I have plist in my iphone app and I want to read and write an integer from my single to and form it.
I have this to read it:
scoreData *score = [scoreData sharedData];
filePath = @"stats.plist";
NSMutableDictionary* plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];...
Having issue. My View has an MPMoviePlayerController playing, and also uses AVCaptureSession to record both audio and video. The video will record fine by itself, but when I add the input to the session for it, the record stops and video gets corrupted. If I don't use the MPMoviePlayerController, it will record audio and video fine. What can I do to make the recording work with MPMoviePlayerController running?
@Abizern what would you suggest using to mark areas in the code? (like things of ToDo, or don't forget to implement this part of the code later, etc,.)
I downloaded and include the gitHub - Social Networking App to share my app where Facebook is working Fine but I am unable to connect to Twitter. If I press twitter_Button, getting an Alert that is
Requesting Error
*There was a problem requesting authorization from Twitter*.
please help me to ...
@KronoS // FIXME: and // TODO are supported comments that show up in the method browser macdevelopertips.com/xcode/xcode-fixme-and-todo.html or you could put in a #warning if you want to be sure not to miss anything.
`UITableViewCellStyleDefault A simple style for a cell with a text label (black and left-aligned) and an optional image view. Note that this is the default style for cells prior to iOS 3.0. Available in iOS 3.0 and later. Declared in UITableViewCell.h.`
@Prem Why reload whole table. I think, ideally the View2 should insert a medicine and inform it's delegate (View 1) that it has inserted so and so medicine. And then View 1 can add the new medicine in it's datasource and insert a new row for it in the table.
@Prem oww You are creating a new view controller and manually calling it's viewWillAppear: and expect to see table reload of another instance of the view controller?
@anonymous No, that's crap, I'm talking about the semicolon at the end of the method definition before the opening brace. That is rarely used, but it is valid syntax.
@sreecharan You don't have to use it. It means exactly the same as if the semi-colon was not there. But some people find it useful when they declare the methods in the header file, where the semi-colon is mandatory they can just copy and paste it into the implementation file and not have to worry about deleting the semi-colon
@baijukrishnan No. What exactly does it do? How does it display the image, where does it get the image from? How are you supposed to pass the name of the image?
@baijukrishnan I don't need to see the tutorial where you got the code from, I'm trying to help you find your problem. I can see where it is, but you need to do some work so you understand why it isn't working.