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@ThinkDifferent : reflections like in coverflow?
@ArchanaChaurasia : wait ek min please
@anonymous NO. this
@ThinkDifferent : thanks a lot keep sharing knowledge like this
@anonymous now please don't tell me you heard this first time.
@ThinkDifferent oops.. >_<
@ArchanaChaurasia : too much code
@PiyushPatel hi
@KartikArora hmmmm
@PiyushPatel yar 1 prob aa rahi h
@KartikArora bolo....
@KartikArora kya problem he yaar??
@PiyushPatel mene web view me html page display kia h and usme 1 image display kara raha hu simulator me wo image display ho rahi h lekin device me nahi ho rahi h :(
@KartikArora hello
@Rani hi
@KartikArora image store kaha ki he?
@PiyushPatel resource folder me
@PiyushPatel dusri images aa rahi h thodi bahot nahi aa rahi h :(
@KartikArora check case sensitivity
@PiyushPatel same use kia h yar
@PiyushPatel kya hmmm?? ans de
@anonymous @DimplePanchal do u knw
@KartikArora abe mene khabhi bhi HTML nahi use kiya college me bhi friend project banadete the.
@PiyushPatel IOS me kisne bheja tuje ????
@KartikArora could u please help me in incorprating facebook in my app.Actually i am having app_id and secret key i don't have app_key .Initially on button click i want to call the login page and then the post wall page should be called
bad luck ne.....@KartikArora
@all do you know the dpi of all ios devices?
hello guys.
Hi guys i have a prob
Anyone Knows how to install Mac OS in windows without vitualization
ihave core i3 processeor
@Rani Have you worked with MFMailComposer ?
ya Rani i have worked on mail composer
you dont want to use cirtual machine
virtual @alok
@Aadil ya
i dont want to use vertual
@alok have you added body as a html content ??
in MFMailComposer ?
@Prem ya
@alok when i am trying to set body content as a html data then it displays me in blue color
@alok you want ur intel mechine to be boot with mac
@alok and also with blue line displays before the content
MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;
NSString *emailBody = @"<p><b>Hello World</b></p>";
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];
u got??
@Prem no yaar
@Prem kya hua??
@Aadil yes i want to boot in intel.
@alok wait yaar i am trying your code
@Prem ok dear..
@Rani u want to int. facebook
any one work on mac app??
@alok whats ur proble?
problem? @alok
hi @all
i need help in iphone calendar
@KartikArora i want to incorporate facebook in my app but i have only app_id and secret key
@alok have try to instal mac os in ur board
any class in IOS that providing us english word dictionary?
@KartikArora r u der
@Leena, do have any idea about any class in IOS that providing us english word dictionary?
here is a link @CreazyCoder lexicontext.com
thanks @Leena
ok @CreazyCoder
@Leena, but there is only trail version
@alok its done.....mistake was in my code
@Rani dnt knw sorry
@alok I was placing the blockquote tag
@KartikArora ok
@Prem help karo na @Rani ki ... tumne to facebook and twitter ka gold medal jita hua h na
@KartikArora nahi yaar me bhi bahut kamjoor hu FB and Twitter me
@KartikArora what?
@MichaelDautermann: Hello.. Morning
@ArchanaChaurasia : ^^See
Hello.. Evening
@DimplePanchal thnx for reply but i solve my issue :)
@CreazyCoder wat about online dictionary?
@MichaelDautermann hello g EVE.
thats what I do..@ArchanaChaurasia I took UIScrollView and loaded UIView(Square ones) with independent viewController see next screen..
@Leena, no we can't use online dictionary becoz application need fast and real time searching english words
then ask your client to purchase it and the cost is only $20
@Leena, ok ...
@KartikArora kya galat kiya tha?
@CreazyCoder There is a feature Dictionnary in iOS 5
@MichaelDautermann Hi, How are you?
@PiyushPatel are image ki size 1800*1800 thi usko small ki to ho gaya :P
@KartikArora thanks u solved.. I was away
all good here... just waking up in s.f.
@dulgan, please share me if u have link any
@MichaelDautermann Do you have any idea of mapping object with JSON response?
"mapping object?" give me some more context as to what this is
@MichaelDautermann may be this would help you to understand.
I am going for snacks break.
They are using RestKit and it contains many things which is beyond my understanding, if there is any other way to do mapping then please let me know.
@ThinkDifferent I've used JSON but never RestKit. Hmmmm.... still reading through this.
HI FRIEND any one help me on ipad keyboard regifirst responder
@MichaelDautermann I know how to parse JSON and get the response and it works fine, but now requirement is to return object instead of JSON response.
return what kind of an object?
@MichaelDautermann Have you heard about Reflection in Objective-C?
@MichaelDautermann Custom object.
@CreazyCoder At last I found the code
UIReferenceLibraryViewController* dictionaryView =
[[UIReferenceLibraryViewController alloc] initWithTerm: word];
[self presentModalViewController:dictionaryView animated:YES];
@ThinkDifferent custom object, eh? Sounds like you might want to subclass "NSJSONSerializer" to create that custom object.
@スイムイ :P r u at home???
@MichaelDautermann I am having 20 classed having JSON parsing, some are posting data and some are getting JSON response, each having 10-15 methods total sum approx. 260 methods.
sounds disgusting
@MichaelDautermann I want to write a generic code for all which is called Reflection in Java/Objective-C which will return object.
Without change my existing code.
slow down!!!!
that Reflection answer at stackoverflow.com/a/2302808/981049 seems to be pretty good...
@all what is the advantage of storyboard?
This is for example to let you know what is Reflection and it wont help me.
@MichaelDautermann I want to write generic code for mapping object with JSON response.
Which will be reused.
and subclassing a JSON parser to create your custom objects won't do this?
In computer science, reflection is the process by which a computer program can observe (do type introspection) and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime.A Tutorial on Behavioral Reflection and its Implementation by Matt Hurlbutt In many computer architectures, program instructions are stored as data—hence the distinction between instruction and data is merely a matter of how the information is treated by the computer and programming language. Normally, instructions are executed and data is processed; however, in some languages, programs can also treat instructions as data and...
Yes, I know it's hundreds of methods
@dulgan, thanks man
@CreazyCoder No problem ;)
@MichaelDautermann This is the code of one method which I'd wrote 6 months before in which I JSON response is returning, now I want to write generic code for object mapping.
reading through this... this looks like something potentially useful for my C.V. :)
lol, which one?
all of it. woo! I'm surprised it isn't more extensively used under Objective C.
hi @iphonedev23
It has been written?
I don't know... but that answer from that question you posted sure makes it seem like it IS possible.
Again, that was for example, I want to map object with JSON without using RestKit.
@ all hi
hmm... not sure yet. I'd say post a Stack Overflow question. Maybe somebody has done this.
I'll even vote it up! :)
Hi.. One doubt.. In previous version of xcode we had an option of adding new build phase.. What is its alternative in the latest version of xcode, I'm not able to find anything suitable..
No need of votes, there are many similar questions asked already.
@MichaelDautermann Did you get vision what I want?
I think so...
3 hours ago, by dulgan
@ThinkDifferent Since iOS 5, you can do it really easyly by using : NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:receivedData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
@ThinkDifferent @Invincible @MichaelDautermann @bugfinder have u integrated twitter in ios 5 ?
@Coder nope
@MichaelDautermann @dulgan told me about this but of no use.
i am customising my navigation bar using this in ios 4 - (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

UIImage *barImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"top_bar.png"];
[barImage drawInRect:rect];

but now i want to include the check of ios5 also there . how can i change so that it can be done both 4& 5
@MichaelDautermann Now I am missing my @Terminator :P
@ a;;
she'll be back
@ all
@MichaelDautermann any idea regarding my doubt?
@thinkdefferent in 4 i have done that
I haven't done any Twitter integration into iOS 5....
@MichaelDautermann i am customising my navigation bar using this in ios 4 - (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

UIImage *barImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"top_bar.png"];
[barImage drawInRect:rect];

but now i want to include the check of ios5 also there . how can i change so that it can be done both 4& 5
@bugfinder does that work for both iOS 4 & iOS 5? is there a check for iOS 4 there?
@bugfinder and if there is a check, what does it look like?
it will work in 4 for sure.but in 5 it wont give u the desired color
@MichaelDautermann it will work in 4 for sure.but in 5 it wont give u the desired color
@ThinkDifferent @MichaelDautermann @bugfinder have u integrated twitter in ios 5 ?
@coder in4
@Coder in 4.3
@MichaelDautermann: In previous version of xcode we had an option of adding new build phase.. What is its alternative in the latest version of xcode, I'm not able to find anything suitable..
@anonymous ok
@bugfinder for ios 5
@ Coder No man
in which Twitter is inbuilt .. @bugfinder
@bugfinder ok nop
@bugfinder the "desired color"? Couldn't you just use the tintColor property of UINavigationBar
@all any one have knowledge about twitter integration in iOS 5 ??
@MichaelDautermann if ([navBar respondsToSelector:@selector(setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics:)]) like this
@invincible yes it's possible to add new build phases to a target.
@MichaelDautermann found it :)
I knew you would solve your problem, @Invincible
@bugfinder that looks like a lovely solution (using "respondsToSelector:")
@MichaelDautermann but i'm not able to integrate CorePlot framework, no matter which tutorial I follow..
"not able to integrate" could mean a dozen different things... what's not working?
it says "CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h" file not found
I haven't used CorePlot myself (even though I know it's verrrry popular). Is it a library or is it a framework?
this seems to be common problem while integrating..
seems to me that a header file you'd probably need to include within your own project
its a framework
i.e. in the list of files in the project itself.
but has an xcode project too..
@Invincible what you want to plot through corePlot ? barChar, LineGraph or pi chart ?
right... you build the framework and then include that framework in your own project
yup, copied all the required files..
@dark Pie chart..
@MichaelDautermann but how can i check that with in rect function of mine in appdelegate
@All hi
I have drawn a pie chart using core graphics, but have to handle touch for each sector..
@All how to convert "2012-03-20T10:04:00+01:00" to other format
@bugfinder how can you check what? you just want to know that you are running on iOS 5 or ?
@Invincible I have draw graph in Quartz2D ,I have only worked with barChart and line graph no idea about the pi chart
@dark oh ok..
@MichaelDautermann have followed this link
@MichaelDautermann that i will get with that code i posted.i am saying how i will do that with in the function that i early sent to u
any one can tell me how to show background color of cropped image as black..
cropped image in polygon shape
please help me
I think noone can help me
maybe not :-) If you don't get the answer you want, ask a question on Stack Overflow
@bugfinder It must be too early in the morning for me (it's 5:30 a.m. here)... I still don't see anything wrong with that function you sent to me a long time ago.
back again.
going to take a nap again.
What would I do?
stay awake and answer all the questions here?
@MichaelDautermann why do u get up so early?
too much to do today...
Need glass of wine.
dawwwww... nice find!
Thank you.
@MichaelDautermann hmm.. that was u in the pic?
no, that was actually Abizern
I also wake up early.
and what did you have for your snack break?
Ice cream
wow! I need to have more snack breaks like that.
It's summer time. So ice cream and cold things.
@スイムイ where are you from?
Summer time in March? where are you? Rio or Johannesburg?
@ArchanaChaurasia : Hello got?
After dinner i eat very cold Yogurt.
@hanleyhansen India and you?
@MichaelDautermann : Yup march - June summer in India
@スイムイ NJ, USA
@hanleyhansen Oh Nice. I like Snow.
@スイムイ I like snow but i hate shoveling lol
@スイムイ aaeen
What are you drinking?
@スイムイ did not appear on Skype resday
something carbonated. I'm still not addicted to coffee here.
@anonymous You didn't ping me.
@MichaelDautermann Yup, n a temperature above 30℃ in India!
@MichaelDautermann Where are you from?
well summer season is more fun than monsoon season.
@スイムイ I did.. You disappeared around 11.35
I live in San Fran.
@MichaelDautermann So it's 5AM there right? Almost 6?
@anonymous I didn't see your ping.
5:45 a.m.
Any idea of Object Mapping friends?
Anyone can try :)
(hearing crickets)
posted on April 03, 2012 by marie

We have teamed up with Pearson to organize an amazing giveaway wherein nine lucky winners stand a chance to win a copy of their choice from three top selling books on Android. Here is the list of titles that are up for grabs: Android Wireless Application Development Volume I Android App Development Fundamentals I LiveLessons (Video Training) [...]

Lol, they are selling Top Android Books :P
@ThinkDifferent hi
Do you know?
the muffin man?
(hearing crickets)
@MichaelDautermann are u in a forest? :)
I can't see the forest through the trees
@ThinkDifferent can u help me?
Say If I can then sure I'll help you.
@ThinkDifferent i want to call touchbegan in my view
bt i cant
What had you wrote for touchesBegan?
and also enable method userinteraction for dat view
i wrote
Don't write here.
use pastebin for it.
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
NSLog(@"touch event");
I think you are going to write code here.
i m calling ma view
bt my

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