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@sreecharan Good Morning
@NareshSharma @Abizern vGM :)
GM all
@komalmehta GM :)
Hey, can anyone give me a brief summary of how I would go about reading a plist
from a method?
Q: Write/Read plist file iPhone

Josh KahaneI have plist in my iphone app and I want to read and write an integer from my single to and form it. I have this to read it: scoreData *score = [scoreData sharedData]; filePath = @"stats.plist"; NSMutableDictionary* plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];...

Hii... All
How to integrate Twitter in my Table View App ??
@zing Hi
@PiyushPatel hi
@Nirav Hi
@PiyushPatel can u please help me in Facebook integration>
@PiyushPatel thanks dear .. :)
@Nirav i never used.....
@PiyushPatel Can you explain what the things actually do, as every time i try, it does not work
@zing always welcome :)
@PiyushPatel hw much u have exp?
@komalmehta hi
@akuritsu hi
@Nirav 10 monts
@PiyushPatel ok
@Nirav hey
@akuritsu first check output is NSDictionary ya NSArray
@akuritsu can u help me forfacebook integration
@PiyushPatel , I have a question up but none of the answers work or make any sense to me: stackoverflow.com/questions/10326780/integer-from-plist/…
@PiyushPatel r u frm ahmedabad?
@Nirav I could try....
@Nirav no
@akuritsu do u have any link available for fbconmect..?
new keys are nt working
@Reefaq hi
@Nirav you can try sharekit
@Nirav I have not a lot of experience with notifs and facebook
@Nirav hi
@Nirav, what are you going to be using the fb integration for?
@Nirav @Reefaq @akuritsu @komalmehta @zing hi gm
Having issue. My View has an MPMoviePlayerController playing, and also uses AVCaptureSession to record both audio and video. The video will record fine by itself, but when I add the input to the session for it, the record stops and video gets corrupted. If I don't use the MPMoviePlayerController, it will record audio and video fine. What can I do to make the recording work with MPMoviePlayerController running?
@PiyushPatel have u used share kit with new keys?
it is also nt working for me
@akuritsu fbconnect n sharekit
@Nirav no :(
@akuritsu show some code which you try?
does anybody know if there is a HTTP response from using initWithContentsOfURL for NSString?
@Nirav try graph api
@PiyushPatel I have a new question
Q: Method to get a value from plist

akuritsuI have a integer called NumberX and a plist called PlistX. Example int NumberX; PlistX: I was wondering how I'd make NumberX = value of Three

@akuritsu tell
@PiyushPatel I just simplified my other question
@akuritsu hmmmm i will see.....
@PiyushPatel I have next to no experience with .plists
@ishhhh GM :)
@PiyushPatel GM
@Abizern what would you suggest using to mark areas in the code? (like things of ToDo, or don't forget to implement this part of the code later, etc,.)
@PiyushPatel :) gm
@RKK hi...
@vishiphone :) gm.
@RKK can you tell me one thing if we use animation and use begin animation:nil its will animated or nor?
@RKK gm
@RKK hi gm
@vishiphone i'm not strong in animation sorry no idea..
@Bhurudada :P gm
@RKK Its ok thanks.
@vishiphone ;)
@Reefaq hi you know this thing
@RKK hre we all r friend so dnt wry about that buddy
good morning friends...
@akuritsu hey you try Nekto's answer that's work
@vishiphone :) :)
@vishiphone it will animate for sure
but not look like animated.
@Bhurudada @vishiphone @ishhhh why those r stil quites.....
@RKK kyo ki murde kabhi bola nahi kar te .......:P
@PiyushPatel tel me english. i dnt know hindi.
@RKK ohhh that's nothing important so leave it. it just comment
@Laddu Hi. Good Morning I like this name :)
@RKK i dont know buddy i thing today sat night party discussion going on thr
@Laddu now u r with this name ??
@Laddu wats your plan for this meetup.com/stackoverflow/Mumbai-IN/668692
@PiyushPatel piyush are u gujrati?
@vishiphone ya
@Laddu aaeen
@vishiphone u?
@vishiphone oh what party
Hello alll
@GajendraKChauhan Hi
hi piyush how are u?
@GajendraKChauhan 5n
Hi Everyone...
where u from ? @piyush
@GajendraKChauhan Gujarat :)
@jillu_ Hi
I know u from guj, I am also from guj at vadodara
@GajendraKChauhan :P
from Rajkot
can any one please tell me is there any other way ohter than tableview to display particular data in form of timetable...in iphone?
@jillu what is the form of your data? is it having columns and rows?
Schedule of games in olympics..
ya its having colums and rows ...
ok, what are the expected fields? game name, player name,etc ?
No, date,start time ,end time ,venue,events like that....
ok, then customize a table view cell with all these fields and then reuse it
is there any other way to display these data other than table....?
@jillu I think that is the best way, if you dont want tableview, You can use all these things in form of labels with some padding in a scrollview
@jillu Tamil Nadu ??
@PiyushPatel I m getting this error "there was a problem requesting authorization from twitter"
I am getting this error while using share kit "there was a problem requesting authorization from twitter"
@Bala bala.......
Q: How to request authentication for twitter in iPhone app?

LionI downloaded and include the gitHub - Social Networking App to share my app where Facebook is working Fine but I am unable to connect to Twitter. If I press twitter_Button, getting an Alert that is Requesting Error *There was a problem requesting authorization from Twitter*. please help me to ...

@PiyushPatel Thanks :)
@RKK Hi!
@Bala how u know me? as Unknown from RKK
@RKK enna solringa puriyala ??
@sreecharan Thank u ...buddy
@Bala Y ..
@jillu JILLU is famous in TN., Thats y !!
you carry on .,
@Laddu do you know what will be the form of data inside BLOB (Binary Large Object)
usally we use this to store images to sqlite
@sreecharan you wants to insert image in sqlite db ?
It contains binary data, bytes.
@PiyushPatel i have inserted already
@Laddu Ok, it will decode the image content to binary and then stores it, right?
@Bala naan Unknown'nu change panninadhu ungaluku epdi theriyum?
@RKK When have you changed as Unknown ??
@sreecharan Don't store huge images in database, it will get bulky and processing will become slow.
@Laddu sure, i am storing only 50kb images
Q: Blob Data Type?

RAMAN RANACan blob data type store the video data also?

@Laddu thanks for the link moti
@Laddu you there ??
@Prem Hello
@Laddu Can you suggest me about Samsung Galaxy Y ?
@Laddu My current cell phone is almost dead. so I have to buy another one
@Prem Suggestion about what?
Don't buy Samsung phones
@Laddu then which one around the cost of 5000 ?
If you want to buy Samsung phone, buy expensive ones.
@Laddu I told you the range
Cheap Samsung phones that comes with Android is crap, will lag a lot and it will not get any Android updates.
@Laddu can you suggest me any phone around the cost of 5000
@Prem Dunno much about phones within 5k range. It's better to visit the store and check out.
@Prem do you mean 5000 rupees ?
@Laddu okay.. Laddu :p
@Prem you can go for nokia than samsung, in that budget
For 10k range, best phone i can see is upcoming Nokia Lumia 610
@Laddu if it is 10k, i am ready to sell my 3GS
he he he.... totally out of range yaar :(
Samsung phones in 10k range with Android is just crap.
@KronoS // FIXME: and // TODO are supported comments that show up in the method browser macdevelopertips.com/xcode/xcode-fixme-and-todo.html or you could put in a #warning if you want to be sure not to miss anything.
@PiyushPatel you told that you dnt know hindi thats why i asked
@RKK nothing just sat ngt.
@vishiphone when i said that ? i know hindi
@Abizern Hi mate, I have fixed my animation problem
@sreecharan Good. I knew you would figure it out.
@Abizern I messed up with some math operations, rotation.y and anchor point
@PiyushPatel you told in above i think if you not thats gud so whr r you now ahmdabad?
@0x8badf00d Hi mate, is your problem solved, is that selector firing ?
@PiyushPatel sry buddy i think thats rkk words.
@vishiphone Rajkot
@vishiphone hmmmm :)
ok nice
@sreecharan No I have to further look at the problem.
@Laddu : aaeen..
@Laddu : Watched movie Avengers.. What you working on nowadays?
bug fixing?
I am at home.
Spaghetti bugs are done. I fixed all yesterday.
Now i am watching WWDC 2011 videos. After that i will study Android.
@Laddu I have one issue
@anonymous Avengers.,How is that ?
Ohh @Bala has got new pic
iam baiju
@Laddu @anonymous Help me yaar plz.
@Prem Oh, so try solving it.
wat happened?
@Laddu I tried but not getting succeed.
@Laddu @anonymous Suppose I am in View1
iam struggling for adding an image in tableview
@Laddu @anonymous and in that all the list of medicines are there
@baijukrishnan : Why struggling?
@Prem : Wait sec
@Laddu now i am trying to add new medicine from view2
i have posted my query just now
@Laddu and in that i am inserting records through NSThread.
@Laddu so application is not getting hang.
@Laddu but when all the insertion of medicine is over and am trying to reload the table of view1
@Laddu I am not able to do that ?
@Laddu what can be the issue
NSData *imgdata=[[NSData alloc]initWithBytes:sqlite3_column_blob(cmp_sqlstmt,0) length:sqlite3_column_bytes(cmp_sqlstmt,0)];

[imgNameArray addObject:dataImage];
data is coming from database
@Prem Not able to reload table means? You can't see the newly inserted medicines after reloading table?
@Laddu exactly..
@Laddu after completing thread of view2 , I am trying to reload table which is in view1
@Prem Are you sure insertion was successful?
@baijukrishnan : Ya so what?
i want to display the image in table view
A simple style for a cell with a text label (black and left-aligned) and an optional image view. Note that this is the default style for cells prior to iOS 3.0.
Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared in UITableViewCell.h.`
@Laddu yeah... I also got proper array count of getting records but i am not seeing that inserted record in my tableview
@baijukrishnan : ^
i create a uitableviecell
@Prem Why reload whole table. I think, ideally the View2 should insert a medicine and inform it's delegate (View 1) that it has inserted so and so medicine. And then View 1 can add the new medicine in it's datasource and insert a new row for it in the table.
in .h file
in .m file
and in main file
@Prem Are you reloading table in the separate thread in which you inserted new medicine? Show your code.
2 messages moved to /dev/null
problem is only image is not showing
1 message moved to /dev/null
@Laddu no i am doing that in the same thread
@baijukrishnan Please see Room FAQs #2.3
@Prem Are you reloading table in the separate thread?
@Laddu no yaar
@Prem Show code.
@Laddu okay
problem showing here
- (void)ProductImage:(NSString *)_text;{
productImg.image = [UIImage imageNamed:_text];
because product image is declared as string
how to convert into image
if its clear my work will finish
anyone can help me
@Laddu Below is the code
1 message moved to /dev/null
@baijukrishnan : Can you explain me this line?
- (void)LabelText:(NSString *)_text;{
@Laddu that one is for you
@Prem oww You are creating a new view controller and manually calling it's viewWillAppear: and expect to see table reload of another instance of the view controller?
what is semi colon doing there?
it is a working example got from net
@Laddu yeah
@anonymous lol, he is loading a string to image
@Prem lol
@anonymous It looks strange, but it is valid Objective-C code.
@Laddu see you after break 1 hour lunch
- (void)ProductImage:(NSString *)_text;{

productImg.image = [UIImage imageNamed:_text];
@Abizern : ^ this won't give error?
@Prem Yes, I hope after lunch you understand your code is incorrect.
@anonymous yes, he is just loading the image name buddy, it wont show any error
just passing image name as an argument
@anonymous No, that's crap, I'm talking about the semicolon at the end of the method definition before the opening brace. That is rarely used, but it is valid syntax.
@Laddu okay
my image is taking from database .it stored as blob,i convert it into nsdata and add to an array
@Abizern : Ok Thanks for prompt
oh! my bad, i haven't seen that semicolon
I will get quick shower and be back soon.
@Abizern what it means if we are keeping semicolon in a method, you told that in rare cases we use it, but why we use in rare cases also like that
I want to learn objective C. How is it possible in windows..
@baijukrishnan Do you know what [UIImage imageNamed:] does?
@sreecharan: I put that code and built did not show any error.. Even if you put semi colon twice compiler won't give errror
@anonymous Ok, I also tried it, but i want to know from @Abizern that why we use like that in rare cases also
what is the use of keeping semicolon in method
@sreecharan : hmm... Wait for some time he will let us know
@sreecharan You don't have to use it. It means exactly the same as if the semi-colon was not there. But some people find it useful when they declare the methods in the header file, where the semi-colon is mandatory they can just copy and paste it into the implementation file and not have to worry about deleting the semi-colon
@ErBnAcharya : To learn Objective C, I recommend if you have Mac machine will be nice.. otherwise there are other options also there
@Abizem I know that is for display an image
yes @anonymous
which is used by apple.
@Abizern Ok, i got it
@baijukrishnan No. What exactly does it do? How does it display the image, where does it get the image from? How are you supposed to pass the name of the image?
@anonymous Like what?
@ErBnAcharya gcc supports Objective-C, but the bits that make it useful for Apple devices are not available. Cocoa is not open source.
@ErBnAcharya I have heard of VMWare
Just replied to a job offer at 3:30AM. #professional.
be back in few mins.. Going for lunch
@baijukrishnan I don't need to see the tutorial where you got the code from, I'm trying to help you find your problem. I can see where it is, but you need to do some work so you understand why it isn't working.
because my image data is of nsdata type
@baijukrishnan No. Not exactly. That's part of the problem, but that's not all of it.
this is error: 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIImage length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4b388b0'
@baijukrishnan FFS I don't need to see that - I want you to find out what the code that you have written does.
when i compile showing error here. - (void)ProductImage:(NSString *)_text;{
productImg.image = [UIImage imageNamed:_text];
I give up.
Iam not getting your ideas
@Abizern you tried....
@baijukrishnan what does UIImageNamed: do?
lol,I think he is newbie mate, he dont know what he is doing
really iam new to this
@sreecharan He's just c + p a whole chunk of code in.
I know
@baijukrishnan And I'm trying to help you. But you're not answering my questions.
You are telling that he has c + p, but i am thinking that he has downloaded the whole code and something he has messed init, and trying to solve it
@JackLawrence what is this XD?
@sreecharan No. The code he's downloaded works, but not for the way he is using it.
in that code add image as an array directly of jpg type
in myapplication it is coming from database
it stored as blob
i convert in to nsdata

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