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@yojimbo87 I vote for a HTML5 game because they are win
Oh, an SO app.
Sounds a bit dull :(
I mean sure, its useful to us. but this is nodeknockout, I think we should shoot out something less niche. But still niche, just not incredibly niche.
I mean sure the concept isn't bad, and it's useful.
All I'm saying is think big, think new, think again
The way I see is that we have 48hours and realistically we can all put in 36hours of development. That's >100hours. That's two weeks. We can do something far more impressive in two weeks of development
Nice try, not big enough.
3 hours later…
the trick @Raynos is that somebody has to suggest something coherent and understood
we only have ~ 4 weeks to plan this thing
Without a plan we're just three guys playing in a sandbox
Of course, I understand.
There is also another question.
Do we want to participate in knockout
or do we go for winning.
I just think it's too niche to submit to knockout.
it meets the requirements and then some ;)
My point is, come up with a good idea
Oh, your point is, "dont knock my idea unless you have a better suggestion"
Fair play.
That's all. I thought this was easy enough, gives us room for theming, doesn't require us to support a backend
It's a nice application, I still stand that it's too niche to have any chance of winning node knockout
Sure, I agree with that, I was already curious about that
Can we somehow extract information from SO and turn it into some form of documentation and wiki
It would be neat if we could index and wikify SO. So rather then searching SO for answers to a question
Your searching for information about a topic or an API
I am fulfilling a users immediate need
I like where you're going, just not sure I see the endgame
The immediate need being seeing his own unanswered questions?
My problem is SO has a lot of good information that would be really useful
Today, I happened to read a quetion about window.requestfilesystem and now I know that chrome supports the full HTML5 File read/write API. (no-one else supports write)
So how are you gonna mine that information to the top?
No clue :)
I need more food
five hours of drinking leads a person to need more food
Also, need more alcohol
debating just going to bed now
Whats the problem behind your application
I'm listening
The only need is that of immediacy
somebody wants something today
Granted, that's usually a pretty good reason to write something
however, it wouldn't take that long to write, it would be more about aesthetics
I meant your mining the unanswered questions of a user, right?
aye, that
But across the network
Ah all of stackexchange.
It sounds good to make, but do we have to wait until nodeknockout?
Not really. I just figured at that point it would still be viable
granted, there's still hosting afterwards
but I thought with socket.io and the like, it would be a good exercise of all of the node package of abilities. Use socket.io to keep the user updated on what was happening as the server found bits.
That may sound dumb initially, and it may be too quick to make a shit of difference for just one user but with quite a few inbound requests, it'll start to be cool.
Do we want to win nodeknockout ;)
Of course
Hence I was trying to think of lots of ways to tie node into that
By all means I'll pitch in writing it, but I'm going to brainstorm some more for nodeknockout
it would be easy enough with PHP and passive refreshing ;)
Please do
@jcolebrand Isn't that the reverse
I just wanted to come up with something
@Raynos perhaps.
I have a solution, how can I justify incorporating it into node, the node community and knockout.
@jcolebrand that's good. It's a good attitude,
I'll think some more and get back to you on it.
but rather, I saw it as "how can I use all the parts of node? I can do realtime processing on a set of records and update the user while I'm pulling in json from other sources!"
but I see your point
Just, that wasn't quite my thought process.
3 hours later…
how about we write some set of key areas which the project should address
for example
target audience
modules to be used
kind of a problem to solve (based on a target audience)
11 hours later…
@yojimbo87 this is the key part, sadly enough
I made some analysis on last year knockout
@jcolebrand you mean the score?
@yojimbo87 I mean the mongoose question
oh sorry I thought you were talking about the analysis
@jcolebrand well the question seems to me a bit subjective, but I think that proper answer including fact that even nosql system may need ORM in certain scenarious could reasonable answer it
@yojimbo87 So you should attempt that. I'm already disgusted by it, so won't do it justice.
I think my bacon is ready ... oven broiled bacon is the best!
effing a I almost burnt it again this time
but it's just shy of burnt, so that's good
93 messages moved to MySQL
damnit I didn't want to move all those messages out ...
@jcolebrand hi i got disconnected
Hi I moved all our messages to a more appropriate room

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
yup, I read that
how many teams were there last year?
or people
I don't recall but I know it was quite a few
I read something about 500
but dont know if people or teams
probably people
yup people
when I was doing the "analysis" most of the teams have 2 or 3 members
shouldn't we create dedicated room to knockout and not polute this one?
meh, it's only really the three of us here anyways ;)
:D ok
I'll have my first presentation on local ruby/python meetup ^^
Speaking of which, I should be writing code but I keep watching movies ...
this always reminds me the quote
Being a good software engineer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the internet.
1 hour later…
posted on July 17, 2011

On this episode Pedro starts using everyauth. Also using couchdb and cradle. Code here: https://github.com/pgte/nodetuts_26

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