But When using the Graph API Explorer a true value or an error is returned. But in my app there is no response. I put breakpoints in both request: didReceiveResponse and request: didLoad but in both cases(success or error) there is no response
I am trying to acquire a thumbnail (of the first frame) from a video taken from iphone 3GS camera so i can display it. Anyone been succesful at doing this? If so howd you do it?
@Reefaq tablview ki cell me button le lu to [button addTarget:self.navigationBarPanGestureRecognizer action:@selector(revealToggle:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; aise proper call hoti hai ye method
@iProgrammer Please tell me what is the target, i.e what do you want to do? and What have you tried ? and what is the issue you are facing? , I am not able to understand what you are doing by watching that code
and for button this code work perfect [button addTarget:self.navigationBarPanGestureRecognizer action:@selector(revealToggle:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
Anyone who has used an iOS device has experienced the frustration caused by a stuttering or pausing user interface. While users may not notice these small hiccups on the desktop, it’s impossible to miss on the iPhone or iPad where the only thing on the screen is your app. I’ve mentioned an excellent guide on [...]
@iProgrammer on FrontViewController in viewDidLoad ... change the [self.navigationController.navigationBar addGestureRecognizer:navigationBarPanGestureRecognizer]; >>>>> to >>>>> [self.view addGestureRecognizer:navigationBarPanGestureRecognizer];
@iProgrammer This can be easily accomplished with the UIGestureRecognizer's cancelsTouchesInView property. Set this to YES on the subview's recognizers, and that should prevent the gestures from propagating to the parent view.