@Abizern Do I just remove it from the set and it will automatically be gone? Or do I need to do something with the "Store" which is the parent after wards?
@Abizern @MichaelDautermann fixed the video not playing while on mute btw. I added an AVAudioSession and now my videos work just like the youtube app. =D I can share the code if anyone is interested.
@aksani56 Sure. github.com/robterrell/TVOutManager Supposedly it is used in iOS4 to support TVOut. I need something like this to support an alternative to AirPlay. I need to support iOS 3.0 and up so I'm looking for a solution.
@aksani56 No problem! This app supports tv out with the adapters. itunes.apple.com/us/app/karaoke-free/id346448125?mt=8 even on iOS 5. I wonder how they do it. I'm assuming he uses TVOutManager because he requires iOS 3.2+ and TVOutManager only works with 3.2+ but that's only a wild assumption.
i have drag and drop ziparchive to my xcode (xcode version 4.3.2) project,
i have also checked the
"Copy items into destinations group's folder" (if needed)
"Create groups for any added folders"
But i am getting the following errors(see the image attached).
I really dont know how ...
@brush51 it looks like you might be missing Foundation from your precompiled header, but as I said I can't really tell if you don't share any part of your project.
I have a class called mycallback:
[mycallback setValue:[code objectForKey:@"abc"] forKey:@"abc"];
It gets called for a lot of my controllers. THe thing is i pull data from a mysql database and I send it to mycallback. So I may not know what the key is. And in addition to that, I don't want to ...
@sreecharan Useful if you are counting how many objects exist. But if the object is more likely to exist than not exist - it just means that if it returns a positive result you have to run another fetch request to get the object out of the store. With my method (and in my case), more often than not there will be an object so just getting the count will be a waste of time.
hello, are there cases where startMonitoringForRegion won't work? anyone faced a situation that a startMonitoringForRegion does not register any regions?
@Abizern I am upgrading my MAC OS from Snow Leopard to MAC OS X Lion ... Almost 50% Downloading is done, Now if i close my system and start again then MAC OS X Lion will resume downloading or it will start downloading from start (i:e from ZERO) ???
@Tauseef It depends on a few things - whether you have a fixed IP address - whether the server can handle partial downloads, whether the app store downloader can handle partial downloads. Do you want to risk it?
Ok your right, I added it to my callback class and it was invoked. Now in order to set that value, I have an instance variable already on the callback class that is type NSDictionary. Should I just add the key/value to that?
@Abizern Im now trying the code I gisted and it gives me *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '+entityForName: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel for entity name 'LevelHighscore''
@Abizern an entity is definitely in the model called LevelHighscore
but i did create an instance var of type nsmutabledisctionary to my callback class inherited from nsobject. When I add the key and values to it, the error remains: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key fence. Its saying the class callback is not key value coding compliant because it couldnt find the key fence on it. I am trying to bypass having to define an instance var NSString *fence in this case.
@Sam @abizern i have solved it, the problem was other import with ASIHTTP and classes which i used for singleton pattern. now ziparchive works in my project.