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while playing a song i am getting pause state in ios 5.it works fine in ios 4.
@rkk please help !!!
How to regester URL handler for my application any one pls
do u getting any warnings or erros @VivekParikh
@RKK I am not getting any warning and errors but while playing a song i am not able to pause a song because it already has a pause state ..
but song is playing at that time.
How to regester URL handler for my application any one pls
In when u click the pause button using this code
[theAudio pause];
theAudio is AVAudioPlayer's Object
hi @ medeti naveen kumar
@rkk I am using Mp media player controller !!
@Ranga hi friend how to create a table view in the form of multiple rows and columns?
How to regester URL handler for my application any one pls
custom table, r u telugu
@MedetiNaveenKumar telugaa Custom table create chey
@AbzalKhan i will post ans on ur question see
@Ranga avnu
@Ranga that's not my question i just see that
[self.musicPlayer pause]; @VivekParikh
then wat is ur question
musicPlayer is MPMusicPlayerController Object @VivekParikh
@Ranga nuvu ekkada vuntav
wats ur problem @MedetiNaveenKumar
@Rkk its not working !!
@RKK how to create a table view in multiple rows and multiple columns?
Q: Error during building cocos 2d x game code?

CreazyCoder See above image. Image containing error i got during building cocos2d x application on device as well as simulator. I downloaded code from this link Someone told me i have to install cocos2d x library in my machine, but my doubt here is if we successfully ran cocos2d game application in simula...

@RKK please suggest any material for that.
@AbzalKhan did you post that question dear?
@sandy no, i go for give answer but ye sab dekh ke nahi diya
@sandy hello
ho wr u/
@sandy Hi GM
good afternoon ..........
Q: Adding Reachability class fails when I am trying to build

ViperI have added the SystemConfiguration framework. I am deploying against targets from 3.2 and higher. Have I forgotten to add something? Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_Reachability", referenced from: objc-class-ref in AppDelegate.o ld: symbol(s) not found for archi...

@AbzalKhan Okay
@Harish Hi
@PiyushPatel hello
@MedetiNaveenKumar adeem.me/blog/2009/05/19/…
see this tutorial for uitableview.
@Viper SystemConfiguration Framework import kiya he?
English please
In the "Link binary with libraries"
on the target
its the best tutorial for deleting rows or adding data to uitableviewcontroller edumobile.org/iphone/iphone-programming-tutorials/…
@Viper see the comment
reading it now
@al any one have integrated default date picker ?
@sandy After adding the Reachability class to compile sources it works
@sandy Why isn't that done automatically when you drag the file over?
@Viper @sandy @RKK
do u have implemented ?
@Coder what?
@Coder means?
@RKK @PiyushPatel i have issue with datapicker ..
@Viper lstn when you add any class it also create a reference in compile sources .
when i select 27 date it will always pick 26
what issue?
@Coder what u have issue? explain here.
but when you delete any file some time it's reference not delete.
means it always give me selected date minus 1
@RKK @sandy
@Coder No
what u select you will get
@Coder show us some code how to fetch date from datepicker
year and month pick correctly
@Rkk thank you
using this code NSDate *Todate = [datePicker date]; you wil get selected date. ok. @Coder
@MedetiNaveenKumar welcome
@all have someone developed an ebook for iOS here?
@PiyushPatel i am getting wrong playback state in MP music player.while playing a song i am getting pause state. can anybody Help me ??
please help me !!
datePicker is your UIDatePicker Object @Coder
@RKK @PiyushPatel NSDate * selectedDate = [self.datePicker date];
yes @Coder
@sandy What do you mean?
if error use NSDate * selectedDate = [datePicker date]; @Coder
@RKK @PiyushPatel not getting error .. but
@Coder what?
it gives me wrong date .. and month & year give corent
correct wait @Coder
@RKK @PiyushPatel and i have set it to datePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeDate;
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"];
NSDate *dateString = [formatter dateFromString:[datePicker date];
NSString* str = [formatter stringFromDate:dateString];
[formatter release];
use this code to get your date @Coder
@RKK ok trying
@Viper your error is due to link error with compile resources
plz check in Compile resources
@all can anyone help me with 3D animation, here is my code, CALayer *transformationLayer = [CALayer layer];
transformationLayer.frame = listTable.bounds;
transformationLayer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 0.5f);

CATransform3D sublayerTransform = CATransform3DIdentity;
sublayerTransform.m34 = 1.0 / -1000;
[transformationLayer setSublayerTransform:sublayerTransform];
[listTable.layer addSublayer:transformationLayer];

CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0, 0, 0);
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, M_PI_2, 0, 1, 0);
@Leena, hi
r u ther?
@CreazyCoder hi
how to solve this error
@Leena, do u have experience in cocos2d-x
@Bhurudada, when u jump in ARC then property policy of delegate gone changed, write following properties those i used
id <DetailViewControllerDelegate> __unsafe_unretained delegate1;
@property (unsafe_unretained, nonatomic) id <DetailViewControllerDelegate> delegate1;
@bhurudada what is the datatype of delegate, you are retaining it while declaring in property, dont retain it, put readwrite
@Leena, i got a problem during building application... see this stackoverflow.com/questions/10119152/…
@CreazyCoder @SreeCharan this is my .h file
id __unsafe_unretained delegate; @Bhurudada write this
@property(nonatomic,unsafe_unretained)id delegate;
@Bhurudada, write property
@CreazyCoder i have uploaded one app to that was a game app using Cocos2D
but never faced such error
i.sstatic.net/4l8lv.png watch this image @creazyCoder
@CreazyCoder thanks a lot again, what does it indicate id <DetailViewControllerDelegate> __unsafe_unretained delegate1;
@Leena, i want to do application on cocos2d -x
@all have someone worked with ebooks on iOS? i want to develop ebooks.
@Bhurudada, i will tell u later
@Leena, cocos2d -x is c++ library
@CreazyCoder thik ye chalel, thanks.
no idea @CreazyCoder
@CreazyCoder do u know how to enable vertical scrolling in webview
@coder do u know how to enable vertical scrolling in webview
Hi @Bhurudada
i want to use camera in my app where can i get some camera related code
any way to get MPMoviePlayerController current playing item details
@Rizvan do u know how to enable vertical scrolling in webview
@bugfinder : Hello
read your message just now
@anonymous can we able to enable horrizondal scrolling instead of verticall in a webview
@bugfinder I have noticed your one habit. You ask question to one person he/she does not reply you ping another one. Make sure you include everybody and post your quesry once only.
@bugfinder : for PDF virwer :stackoverflow.com/questions/9680645/…
@anonymous will you please help me with this problem stackoverflow.com/questions/10118447/…
@anonymous but i am loading from the server i have to use a webview to load it is it
then no idea
@anonymous thank u for replying and also for finding out the error in my strategy
@anonymous can we enable horrizondal scrolling instead of vertical in webview
@anonymous i guess webview supports only vertical is it?
[_webView.scrollView setAlwaysBounceVertical:YES];
[_webView.scrollView setAlwaysBounceHorizontal:NO];
@bugfinder webView.scalesPageToFit = YES; use this
@bugfinder : what did you try by yourself to solve that issue? Did you Google?
Hi, guys. Does anybody know where i can find os example of UIPageViewController+UIPageControll. Like in flipboard or ios calendar???
Dhara Dhara...
Q: How to lock the horizontal scrolling of a scrollView in iOS

A for Alphai have a scrollView. i want it to scroll only in one direction(VERTICAL). Is there a way in which i can lock the horizontal scrolling...?? ...

A: Disabling vertical scrolling in UIScrollView

meronixyes, pt2ph8's answer is right, but if for some strange reason your contentSize should be higher than the UIScrollView, you can disable the vertical scrolling implementing the UIScrollView protocol method -(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView just add this in your UIViewControll...

Q: how to disable horizontal scrolling of scrollview iphone?

Rahul VyasI have a view like iphone's springboard. I have created it using a UIScrollView and UIButtons. I want to disable horizontal scroling on that view. I want only vertical scrolling. How do i do this?

@bugfinder : I found these many questions on SO
What did you search?
i am talking about webview.Is there any way to load a pdf document in a UIWebview so that it can scroll horizontally instead of vertically?
Is it possible?..
If so pls some one gimme me the way to do this..
Can someone help me?...
@anonymous the above question
@スイムイ aaeen
Bored. Working on some others spaghetti code.
Read interesting facts about nehru families.. :-D We are all taught wrong history.. The whole Gandhi Pariwaar is spoilt from 18th centuary.. :-D
@スイムイ In 10 months I have never created fresh project and always worked only on others incomplete projects..
@スイムイ hi
@ishhhh kooiii
@ishhhh whats up?
@user923370 vattayi irrukua
hello all
@ishhhh wat hapn?
i have any thing correct but still i get this error from uitableviewcell
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'UITableView dataSource must return a cell from tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:'
@user923370 call mom have to change the whole calender code
i do return a cell
@ishhhh waaaaat???
@Sunny Hi
@ishhhh its a sample code rt??
@user923370 wat sample code?
@ishhhh @anonymous @KartikArora @RKK @PrasannaYerramsetti @brush51 @user923370 @スイムイ hello @all please can any one hlp with my issue
@ スイムイ Hello... Lunch over ?
@ishhhh calender nammal download cheyth edit cheythathaleee
@RKK hi
@ilis cellForRowAtIndexPath:'daki kodunu buraya postalarmisin sana zahmet.
@ishhhh even jeevan and his team is also facing this same problem
@ishhhh avarum parayunnud ee edits kureeeee varunundd
@ilis wat s ur prblm
@ilis You aren't creating any cell. After dequeuing cell, you must check if it is nil. If it is, instantiate a cell.
@user923370 problem is, even tough i use the code above i got error
@ilis And please read Room FAQs. Make use of code sharing websites to show large blocks of code.
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@user923370 ohh pakse edo itthu edit alla. aa codil kore prob unndu.
@ishhhh mhhh
@ilis whats you issue?
@ishhh so wat you are planning to do.tell me.i wll also google from here.don worrry
@piyush:u thr
@ilis what error it is showing
@user923370 njan code maatti
@スイムイ this code works properly in other class. and yes i dont know yet to use the chat properly, sorry for that
@neel ya
here is the error: @user923370 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'UITableView dataSource must return a cell from tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:'
@ishhhh got another sample code?
@ilis use pastebin to paste the code. paste the code what you have used in ur project.
@neel any issue now?
@user923370 yes i got a new code. i am editing it from morning
@ilis No it won't work anywhere. Because you aren't creating cell at all. Look at this - pastebin.com/3KT0thL7
After dequeuing, you have to check if cell is nil. If it is nil, allocate the cell.
@ishhhh ohh k
@ishhhh wat about the photo app
@スイムイ hello
@ilis is that your problem ??
@ishhhh is he ok now
@dark Hello
@user923370 it looks so, and @スイムイ yes you re right
@piyush:ntng ..same thing..have u got solution
@スイムイ @dark @All any idea to customize UIPageControl, instead of dots below i need custom images, any help wud b appreciated!
@ilis tell when you solved your issue.k.
ok @user923370
@スイムイ is there any way to scroll tableview at selected cell when keyboard will appear
@スイムイ i done it all but scroll position is not identified properly
@スイムイ bcz of custome cell
@sunny @ilis @user923370 @neel @dark can aone help me how to create custom keyboard
@neel actually you can not show NSDate anywhere you need to convert it to in NSString. like if you want to show date in UILabel then you also need to convert NSDate in NSString
@user923370 @brush51
@krishna custom keyboard??????
@Sunny u can do this by cellforrowatindexpath and then typecast it to whichever class of cell u r using
sorry, i solved with this line cell=[[UITableViewCell alloc]init];
can any one help me in crating custom keyboard?
@user923370 ya
@ilis yes.solvd?
@ilis have you set your cellidentificer in IB?
@ilis Thats not the correct way.
@aksani56 not understood man
@Sunny Scroll the cell to top position.
@piyush:ok piyush...ma getting seperate date and time from UILable only..after that i am concatinating this two to get in this format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a"
yes it is, as @スイムイ said the cell was nil, i did it anyway
@スイムイ wait i put my code over here.....
do u know something like this indexpathforselectedrow
@PrasannaYerramsetti sry yar, i havnt work on camera application.
@piyush:now want this to in NSDate..coz what i want to do is want to create event in default calender foe given date and time
@Sunny scroll to this particular indexpath after gettting it from indexpathforselectedrow
@ilis NSIndexPath *topIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:arr.count-1
[tblview scrollToRowAtIndexPath:topIndexPath
@Bhurudada can i ask you one doubt?
@ Bhurudada do u know how to crate custom key board
@krishna but u cant show last row.....
@Sunny is ur actual problem scrolling or not able to scroll to last row, let me knw this?
@Sunny we can show
@user923370 no response from thm :P after that
@krishna is that the solution of my issue?
@スイムイ ak
@all can we change the the default keyboard in iphone.will apple reject such apps
@ishhhh thank god
@Sunny if we are entering in a text field and want to show in tableview at that time we have to scroll the table it will work
@ilis to scroll the table na then it will work
@Sunny ? got it
@aksani56 scroll to specific row.... tht i want ,,,....means the selected row is visible above keyboard
@krishna u r right .....
@user923370 ya tell,
@ilis solved?
@Bhurudada can we change the the default keyboard in iphone.will apple reject such apps
ya its possible
@krishna my ? here is above the keyboard show it will not hide behind the keyboard
@Sunny hmm so dats what i told, first u need to reduce the table height on keyboardwillshow
@user923370 yes i did
@aksani56 do u think its good idea
@Sunny after that get the indexpathforselectedrow and scroll to this particular indexpath
with scrolltorow method
@sunny i am having example for that
@user923370 mns r u talking abt custom keybord
@aksani56 ok
@ilis where was the issue?please share it
@Bhurudada ya
@Bhurudada ya i want
i'm going to lunch @all. see you later
custom key board @Bhurudada
@Bhurudada will apple reject?
@user923370 sry, no idea yar.
@Coder hi
is solved ur problem? @Coder
@user923370 i hadn't allocate the cell, so it returned nill. i added cell=[[UITableViewCell alloc]init]; into cellForRowAtIndexPath just after its definition
@Bhurudada krishna is asking about that only.how to create the custom keyboard
Anyone has ever used Phonegap for iPhone
@user923370 sry yar I realy dnt hv any idea abt that, it is good to say no rather to give a wrong suggestion, I m right. :)
@Bhurudada ys
@ilis just after defenition means????
@user923370 your answer is in here lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+create+the+custom+keyboard
@ スイムイ Phonegap iphone?
@Bhurudada your friend is now online ishhhh
@RKK that not my question krishna's
@aksani56 @スイムイ @krishna its solve ........
@aksani56 @スイムイ @krishna i set active textfiled tag in place of * 7 in my code........ thanks for help to all of you
pass it to who is asked that question @user923370
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Hi @Bala
@スイムイ busy?
Hello @RKK :)
@ilis ok.thankyou for your clarification
@user923370 no matter. i thank for your attention
@ilis Why are you posting huge blocks of code again and again?
@ilis its ok
@sunny good to here
@sunny can u help me how to create custom key board
@スイムイ whats this moving stuff gng or, is SO paying u lolz :)

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