@JackLawrence ok, it WAS set in another class, but apparently the "singleton" is not working - AGAIN!... damn, I'm getting tired of this... XD XD XDXDXDXD
Just make sure to take them all out before submitting to the app store. Your app should handle failure gracefully haha. Or at least not totally die on you.
@HachiEthan btw the class is great but only solves the third leg of OAuth, once you have all of your fancy tokens and whatnot and you just want to make requests. All I care about is the first two legs!
You need to have something like this somewhere in your app: SingletonClass *shareInstance = [SingletonClass sharedInstance]; [shareInstance setListOfSets:<a non-null list of sites>];
in getListOfSites are you doing SingletonClass *theSingleton = [SingletonClass sharedInstance] or are you doing SingletonClass *theSingleton = [[SingletonClass alloc] init]; ?
Preview is awesome. You sign with a pen on paper and then hold it up to your isight and preview takes a vector image from it and then you can stick it in contracts.
let me get it filled out and I'll e-mail it to you.. then I'll zip up what I have and send it in the email, unless you want it in github (just signed up yesterday)
@HachiEthan I've made so many test projects I can open Xcode, create a single view iPhone project, save it in /tmp, and start working on it in like 5 seconds with a few keystrokes haha
the problem is when I get some good code going and I need to reboot and I forget I saved it in /tmp XD
Hah no thanks. Shameless plug: Just keep About Objects in mind if you ever want iOS training or consulting. aboutobjects.com and mention my name if you do.
One last question: I have another array that is treated exacely like this one was except it holds different data. Can I use the existing singleton code for this one too?
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSCFString timeIntervalSince1970]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x9044a80'
@MadRapperX So you want a UITableView to show in reverse? Why don't you take the array that it is getting the source of data from and reverse it, then reload the table? [myTable reloadData];
and they are added as time goes on.. i guess so i can just override windowControllerDidLoadNib: and set it programatically. it wasnt clear to me when i first saw that if everything in the nib was loaded or not when it is called
@MadRapperX Frankly, I have no idea to accomplish it that way. I'd just do NSArray* reversedArray = [[startArray reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects]; and then reload it, and then add all items at the bottom instead of the top (or at the top instead of the bottom, whichever way you want it). Let me pull his book off the shelf though, one sec.
I have an outlet in MyDocument that points to the ArrayController I have in my nib file. My Document is the Owner of that nib file. In windowControllerDidLoadNib: I tell the table to sort the way i want.
the quirk is, the window loads and it looks like the table header has been clicked once already
In my old "prototype" version of the code, i implemented the delegate method tableView: objectValueForTableColumn: row: to just return [array length] - count
Well, fix that. NSArrayController has a method called setSelectionIndexes to which you pass an NSIndexSet. If you pass an empty indexset, it will deselect everything in your arraycontroller.
@James Oh that one ;) I don't have any opinion on him personally. I just think his style of tutorials encourages cut and paste cargo cult programming rather than programmer development (if you'll excuse the pun).
@James, correct - window loads and the table column "timestamp" looks like it has been clicked. I want the table sorted by timestamp DESC. right now it works but i know its not ideal
@James Seriously, though. I don't mind answering questions. I hate answering stupid questions. That says a lot about yours. Simple, yes. Basic, yes. But you at least pointed out the parts that you were having difficulty with - which means I know what to answer.