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u r found here where she is placed @CreazyCoder
@iProgrammer You mean @invincible?
@Laddu yes
@Unknown, i think u r new member on stackoverflow....Tiruchirappalli-kar :P
@iProgrammer I think she is absent today
@Laddu hmm dimple and dhara bhi gayab hai
@dark hii
@CreazyCoder ha ha ha:)..
@CreazyCoder ask to @iProgrammer @anonymous @sreecharan @dark @Laddu @Bala @brush51 @ThinkDifferent who am I
@CreazyCoder RKK
@Unknown Chuck Norris
@CreazyCoder ask to that people who am I....
@Unknown, hahahahah u r unknown :P
@CreazyCoder he is 3 in once, rkk, chuck norris and unknown
@brush51 oh god. i; not that name. :P
can anybody, help, me , how to do an app like this, youtube.com/watch?v=F0GaOAXXsa8
for now i have decided to use Quartz 2D and core animation for this
@sreecharan youtube is restricted in my office.
well, i have asked anybody, not pointed the guys, who has no access to youtube
@Abizern do you know how to do that app, which i have sent the video link ?
@sreecharan It's just drawing overlays on images.
And - it's already done - why copy an existing app unless you're doing something better or different.
@Abizern it is editable angle two finger angle multi touch
ok, then, can you give me something better idea
you are right, I dont want to copy this
@sreecharan hi
@sreecharan hwz u?
@sreecharan Not really. Sorry.
@iRavan12 Hello, I am fine, how are you?
@sreecharan f9. can u help?
@sreecharan first tell whrer r u from?
@Abizern ok, i am trying to do something in 3D like this, there in that app, there have done that in 2D
@iRavan12 my details are in my profile
check it
@sreecharan r u working in india?
and Don't ask if you can ask a question, watch 2.4 in ios-development.wikidot.com/start
No, i am indian, but i am not in india
@iRavan12 location != origin
@Leena Hii... Have you implemented this ever ??
I just want to add annotation where user tappes on location
@sreecharan ok if u at banglore then i need ur help
@iRavan12 yes, he is right, his Location also not equals origin
what @zing are you talking abt that link?
@iRavan12 Oh! you need physical help :)
@Leena yes.
@sreecharan ya
i just have run that code thats it
@Leena but r8 now I am unable to download that whole zip file ..
@Abizern lol,can we ask physical help also, here?
y u r unable to download that zip file
@Leena I dont know the reason , but when I tried to download that file , it is displaying bad gateway error everytime
@zing i can't upload any file over here becoz of company pollcies sorry
do one thing write down the issue while downloading that code
may be that developer can help you
hi good aftrn to allllllllll
Hi leena
hi @MAKhan
hi @Leena
@iProgrammer He (@MAKhan) came
@karthys hi
@Abizern you there
hi @Unknown
hi @karthys
@karthys :)
@karthys hi
hi @brush51
@brush51 hav u brushed today?
@mann Is your cover flow completed?
@Unknown yeees, i have :)
u mean yesterday or today or past week or past month or past one year back ah? @brush51
@sreecharan hello. not really. actually it does not answer my design issues. i have particular design not similar to coverflow one so i have to implement by my own way
@sreecharan any how do you know why shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation doesn't work in uiviewcontroller class?
hi @zing
how to take text property of uibutton
@Hadley Hii ...
@mann does not work? what do you mean? is it not connecting to that method?
@Hadley how to implement this ...

Show user's current location on the map and allow user to drop a pin on the map by tap and hold.The pin annotation should show the address of the location on which the pin was dropped by using reverse geocoding.
@baijukrishnan wht is this?
to get user's location , you will need to set joust one proeprty of MKMapKit
not working
and the second needs to use google place api
@sreecharan i have a model view controller class. which modelly plays MPMOViePlayer. it works fine with other project but does not work for one of the project. I am using same class for both of them
So wondering is there anyother issue i have to take care of
@Hadley Actually I just dont understand what you are saying ,,,
NSString *title=btn.titleLabel.text;

if(title == @"SelectCategory")
{ }
this is my code
take mapkit from IB
ok ... then ?
@mann check the flow of orientations with the app which is working and compare it with this
and in it properties check the first checkbox (saying "Shows user location" ) , this will show user's location
@sreecharan flow of orientation with the app?
ur problem ? @baijukrishnan
second is get the address from the latitude and longitude (pin dropped), for that you need to use google place APi
@Unknown my button's title is selectcategory.if it is selectcategory i want to show an alert
@mann yes, how the orientation is changing in the app, when player is selected
@sreecharan yes i tried it with nslog statements iwth all orientations. it only works iwth portrait
@Hadley Have you implemented this ever ??
@Unknown my problem is else statement is executing
many times
@Hadley then can you please send me that code sample ?
@Hadley I dont have too much time ...
@sreecharan hi
@mann thats what i am asking, when it is working with landscape in old app with same code, why it is showing only portrait in this app with same code
giving you a link
@Unicorn Hello, how are you?
@sreecharan Fine. What abt u? :)
@sreecharan yah this is wot im asking you. i am using presentmodelViewController. so the class from where im pushing it does not affect model class? m i right/
@sreecharan Fine. What about you? :)
hii guys
@sreecharan ,Hello
@Unicorn I am good
hii nikhil and sree
@mann here you have to check some special orientation with respect to MPMovie Player Controller
@sreecharan Can u tell me about admob???
@NikhilBansal Hello, how are you?
@Apple , Hi
@Apple hello
@NikhilBansal nikhil howz u doing
@sreecharan i'm gud wat abt u?
also you can download code from there
@sreecharan i checked that. it does not work mate. this is what i am saying
@sreecharan sree do u have any idea abt webview
Ok ... Thanks ... @Hadley
@Apple doing great,wat abt u?
for correct results , test it on device @zing
@mann ok, give me your code in paste bin
@NikhilBansal not doing good buddy i m in big trouble.
@NikhilBansal I am nil with admob, i haven't used it till now
it shows NA as your current locaiton in simulator @zing
@sreecharan ok
@Apple wat happen?
@Apple which web view UIWebView or NSWebView?
@sreecharan the class from where im presenting model view controller or modelviewcontroller's class's code?
@Hadley but here they havent mentioned how to use google places api
@mann from where you are presenting, with that orientation method
for google place api , visit this developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places
you will have to read the documentation @zing
@NikhilBansal i have Uitableview in that there is a web view in each cell..how how to manage the row size according to the webview content..
@Hadley I have implemented the other one in which annotation appears,
uiweb view.....
i have Uitableview in that there is a web view in each cell..how how to manage the row size according to the webview content..
1 message moved to /dev/null
wait a min
anybody know cassandra?
@Unknown: every time else statement is executing
@Apple r u opening your webview on a click of cell of a table??
anybody know cassandra?
is someone here earning money with iAD?
@Apple you have to do this in heightForRowAtIndextPath method
is someone here having knowledge about admob??
@NikhilBansal nops its jst show the content which I prased.....basicall it is showing html text
@sreecharan pastebin.com/LGcDhygw this is the class which plays moviePlayer modelly.
@brush51 ya but throw adwhirl
@sreecharan ya i have tht but at tht time webview height is zero because there is no content in tht at tht time
@PiyushPatel throw adwhirl? is adwhirl bad?
@sreecharan so how to set the table view row height
@Apple chill
@Apple i can help u in ths
@NikhilBansal clint don't allow me to chill
@NikhilBansal thanks buddy..
@Apple thats returns a simple int value, i think u can do it
@brush51 surf about mediation that good
@sreecharan untill content is downloaded webview height is zero
@mann istead of this return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ||

interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight||interfaceOrientation==UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
@PiyushPatel are you earning enough money with it?
@mann you can use just return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);
@Apple u have to use this method :- - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *) tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath
@brush51 iad impression is very low
@PiyushPatel my google adwords account is deleted
@sreecharan ok but that does not solve my problem this is just another way to code
@Apple in this method take:- CGSize cellHeight; first
@Apple - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath you can set height for each rows using this delegate method.
@NikhilBansal i m setting the row height in this...but how to set this height according to the content height of web view...i dont wann to show scrolling in uiwebview...
@Hadley Hiii...
@mann yes, i am just optimising your code first, you are using soo much unnecessary code
@Unicorn i m doing tht but table cell is dependen on webview height..
@Hadley what to do now ?
@Apple Try this:----------------------- cellHeight = [myString sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:13.0f] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(300.0, 1000.0) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
return cellHeight.height + 30;
@brush51 don't use only iAd because it run only few country
@NikhilBansal its a html text current i m using this but this take also tag a character count...in this i dont knw which html tag i get in content
@PiyushPatel ok, thats good to know. can you may tell me what you approximately earn with it? is your app downloaded often?
@Hadley what is this ?
@Apple, you are getting this html text from where.try to set this html text in string then use my code which i have been send you
to put pin at your desired location on mapview
guys, i am logging off, need to go for a small meeting, @mann i am sorry, I think @Hadley can help you
wherever you touch
@brush51 i can't tell here
@Hadley buddy please help @mann
@PiyushPatel ok, no problem.
@sreecharan , sure i will try my best
@mann tell me the matter please
@brush51 :)
it will be my pleasure if i can be helpful to you
@NikhilBansal k I try to use tht
@Apple ok
@Hadley hello

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