anyone have experience with recording audio? specifically im not sure which path to head down to achieve my goal. I need to upload live audio to a server from the iphone mic. Currently i can record, play and even upload that file. BUT i cannot stream it. From all the research (many days worth) it would seem my two options are audio queue and audio units. is this correct and which should i go with?
@owengerig Ok, idk, i haven't tried, I have just recorded an audio using this api, but take look at the doc's, may be they will support your server also
ya dont think soundcloud will work. anyone have an idea on why when following the first step in this apple guide (…) i get undefined types for AudioStreamBasicDescription,AudioQueueRef,AudioQueueBufferRef
@owengerig I have done more things with audio in one of my app mate, But I've forgotten what i have done at that time, its about 2 years back and this is the app…
If you give me time for a day, I will research init and then i can help you
You should have a whole lot of information available. Enable the performance instruments and the Core Data one, and it will spit out a ton of information.
@Yan In your instruments window, you should see some categories on the left... Click on the one that says Core Data... it will also have a little expand-arrow. When you select that, you can see the different Core Data reports.
When uploading images or video to Facebook, is there any method FBConnect contains for multitasking or uploading when app is in background, similar to NSURLConnection? Or, would I need to just create a backgroundtask and allow it time to finish any activities?
@Yan Is it possible to upload your code and a JSON version of your database somewhere? I may be able to offer better assistance if I had it in front of me.
@Yan It will scan all data when using a fetch results controller, if you do not limit the number of items, because it has to load all the object IDs. What else it does depends on the setting in your fetch request, and on your MOC.
actually i got this totally wrong. I added a couple of nslog entries. Noticed it failed here: Report *report = [[Report alloc] init]; with this error: 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFSet addObject:]: attempt to insert nil'
@Yan Well, when I say "scan" I don't mean that it will actually read all the items for that... but it will test them to put them in sections. Run instruments with sections enabled, then run it with sections set to nil. See what differences there are.
@Yan The problem with FRC is that it wants to get the entire fetch array before it returns. Can you give it a fetchLimit to do the initial load? It will still return an array with the right count, but the objects will be proxies.
@yan batch size just limits the number of objects the it fetches at a time. It does nothing for the initial query to find the objects. Once the objects are found, it just tells Core Data how many to load each time it needs to fault an object.
i tried to set the fetchsize to 200 and makes it faster but then my sections are not all loaded which make sense i really would like to load all the data into the tableview and let user either using secitions to go through the whole list or the search with by character or with some other parameters to filter the data
i am just trying see if it it's possible to speed up the process of loading
i think i am going to show the screen where they can set the paramaters first and then show the tableview and then people will not mind the loading times
when set fetchlimit 100 instruments showed fetch count 100
maybe its not that bad with so many records
with 100 on the phone its really fast
even i guess with 2k
even with out categories takes a sec
or so
let me ask you another question if you don't mind about live search i tried to do character by character but of course its slow for the same reason also i tried to do it in another thread but it hangs the app prolly because i fire too many threads then i did with nstimer and delay its not bad but still hangs for a little bit is there a way to delete a thread from a queue
@yan Also, have you enabled the SQL debug statement? It makes things VERY slow, but you can see exactly what the SQL is doing to the database. ( 1 -- set that in "Edit Scheme" for arguments passed to application.
@Yan After you call performFetch on the FRC, there is a property, called fetchedObjects. When you fetch with a fetch limit, what is the size of that array?
@Yan Make sure the field you are doing character-by-character fetches is Indexed in the database. Do not use "like" in the predicate. Limit early character-bycharacter fetches with fetchLimit...
i am also using self.delayTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(performLiveSearch:) userInfo:searchText repeats:NO]; in the -(void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText
i guess if i use fetchlimit it wil make it much faster
i am showing results in the same tableview so i have to disable sections when searching
@Yan So, you are doing full search, not beginswith? Yeah, you will have to search every single element in that case. The only way around that is to build your own data structure for searching. You could probably build a reasonably small graph that keeps track of relationships to all objects with up to 3 character permutations (17576 for 26 letters).
@Yan, I have to go. As I said earlier, if you are willing to share your code/data, I would be willing to look at it and run some tests with it. Otherwise, I'm just throwing darts in the dark.
@Yan which is fine... I understand if you want to keep it to yourself... but I can't offer much else without it.
Maybe you can help me with my problem @Sreecharan? It's just minor, so I don't think I should open up a question for it. Just think I put a bracket wrong or something like this. I wanted to ask Abizern because code is from his git
Thank you Jody for all your help. I would like to work on the app a little bit more and clean it up and by then if you still will be willing to look at the code i will post it somewhere
@sreecharan It works fine and all, but I always have to click first, before it displays me the first ten results of my view (there are currently 20 entries or so). But I want to see the first ten results and then have to click on "show me ten more"
@Yan Just reply to my answer/comment in the original question. I should get a notification. I have some really big databases and do not have the same problems as you, so I'm interested to see what issues I may either have, or am specifically avoiding.
On start it only says "Load 10 more entries", I click on it, and it loads ten more. Then on bottom of tableview I click again on "load 10 more entries" and then everything is loaded. But intentionally it should load ten entries on start up, not for me to click first on it. @sreecharan
(sorry i asked this earlier but was hoping someone new might b able to help me) Im trying to use these 2 data types and i get an error undeclared identifier. according to this (…) my import of audiounit should have these types AudioComponentInstance, AudioComponentDescription
its got to be somthing simple im missing
sorry wrong term. i have AudioUnit.framework in the link binary with libraries (not "imported")
I've recently come across this website and I've been trying to add to my call out view a button (from a image).
The code on the websites example works just fine, but when I tried to add in the same code to my project I'm not getting the same results.
There is obviously something I've missed but...
UITableView usage and customization is a topic that comes up frequently on this site and most recently I mentioned a library and example showing how to apply some crazy animations to a UITableView. Previously I also mentioned the excellent TISwipeableTableView cell library which is great for creating swipeable tableview cells. Today I came across a [...]