@sreecharan hello. not really. actually it does not answer my design issues. i have particular design not similar to coverflow one so i have to implement by my own way
@sreecharan any how do you know why shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation doesn't work in uiviewcontroller class?
Show user's current location on the map and allow user to drop a pin on the map by tap and hold.The pin annotation should show the address of the location on which the pin was dropped by using reverse geocoding.
@sreecharan i have a model view controller class. which modelly plays MPMOViePlayer. it works fine with other project but does not work for one of the project. I am using same class for both of them
So wondering is there anyother issue i have to take care of
@sreecharan yah this is wot im asking you. i am using presentmodelViewController. so the class from where im pushing it does not affect model class? m i right/
@Apple - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath you can set height for each rows using this delegate method.
@NikhilBansal i m setting the row height in this...but how to set this height according to the content height of web view...i dont wann to show scrolling in uiwebview...