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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

And yet here we all are, when we are supposed to write code :)
I don't understand you
I was talking about the quote above: "Being a good software engineer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the internet."
I was talking about that being 3 hours ago
My apology! I came late and found that quote amusing.
lmao, I was just pointing out ...
Well, I probably bring up a duplicate question here, but I'm working on a chat system on a big social network. I'm wondering whether Node.js + Socket.IO bundle would handle the load, or I should stick to XMPP instead.
Sorry, I walked away @SonTranNguyen
I would ask you a few more questions
Have you already written the stack to use XMPP or will this be all new development either way?
It's a new developement.
However, I'm trying the ejabberd server
Have you ever done development on a chat server with XMPP?
Oh, so you're considering using an existing solution stack that already does what you need?
Not exactly. I'm willing to experiment both
I see that XMPP is well-established so I tried it first
I would start with an existing solution that already does what you need
Have you designed a chat system under node.js? If yes, how does it scale for you?
I personally have not, and without 100% of the userbase saturating it at one time on one server, it will scale fairly well.
However, you need to understand more about how node works before I can equitably say "yes, that will scale fine" because right now it's one process running on one CPU, and scheduling IO- eventing with the callbacks that rely on those events. So you're still upper bound at some point without doing something else in the backend. So in other words, the short answer is: Just use XMPP for now.
If you were integrating it into an existing node stack, then yes, I would encourage the use of node for a chat server.
That's a wisely answer! Thank you!
I have another question though! Will your answer apply to other real-time application such as games as well?
If the other apps are written on XMPP versus Node, sure.
Every question that you have you should make a T chart and list the advantages on each side, or weigh the advantages of each against the disadvantages of each.
Kind of like how a scientist would evaluate two things ....
If I know the advantages of both sides, sure :) However, both XMPP and Node.js are new to me. Therefore, I would like some insights of people like you, who have experience on node to evaluate for me.
And yet I have no experience with XMPP except to install a server once
Another reason is that, building a simple application is... simple. But building a big application with thousands to millions of users is not something I could decide over night
How could I fairly evaluate the two?
Would you like my advice on scaling?
Yes, on the node side!
I know you do, you're here.
Here is my advice on scaling:
Write your code well. Write it to be as simple as need be, but no simpler. Write it to be well read by other developers. Do not attempt to be fancy, do not attempt to make it complex or complicated. Be explicit where you should be explicit. In other words, write your app to be as right as it can be. When you have done that, and it works for one user, and two users, and five users, and ten users, then when you get to 10,000 users you will have the ability and the knowledge to help it scale.
But in all things, even if you should need a consultancy to help the application scale, so long as it is well written, and is able to be easily read by any other programmer, it will always be scalable.
Those are my words, but the thought is not mine. It comes from those with more experience than myself. It has no bearing on the language used, the underlying platform, or your choice of bedspread color. It is true.
It's true! In other words, I, myself, have to experiment with it. Only after that, I would seek for advice, right?
No, it means, write the code to be as simple as it may, and no simpler.
Then it will scale
I promise you this. And when it comes time to scale to a million users, and the code is written well, and as simply as it may be written but no simpler, and it does not scale, then come back and find me, and I shall show you why it didn't scale.
I'll try and come back :)
7 hours later…
@jcolebrand All the parts of node would involve "real-time" and "concurrent input/output", I doesn't really cover the latter
@SonTranNguyen It scales pretty well. Really depends how much scaling you need. If we're talking about 100k+ concurrent users at any time then go use erlang instead. If were talking about 20 concurrent users write it in whatever you feel comfortable with since everything scales that far (apart from maybe ASP.NET webforms)
Isnt XMPP a protocol?
as for node knockout I've been thinking about games and visual representations based on stackoverflow data.
1. A visual representation of the fastest gun in the west problem, some form of shooter populated with live stackexchange data in terms of questions.
2. A game that teaches about stackoverflow. This is limited by requiring advance text based pattern recognisition to determine whether questions and answers "match". However you can easily do something along the lines of "Teaching to recognise what a question is about" which is the first step to answering it by having some form of SO tag and question matching.
3. Visual representation of stackoverflow users answering questions. Basically playing a period of time for a user and all related questions/answers / other users.
Representing the act of answering questions as some kind of fight or flow. with questions (enemies) morphing over time based on votes and bounties and users "answering" the question in some graphical representation based on upvotes of answers. This should also show combined efforts of other users and also work in realtime rather then history
@yojimbo87 and any other system build around displaying the gamification of SO.
I'm for some kind of RT visualisation
this would require some kind of continuous feed of preexisting data
games were the most popular projects on last year KO
and I think they also would be this year
also winners were mostly from this category
Do we want some interactive, do we want something multiplayer?
there would also probably be some hardcore competition considering the state and readiness of webgl after a year
I quite like #3 myself.
I was thinking about webgl
but the lack of any 3d art skills is a big downer
yeah also webgl is not the easiest stuff to work with
unless you use some high level library
Well if your doing webgl i assume your using threejs ;)
Also do we want to do something that could be expanded and grown outside of nodeknockout
winning node knockout is easy marketing / brand building / customer base building
yeah that was the thing what I was going to ask
Its a nifty fast track into a startup
but I doubt that some "fun" project is going to be "business worth"
so that would mean create someting useful
either in general or for developers
thats why I was doing the analysis
Yes indeed
took me about hour -_-
Its also very difficult to create something useful with SO
unless your selling it to jeff
it would make you maybe popular among SO community though :D
what I really like was the traceroute geolocation visualisation
that was a good idea
although not business worth too
shame that a lot of projects were 404ed
Well a few points
1. Do we want to win?
2. Do we want something fun / awesome / cool ?
3. Do we want something with further expansion possibility ?
4. Do we want something with monetizing possibility ?
On that topic I have been thinking about how to provide an improved chat room service
And node knockout could give the kind of community kickstart / testing that such a chat room would need to be succesful
chat like stuff have lower possibility of winning I think
Also I'm not trying to suggest that answers should be yes or no to any of those questions. We should merely be on the same page.
it belongs to "obvious" category I think which you can do with node
Depends. Execution is key
yeah but you will have to provide something more than "regular" chat
I've been thinking about an effective way to have multiple parallel conversation in a chat room
Currently its difficult to have either
a) multiple parallel conversations
b) re-join an interesting conversation that happened 2 hours ago.
It seems chat rooms are too focused on. one topic at a time,feel free to try to change the current topic
but any form of parallel conversation / topics in a chat room gets ugly and messy rapidly
Which means chat has to be redesigned to be conversation focused and build from the ground up to make parallelism easy.
The main problem is creating new and active chat rooms is hard
consider this room or web entrepenuers
in that case it should involve circles as a feature :D
I was going for abolishing chat rooms
and sending messages attached with conversation topic tags
then listening on those tags to join into arbitary conversations
It would require powerful indexing / searching to find the conversation you want to talk about
and it would also require a solid system to reduce non-conversation topic related noise on a particular tag based channel
Tools such as easy conversation migration to a more topic specific channel along with taking conversation participants into that channel and self moderation are key
that would be highly dependent on algorithm which may disconnect you from "room" which user may not wanted
But I havnt done any market research into whetehr this exists
Noise has to be user moderated
not machine moderated
This will not work unless its heavily human and community driven
Thats why a nodeknockout size pool of beta testers would be useful ;)
yeah and that's why it wont probably get more attention on KO
Its the kind of thing that needs critical mass ;)
If its executed well it can be done.
I think that you need instant action which user can see
in order to make it interesting
and take attention of KO users/judges...
Its still real time communication, as long as there are users there is action ;)
yeah but you still need "3rd" party to take action
You mean users / community ?
Yes, its kind of risky
for example in the SO visualisation you already have feed of existing data
Sexy real time data driven visualizations and games are safer bets
on the other hand games and RT visualiations tend to be less business worth I would say
content is the king
in business
afk ~30 minutes
Problem solving is king ;)
Again its a question of whether this is for fun, to win or for business.
I'm happy doing any of those 3.
Personally I would favour just winning it :)
:D that would be probably the hardest part
But aiming to win without planning monetization into it is easier :p
moneitization and winning is harder
what, registration was closed on KO?
It is now
We have a team though
Do we want to bring in a 4th more senior developer for guidance / mentoring / consulting? I dont expect the seniors to put in most of the 48 hours, but some high level guidance could be useful
how do we synchronize between time zones?
I dont know who :D
@yojimbo87 difficulty
I would personally say we should all aim to wake up n hours before the start of nodeknockout
then try and set aside chunks of sleep time in similar blocks
So basically we need to knock ourself out of our timezones into a common timezone
I have no problem with that.
and for how long do you want to stay coding?
Preferably 1 or two blocks of sleep in the 48 hour period
probably two
12-7-12-7-10 = 48
well I need to have at least 1 hour rest after 6 hours in front of PC
That's at most 30 hours each, realistically about 25 hours.
otherwise I have headache
That makes sense.
Breaks of 1-2 hours are no problem.
Having large blocks of sleep out of sync with each other are a pain for communication
is it during the weekend?
I assume so
friday midnight -> sunday midnight
I see
how many hours of design/development should we aim for? I think 25/48 (23 hours of sleep / rest / food / etc) is realistic.
we could aim for something more hardcore / exhaustive.
well the question may be if we design the thing before the event take place "on paper" and then just implement it or we do both during the event
Yes that is the plan.
But becuase of the rules we cant prototype
and without a prototype we need extra design half way through ;)
yeah no code before event
Aim to do as much visual and high level design as possible
we just need to re-design as we go along due to "oh shit, we cant actually do this in code" moments
also do we split up into domains like front end, db, middleware or everyone will do everything?
I would personally go for we split it up by feature and part of interface
I think its too difficult to maximise parellel development of front / db / middle in short amount of time
I would imagine its harder to be highly iterative if we split it up like that
Besides I'd imagine the db being very light (nosql) and the front end being very heavy
Whatever makes parallel development the most efficient
ok so we split into features which would be taken care of individually
Depends on what were making ;)
I imaginge chat server / game / webgl dev / rest API styles being rather different
damn it all depends on the thing we are going to implement
well wait for @jcolebrand to give some feedback then we'll go from there
I say we want to have the entry idea ready by 5th august (3 weeks left)
Oh, for the record. I have no open source / tele-commute team experience. So I don't really know what I'm doing bar using common sense.
well me neither but I'm looking forward for this experience
Ah of course, your startup was local office based development
do we also use voice chat like skype or something?
@jcolebrand do you know what your doing?
@yojimbo87 I would recommend so. Not permanently though
well not really local office but we have regular meetings and lot of skype talking
My assumption would be voice meetings followed by agreed periods of radio silence for constrated development followed by further voice meetings - repeat.
+ spelling / grammar.
ok I should prepare my eastern block english voice
There are other questions like does unit testing over a 30 hour development period have positive or negative effect
I dont know how formal we want to be on testing / documentation / code review giving time limitations
I would skip unit testing and test the real thing gradually
Oh yes, integration / stress testing is a must ;)
there is no test like production :)
it cant be broken ;)
it needs to work or we cant win
I'd recommend a stable / dev channel setup
That means we serve different versions of the code of github to the SO642.no.de and SO642.no.de/dev/ channels
To avoid the "oh shit we broke it at the last minute" problem
Oh I'm also buying a cloud9ide licence and going to play with development in that some more.
I'll let you guys know how stable it is
lots of things have collaboration in common, whether it's a game, chat or some useful stuff
question may be what features of node offer which have the potential to make the project successful or something like that
RT is probably the most used one with libraries like socket.io
real time and concurrency
also code re-use
3 hours later…
@Raynos in RE: what exactly?
Not as a general rule, I don't think.
In terms of small-team development
You need to use more words
Do you have experience in tele-commuted small-team open source development
Only insofar as we have two remote devs here.
I see
You being thus far an academic, do you, in turn, have such said experience?
That's part of why I want to do stuff like this, because it builds said experience.
I did mention somewhere that I dont know what Im doing
But I mentioned some things, you may want to read around them
I can re-state the highlights if thats useful
I can also use significantly more specific / professional grammar and phrasing and stop being vague if that's preferred
1. Do we want to win?
2. Do we want something fun / awesome / cool ?
3. Do we want something with further expansion possibility ?
4. Do we want something with monetizing possibility ?
thats what I saved
I also mentioned a couple ideas around games / visualizations being driven by life Stackoverflow data
Oh and
1. yes.
2. yes. The code needs to be fun, although the application can just be "useful" instead.
3. Don't care either way
4. Don't care either way
Should we move away from this chat and find a better discussion medium
1 hour later…
how about skype?
So, um ... yeah. Work seems to intervene too often :p
Lemme sum up:
I saw that there was a lengthy discussion about what may be done.
I have not had time to read it yet
My skype id should be lunabyte or luna.byte. You can correlate it with the leftmost name here and if you can't do that, I certainly don't want to talk to you.
1. meh. First year, I'ld be just as happy to place or show instead.
2. yes. The code needs to be fun, although the application can just be "useful" instead.
3. Not really
4. No
@Raynos I feel like I keep compelling you to do that ;) It is the weakness of our generation.
I just tend to convert thoughts into small statements out of context
Bad habit
In that case something for enjoyment and winning :)
1 hour later…
In any case I would quite like some kind of visualization of SO
I see I have started something
Just take all the SO data (questions / answers / comments / tags) and render them in real time
with interactions
We might want to involve team@ before we do that ...
Or we might want to use an older dataset
team@ ?
we may as well make it useful in some way
Oh useful :(
useful :(. But I want pretty
I do want pretty
team@ is the stackoverflow/stackexchange team
visualusations doesn't have to only please your eyes
The email address is team@site
How would this be useful praytell?
dunno yet
what is praytell
cant we just procedurally render landscape in webgl and threejs based on SO data?
@yojimbo87 uh, it's an old word.
You should totally ask that on EL&U
I see
its not even in urbandictionary
it wouldn't be there
regarding the visualisation - will it include world map?
@yojimbo87 They already do something similar to that ... it was covered in one of the podcasts
Can we write a wargame?
the wargame
Hey that's a pretty cool mapper. I need to save that
I think wargame would be cool
I don't know how complicated we could get
I presume you mean like the movie
can we do speech synthesis easily?
"would ... you ... like ... to ... play ... a ... game?"
But on top of that, have it sync'd across all playback surfaces
yes like the movie
we can use the HTML5 audio API
and procedurally generate it ;)
so they have to be there when the game launches to get the full effect, but then if they come in at any point they see the same thing on all computers (to within a few seconds of correlation due to network lag)
No seriously, I think that having a "go live time" would be awesome
go live time ?
Yeah, like we have all the code written, but it doesn't "start" until one hour after the official close or something
then it starts off with the voice, waits a bit, shows an "interactive" prompt, and starts the wargame simulation
like a movie, but not really
what is a wargame?
is it something specific?
It's a movie
It's the movie.
oh you mean the old one
with broderick or who was there
I've seen it a long time ago
don't clearly remember what was it about
So my motivation for starting it at a certain time and having it progress is this:
You know how they have those huge screens at NORAD? And it just keeps on going and going
and the movie cuts in and out but the game is supposedly still going in the background?
That's my point and motivation for saying it should be sync'd up everywhere
However at this point that's looking to become too daunting of a task, that'll be a lot of drawing commands to queue up before it ever takes place
We would have to dictate all of the paths up front, for everything that's going to transpire
You can sync it up
It would be more of a flash script and less of a website
and what actions would user be able to make
Pretty much
We would need seriously the entire next month devoted to making storyboards and arcs
another idea is make users play the game
@yojimbo87 none really, it's showing off the power of the server
and have a counter
@Raynos only at the end
so it's more like a simulation
"N games until the computer knows we cant win"
than actual game
Something like that
@yojimbo87 that's what I'm foreseeing
and it would be AWESOME
so the idea is users play enough before voting ends if not the wolrd gets destroyed
hmmmm, maybe
that's an interesting idea, keep going with it while I keep working
wait and where does SO comes to this
There are plenty of options and moves.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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