Is there any way to simulate CMMotionManager's gyroscope output in the iPhone 4 simulator? CMMotionManager's gyroAvailable seems to indicate that the simulator itself won't do it (which is understandable, given that it doesn't simulate acceleration data either), but I figured someone may have wri...
@KartikArora there are five audio files named 5.mp3,4.mp3,3.mp3,2.mp3,1.mp3 in my resources folder. i am displaying a countdown timer from 5 to 1 in a label. Problem is when the countdown timer displays 5 the sound5.mp3 should play in background and when the label displays 4 the audio 4.mp3 should play.Actually i have done the code but problem is all the audio gets played at the same time at a strech
@Kiranb yeah if ui related prob,. is their thn apple will not reject ur app. most probably. and if you want to change now so you have to upload you new version of your app. with this changes
yeah i also read it. but i could not solve my problem. it continuously shows "fatal error: 'CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h' file not found" in my project @IphoneDeveloper
@Rani here what are you doing you are alloc and initializing the audioplayer every second so its playing all so do one this make one common allocation for audioplayer and just change the url every second and try it
@KartikArora yaa i agree but we don't have time we need to show app to client then we will change it in another version can u tell me when i will get approval ??