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-(NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component{
return [moodlist objectAtIndex:row];
How can I return titleForRow??
I tried objectAtIndex. But, It gives me error.
3 hours later…
@YasirAdnan could you plz show us the error msg?
Hey @dark and @luyuan Good Morning
@sreecharan hello
@sreecharan Do you know how to add a UIView to a UIImagePickerController?
@luyuan that doesn't make sense for me, UIImagePickerController have only three source types, Camera, Albums and photo Library, but let me check once whether can we add a view or not
@sreecharan photo libary
@luyuan yep, the native photos app
Actually, I wanna show an indicator when i pick one photo.
as i have to resize the photo in - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
@luyuan yes we can add a customView on a camera layout as most of the apps does in augmented reality
Q: How to add UIImagePickerController as a sub view instead of Modal View

ShriI have a segment controller on one of my views and now on the 0th index of segment controller I want to add UIImagePickerController (for showing camera view to user) by adding as sub view and not by ModalViewController. Right now the view gets loaded but It does not show any camera view. I am abl...

or @luyuan try like this, (Adding in overlay) pastebin.com/9UdMCyHU
@sreecharan : Helo'
@anonymous Hello
What are you upto?
Nothing special, Just learning android
Ok... I won't be seen here much for few days.. I am preparing for GRE
In case anyone has wondered.
2 hours later…
@sreecharan oke
@dark it's for camera, not the photolibrary
2 hours later…
Experience with CorePlot anyone?
Having a bit of a nightmare trying to install it (though - having this problem with all non-Eclipse IDEs). I've got so far as dropping 'CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj' into my project directory. The tutorial I'm following states to select 'Target Info' in the project next... no idea where this is.
@malcmcmul which Xcode version are you using ?
@AJPatel 4.2.1
@all anyone know rotation gesture
@malcmcmul then select you project then you get it in right side of sdk
u get build setting tag where you have to setup path
@M007 pan gesture ??
@AJPatel OK I think I had some inital confusion with the different versions.
@AJPatel If I've stored the contents of coreplot.zip in ~/ios_libs
@AJPatel Do I need to add this path to Library Search Paths?
@malcmcmul which graph do you want to make ?
yes @malcmcmul
I'm trying to aid users with line graphs to help visualise financial related data.
However just having a problem with the installation. It's my first iOS project and the learning curve (from a Python/Java background) has been higher than I expected :/
@malcmcmul you need to install coreplot through your terminal in your mac, other wise you will get compiler errors
No blog postings I've read have suggested a Terminal installation... just 'drag and dropping' with Xcode.
You need to clone the whole repository to your mac through terminal
You need to install Mercurial --> www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/
A-ha, I'll have a gander at that first link.
What is Mercurial?
Mercurial is a supporting library for coreplot, Like a backend configuration :)
hg clone core-plot.googlecode.com/hg core-plot <-- This one you need to execute in your terminal
Hmmm is it just for version control? If so I could probably use my Subclipse plug-in for Eclipse?
Hmm , may be, i dont know about eclipse :)
I am a bit experienced in Xcode itself :D
Ok, can give me the type of values you want to use in X-Axis and Y-Aixs -- In Financial Data, Do you want to display according to date?
OK, let's say you have months of the year for the X-Axis : Jan - Dec
Ok, and?
And 4000-9000 on the Y-Axis, random 12 numbers.
That's all I want really, very basic line graph :)
With options for colour, obviously.
Ok, first tell me , Have you downloaded the whole coreplot repository from google to your system ?
Not yet, bare with me :)
Sure :), let me know when you have downloaded, I am going to other tab. Call me with my name if you need more help, so that i will get a ping sound, I'll switch to this tab :)
Excellent, good man. Multitasking at the minute whilst taking in the formula one!
Q: iPhone iOS how to make UIRotationGestureRecognizer and UIPinchGestureRecognizer to work together to scale and rotate a UIView with subviews?

Alex StoneI'm implementing a drag/drop/resize/rotate labels within my app. So far everything is working except for the UIRotationGestureRecognizer gesture. More specifically, it does not work with the UIPinchGestureRecognizer gesture. Normally the two gestures compete for two finger touches, so I'm runni...

@M007 Check this
@M007 if you want full example code, download it from git hub --> github.com/melle/OneFingerRotationGestureDemo
Someone seen Laddu around?
@Blade Laddu gone to shopping in India with her friends :D
@malcmcmul check this also --> johnwordsworth.com/2011/10/…
@Sreecharan Damn it, so I missed her? Hopefully she will be on later...
She wanted me to give some sample code...
@Blade May be or may not be, because its sunday :)
@Sreecharan what is so special about sunday? ^-^
@Blade I think on sunday, the shopping will be awesome in india (Esspecially for Girls)
@Screecharan Oh well, I can't tell, I'm from Germany, on sunday everything is closed here^^
lol, is it ?
Only bars and restaurants are open. But malls, shops and other stuff is closed shut
@Blade oh! cool then, we can only drink on sunday's :)
Why can you only drink on sundays? Because of religion?
@Blade no no, I am talking about germany
Oh okay
Maybe you can help me with my problem @Screecharan? Do you have a little bit time?
May be
Let me explain it: I have a tableview with a lot of cells. And in every cell is a button. With a click it changes its image. But because of reusing the table cell some other cells also change their image. So I have to implement something (maybe a boolean, to check or something) that the cells won't get reused, but instead will refresh when clicking on button. Do you have an idea how to do that? I already read the doc from apple and tried to apply it to my code, but it didnt realy work out.
If i understand you well, you are facing problem when reusing the cell right?
And I can't get it to work to use a different cell identifier, without destroying the tableview. You know like ( if cellb == @"cellb" ) or something, sorry I'm not on my mac
then dont use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier
well, otherwise it will leak a lot of memory (according to apple docs), because cells won't get reused and therefore I allocated way to many. There is a way around, like I said, but I can't really get it to work.
See the section - Programmatically Adding Subviews to a Cell’s Content View
ok, let me see, 1 sec
@Blade I have a doubt, what is the count of rows you have given in numberOfRowsInSection ??
is it array Count?
used abizerns partialtable for that wait a sec
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
if (numberOfItemsToDisplay == [items count]) {
return 1;
return 2;

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
if (section == 0) {
return numberOfItemsToDisplay;
} else {
return 1;
so numberOfItemsToDisplay is a #define Constant , right?
ok, then coming to section 0 --> what is the count are you displaying in cell.textLabel.text
then they should not repeat, right?
in numberOfItemsToDisplay 10 and in array also 10
well ye, they dont. Only the buttons that are added as subvies in them, because of the reuse of cells
@sreecharan Finally at my Mac now. Added it to my project now, but didn't ask if I wanted reference it or copy... so i think it copied it. Nevermind. I've now added to the "core.....a" file to "Linked Frameworks with Libraries" and trying to add the 'directory dependancy' - can't find it
I use a WebView control to load a web page, there are some download links in the page ,when I click on a link, I need to know whether this link is the download link or go to next page link
Q: cocoa how to determine not download the file

孤魂楚I use a WebView control to load a web page, there are some download links in the page ,when I click on a link, I need to know whether this link is the download link or go to next page link - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation reques...

I am back
@malcmcmul yes, what is the problem
@Blade Are you customizing the table View Cell ?
@Moshe Hello
@Sreecharan Do you mean if I add a customcell or if I customize the normal cell?
lol yes to what?
custom cell ?
No, I don't add a customcell. I just add the buttons to the regular cell
@Blade Ok, that may be the problem. Usually when you are adding button to normal cell, it creates problem while re-using it
but if you use a custom cell, it wont create any problem
@0x8badf00d Hello
@sreecharan Hey, how are you ?
mmh I'll try that in a second. Didn't use custom cells yet. @Sreecharan (not at my mac right now)
@0x8badf00d Atlast today I've seen "Gabbar singh"
@0x8badf00d I am good
@sreecharan I have seen it yesterday, wasn't that good
@0x8badf00d actually it was a copy of a hindi film 'Dabaang', for me Dabaang's picturization looks better than this
@sreecharan Exactly.
So you guys are from india?
@Blade I am an indian, but i dont know about @0x8badf00d are you ?
@sreecharan Can't do a "#import “CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h”" in my Graph NSObject header file.
I am from India, living in usa.
Either I'm mistaken or most that are programmers are also from india^^
@0x8badf00d oh! from where in india?
@malcmcmul had i told you to import it, ok open the folder of coreplot downloaded and go to "Examples" folder
@sreecharan If you look at that tutorial, I'm up to the bit where he imports the CorePlot header file... for some reason mine gives error : "Expected FILENAME or <FILENAME>"
@sreecharan Hyderabad.
@0x8badf00d yeppie, me too from hyderabad (Madhapur)
@sreecharan Cool.
@malcmcmul dont look at that tutorial for now, you need to know how to plot a graph first, please do what i say, open "Examples" folder in coreplot repository downloaded
I'm confident I can make a graph as soon as the project is actually installed. I've got a ViewController with a UIView within it. This is now a "CPTGraphHostingView" class. Now I'm trying to create a class for the graph.
ok, what is the problem now ? (I wanted to make it easy for you, you are making it complex yourself, There is a example called "Date plot", it shows the same graph which you want, if you watch that example, you wont ask anything to me again)
I know you can plot it, but why we need to make our life complex if it is becoming easier :)
That's OK, I'm happy with the easy or complex way. It's just if I can't import a basic class from CorePlot then I can't do very much, right?
@sreecharan finally got my macbook trying to add customcell. Anything I should keep in mind? (Never done that before=
@sreecharan In that example they "#import <CorePlot/CorePlot.h>" but I do this in mine and it doesn't import... could it be the structure of my project? I that path logical or physical?
@malcmcmul you need to import all the headers given in that repository to your project
there will be a project called "CorePlot-CocoaTouch.XcodeProj". you need to copy it also
Ok, guys @Blade @0x8badf00d @malcmcmul my work is done here, I am going out to enjoy the weekend evening, bye bye
@Blade Hello
@Laddu Hey :)
Finally ^_^
@Blade Does that issue still persist?
@Laddu Well more or less (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't). Can't make a rhyme out of it. I did as you told me (At least I hope so) and also read the doc thoroughly and worked by it.
@Laddu the problem i ask last nite has been solved, thanks:)
@luyuan Which one? The twice occurrence of gesture recognizer?
@Laddu no, hide this tab bar
@luyuan Oh Okay. That's nice :-)
@Laddu :) You are from Mumbai, right?
@luyuan Yes
@Laddu It's great! I like Indian food, especially the dosa
Back, @Laddu Shopping hogaya ?
@luyuan is the code which i have given worked for MPMoviePlayer ?
@luyuan hehe Nice :D Indian food is usually spicy. I like spicy food. Dosa i like too.
@sreecharan Yes, I was busy most of the day. I watched Avengers 3D. It was awesome. And then went for shopping and lost so much of money.
@Laddu lost? chori hogaya kya ?
@sreecharan pastebin.com/9UdMCyHU this one?
@sreecharan No, I mean i lost money in doing shopping lol
@luyuan yep
@Laddu oh! I know girls talk and girls shopping takes more time :)
and more money
I had an experience with one girl :)
@Laddu : Kaha dekhi Avengers?
@sreecharan I don't know how to use those cods in my app. I just use the ELCImagePickerController github.com/elc/ELCImagePickerController , But have no way to show an indicator.
@anonymous aaeen - I saw in special 3D theaters called iMax in Wadala
Lucky.. Here in Cinepollis it was Ok..Ok..3D effects
@Laddu Not that spicy for me XD
iMax 3D are actually better and special
@anonymous lol , I've seen in my 3D TV in my home here
@luyuan not all dosa's will be spicy, she is talking about a special type of spicy dosa
Masala dosa is little spicy. Maisur dosa is more spicy.
@sreecharan whatever, it's my apple:)
@Laddu Its "Mysore" , Not "Maisur" :)
@sreecharan lol okay :D
And I named one of my ex's cats DOSA...
does anyone know a lot about uitabbarcontrollers?
what's your problem?
so in this downloader app i have i have 4 tabs, web browser, current downloads, downloaded files, and settings. so in current downloads i have the mutable array of current downloads, and when i click a url it adds it to the mutable array, i log it and its added successfully, but when i click into the tab with current downloads the mutable array wil be null. then if i @synthesize it, it will become a empty array on click of the tab.
where is the "url" you clicked?
the url is on any page, I'm using a code i got off this site so if i click a url it shows a action sheet like in safari but with custom buttons, i have a download button and it adds to the array in the other tab, and i log it and its there, but when i switch to that tab its either null or a empty array:[
@Laddu hii
@iProgrammer aao junglee billi
@Laddu noch lungi tumhe
@MaxHasADHD Have you ever tried to save your mutable array persistently? You can use coreData.
@iProgrammer oho, ek billi kya kar legi terminator ka :P
it just adds it and it checks if its nil before and if it is will alloc and init it. for some reason tab switching resets it but also i did other tests and if i add something in viewdidshow(?) it will add, and they will stay, but ones added from the other view go
@Laddu achha
bahut kuchkar sakti hai
@iProgrammer to karke dikhao
@Laddu mai aaj bahut gusse mee hu
kar bhi sakti hu
@iProgrammer kyu, kya ho gaya aaj
@MaxHasADHD I suggest you post them in your question?
@Laddu asie hi
@iProgrammer batao, kuch to hua hoga
@Laddu fight ho gayi
@iProgrammer ohh, kisse?
@Laddu mumy se
@iProgrammer Aaj mother day hai, aaj nahi karna chaiye tha
Maine to mummy ko dil bhar ke shopping kara di
4k Barbaad hogaye
badhiya hai
mummy keliye spend kiyatho, barbaad nay hota he @Laddu
Jao jake sorry bol do agar boli nahi ho to ab tak
@sreecharan haha yes, i usually say barbaad instead of spent.
@Laddu I have a small doubt, how to give a link in the form of a word (I mean if some highlighted text is pressed, it will open other link, right? )
@sreecharan May be it can be done using some html tags to highlight a word and providing it a hyper link when clicked.
no no, i talking about how to give here, watch the comment given abizern starred beside, There Room FAQ's is highLighthed, if we press on it, it will go to FAQ's screen
@sreecharan Oh, you mean how to do that here in chat room?
@Laddu yes
@sreecharan The answer is present in the Room FAQs itself :D It's there in the Stack overflow's Chat FAQs
@Laddu ok, let me check it
See the section - How do i format messages
got it , link text
@Laddu dinnr ho gaya?
@iProgrammer Yes, I ate Mutton and you?
@Laddu nai khyaa
@iProgrammer To jao thooso
@Laddu nai khana
@iProgrammer kya baat hai. Kabhi na kabhi to khaogi hi, bina khaye to marogi nahi. To kya fayeda aaj hi na khake
@Laddu ha sahi hai
@iProgrammer Bye, GN.
1 hour later…
@Laddu I am going to bed, Good Night (I hate monday morning's) :(
5 hours later…

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