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12:02 AM
Ah, darn, the phf ( https://www.docs.rs/phf/latest/phf/ ) crate only seems to work during compile time.

While all the data is known to be unique, I think it wouldn't be appreciated if the program has to be compiled repeatedly when the source files from which the data is read are updated.
I'll see, as I'll start measuring the HashMap with better data tomorrow anyway :-)
10 hours later…
9:52 AM
> The program 'java' is not in your PATH. It is provided by several packages.
A giant list appears
9 hours later…
6:24 PM
@Jason consider using FnvHashMap (FNV is a faster hash function than Rust's default, but it's less resilient to collisions)
5 hours later…
11:22 PM
yes, thank you! I was looking into the different ones.

So far converting hexadecimal strings to e.g. `u128` or `u64` has lowered memory quite a lot already! I'm not sure if there's a catch to that, but I'll find out tomorrow I suppose :-)

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