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cool, please do
@JackLawrence listOfSites is null... here's the code:

SingletonClass *shareInstance = [SingletonClass sharedInstance];
NSLog(@"prepareForSegue - listOfSites.count = %@", shareInstance.listOfSites.count);
[vc setListArray:shareInstance.listOfSites];
its null in SingletonClass?
probably because you're not initializing it
or just a 0 count
in your singleton you have to override init and provide it with data. Or at least set the sharedInstance's listOfSites somewhere before that moment.
Are you?
never mind... didn't set the listOfSites... damn, I just hate it when I do something stupid like that... XD
@JackLawrence ok, it WAS set in another class, but apparently the "singleton" is not working - AGAIN!... damn, I'm getting tired of this... XD XD XDXDXDXD
Can I see where you set it in the other class?
sounds like you're going in circles lol
Also if the singleton doesn't have any proprietary information in it, could you use gist.github.com to post the .h and the .m
yep... hold on... @HachiEthan (little teeny circles, and lots of them!)
Also, "it WAS set in another class" are you sure whatever you set it to is not null :)
@JackLawrence no, bcause I do a NSLog to check the count, and it was definitely set (value of 1)... let me get the code and post it... brb
@spokanedude breakpoints, step-through line-by-line, verify values are what you expect on each step. :) best way to stop the smaller circling!
@HachiEthan been there, doing that! :D
it helps if you separate out your variables
also, asserts instead of logging may help too
@HachiEthan asserts?
i.e. make NSArray listOfSites = [shareInstance listOfSites]
assert(listOfSites.count > 0);
just leave em in
during this phase
what's it do?
it crashes your app if it's not true.
that way if you accidentally break something, you get told what it is ASAP
and have to resolve it
instead of going off in another circle
lovely! another way to crash... love it!
Just make sure to take them all out before submitting to the app store. Your app should handle failure gracefully haha. Or at least not totally die on you.
you remove asserts before shipping
usually just a compiler option
let me get the code pasted...
(i put asserts in my libraries to keep my coworkers from passing me garbage and then pretending its my fault, lol)
@HachiEthan btw the class is great but only solves the third leg of OAuth, once you have all of your fancy tokens and whatnot and you just want to make requests. All I care about is the first two legs!
"your code asserted!" = "you send me garbage" vs "your code isnt doing what it should" = sends HachiEthan on wild goose chase.
gahhhh why can't OAuth just go die already.
the google code wasnt helping much? i used it pretty painlessly
granted that was after i spent a day figuring out how it all was supposed to work
I haven't touched it yet, but it looks like I'm gonna have to.
I just saw someone referencing this class and decided to check it out beforehand
i even re-used their VCs
to present vendor-specific views
so logging into dropbox via OAuth shows Dropbox's webview junk, but sits on top of Google's OAuth VC
@spokanedude I still don't see where you're setting the singleton's listOfSites.
is that happening in [slq getListOfSites]?
at this point i'm willing to sign an NDA just so you can send me your code. roflmao
yeah I'd sign an NDA as well haha.
this pin-hole view of a project gets a bit crazy hehehe
You need to have something like this somewhere in your app: SingletonClass *shareInstance = [SingletonClass sharedInstance]; [shareInstance setListOfSets:<a non-null list of sites>];
my gut is telling me you've got 99% of it right, its just a few missteps hanging you up
and its a matter of fine-tooth combing through the code
have you slept recently? ;)
hahaha... very funny! NOT! XDXDXD
yes, the listOfSites gets set in getListOfSites, 3rd line from the bottom
okay. Probably not correctly then, if it's still null.
Mommie! the're picking on me! boo-hoo! lmfao
it gets set correctly in getListOfSites, but for some reason, the next instance in prepareForSegue code lost it
"the next instance" well it should be the same instance.
Can you verify that your two [SingletonClass sharedInstance]'s are the same?
in getListOfSites are you doing SingletonClass *theSingleton = [SingletonClass sharedInstance] or are you doing SingletonClass *theSingleton = [[SingletonClass alloc] init]; ?
@JackLawrence SingletonClass *shareInstance = [SingletonClass sharedInstance]; line 46
* coughs and mumbles something about his overkill singleton handling an alloc misstep... *
oh oops I totally didn't see he had the source code there
I see the problem.
lol... that's why I did the pastbin at your request! lol
and the problem is? ta-da!
you never initialize the singleton's listOfSites property
drum-roll! XDXDXD
boy does my head hurt!
if you call [array addObject:] on an uninitialized array it will call addObject on nil.
which does nothing
then how would his count be valid?
that would be impossible.
actually. the only other way is if you're overriding your singleton's init method and initializing the array.
I don't think you're doing that
I think @Terminator had me do that... what am I looking for?
@ja that singleton you shared with him... you've tested it right?
er, @JackLawrence
Yeah.... let me take one more look to see if I've included everything.
want me to post the code I have?
on the singelton?
gah. Again, you cannot subclass NSMutableArray
your init method does look right though
@HachiEthan look good to you?
what's it supposed to be.. NSObject (which was in the original code you gave me)
yeah looks fine to me. never used dispatch_once() but i cant imagine thats broken
There's no need for it to be a NSMutableArray
OK... let me put it back and see what happens... om
Dunno if it'll help or not.
oh geez yeah
singleton should not subclass that
Nothing should subclass that haha. I believe it's like the first line of the documentation for NSArray
didn't make any diff...bombs at NSLog(@"prepareForSegue - listOfSites.count = %@", shareInstance.listOfSites.count);
in prepareForSegue
FYI spokane it's because NSArray/NSMutableArray is really a wrapper for one of many classes.
that are private.
wait a minute
Uhhhh @HachiEthan any ideas? All I can think of is that what he's sticking in the singleton is nil But spokane says that's not the case.
separate out your vars.
@implementation SingletonClass {

you gotta put your impl inside that impl
you do all this code outside of those brackets
ignore me.
damn C++
As soon as someone says "operator overloading" I wince
Are we getting to the point where we need a NDA?
I feel like we're missing one or two lines of code and I just need to step through it and figure it out.
@JackLawrence give me your email address and I'll send it out tomorrow
@HachiEthan you want one too?
I can sign it digitally as soon as you do.
@JackLawrence how do you sign it digitally?
i gotta pass, have a progress demo tomorrow
Preview is awesome. You sign with a pen on paper and then hold it up to your isight and preview takes a vector image from it and then you can stick it in contracts.
is it legally binding?
but if you're worried I can mail/fax it.
nah... wtf... I don't think you would do anything like that...especially since I only sell one (1) a day...
haha yeah no. Plus I'm working on a $400,000 enterprise project. I wouldn't have time to steal your ideas.
let me get it filled out and I'll e-mail it to you.. then I'll zip up what I have and send it in the email, unless you want it in github (just signed up yesterday)
plus the app store is so watered down with crap that it's impossible to make any more.
You can just zip it up. (awesome, I love github!)
you want it in github?
nah you can just email it.
just mentioning that I like github.
ok... I'll get back to you in a bit... thanks
@spokanedude are you ready for this???
for what?
I'm about to make your code BEAUTIFUL.
NSLog(@"prepareForSegue - listOfSites.count = %@", shareInstance.listOfSites.count);
%@ is for strings
count is an integer
use %d
or %i
or just screw printing count and print shareInstance.listOfSites.
ok... brb
it'll print everything inside the array.
i just caused that same crash with a dummy array of strings
made a quick test project lol
@HachiEthan I like how we both see the name auto completing and automatically hit enter because that's how Xcode does it.
gah, is that why im doing that? lol
yeah I kept being like damn why do I keep hitting enter.
lol, my "junk test project" grows larger!
that thing is a mess of 30 second sandbox tests
aww crap! changing to %d shows count = 1! just hate it when that happens! all of the other NSLogs use %d... brb
@HachiEthan I've made so many test projects I can open Xcode, create a single view iPhone project, save it in /tmp, and start working on it in like 5 seconds with a few keystrokes haha
the problem is when I get some good code going and I need to reboot and I forget I saved it in /tmp XD
yeah i just let it grow like Kudzu lol
what'd you do to fix it?!?!?!
haha best feeling in the world
yes, now all I have to do is figure out what I did to get it working! :D
let me know when you do. I'd love to know.
thank you both so much... I know it's been a drag... I have one last issue, but going to get all of this coding done first... pizza coupons anyone?
Hah no thanks. Shameless plug: Just keep About Objects in mind if you ever want iOS training or consulting. aboutobjects.com and mention my name if you do.
put me in the credits! :D
if he gets to be in the credits I want a paper crown and one of those sticks with the huge diamond on the end and a throne.
I certainly will...
or a pool. A pool would be nice.
a scepter? lol
cess pool?
Just a tiny one. for my sharks.
One last question: I have another array that is treated exacely like this one was except it holds different data. Can I use the existing singleton code for this one too?
I think the answer is yes, but just verifying
yessir. Just make another property, and remember to initialize it.
I'm gonna copy the code almost verbatim... thanks again you guys...talk with you later... bye
bye !
@HachiEthan 1 hour later... SINGLETONS FOR ALL THE THINGS. -_-
yeah just add another property to the singleton
dont create another singleton
we wont get into architecture design considerations just yet... heh
@JackLawrence hey at least its all in one place!
hah true
instead of scattered around the UI like cake sprinkles
Who puts sprinkles on a cake?
a cupcake, yes, but an entire cake? that's kinda gross.
bakeries is my first guess
btw this is basically my favorite use of a singleton: nachbaur.com/blog/smarter-core-data
drop in core data support :)
what child doesnt want MORE sugar on top of their sugar-coated sugar?
awesome, i'll be reading this article tomorrow
@all is xcode 4 is compatible with ios 5 SDK?
with mac os 10.6.8
i believe so, but not 5.1
oh ok Can somebody confirm it 100% please, im bit worried coz i have to uninstall present sdk
Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard (10.6.8) works for iOS 5.0 SDK
Xcode 4.2 does NOT work for iOS 5.1 SDK
xcode 4?
you need Xcode 4.3 for iOS 5.1 SDK, and Xcode 4.3 requires Lion
i have xCode 4
run xcode, click Xcode - > About Xcode
No my concern is i have XCode 4 not 4.2
yah i checked it. its says 4.0
it says xcode 4 basically
lol no clue, go update it
why arent you running 4.2
coz i am using dongle my broadband is not working
yeah it's pretty silly that you have to download 4 gigs of stuff every update
ah well, i have no idea about 4.0 offhand
ok no problem
thanks anyways
4.2 is 1.6 GB
dig around on developer.apple.com for release notes on SDK 5.0 i guess
oh i see. one more question if you dont consider it stupid. actually i develop applications for sdk 4.3 now do i need to learn a lot for sdk 5?
becuase im going to start job i think they gonna require applications to be made under sdk 5. but i have no experince
i know story board and ARC are new concepts
but do they matter alot?
@HachiEthan @benuuu
well you don't need to use them to be compatible with 5
i can't really vouch for it. i haven't dove into anything 5 specific yet.
yah i know. but its better technique. my concern is are they too complex or easily adaptable
oh i see
@mann no major issues. ignore storyboards and ARC if you want. (i do)
i code using SDK 5.0 but write applications to be compatible with 4.2 and up
yeah that's been my approach. i don't really like the storyboard editor
it's just too many xibs on one page
@HachiEthan oh thats a motivation. thanks
i was bit scared
also, i believe that 5.0 requires 4.2
er, 5.0 SDK requires Xcode 4.2. the release notes for 4.2 make it sound like they came hand-in-hand
also, storyboards are not compatible with 4.2 devices, which is why i havent even glanced at them
hi people
how can I convert NSdate to timestamp? google not help =(
example date=03/20/12 09:53 AM, i need convert this to unix timestamp. anybody know how do this>
@benuuu not help
have error
@Pavel could you be more specific? what is the problem with that method?
example I have NSDate *date which contain this "03/20/12 09:53 AM"
how I can convert this date to enix timestamp
i doing [selectedItem.date timeIntervalSince1970];
and have eeror
     [date timeIntervalSince1970];
what's the error?
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSCFString timeIntervalSince1970]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x9044a80'
well it looks like selectedItem.date is a string and not an NSDate
I have JSON object JsonArray
selectedItem.date=[JsonArray objectAtINdex:9];
"02/23/12 06:45 PM", //this opbject
i need convert this to timestamp
well you asked me how to convert NSDate to a timestamp, but you want to know how to convert a string to a timestamp.
have you considered converting the string to an NSDate to a timestamp?
selectedItem.date is a type of NSDate
I need do someming about this?
st=[JsonArray objectAtINdex:9];
NSDate *date= convert st to date
[date timeIntervalSince1970];
yes. i am assuming jsonarray objectAtIndex will give you a string and not an NSDate
but your error looks like it's trying to call timeIntervalSince1970 on a string.
okey thank
no problem
"02/23/12 06:45 PM"
can you write a right date format
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy"];
well do you understand what dd-MM-yyyy is doing?
it not help me
1 hour later…
Best resource for leanning cocos2d for ios ?
is there an easy way to get an array controller to return its arrangedObjects in reverse, without subclassin ?
ie - a twitter wall, the most recent objects are at the top
what is the meaning of life ?
@MichaelDautermann LOL
@dotnetcoder raywenderlich.com
@dotnetcoder If you click on "Tutorials" there is a whole section on them.
@dotnetcoder and when you use raywenderlich.com don't forget to tell @Abizern how much you enjoyed them
@MadRapperX So you want a UITableView to show in reverse? Why don't you take the array that it is getting the source of data from and reverse it, then reload the table? [myTable reloadData];
@MichaelDautermann Does @Abizern write for Ray?
I owe @Abizern big time. I abuse him with my questions. ;)
@James, the objects are chronological
and they are added as time goes on.. i guess so i can just override windowControllerDidLoadNib: and set it programatically. it wasnt clear to me when i first saw that if everything in the nib was loaded or not when it is called
@MadRapperX So you're saying you want the UITableView to just work... backwards?
i.e. upside down?
@James, yea - i assume its a common thing but its eluded me
@MichaelDautermann What am I missing here? I feel like something has gone way over my head.
I don't even remember what the questions were
i was using a delegate for the datasource to return an item for a given cell, but i wasnt sure how to use that + binding
@MichaelDautermann @Abizern and Ray
chapter 8 of hillegass pretty much
next time you see him online, ask him for his opinions on Ray
@MichaelDautermann Oh no! :X
@MadRapperX Frankly, I have no idea to accomplish it that way. I'd just do NSArray* reversedArray = [[startArray reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects]; and then reload it, and then add all items at the bottom instead of the top (or at the top instead of the bottom, whichever way you want it). Let me pull his book off the shelf though, one sec.
is it weird for my nsdocument implementation to have an outlet connected to the array controller in my nib?
@James, no its good - i think
it's all of the above
what were we talking about ?
@MadRapperX How do you mean good? Good answer, or you found your answer elsewhere?
@MichaelDautermann Before I walked in?
@Moshe Good is the answer. ;)
@Moshe IMHO, if I get to learn something new, then good and thorough (and technical) is awesome. If it's a rant/rave, well, tldr;
@all, im real confused about everything thats going on now. im just going to back away slowly from the computer
@James lol. Haha
@MadRapperX hahaha, two conversations at once.
@MadRapperX If you want to start a side chat with me so we can figure out this table view problem, I'd be more than happy to see what I can help with.
@MadRapperX btw, which edition of his book do you have?
3rd, but im on osx 10.5
so its all good
fair enough
@James, I have a solution.. and im curious if its idiomatic. Is it ok to describe it in here? Im not sure how to side chat
@MadRapperX Why not, go ahead.
@MadRapperX That way you can get more than just my opinion.
I have an outlet in MyDocument that points to the ArrayController I have in my nib file. My Document is the Owner of that nib file. In windowControllerDidLoadNib: I tell the table to sort the way i want.
the quirk is, the window loads and it looks like the table header has been clicked once already
In my old "prototype" version of the code, i implemented the delegate method tableView: objectValueForTableColumn: row: to just return [array length] - count
Well, fix that. NSArrayController has a method called setSelectionIndexes to which you pass an NSIndexSet. If you pass an empty indexset, it will deselect everything in your arraycontroller.
err, i guess its 'count' in objc
As a side note though, this is the wrong chat for Mac dev. ;)
oh my bad.. is there a room for that ?
To be honest, I'm not sure.
I never see it on the SO page and assumed this was the all encompassing room
No big deal, a lot of iOS guys know OSX. It's the same language with a lot of the same ideas, just different names.
And you're completely right, there isn't an OSX room. Weird.
@MadRapperX Did it work?
@James, no but i was thinking, and nothing in the array is actually selected
Evening all. Did someone ping me?
the table column is 'selected' (not sure if its the correct term here)
@Abizern We all need you. (kidding) BUT, I was told to ask you your thoughts on Ray Wenderlich.
@James Oh that one ;) I don't have any opinion on him personally. I just think his style of tutorials encourages cut and paste cargo cult programming rather than programmer development (if you'll excuse the pun).
@MadRapperX I don't think I'm following at all. lol. So you got it to flip, but now the header is selected, right?
@Abizern In hindsight, I completely agree (hence my long list of questions through email the other day).
@James, correct - window loads and the table column "timestamp" looks like it has been clicked. I want the table sorted by timestamp DESC. right now it works but i know its not ideal
@James Yeah - you must have caught me on a good day. Normally I'm the room's grinch (Get off my lawn!)
@Abizern he he he. I will never be able to thank you enough.
@MadRapperX cringe
so the real question is "Is it possible to un-highlight all table columns?"
@James Seriously, though. I don't mind answering questions. I hate answering stupid questions. That says a lot about yours. Simple, yes. Basic, yes. But you at least pointed out the parts that you were having difficulty with - which means I know what to answer.
seems like once you click a header, at least one will be clicked for the life of the window
If you really want to piss me off ask "I want to do X but it doesn't work".
Anyway - bed time. See you around, all.
@MadRapperX Then deselect all
setSelectionIndexes on your ArrayController to an empty NSIndexSet and it will deselect all.

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