Im driving crazy about the frame and bounds, when there is a rotation or scrolling. Here is my question, anybody could give me some help?…
I would suggest against doing this. The button sizes and shapes in a UIActionSheet are designed the way they are for accessibility reasons. They are also consistent across all applications on the platform, so users are familiar with them. From the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines:
@Unknown If you use a UIActionSheet, you are better off not customising the buttons. But, if you really must, you can create a custom view that slides up like an action sheet, and you can make it look how you want.
@AbizernIm driving crazy about the frame and bounds, when there is a rotation or scrolling. Here is my question, could you give me some help?…
@TDS basically I want to know if I should bother tying in AFNetworking to use with three20 TTModel or just use their TTURLRequest which kind of sucks in comparison
@TDS I know it sounds wrong but that is basically my task. I want to learn the three20 framework by rewriting one my existing apps to use three20 controllers, controls, views, etc
@TDS i know what you mean. From my very limited experience its kind of like a sometimes buggy and undocumented set of additions to cocoa that can be useful
@Unknown If you use a UIActionSheet, you are better off not customising the buttons. But, if you really must, you can create a custom view that slides up like an action sheet, and you can make it look how you want.
@Abizern Yes, i have read some articles about frame and bounds, and i understand most of them, but really do not understand why here the imageView frame origin are (80.000008, 0.000017), but not (80, -120)?…
@jshin47 the imageview frame origin before rotate (NSLog in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration) is (0, 0) , after rotate (NSLog in the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:), i think it should be (80, -120). But it is (80, 0);
@Abizern if my application hang or crash durinf any process going on ...or bcz of memory warning and at that time appDelegate which method call ... applicationwilltertminate or applicationdidenterBackground....
@Sunny If it crashes - it crashes. It doesn't run any code and then exit neatly. (That's why it's called a crash). If it's hung, it's not going to run the appdelegate methods because it's caught it it's own thing.
@Sunny the method name itself says that it will be called when app gets any memory warning, what do you think of the meaning of "didRecieveMemoryWarning"
@Abizern i have two views one is i have integrated calendars in scrollview just like in reminder app and the other view is a table view. If i drag any table cell to a particular date then that cells event shoud be added in that date.
Usecase: There is master of complete project and I am working on branches. When I am merging it with master project Github throwing an error Git Error Occurred.
@anyone knows this :i have two views one is i have integrated calendars in scrollview just like in reminder app and the other view is a table view. If i drag any table cell to a particular date then that cells event shoud be added in that date.
@sreecharan i have two views one is i have integrated calendars in scrollview just like in reminder app and the other view is a table view. If i drag any table cell to a particular date then that cells event shoud be added in that date.
i have to developed an app that allow customer to change the price that contained in a uiTableview ,bat the customer don't want to use touch event bat want edit the price of rows use keyboard event
@luyuan Neither can I because I can't figure out what you are trying to do.
@Falco But the keyboard takes up screen space. It's easier to manipulate the table directly rather than popping up a keyboard and trying to touch little buttons. You're also liable to be breaking the HIG, which means a good chance of rejection from the App store.
@Falco But since you're set on it - have a look at selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition: which lets you programmatically select an indexPath on a table view.