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@george Uh! UIPageController? I am hearing this for first time :-0 I have however worked on UIPageControl.
@dark hi
@aimzy hii
@aimzy @dark hi
hru guys
@PratikshaBhisikar hii
@Pooja hello How you are doing
@Pooja hi am fine shine abi so kar utha hn :)
@Pooja hey am fine .. u?
@aimzy 5n thx dear
@PratikshaBhisikar grt n u
@dark good n hows ur proj going onn
@PratikshaBhisikar UIPageControl that's what I meant
ipad mil gaya
@aimzy @Pooja what's going on ?
@Pooja I am doing ok ok
@ Pooja like some time of interval of 2mins or 10mins and m not using my iphone or its on charging then it should lock .got it?
@PratikshaBhisikar please help
@george yes, i have worked on it.
@PratikshaBhisikar y ok ok
@PratikshaBhisikar hii :)
@PratikshaBhisikar u always rocks n today ok ok
@Pooja going good am working on another application or aj sbh 9 bjy complete kar k ghar a gya tha :P
@Pooja mmm lol. This week is project submission. So ok ok :)
@george What is the issue?
@PratikshaBhisikar n m grt because this week project submission
@PratikshaBhisikar the UIPageControl doesn't work
@PratikshaBhisikar still dont know how to make both the class character values the same..
@Pooja good :) @PratikshaBhisikar what's up ?
@vjay @dark @PratikshaBhisikar @ManjotSingh hi ,i have vedio with 960*640 ratina display , it's working on ipad but same vedio is not working on ipod means in (420*360 resolution ).
@ pooja?
@george There could be many reasons for that. You need to provide more information.
@KETANMORI what error comes ?
@aimzy Making both class character values same, means?
It wont,as the size of of it exceeds,you have to make the size according to iPad resolution
@furqan r u looking some thing like this stackoverflow.com/questions/3319044/…
@PratikshaBhisikar some code?
@dark @aimzy @honest @pratiksha bye c u later
@dark in simulator vedio play sucessfully but in ipod vedio not play there are no error message
@furqan sorry have to go
bye all
@Pooja ok bye....take care....c u later
@ Pooja in this link they are unlocking and i have to lock the iphone :(
@Pooja bye have fun
@KETANMORI no idea may be @PratikshaBhisikar has that idea
@Pooja bye cya :)
@Pooja Bye
@george Code... ok let me see
@PratikshaBhisikar hi ,i have vedio with 960*640 ratina display , it's working on ipad but same vedio is not working on ipod means in (420*360 resolution ).
@ all any other person can solve my problem??
Q: UIPageControl Help

uheliosI need to use UIPagecontrol for my application, and I'm not sure how to get started. I'm a beginner, and the examples that apple gives me are pretty complicated. All I need are 3 pages with different views for each of them. Can anyone help me out here? P.S. remember that I'm a beginner! :D thanks

@george Go there
@KETANMORI Sorry - I have not yet worked with videos.
@furqan if that link is showing unlocking cant u do the opp to lock the phone? hmm ok i dunno... just saying....
@PratikshaBhisikar hii
That lady is 91 year old and has written the symbian OS Kernel in her past life, is her claim. lol funny
@PratikshaBhisikar look here pastebin.com/Q3bFmZ2J please
@ aimzy yes its not locking i have searched ....
@Shaharyar i have one question to u
@george You said you want a sample code, i showed you a tutorial link. And now you are showing me your code ?
@Harish shoot
@PratikshaBhisikar hehe wow..they is her claim valid? any evidence/proof?
@Shaharyar how can i set value for posting
@PratikshaBhisikar I told u I'll show u my code...not that I need code.Pls look at it
@aimzy no i think when she said she drunk too much hahaha
@Shaharyar in this ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:url];
@aimzy lol yeah i don't know what she means by - In a past life.
@Shaharyar [request whatshould write over here]
@Harish first, for posting I suggest a ASIHTTPFormDataRequest
@Harish [request setPostValue:@"Ben" forKey:@"first_name"];
@george ohhh Misinterpreted you. Sorry. Ok - I am seeing it.
brb food, after that im gonna code an app just for fun :D
@Shaharyar is make meter on the datatype also
@PratikshaBhisikar wo pichlay janam ki baat kar rii ho gee hahaha
@PratikshaBhisikar thanks:D
@george You need to tell me what exactly is not working, before i start looking at it. The PageControl is not getting updated?
@PratikshaBhisikar which link is that?
@PratikshaBhisikar no error, only that is not getting updated
@Shaharyar I have to set value according this /NSString *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Token=%@&JourneyID=%@&JourneyName=%@&Locationname=%@&StartDate=%@&Distance=%@&ShareType=%@&LastSyncDate=%@",tokenapi,Journey_ID,Journey_Name,Location_Name,Start_Date,Dist,Share_type,str];
how can i do that
@george You mean the page control dots are not getting updated when you try to go to other page control dots by click on it?
@aimzy Link for what?
@PratikshaBhisikar exactly...no matter how many times I click on it is not going to the specific page_i have only 2 pages
@Shaharyar are u there
@george Are you using page control from xib or creating it programmatically?
@PratikshaBhisikar programatically
@PratikshaBhisikar i have a problem regarding background image
@PratikshaBhisikar what do think /
@Shaharyar hello
hi @0x8badf00d
@PratikshaBhisikar that 91year old woman one
@PratikshaBhisikar 960x640 is the ratio for image right? if we have navigation controller then we need to change it?
@0x8badf00d i am creating an alarm application which have snooze feature in it.
@Rani, ok.
wait wait wait wait
@0x8badf00d i am getting confused on how to implement it.
@george ok can you point me the code where you are initializing the page control programatically in your code?
@ManjinderS We use 320x480 resolution image normally in our application. Lets say you have such an image called majinder.png. For devices that have retina display feature, we can have [email protected] image that would be used instead of majinder.png in retina display devices. And since its 2x, its resolution would be 640x960
@ any know about...how can i handle Soap Fault error
@ Rani hi,
u there?
@Shaharyar hello are u there?
@aimzy You need her SO Profile link?
@Infinity are you there
@Sam what about that ? SOAP fault error most likely you have are sending bad SOAP Request.
@PratikshaBhisikar yes agree but in my simulator these two sizes are not fitting . i dont know why. i think because of navigation bar? we have to reduce size of navigation bar from it?
@PratikshaBhisikar no give her home address not SO link :P
@PratikshaBhisikar hi i want know how to synchronize from background suppose i have register page when fill and save into database then i will close my application and when i start application again then in should sart synchronize and sent record to server database please help me on this
@furqi, Mubin Raja sey kaam lo >:
@PratikshaBhisikar she has an SO profile link ? LOL
@0x8badf00d ya u r right....i want to just restrict it tht when it will occur it prompt to use tht some newtwork error or any mesage...so how can i handle it
@aimzy yes just a moment. I will show.
@PratikshaBhisikar hi can u help me on this please
@0x8badf00d so bcz of it my application will not crash
@ManjinderS You are showing the image in some UIImageView, right?
@Sam your application should not crash because of SOAP Fault.
@Sam can you paste your SOAP Fault response here ?
@PratikshaBhisikar no background image.self.view.backgroundColor =[UIColor clearColor];

self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"homeScreen.png"]];
@0x8badf00d ok
@Rocky Sorry - No idea.
@dark please help me on thish i want know how to synchronize from background suppose i have register page when fill and save into database then i will close my application and when i start application again then in should sart synchronize and sent record to server database please help me on this
Jane Sales, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom
5.8k 16 38
@PratikshaBhisikar ok
@PratikshaBhisikar lol ok i see :P
@ManjinderS So in that code, what happens? Can you post a screen shot?
@0x8badf00d it will occur some time with result string is "Server was unable to process"....
@PratikshaBhisikar oye...laddu ye kaun hai ????
@HonestSuccess hey wats up...
@Sam, I am sure it does give that response. Post the XML Response you are getting back.
@PratikshaBhisikar are you angry with me or what?
@0x8badf00d ya
@0x8badf00d so i want to just prompt when tht message will occur.
@Rocky I have not working on databases yet @PratikshaBhisikar know that :).
@Sam if([elementName isEqualToString:@"SoapFault"]) then do something...
@PratikshaBhisikar no not here . actually is there anything like from this standard size we have to reduce navigation bar area.
@Harish nope :-)
@PratikshaBhisikar than what happen
@0x8badf00d and in which file i check for it...
@ManjinderS I don't think we can reduce size of navigation bar.
@Harish Nothing, as usual
@PratikshaBhisikar before that i say that hello but u not reply me
@Sam In your XML parser.
@Harish Oh sorry, may be i did not see.
@Sam didEndElement method ( NSXMLParser )
@0x8badf00d i am generating Stub....
@0x8badf00d from wsdlObj
@0x8badf00d, I don't know much about wsdl to objc stub generators.
@PratikshaBhisikar i have the ASIHTTP problem you have any idea
@0x8badf00d ok.....and thanks for guiding me
@Sam, Look for XML Parser in the generated code. And add that line if(elementName isEqualToString:
@Harish No, i haven't used it yet
@PratikshaBhisikar so how is job going on sqlite kis jaman main btyae gee :)
@PratikshaBhisikar ok yaar
@0x8badf00d i check for it
bye @all brb later
@PratikshaBhisikar u know how implement IAds in application
@PratikshaBhisikar baat nahi karni hai kya ??? kisi baat ka bura laga ho to bol dena.....
@aimzy bye
@any body know here how to implement iads in application
@Shaharyar helo
@HonestSuccess any idea about how to record and upload video on Web server
@Infinity hi
@PratikshaBhisikar ladki
@IphoneDeveloper @Sam @sandy @aimzy @ u know how to implement iads in application what step for it in itune for addvertising
@sandy i know it but i want know how to start for advertising step

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