No jelly?
good point! I'm going to go get some jelly.
@Abizern True, so when you invoke save on a context you persist it permanently
@Dude Yes.
I have made a repository layer, that have methods such as (allStores, addStore etc)
:) See you all tomorrow guys bye
therefore I don't have the context where I am adding Store
So I should make a method in the repository then that saves the context
@Deepukjayan Bye
Lunch time.
It looks like a table view that allows only one selection and it's indicated by checkmark in the accessory view of the cell.
whoa! make that thing public and put it up on your github account.
It's like a radio button. Just one selection is allowed :P
hey guys
TVOutManager. Anyone ever used it?
@Abizern @MichaelDautermann fixed the video not playing while on mute btw. I added an AVAudioSession and now my videos work just like the youtube app. =D I can share the code if anyone is interested.
@Laddu show again.. I missed it..
Does TVOutManager work in iOS5?
@hanleyhansen TVOutManager?
@aksani56 Yes. It's a class.
@aksani56 Never heard of it?
@hanleyhansen nopes
can u share the link to it?
@vidya hai
@SAHIL nahi hai lolz
@aksani56 Sure. github.com/robterrell/TVOutManager Supposedly it is used in iOS4 to support TVOut. I need something like this to support an alternative to AirPlay. I need to support iOS 3.0 and up so I'm looking for a solution.
@hanleyhansen Tnx a ton dude!
@aksani56 kya nahein hai
@aksani56 No problem! This app supports tv out with the adapters. itunes.apple.com/us/app/karaoke-free/id346448125?mt=8 even on iOS 5. I wonder how they do it. I'm assuming he uses TVOutManager because he requires iOS 3.2+ and TVOutManager only works with 3.2+ but that's only a wild assumption.
I'm looking for someone who's used TVOutManager.
@hanleyhansen No idea , i m seeing it for the first time, cant help u :(
@aksani56 I'm going to try it and see what happens.
@VidyaMurthy Yes. Wait i upload again...
@hanleyhansen hmmm
@iProgrammer aunty ji. Good Evening
who flagged Laddu's posts?
@iPhoneDeveloper good eve
@MichaelDautermann which post?
errr, this one
3 mins ago, by Laddu
@VidyaMurthy Yes. Wait i upload again...
@MichaelDautermann oh
whoever you are out there -- do too many invalid flags and your account will be banned.
what does a core data releationship one-to-many returns if it is empty?
@VidyaMurthy see fast
I just saved that screenshot forever!
mu ha ha ha ha
Lol never a dull moment when @MichaelDautermann is here.
@Tauseef did you upgrade your system:)
@Laddu nice
Welcome to my home
your house is a mess.
Please can you help to clean i m busy in work.
@MichaelDautermann what does a core data releationship one-to-many returns if it is empty?
I would assume it returns a nil object.
but I am not the Core Data king.
that would be @sreecharan
@bosky101 hi , r u bosky..?
you should ask him.
@LalitPoptani some people are wondering everywhere ...
@RadheMohan what happened?
Good morning, party people.
@LalitPoptani color.
@iProgrammer Thanks. @VidyaMurthy didn't say anything.
you two lovebirds should go get a room together.
oh wait, you already do have one.
Who are love birds
Lait & Radhe
two guys ? Love birds ??
@AppleVijay hi
I dunno... I guess they just came here to pollute up this room a bit.
Already he is polluting there
in Agarwal, 2 mins ago, by Illusionist
@RadheMohan yes, you presence creating problem here, just click on leave, either improve your behavior.
10 mins ago, by Michael Dautermann
you two lovebirds should go get a room together.
hi @sreecharan
Where are you from..?
hey @sam
@RadheMohan oh?
Sup @hanleyhansen
@hanleyhansen Hello
@Sam Not much. Trying to figure out TVOutManager.
@sreecharan how are you?
ugh, I am not able to type
@hanleyhansen My condition is very bad. Left hand fractured - One handed man :(
@sreecharan Wow! How did that happen?
Hmm, ask michael
@Sam LOL
@Sam SMH
@MedetiNaveenKumar hi buddy
Going home. See you all after 2 hours. Bye.
@Laddu bye
@all hi
**@all does anyone know how to unzip a .zip-file on iphone without use of zipArchive **
@MichaelDautermann do u know how to remove an in app purchase item in my itunes connect which has the status waiting for review
sorry if this question comes stupid but couldnt fin the path to proxy.pac filen in mac. is there anyone who can help?
@brush51 how about objective-zip: code.google.com/p/objective-zip
how to change title from uibutton
@Sam thats similar to ZipArchive, both have included miniZip and in my project i cant get it to work, also cant find the error.
@brush51 You can't find the error? What is Xcode saying
Q: how to fix 'unknown type name' errors when adding ZIPArchive for iOS to xcode

brush51i have drag and drop ziparchive to my xcode (xcode version 4.3.2) project, i have also checked the "Copy items into destinations group's folder" (if needed) and "Create groups for any added folders" But i am getting the following errors(see the image attached). I really dont know how ...

@Sam see my post above
@brush51 show the code where you are including the library
@Sam i have done NOTHING. just imported the library and getting this errors. its the same when i do import ZipArchive.h or not.
Almost certainly there is a problem with your configuration. Switching to a different library won't help things.
@brush51 Check for the foundation library to be intact , this is definately a framework related error
i try [self setTitle:@"gf"]; self.title = @"df";
@user301212 ?
@user301212 Did you synthesize it?
self.navigationItem.title = @"d";
and nothing not work
@akasani56 hai
@Laddu Soory, I was busy.. It looks great! :)
@user301212 It depends what context you are using it in. Did you setup an action for it?
@brush51 Use Objective-Zip this zip archive is wayyy outdated
@Sam i am getting there the same errors.
@user301212 And an outlet?
no i didnt use ib
@user301212 You should setup an outlet then synthesize that outlet and that should give you the outlet.text accessor.
@brush51 Can you share part of your project?
i also try [callButton addTarget:self action:@selector(title)
with void function
i need to show progress bar and after show the title like messages app
In .h:
IBOutlet UILabel *myButton;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *myButton;

In .m:
@synthesize myButton;

To change text:
myButton.text = @"df";
@Sam let me try something, i will let you know later. trying with tar library.
@brush51 Just added the library to a new project. Works like a charm.
@Sam i know, in my case its the same. other projects works very fine, but not with my current project.
@brush51 it looks like you might be missing Foundation from your precompiled header, but as I said I can't really tell if you don't share any part of your project.
i would like to change the title of navigation item
@Sam it is included. let me try i will let you know, ok?
hi hanleyhanse can you know how to do it?
Can we upload a video to twitter from iphone app
@user301212 on a uilabel?
I just told you. See above.
in messages app when you send message you see progress bar in navigationitem and after the title appear again
i do the progress bar and after it finish the title not appear again
i use titleview
self.navigationItem.titleView = viewprogress;
not sure what you're asking. sorry.
When the progress is 1.f set the titleView to nil
Can we upload a video to twitter from iphone app?
but it's stay in title
[self.navigationItem.titleView removeFromSuperview]
i use viewprogress.hidden = TRUE;
i try the progress disappear but the title not show
@Sam hi
i also try to load the title after the removefromsuperview with self.navigationItem.title = @"df";
and not work
i also try to load the self.navigationItem.titleView = viewprogress; again after the remove and it's not work
sam do you have more ideas?
@Sam have you worked with uncompress gz files?
Hi friends, is there any collectionview control in xcode for ios?
It looks like no one answered my question or even left any comments to try to improve the question:
Q: dynamically set the key for Key-Value Coding in objective-c iphone

JohnMerlinoI have a class called mycallback: [mycallback setValue:[code objectForKey:@"abc"] forKey:@"abc"]; It gets called for a lot of my controllers. THe thing is i pull data from a mysql database and I send it to mycallback. So I may not know what the key is. And in addition to that, I don't want to ...

I answered you in chat bud. You need an instance variable to use KVC
yes I know but i was hoping there would have been a way not to use instance var
because variables might not be known at runtime
i mean until runtime
data comes from mysql database
Why don't you use a dictionary
as the instance variable
then for KVC do "myDictionary.someKey"
so I create an nsdictionary variable called myDictionary and then whatever value is passed in will be added as a key to the dictionary.
Well if that works, then that would be good
Cool I hope it solves your problem
KVC definitely works with dictionaries
thanks for response
Not a problem
Make sure you are using keyPath and not key when you have a period in your key
eg: [self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.99] forKeyPath:@"myDictionary.price"];
@JohnMerlino I left you an answer, you defined the wrong method for setting undefined keys.
What's wrong with @Abizern?
@Abizern It looks okay to me
@JohnMerlino Just take a look at this page from the KVC guide if you have some time: developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/cocoa/conceptual/…
I'm pretty sure @Abizern is ignoring me
ok ill try both techniques, it doesnt hurt to to try two different ways and learn from it.
@Abizern sorry, im a bit of a Core Data noob, is there an easy way to check if a particular entity already exists?
@Sam He has already ignored you yesterday
@ThisDarkTao An entity, or an object of that Entity?
@ThisDarkTao how about something like [myManagedObjectContext countForFetchRequest:someRequest error:&error];
@Abizern im not sure, basically instead of adding a new entity each time, if one exists I want to update it
You're talking about an object of that entity. Basically, you see if it exists in the persistent store, if not you create it.
@ThisDarkTao there is a method called countForFetchRequest: error:
@Abizern Okay thank you I'll do some research on that line of thinking
haha does @ThisDarkTao have me on ignore too
This is hilarious
@ThisDarkTao I think that one will work for you
@sreecharan thanks, ill look into that now
@ThisDarkTao I use something like this:
gist: Create if needed in context., 2012-05-23 15:21:28Z
+ (User *)userCreateIfNeededInInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc {
    // Gets the User entity, creating one if required.
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
    NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"User" inManagedObjectContext:moc];
    request.entity = entity;
    NSArray *entities = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
    if (!entities) {
        DLog(@"Unable to get the User entity: %@\n%@", [error localizedDescription], [error userInfo]);
        return nil; // Bail!
    User *user = [entities lastObject];
    if (!user) {
        // Create the entity
        user = (User *)[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"User" inManagedObjectContext:moc];
    return user;
@Abizern You can save some performance by using countForFetchRequest: instead
what is the best way to add inner shadow but only on the horizontal and not vertical
I don't know why I bother
@Abizern Thats kind of along the lines Im looking to do, however I'd like to see if an entity exists with "3" in its ID attribute
@Abizern I could do it by just looping over everything with an entity name and pull out what I need, however this just seemed a bit cumbersome to me
@ThisDarkTao Modify the fetch request, then.
@ThisDarkTao thats what i told you
@sreecharan maybe they have you on ignore too :p
@Sam Nope, i got the reply from them
I mean Fetch objects with a @"3" in its ID attribute and if it exists, return it, otherwise create it.
@sreecharan @Abizern sorry, never used Core Data properly till now :)
3 mins ago, by ThisDarkTao
@sreecharan thanks, ill look into that now
ugh, I cant type :(
@Abizern hi
@sreecharan @Abizern thank you, I'm now implementing the code, ill let you know how it goes :P
@sreecharan Useful if you are counting how many objects exist. But if the object is more likely to exist than not exist - it just means that if it returns a positive result you have to run another fetch request to get the object out of the store. With my method (and in my case), more often than not there will be an object so just getting the count will be a waste of time.
@Abizern is fat
@Sunny Hello.
@Abizern i add uiactionsheet into tabbar and add picker view from uiviewcontroller it looks good but its not animated... dont know why....
@Sunny What isn't animated?
@Abizern not scrolling... i set all delegates
@Abizern ya ...
@Sunny You mean your picker view isn't scrolling?
@Abizern yes
@Sunny I can't tell what's wrong with just what you've told me.
@Abizern i add it properly ... if i add same code in normal viewcontroller it works fine...
@Abizern ok wait
@Abizern ugh :( Ok.
@Sunny Why are you using an action sheet for presenting a picker rather than a modal view?
Its better to be in audience than participating :(
@Abizern i am not too much aware abt it...hmm i will search abt it and best option i will put it over here...
@ilis yeah, I was little busy with some other work ... just now saw your ping... Still Upgrading ... Net speed is very slow !!!
@Abizern hii Good Evening
@Tauseef Afternoon.
@Abizern can u tell me how to apply it ... so i can work on it
@Sunny Create a view controller with your picker view, then from the tabbar controller call presentViewController:animated:completion: to show it.
@Abizern ohh... Here Evening ..
@Sunny Look up the method in the UIViewController reference.
@Abizern ok ..... i for got.... i am on wrong way... i think abt Uisplitviewcontroller.....
@Abizern now i understood.... how to implement it...
Someone tell @Abizern I need help with my singletons
@Sunny Good.
@Abizern thanks my freind......
hello, are there cases where startMonitoringForRegion won't work? anyone faced a situation that a startMonitoringForRegion does not register any regions?
@Abizern I am upgrading my MAC OS from Snow Leopard to MAC OS X Lion ... Almost 50% Downloading is done, Now if i close my system and start again then MAC OS X Lion will resume downloading or it will start downloading from start (i:e from ZERO) ???
@Tauseef It depends on a few things - whether you have a fixed IP address - whether the server can handle partial downloads, whether the app store downloader can handle partial downloads. Do you want to risk it?
@Tauseef it will start from ZERO again, I've tried it
@Abizern how does this look, now testing it out gist.github.com/2776042
@Abizern yeah, because My system gets Very HOT and I need to close it... As this 50 % downloading took 8-9 hours !!!
@Abizern left your ns log message in for now until I can think of a better message :P
@ThisDarkTao tut tut [context save:nil]; You already have an NSError object lying around. use that and check that the save actually happens.
@Abizern should I be saving after every interaction anyway? or would it be best to save the context on resignActive etc
@ThisDarkTao Core Data is fast enough. Just save stuff when you're done with them.
@Abizern okay, so Ive used the previous NSError object in my context save, apart from that does that look ok?
@ThisDarkTao Yep.
What do your unit tests say?
@Abizern Im now writing one
@Abizern @sreecharan Thanks ...
@ThisDarkTao And - I just noticed - you're still using my entity name of @"User" instead of your entity name.
@Abizern Im not, i just left that NSLog there by accident
@ThisDarkTao The creation and update methods.
@Abizern oh actually, yes sorry
@ThisDarkTao Don't apologise to me :D
@Abizern fixed
@Abizern Can I do any Internet/Browser setting before closing My downloads so my download resume ... ???
@Tauseef No Idea.
@Tauseef App Store doesnt use browser settings, and Im pretty sure it will restart the download
@Tauseef are you doing Apples digital download or browser download ??
@Tauseef typo... im pretty sure it will NOT restart the download
@sreecharan From Browser !!
I tend to agree that it's smart enough not to start from the beginning again. But without testing it on a smaller download - I can't say for certain.
someone can help me with title in navigationitem
@Abizern I tried your solution, still same problem
it doesnt get called either
@ThisDarkTao Okayzzz... Thankyou
I already created a category called NSDictionary+extensions because I have some custom methods I wanted to add to nsdictionary class.
So I added the one you suggested:
@Tauseef sorry I'd assumed you were using App Store, didnt realise you can download it via a browser. What browser are you using?
- (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key {
    NSLog(@"Attempting to set value: %@ for key: %@", value, key);
but doesnt get called
@JohnMerlino should not be a category. Should be a subclass
@JohnMerlino That was meant to be added to a class, not a category on a dictionary.
@ThisDarkTao Mozilla Firefox 12.0
@Tauseef You will have to try downloading a smaller file and seeing if you can pause it and resume. Ive not used Firefox for 4 years :P
@ThisDarkTao yeah...that's good idea
@ThisDarkTao Okay, Will try am meet you tomorrow with result ....
@ThisDarkTao From which Country you are ???
@Tauseef UK
@Sam what is the best way to generate a shadow on one edge?
Ok your right, I added it to my callback class and it was invoked. Now in order to set that value, I have an instance variable already on the callback class that is type NSDictionary. Should I just add the key/value to that?
@ThisDarkTao Wednesday, 23 May 2012, 17:04:39 BST Right ??
@Byte I would use the shadowPath property on CALayer
@ThisDarkTao Here it's 21:35:33 IST ...
@ThisDarkTao So, Good Night :-)
I love how @Abizern is ignoring me and I am giving the same answers he is, but faster.
@Sam I did looked around and cannot quite understand how to approach it.
@Byte what shape is the view? Can you share a screenshot
@JohnMerlino Now that you have a way of dealing with undefined keys you can do what you want with them.
sure, give me a moment
All I want to do is drop shadow from both sides
but not from below
of the whole scrollview <--->
not the rect
I tried adding the keys to an instance var that is type nsmutablearray but error still occurs
the error suggests that my callback class should be defining the keys, but my callback class inherits from nsobject.
not nsdictionary
brb (buying lunch)
@Byte I would add two layers on both sides at the edge of the screen and set the shadow params on each
also buying lunch :)
@Abizern I left a comment at bottom. Im just curious because I set the key to my instance var of NSMutableDictionary type. but error still occur.
@Abizern Im now trying the code I gisted and it gives me *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '+entityForName: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel for entity name 'LevelHighscore''
@Abizern an entity is definitely in the model called LevelHighscore
is it possible to create instance variables at runtime and set them within a method in the .m file?
@JohnMerlino not in Objective-C
@JohnMerlino you are describing the behavior of a dictionary.
@JohnMerlino you could try looking up associative references/associative objects, its the same sort of thing
That's not what associative objects are for
but i did create an instance var of type nsmutabledisctionary to my callback class inherited from nsobject. When I add the key and values to it, the error remains: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key fence. Its saying the class callback is not key value coding compliant because it couldnt find the key fence on it. I am trying to bypass having to define an instance var NSString *fence in this case.
- (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key {
    [callbackData setObject:value forKey:key];
that is not making error go away
@Sam @abizern i have solved it, the problem was other import with ASIHTTP and classes which i used for singleton pattern. now ziparchive works in my project.
@brush51 I am glad to hear that from you
@sreecharan oh you changed your avatar. thanks to you, too :)
@sreecharan HOURS of searching, try and error solved it.
hi every body can some one help me
i need to convert my iphone application to universal application?
can some one help me in this regard
i chage my application target iphone to iphone/ipad .i am using xcode 4.1 .but next about can some body help me?

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