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I have a report object that inherits from CalloutMapAnnotation object. The CalloutMapAnnotation in turn inherits from NSObject and implements the MKAnnotation protocol. As soon as I replaced the inheritance of report object from NSObject to CalloutMapAnnotation, i suddenly get errors on my methods: error: property 'latitude' attempting to use ivar '_latitude' declared in super class 'CalloutMapAnnotation'
i am not sure why this error occurs
Q: How do I tell how much iCloud space my app uses?

MosheIs there a way to see what my app is backing up to iCloud, and how much memory it consumes?

@Computer ok, I just intercepted touch events, turns out even after subclassing the NavC you still cannot intercept it. The button has the first pick at touch events
@Byte you need to override hitTest:
@Sam it points out for (UIView *a in [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate].window subviews ]) {

        if (a==self.view) {
            [self.view removeFromSuperview];// here it crahses
            [self.view release];


@mann don't modify a collection while iterating over it.
@Sam ok so you reckon i should put those two lines after if statement
SO i noticed that the super class does declare the latitude method
but so what? Why does objective-c care? It should override superlcass with the subclass implementation
From the documentation "Enumeration is “safe”—the enumerator has a mutation guard so that if you attempt to modify the collection during enumeration, an exception is raised."
@JohnMerlino change the property name in the subclass
@Sam SO solution would be
to put outside if statement?
@mann don't use fast enumeration, or remove the view outside of the fast enumeration
you can still use a for(;;) loop
@Sam I understand that could be a solution, but why is this behavior occuring. When I work with a language like ruby, the subclass overrides parent class implementation.
You can't override a member variable
Maybe I'm missing something?
Paste some of the header file
whatever happened to encapsulation?
@Sam  for (UIView *a in [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate].window subviews ]) {

        if (a==self.view) {

            [self.view release];


        [self.view removeFromSuperview];

is this alright?
classes should encapsulate member variables so not exposed to parent class
@Sam then where is the problem
or even if they are, then at least allow them to be overridden
but ultimately i think this is a typing issue
the redefinition of the variable in subclass is a different type
Paste the header
Well then you definitely can't do that
@mann you are still modifying the subviews collection inside of the iteration
@Sam hit test never got called
@interface Report : CalloutMapAnnotation

NSString *latitude;
NSString *longitude;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *latitude;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *longitude;
Then the superview doesn't have use interaction enabled
@interface CalloutMapAnnotation : NSObject <MKAnnotation> {
	CLLocationDegrees _latitude;
	CLLocationDegrees _longitude;

@property (nonatomic) CLLocationDegrees latitude;
@property (nonatomic) CLLocationDegrees longitude;
@Sam then if i put code outside for loop then there is no use of it
@Sam replying to me? please do ping, people are flooding the chat room
@Byte yes check the superview
So Report inherits from CalloutMapAnnotation but both declare instance vars and methods of same name and are of different types.
@Sam I think superview in this case is the window itself, let me have a quick look.
The assumption here is this is not allowed. So will I seriously have to be forced to redefine the subclass methods?
@Sam not getting you
@JohnMerlino change the property names in the subclass
The compiler is synthesizing methods that match the signature of the super class since the property names are the same
@mann something like:
UIView *viewToRemove = nil;
for (UIView *subview in [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate].window subviews]) {

    if (subview == self.view) {
		viewToRemove = subview;

[subview removeFromSuperview];
[subview release];
@Sam yea it is window. Nothing to do there.
@Computer you are screw :)
@mann last lines should be viewToRemove not subview
@Sam ok let me check
@Byte ?
@Sam again crashed [viewToRemove removeFromSuperview]; here
@mann can't help you without a backtrace.
Type 'bt' in LLDB when debugging
@Computer there is no work around for this, I tried everything I knew at this
@Computer i subclassed it and intercept the touch, no go
@Byte hitTest: gets called. I can forward touches by overriding this method
blah.... why would apple make the nav bar go beyond its bounds?
@Sam ityped shall i paste all here
@Computer i throw a button right on of nav view no go
Are you overriding hitTest: on the UIWindow?
@Sam no, that is just weird
What do you mean it's weird?
@Byte I threw a button on top and it took precedence over the nav controller
@Sam that is just way too much hacking
@Sam 0  0x001a95d4 in -[MPMoviePlayerViewController _restoreStatusBarAnimated:] ()
#1  0x001a93f3 in -[MPMoviePlayerViewController viewWillDisappear:] ()
#2  0x00454fbf in -[UIViewController _setViewAppearState:isAnimating:] ()
#3  0x00455342 in -[UIViewController __viewWillDisappear:] ()
#4  0x004560d0 in -[UIViewController viewWillMoveToWindow:] ()
#5  0x003c542d in -[UIView(Hierarchy) _willMoveToWindow:] ()
#6  0x003c42c2 in __UIViewWillBeRemovedFromSuperview ()
#7  0x003c40d7 in -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] ()
@Sam not worth the out come, i would just move the damn button
@Byte it's not hacking it's subclassing?
@Computer didnt work for my view, maybe I have to use button
It's only 4 lines.
@Sam subclassing window?
@Byte yes, subclassing and placing logic in hitTest:
@Sam ok let me try
@Sam did it help you to find problem
@Sam recognize a help vampire and move on
@mann what is the exception
@Sam [viewToRemove removeFromSuperview];
it crashes here
@mann Add an exception breakpoint and tell me what the exception is.
More than likely you are avoiding the best practices of the platform.
@Sam yah i am learning. i am checking how to put exception breakpoint
@mann open breakpoint navigator
click the + in the bottom left
@Sam @Computer yea subclassing window works, but be careful what you do there. It is just too delicate
@Sam ok
Alright, that was fun, now im heading back to work :) goodluck @Computer. maybe I shuold post the answer for 50 rep lol
@Byte go for it.
Why have Byte get the rep you thought of?
@Sam there might be a better answer out there though, lets not spoil the appertize
Just happy to help
I've been bitten by the hitTest: annoyance myself
At my day job right now so I can't post what I would consider a complete answer
Can you provide an example of the hitTest and how i would use it to my advantage @Sam
oh ok
@Computer suggesting and actually testing it is 2 different worlds btw. I ll be sure next time to ignore anything you say
@Sam yes i did . break on throw or on catch?
@Byte did you actually test it or just look up the dev api?
@Sam I have aproblem
@mann throw
the subclass must implem,ent a latitude and longitude method
@Computer I have a working code on my computer but dont worry I wont try to help you next time. nor will I post it up to show you how to do it
@Byte stop acting like that...
because it needs to implement MKAnnotation protocol
and the parent class must implement the MKAnnotation protocol as well
so they both need to have latitude and longitude methods
not sure what to do
@Computer You are one of those people who makes sure that he stop other people from helping him ever again. You succeeded. Good luck.
@JohnMerlino use CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate
@Sam ok done that. running app again
@Byte lol if you are going to be like that no problem. For me simply saying what I said, in no way should have offended you if you have working code.
@JohnMerlino the MKAnnotationProtocol doesn't say anything about lat / long. Use the CLLocationCoordinate2D struct instead
@Sam yah crashed again
What is the exception
click continue
@Byte if you took the time to actually test it and work on it then yes you should get the rep. If you just took what he said and did a google for the apple documentation to say "This should work" then you shouldn't get the rep
@Sam I already do use that
@Sam where to see exception message?
            report.latt = [rep objectForKey:@"latitude"];
            report.longt  = [rep objectForKey:@"longitude"];

            CLLocationCoordinate2D coord;
            coord.latitude = [[rep objectForKey:@"latitude"] doubleValue];
            coord.longitude = [[rep objectForKey:@"longitude"] doubleValue];

            [report setCoordinate:coord];
@Sam i know im behaving like a stupid but i will soon learn it
but when I changed to latt and longt, it suddenly stopped working
because I rmemeber reading that the class that implements mkannotation protocol mnust have a lagitude and longitude method
@mann console
@Computer I posted an answer
@JohnMerlino from the docs: An object that adopts this protocol must implement the coordinate property. The other methods of this protocol are optional.
@Sam I am already subclassing UIViewController
@Computer what do you mean by that
UIWindow is different than UIViewController
hmm then why do the pins no longer render on map when I changed it from latitude to latt and longitude to longt. It doesnt even give me errors or warnings.
@Sam there are no. of lines in console n expecting them are not what you asking. and it crashes on the same line
@Sam I know that is why I cannot just change my class from a UIViewController to UIWindow
@JohnMerlino are you missing <MKAnnotation> from your Report class?
@Computer you should read the documentation on UIWindow and UIViewController.
There are many UIViewControllers but only ever one UIWindow
You have a UIWindow already as the keywindow of your application
@Sam what shall i do now
@mann can you give me a copy of your source
@Sam even when I add it back, pins still dont display now
@Sam yah sure one sec
this is class which i add as subview of the window in calling class.
viewForAnnotation no longer gets invoked
I just tested with NSLog
@JohnMerlino check your delegate value
@mann Not sure buddy
@Sam aa have you checked my code. does it look fine?
@mann what does this class do? Can't you just throw all of this code away and use MPMoviePlayerViewController?
@Sam MPMoviePlayerViewController does not autorotate with orientation
i tried that as well
@mann I just see tons of code that ignores the best practices of the platform
All of your autorotation code only works on iPhone
i just want to rotate moviePlayer nothing else
You are checking the device string, instead of the userInterfaceIdiom
Put the view in to a nib with landscape and portrait layouts
Then let the superclass handle autorotation
@Computer Yes I do have the code and I also have been working on it to help solve your problem over an hour of research, trial and error. This is when I started working on your problem chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/3517930#3517930 . I did way more than Sam said. Yes you offended me. I am not a person who claims what I have not worked for. So by saying what you said has very much offended my will to help.
yes i agree with you but i spent 2 days on this. n all is working fine
just application crashes n i know reason
but dont know how to fix it
basically it is self.view which is crashing
n dont know wot to do
@mann can you zip up your sample project
your entire project
@Byte by you saying "Yes hitTest will work" then saying "I should post that for 50 points" does not indicate you did anywork. Hence why I said what I did.
@Sam i would love to do but its company project so by my own wish as well i cant do that. hope you understand
@Sam im not having doubt on you but simply i cant do that.
@mann I understand, but I don't think there's much more I can do to help you
@Sam i really appreciate you help me. thanks. n i will learn this exceptions n debugging :)
@mann is iOS 3.2 a requirement for your app?
@Sam not at all
@Byte sorry if you were offended if you did work. I assumed you didn't since your text didn't state it. You should realize that this is the internet and context is almost impossible.
@mann how are you presenting this view controller?
@mann is it pushed from a nav controller, or is it presented modally
@Sam it is put as subview of app window
@Computer @Byte let's all play nice. If you're not having fun helping right now, just jump out of the chat
And what does it print when it crashes
@Sam im using like [[UIApplication SharedApplication] delegate].window addsubview: moviePlayer.view];
@Sam you there?
@Sam would you recommend putting the override in RootViewController or in my AppointmentViewController?
hey guys .. Im offering 100 bounty on this link stackoverflow.com/q/10293897/705559 .. can any 1 help ?
So now viewForAnnotation is being called but the pins are not rendering like they did before
Q: iphone - pins dont render on mapkit

JohnMerlinoSo I had pins rendering on map and a polyline joining them, and then I decided to add this custom map annotation: http://blog.asolutions.com/2010/09/building-custom-map-annotation-callouts-part-1/ And that's when the pins no longer rendered on the map. In the custom map annotation tutorial, t...

i deleted that
i noticed something
Im tryibng to figure out if an objects superclass is equal to an instance's class:
annotation.superclass == self.calloutAnnotation.class
but that above doesnt seem to be working
this is returning null: self.calloutAnnotation.class
posted on April 30, 2012 by John

Last week I mentioned the new crossplatform C++ 3D game engine GamePlay. Today I came across an interesting project that just had it’s first public release known as OpenAphid. OpenAphid is a framework created to allow developers to develop 2D games using Javascript with similar performance to native apps (and in their testing performs better [...]

hello ios peeps
got a question from the world of android... im looking to port my app over but i dont quite think it will work.
the app handles ringtones, and at some point when the user presses a button it should change the ringtone they have set as their default ringtone, or ringtone for a contact
ive done some research and it looks like the method for doing this exists, but apple will reject it if you try to publish the app with that feature.
what is the rationale there (seeing as android allows you do it and the sky hasnt fallen), and given that the user is explicitly asking the app to make the change, is this app doomed to be rejected as well?

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