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@benuuu try and buy a vowel
@user1131997 try the Javascript room
anybody knowing php here?
@anonymous there?
can you help me out..
this is the iPhone / iPad / Windows / C++ / PHP room
@Computer ^
@Computer it's not as funny when your comment goes right over their heads...
@JackLawrence true true
u know php or not?
i know @anonymous knows
@スイムイ i believe he was asking a ios question
i know it is an iOS room
check my profile..
not a new person here
oww Sorry If i made mistake. He said as if its a PHP question.
question required php to be known as well
Q: Sending Post Request to a server

ShubhankI have this php code. <?php         $users = $this->Session->read("user");       $varFName = $users['User']['first_name'];       $varLName = $users['User']['last_name'];       $message = "Hello, I would like to invite you to Clicksays! ".$varFName." ".$varLName;       echo $this-&...

yeah worded poorly.
@Shubhank you need to send it as JSON like stated
Let me see if i can get it back.
i have posted it again..
@Shubhank honestly i don't understand the question. You said some of it works and some doesn't?
am not that proficient..
if php made sense to me ..
i would have solved it..
[User] => Array
[Email] => [email protected]
[Message] => Hello,
I would like to invite you to Clicksays!

something like this format..
but i am not sure how this will be done
This looks like a JSON.
wtf... I readded my toolbar code to the viewDidLoad and it worked this time... i tried it 3 times yesterday and it didn't
maybe it just needed to be put in timeout for the night?
Finally i received my Lion OS USB Stick.
It looks something like this ^_^
I will install it now.
1 message moved to /dev/null/
@Computer have tried, no success :(
people, what with you , this is just simple C and silly Windows, no you could help?
@user1131997 having touched Windows programming only on one project. I can't help you without learning more silly Windows and I don't really feel like learning it for the question.
@user1131997 have you tried the latest answer to your question?
@user1131997 Probably this might help you getting started - cprogramming.com/tutorial/function-pointers.html
I need to restart my machine to continue installing Lion OS. Brb.
@benuuu yeah, it does work :)
@スイムイ thank you
Hello, anyone have any experience with the WEPopover class?
i have
who here pay attention to the difference between nil/Nil/NULL?
when program crash when checking for nil ..then i check for NULL
i don't remember the difference..
but one time i had to check agains NSNUll null .. and not nil
@Shubhank only the naming convention
they all are the same
Q: iphone+Difference between nil,NIL and null

shwetaI am newbie to iphone programming, I'm just in the learning stage. I want to know the difference between nil, NIL and null. I've googled around and found this: nil -> Null-pointer to objective- c object NIL -> Null-pointer to objective- c class null-> null pointer to primitive type or...

seems to me like just a naming convention still
i remember messing them up and no problem occurs.
not same
they are different
#ifndef Nil
#define Nil __DARWIN_NULL /* id of Nil class */

#ifndef nil
#define nil __DARWIN_NULL /* id of Nil instance */


#define __DARWIN_NULL ((void *)0)
@Byte nil is verrrry different than null.
i guess my understanding is off lol
ok sorry :(
nil is for object pointers
null is for non-object pointers
so I can say int myInt = NULL; and NSString *myString = nil;
int *myInt = NULL
anyway. I guess it's more syntactic sugar since it all #defines away
not sure, it looks the same to me. I guess im missing some info others have
but with apple having so much control over LLVM + the potential for change, it's not advisable to switch between the two.
anyway I've gotta go, ask @abizern if he's on later, he usually has a much better answer than me :)
I mean, i know that they are supposed to be used differently. It looks the same in #define
@JackLawrence No, you're right. They may look the same, and they may behave the same now but they are supposed to be different things, and using the correct conventions in the correct places is always a good thing to do.
@Abizern thank you for confirming @JackLawrence
@Byte No - thank @JackLawrence for providing a correct answer in the first place.
@JackLawrence i ll buy you cupcake!
@Abizern :D i was wondering when that would happen
@Abizern you ok mate
I have a problem regarding sqllite data encryption. can you suggest me something .
@benuuu I blame the lax room owners.
I want to encrypt it. so i was cehcking NSProtectionComplete class. is it good or something else
@mann Unfortunately not.
oh ok. no problem :)
@benuuu what got moved? there is nothing in dev/null after the lion usb.
A: How can I encrypt CoreData contents on an iPhone

Brad LarsonYou can encrypt individual properties in your Core Data model entities by making them transformable properties, then creating an NSValueTransformer subclass which will encrypt and decrypt the data for that property. While this is not the whole-database decryption that you're looking for, it will...

@mann Brad knows what he's talking about - so I'll give his method a go.
@Byte you can click the 1 message
@benuuu ooh i see, thanks
@mann Some of the other answers provide some interesting links as well - There is some stuff in the WWDC10 videos that might be useful.
@0x8badf00d hello
@Abizern have you ever listen to techno with heavy beats while doing some intense programming?
@Byte God no. I've got a special playlist for music that I want to fade into the background while I'm working intensely.
@Abizern haha, yea I saw your playlist.
@Byte Where?
@Shubhank: helo you pinged?
@Abizern here about 3-4 weeks ago?
@Byte Was it the Spotify one? That's just general. The one I'm talking about just has movie soundtracks in it. Tron, Tron remixed, Social Network, Blade Runner, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (The English one), The Matrix
@Byte @Abizern : Hello
@anonymous Hello
@Abizern yes, it was the spotify one. I would like to see that movie soundtrack one.
@anonymous good morning
howdy all
@Abizern I'm listening to Tron at the moment :D
@Byte Nothing much to see - I just chuck those songs in, maybe add some other albums now and again - and set it to loop.
@JackLawrence Tron is great to program to.
Anybody doing Google Code Jam? It starts tomorrow.
@Byte: Its 12.15 am here
@anonymous aaeen
@スイムイ oye so jaa.. Ghoowad
I installed Lion OS just now on my Mac
@スイムイ Ohoooo.. Pizaa party kal
Q: iOS find the most common record in core data?

Garth HumphreysI want to be able to look through all the attributes of an Entity and find the most popular one. I know it has something to do with NSPredicate, but I can't quite wrap my mind around to achieve it. One possible solution: Fetch all the entities and loop through it and sort the attributes into dif...

@スイムイ first thing i did was turn off natural scrolling
@benuuu Heathen.
@benuuu haha yes but i have been doing that in my office. So i got used to it.
@benuuu : How did you do that? Invert scrolling? Still headache in my office mac mini
it feels so unnatrual!
Embrace the change.
Yes, we should get used to it as that will continue
it's just so wrong on a mouse with a scroll wheel
hate natural scrolling
@スイムイ After a long long time I slept at 10 pm and woke up again at 12 :-D
I am trying to install Windows 7 on my mac but its too much for tonight
Finally i will get myself out of Android
bootcamp or a vm?
should be easy
i fear windows 8 metro
I hope so. But i didn't buy Windows 7 haha My friend gave me in USB
no big deal - you can run win7 indefinately without a key
thats nice. So i am not doing anything illegal
my users have a hard enough time remembering their windows username and password, let alone thier gonna figure out windows 8 metro?
after 30 days it turns the desktop black, says windows is not genuine in the right hand corner but its still fully functional
domain logins and all
unlike XP that forced a reboot if your key was invalid, win 7 continues
i think it even lets you update, but dont hold me to that
i think they figured its better to have an unlicensed copy out there updated than to allow security flaws to pass through
There is no key i can see. It says auto activation.
it may have a built in KMS server
@anonymous its morning somewhere lol
theres a lot of ways around the key
the kms server authenticates the windows key - its like calling out to ms.com but just locally
How about we move this thread somewhere else... Just because it works, doesn't mean what you're talking about is legal. Plus it's not relevant.
just trying to help. we can stop talking about it
Hey all, anyone know if it's possible to take a picture of an entire webpage in a web view, even if it's not on the screen?
@Asharif the contents of the page is not part of the public UIWebView API, but you can inject javascript so you could potentially find some sort of script that you can inject that will take a snapshot of a page.
I see the skull and crossbones are flying again.
@JackLawrence so I inject javascript to webpage that will in-turn make my phone take a screenshot of the whole page?
@Asharif No, the javascript would need to take the snapshot for you and return it as binary data or something. I'm not even sure there's any javascript out there that will do that.
The problem is that you want the entire page, and since a webview only displays part of the page, you can't simply take a screenshot.
The point is that as far as I know, UIWebView can't do what you want on its own.
A: Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots

NiklasJavaScript can read the DOM and render a fairly accurate representation of that using canvas. I have been working on a script which converts html into an canvas image. Decided today to make an implementation of it into sending feedbacks like you described. The script allows you to create feedbac...

grab the dom objects, add them to an html 5 canvas, screenshot from there
That looks promising
@JackLawrence Thank you and @Mario Thank you
no problem
to bad you cant earn experience from the chatroom :(
@Mario gives you cookie
@Mario otherwise, you ll level up :D
@Mario *gives you a another cookie
so %f <-- float
@Mario do you know if this will work on safari? It's not listed as one of the supported web browsers.
%.2f <--- float 2 decimal point
what is float round up to nearest 100?
safari is an html 5 compliant browser, so its worth a try
chrome and safari are both based on webkit
kk thanks
all versions of safari support canvas
The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. It is a low level, procedural model that updates a bitmap and does not have a built-in scene graph. History Canvas was initially introduced by Apple for use inside their own Mac OS X WebKit component in 2004, powering applications like Dashboard widgets and the Safari browser. Later, in 2005 it was adopted in version 1.8 of Gecko browsers, and Opera in 2006, and standardized by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) on new proposed specifications for...
off to the gym
@Abizern : stackoverflow.com/questions/10127869/… should I flag answer? As they provided link to another question only as an asnwer
@Mario wait, you cant go to the gym... programmers need to be rounded lol
@Abizern : Too many vague , off topic questions asking rate is increasing day by day..
@anonymous I wouldn't - It's an attempt at an answer with an explanation.
@Abizern Ok. Thanks second answer also?
@anonymous but @Abizern secretly flagged the one that linked to Ray Wenderlich :D
Lol first answer Ray Wenderlich is recommended .. :-P
@anonymous Not really. Not great answers, but they are at least trying.
@Byte I'm tempted to - but no.
ok..No worries.. @Byte said something.. :-P
@Abizern while I have you here, what is the %f command that rounds it up to the nearest 100? like %.2f for the nearest 2 decimal points.
@JackLawrence Is possible to save the html from the webview? For example, every browser has a save page feature.
%2.f doesnt seem to do the trick..
@Asharif I think that's a private API, but I know there's javascript that will return the entire DOM.
@Abizern : Thanks.. After your suggestion I started social duty to keep community clean from vague question and started flagging them.. 39 useful from 41. :-))
@Byte format specifiers only handle display - not rounding. you'll have to manage that for yourself.
@byte the easiest way is to add 0.005 to the number and then truncate it.
@JackLawrence the only reason I'm kinda hesitant on the Javascript dom, is because I don't know how to inject javascript into a webpage yet >.< I guess I have to learn it :P Thanks bud!
you there @anonymous?
@anonymous Ah. Good man.
@Shubhank : Hello ..Yes was lookig for you.. you pinged me..
I was sleeping that time and probably my cousin was on my laptop.. :-D
@Byte Oh hang on, you want to do this for integers?
Q: Sending Post Request to a server

ShubhankI have this php code. <?php         $users = $this->Session->read("user");       $varFName = $users['User']['first_name'];       $varLName = $users['User']['last_name'];       $message = "Hello, I would like to invite you to Clicksays! ".$varFName." ".$varLName;       echo $this-&...

isme help krdo
Aaila ye to php hai..
@JackLawrence thank you so much! :)
@Abizern oh no. This is actually for displaying proximity of GPS via number from horizontalAccuracy
@Shubhank : same here. Little knowledge about php. Still reading your question.
say if I get 453.634236, I would like to simply show 500
@Byte You could throw a number formatter at it.
@Abizern alright, let me quickly research it :)
@byte - Add fifty to the number, divide it by 100 turn the int into a string, and suffix it with "00".
Hey - to a first approximation it works - and it's hardly going to be a performance problem unless you're doing it hundreds of times a minute.
And even then, if you keep track of the bounding values, you'll hardly need to change the display unless the accuracy varies wildly.
case: 49.00 result: @"000"
@Abizern it is wonderful. I'm just laughing how simple it can be
@benuuu You forgot to add the 50.
49 + 50 = 99
/100 = 0
And even then, 49 rounded to the nearest 100 is 0
@benuuu what s the problem?
just as 0.49 rounded is 0 not 1.0
i'm just saying, if you follow those steps, step by step, you will end up with the string @"000"
might be what you want
but you might want to display @"0" instead
If you want to change the type of output; divide by 100 first and then use floor, or ceil as you need.
@benuuu Good point. As I said - to a first approximation ;)
@Shubhank : Well seems you know php better than me.. :-P
@Abizern yeah i know, just catching the edge case
@benuuu No, no - I agree. Edge cases are where we live as programmers.
@anonymous tumhaari profile me to tum PHP experienced ho..
time hota to sari language pad leta..
Oops .. I deleted info few days ago only
Wow, for the first time, I just realized how annoying this "what s" was! (instead of What's or What is).
confused what to do first..
Open GL / REStful services /Android
My head hurts. I've been trying to learn Haskell, and it is very strange.
Yes - I know it's off-topic, but I'd like to see who dares bounce it ;)
the closest language i know to is is SML/NJ
@Abizern Every time you go out of topic, I will link one Ray's tutorial :D
@Abizern Haskell i think in that 6 hard steps it was recommended.. :-D
Link away. :)
I've never removed a link to one of his tutorials - I'm sure they are useful to some people. What I object to is people thinking of them as being definitive rather than as a starting point for investigating a topic.
heh sum.
@benuuu Heh - too late - I've changed it already.
I never actually use his site :( so I dont know what to link.
You can use LMGTFY here. I did it once on the main SO site. My answer got deleted and I got an email from a moderator telling me that I should know better.
@Abizern i almost did that the other day, but thought it would be too condescending
some people really deserve that though
@Byte Do they ever!
lmgtfy.com lol..nice site.. :-D
@Abizern : lol you received email for that?
@anonymous Yeah. It was a while ago. But I still had a decent amount of rep. Enough to know that there are other ways of dealing with bad questions.
that site is funny..
@Abizern is that -> Vote down and look at other questions?
@Byte Flag for duplicate. Vote to close. Add a comment asking him to edit the question to make it better and explain what he has tried so far. Or even just answer the question for the points.
Most of the people who ask bad questions without bothering to search have got 1 rep anyway. Downvoting them does nothing. If they knew how to use Google or Bing they would have found the links to similar SO questions anyway.
@Abizern I see. I actually worked for my 125 rep just to downvote really bad question/answer lol
@Byte Bloody hell! What have you been doing for 14 months?
@Abizern chatting probably.
wow i've had my account for over a year. didn't realize that
i didn't really attempt answering anything until recently.
My rep increase has slowed down since I started using the chat rooms.
Its Ok. But please do not resign from your post of room owner.. :-P
@Abizern that's basically what happened to mine, except it was when i hit 25 rep.
You can see the times when I pushed to get 10k, then 15k and then 20k at the beginning of the year.
@Abizern : Aaeen how can you see it like this? I get bar chart only in my profile..
@anonymous choose the graph type.
@Abizern : yep got
Okay then.
That was mine.. I have been active for last two months on answering..
After I got confidence that I can answer helpful answers.. :-D
@Abizern What do you think is the gold standard for precision radius in GPS?
@Byte It really depends What are you trying to use it for?
@Abizern haha, I was not using SO
I have only become active these past few months
@Abizern : started following you on twitter..
and mainly, just chatting with you guys are way more interesting than browsing through bad questions
It really does depend on the usage. find my friends - as close as possible. Location of your taxi - withing 20m is usually good enough.
@Byte There are plenty of bad questions on here. I've taken to ignoring them.
@Abizern I have noticed :)
well, this application suppose to fill your address for you
Unfortunately- since I'm now a room owner I can't just put people on my ignore list like I used to. :( But at least I can move their crap out of the room.
Hey Guys
@Abizern oh really?
cannot use that ignore function??
Need help from experts..:)
@Byte I'm doing that with my app. Generally - problem isn't the location accuracy, it's the reverse geocoding accuracy.
must be horrifying
@Byte No. I can - but if I do that I won't see the stuff that I'm supposed to moderate.
@Abizern oh
I am trying to get the current city, State using reverse geocodder
self.currentCity = [addressDict objectForKey:(NSString*)kABPersonAddressCityKey];
It returns state vut city is null
Personally - I prefer to come on in the evenings now. Less people just trying to get an answer now to do their work, and more people trying to learn stuff in their own time.
@Abizern yea that is a topic for another day I guess
@Abizern haha
can any buddy help me out
@Byte I'm still using iOS4+ so I don't know about the iOS5 methods - and whether they are better.
@Abizern you know that your evening is my afternoon ish and is someone else's mid day right?
@Nilesh well does it exist in your dict?
For the most part - it works good enough and I just ask the user to edit the address to make sure it is correct.
@Byte Depends where you are.
@Nilesh there's your problem
@benuuu: No it does not
@Abizern oh, yea that is deprecated so I am not sure what is the difference.
@benuuu: it gives me city and country
@benuuu: Sorry state and country
@Abizern above DC. its 4.30 pm still work time.
@benuuu: But city is null
@Byte 9.30pm for me. Even later for @anonymous.
Good grief - I need to have dinner. Have a nice eve/day all.
@Nilesh what is this? do you use CLPlacemark?
@Abizern later
@By: Yea
2 am here
@anonymous time to go to bed
@Byte: Yea i am using CLPlacemark
@Nilesh ok and how are you getting all these info out?
@Byte : actually I had dinner at 9.30 and immediately i fell asleep while reading.. Again woke up at 12 :-P
@Byte: Here is my code : - (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder*)geocoder didFindPlacemark:(MKPlacemark*)place
NSDictionary *addressDict = place.addressDictionary;
self.currentCity = [addressDict objectForKey:(NSString*)kABPersonAddressCityKey];
self.currentState = [addressDict objectForKey:(NSString*)kABPersonAddressStateKey];
self.currentCountry = place.country;
self.currentCountryCode = place.countryCode;
do you use placemark.locality for city?
is this iOS5??
@Nilesh why are you casting kABPersonAddressCityKey?
@Byte: it is
I use this [locationGeocoded reverseGeocodeLocation:location completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
@Nilesh sorry never used that before :(
placemark are really easy to use in my context
streetFormCell.textField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",tempSubThroughFare, placemark.thoroughfare];
cityFormCell.textField.text = placemark.locality;
regionFormCell.textField.text = placemark.administrativeArea;
zipCodeFormCell.textField.text = placemark.postalCode;
countryFormCell.textField.text = placemark.country;
@Byte: Okay, Let me try your method
dont forget CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
@Byte: Thanks for reminder.
good night
@anonymous sleep well
@Byte: Tried locality as well, that too null
maybe there is no city?

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