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@MuraliRaghuram Programming used to be a hobby for me. Now I'm trying to make it by business.
@Abizern but i have a few ideas for enterprise markets on mobile platform...So eventually want to work on them
@abizern i am so nice that made you feel like being nice too :P hehhehehe
@Abizern well I am planning to do that too...once I eliminate the laziness that kills me and become a decent programmer
@aimzy Although when I see you creating view controllers and not releasing them I feel like I should be angry at you. Next time I come to Singapore you're going to have to by me some noodles on Orchard Road.
@Abizern where do you live?
@MuraliRaghuram London
@Abizern lovely! i lived there for a while, loved it...
@MuraliRaghuram Where are you now?
@Abizern so are you working on anything specific... I understand if you don't want to disclose
@Abizern hahaha ok sure no problemo :D
@Abizern i live in the US
@MuraliRaghuram I've got a couple of projects ;)
@Abizern good luck!
@MuraliRaghuram You too. Where in the States - just curious.
@Abizern Boston
@Abizern are u editing the code n running the app as well?
@aimzy God, no that would be too easy.
@Abizern heh? means u didnt see how the app is like? its fun.. :P
@aimzy I'm just fixing the obvious errors for now. I'm down to 6 now.
@aimzy I started it, but didn't know what to put into the two fields that showed up.
@Abizern I have a few ideas and probable clients too...but i need a partner in crime... if you are interested we could talk
@Abizern ok oh...cos u said we not releasing view then was thinking cos u didnt run the game that y dont know y we didnt release it...
@Abizern y didnt know what to put?
its just name and about me
how simple is that
@aimzy a couple of things - MP4_12PlayAppDelegate.h line 35 - you have declared NSMutableArray *characterArray; but you never use it in the m file. It isn't one of your properties either.
@aimzy i gather from the discussion you are working on some kind academic project...so good luck!
@MuraliRaghuram yes good observation! THANK YOU! :D
@MuraliRaghuram its my final year project
@aimzy Okay - let me clean this up a bit more. I've only got a couple more probs to fix but they are bigger changes.
@Abizern oh that leader added...no idea.. :P
@aimzy cool, is this is your bachelor's ?
@MuraliRaghuram no not yet gone to uni... am doing diploma... after i graduate from my diploma i plan to go to uni...
@Aimzy - MP4_12PlayViewController.m line 62 you declare CharacterViewController *cvc, but you don't initialize it to anything, and you only use it for an NSLog in the next line. Why is that?
@Abizern thanks again. i am sure I will see you around... BTW, is there a contact email?
@MuraliRaghuram my user name at gmail
@aimzy ok...good luck with your finals...
@Abizern ok cool...Take care now, if I find myself in trouble I will see you again here
@Abizern to see the value of the attribute from the CharacterViewController class character variable...
@MuraliRaghuram Sure
@MuraliRaghuram THANKS! :) hope the presentation goes well next week
@Abizern BTW I have a question on stackoverflow thats unanswered ...which in fact you answered in this discussion. So if you want to look at the question and update the answer, i will vote it
@aimzy but you don't set it to anything. you just declare the variable, but you don't assign anything to it.
@Abizern we used that declared variable cvc just for the NSLog
@MuraliRaghuram I didn't realise you had code. If I have some time I might look at it later.
@Abizern: hi
@Abizern I have hosted it on GITHub...and I have pasted a link there
@aimzy I've marked it with a warning directive - take a look at it later
@Abizern actually that was just for checking purposes nothing else..nothing to do with the function of the app...
@aimzy That isn't even checking. it's doing nothing.
@Abizern we will lose it... it was just soley for the NSLog nothing else...
@aimzy done.
@Abizern ok now u can see the main issue..
@aimzy Why are you up so late?
@aimzy I mean I got rid of that logging code.
@Abizern i was going to sleep but u started saying abt all these so thats why not sleeping yet...
@aimzy No, go. I'll stop talking and carry on. We can talk about it tomorrow.
@Abizern ok then good nite cya later...be nice :D heheh wat time is it there btw?
@aimzy 20:22 And I'm listening to this bluegrass music and I think I'm going to be sick of it by tomorrow ;)
@Abizern lolzzz bluegrass interesting name...LOL reminds me of wheatgrass drink :P
ok @all bye cya
bye @canelo
@aimzy And I might have to fix the way you dismiss the keyboard on the log in screen.
bye @lakiniphone
@aimzy bye
@Abizern ok sure
@Abizern: hi can u help me?
@Harshal What's up?
i want to dismiss multiple viewcontrollers at once
I have used viewBased template
i dont want to use navigation controller
@Harshal :)
@dark: ih
i thot u r not here today
@Harshal Then you'll have to manage your own stack
@Harshal yes abizern is right
@dark: how do u do that?
@Harshal first tell your problem
@dark: first vc-> 2nd vc-> 3rd vc ...this is the hierarchy
from 2nd vc-> 1st vc..i'm using [self dismissModalViewController]
then what you want ?
from 3rd vc-> 1st vc ????
@Harshal did'nt get you from from 2nd vc-> 1st vc..i'm using [self dismissModalViewController]
@Harshal - have a look at the reference in this
A: Walking the responder chain to pass custom events. Is this wrong?

Peter HoseyUIApplication has a method for just this purpose, as does its Cocoa cousin. You can replace all of that code in your question with one message.

@dark: [self dismissModalViewController]..lets u dismiss the topmost view controller..right>
@Harshal first seee @Abizern link
@dark: ok
@dark: i dint understand that
@Harshal what thing you didn't understand ?
@dark: how is that related to my question
@Harshal ok paste you code on pastebin how you add controller
@dark: if (tapCount == 1)
//call to next view
magazineView *viewForMagazine = [[magazineView alloc] initWithNibName:@"magazineView" bundle:nil];
//[self.view addSubview:viewForMagazine.view];
//[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewForMagazine animated:NO];
//viewForMagazine.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
[self presentModalViewController:viewForMagazine animated:YES];
[viewForMagazine release];
this is within 1st vc
articleView *viewForArticle = [[articleView alloc] initWithNibName:@"articleView" bundle:nil];
appdelegate.indexOfarticleAtorientation = index;//[NSNumber numberWithInt:index];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewForArticle animated:NO];
[viewForArticle release];
@Harshal ok so i think you again check with the customDelegates
articleView *viewForArticle = [[articleView alloc] initWithNibName:@"articleView" bundle:nil];
appdelegate.indexOfarticleAtorientation = index;//[NSNumber numberWithInt:index];
[self presentModalViewController:viewForArticle animated:YES];

[viewForArticle release];
@Harshal just give me 20 mins i you have time am lil busy at that time
is it ok for your @Harshal ?
@dark: ok
@Harshal ok i'll touch base you after 20 mins
@Harshal 1.Create a delegate protocol in VC3 that calls a method when you want to dismiss VC2 and VC3. 2. Implement the protocol method in VC1 so that it gets rid of VC2 and VC3. 3. When you create VC2 from VC1 pass a reference to VC2 to hold VC1 4. When you create VC3 from VC2 set the delegate of VC3 to be VC1 (it can do this because you passed the reference when you created VC2) 5. Then, when you want to dismiss VC3 and VC2 call the delegate method
@Abizern: ok..sounds good....delegate method implementation in vc1 to get rid of vc2..u mean making it nil?
@Harshal Or removing it and popping back to VC1
@Abizern: i'm not using navigation controller..so popping out still works?
@Harshal Not really. I'm just saying that as short hand for reversing the method you used to add view controllers.
@Abizern: oh ok..
@Harshal Ok then.
@Abizern: step 3 means??
@dark: if u dont find me online can u plz send me whatever u wanted to send me..i have given u my gmail id..
posted on September 06, 2011 by Umut M.

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3 hours later…
hi anyone online?
@Canelo u dere?
@ManjinderS Hiho
@Canelo u alright?
what about u
@Canelo im gud thanks
@Canelo actaully im trying to load background image on tableView. image is loading perfectly well but problem is i have like 5 cells it does not render properly but could be the reason
@ManjinderS What do you mean does not render properly, can you share screenshot ?
@ManjinderS yes please
@Canelo the code im using is self.tableView.backgroundColor =[UIColor clearColor];

self.tableView.separatorColor = [UIColor clearColor];

self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"background.png"]];
@ManjinderS What is happening?
@0x8badf00d @Canelo like i have 5 cells. my background image having gradiant. now for plane part of image it is ok but when there are cells it become dark
@0x8badf00d sorry mate i cant share screen
i dont know what is causing the problem
@ManjinderS code that you shared looks fine.
@Canelo @0x8badf00d r u getting me otherwise. like i have 5 cells rest of the place in view is empty. image is gud in rest of the part but when cells starts it become dark i have used self.tableViewSeparatorColor =[UIColor clearColor]; it removes color but it destroy image
@ManjinderS what do you see if you set Number of rows to zero ?
try adding tableView.backgroundView = nil;
@Canelo @0x8badf00d ok let me check
@0x8badf00d no putting no. 0 does not show any row. @Canelo does not effect nil
@Canelo @0x8badf00d its simple near cell text it become dark and the place from where cells starts it also become dark .
@ManjinderS return 0; on number of rows datasource method returns 0 rows. Do you see same effect ? Like near tableView image contrast is changed ?

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