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@FrancisGagné Yip, exactly! You had the same problem when putting the lifetime on the trait, as a workaround. So yeah, this problem seems very familiar!
I'm really not sure what the solution is. The easiest (for the user) would be to make it magically work by making HRTB smarter. Like, only consider all legal types, i.e. only check for all <'a> where the resulting type would be legal. But really not sure if that's possible. Or one could introduce new syntax like for<'a where T: 'a> or sth like that. But oof. No clue.
@Stargateur So your vote is dependent on whether someone has already voted on the question? That is not a very good use of votes.
The point I was trying to make is: if one downvotes a question because it lacks the necessary details to be answered, and that question is eventually closed, then that question is still not useful, and that downvote is still merited. There is no point in taking it back.
That form of voting has been brought up on Meta before, by the way meta.stackoverflow.com/q/361399
3 hours later…
@E_GAT4 no my vote depend on the current vote of the question
I don't believe this question deserve -1 but I don't think the OP deserve an upvote cause the questio will not be very useful for other cause it's just a typo
you force me to upvote and so give rep
@E_GAT4 the answer doesn't contain any source, so let me doubt of this rule
I don't think there is ANY rule for vote
that also the main reason I want rep vote to be equal
It's an unpopular opinion, but I suspect a great number of users vote this way in practice. Ultimately, they're your votes to do with as you wish (within the limits imposed by various abuse/fraud scripts). As much as I might wish voting on SO to be based on the content (or voting for Gov't officials to be based on their positions and credibility) rather than on how other users are voting, at the end of the day all any of us can do is vote according to our own beliefs and trust that others will do the same. — Shog9 Jan 11 '11 at 21:57
shog9 in 2011
also note that I use this method only for question, my method for answer is a little different
@Stargateur Then, as I said and from the sources I just linked, that form of voting is unhelpful.
@E_GAT4 well, I don't agree at all, and most argument I read neither
@Stargateur I did not force anyone to do anything.
@Stargateur Suit yourself.
@E_GAT4 you ask shep to redo the downvote
note that I didn't ask him to remove it
but you you ask him to put it
@Stargateur Advising people to use downvotes effectively is a nice thing to do. I am not even forcing him. So I seriously don't think I should be given any part of any blame.
@E_GAT4 you starting to be blind so I will cut this here I don't like to talk to blind people who doesn't listen other argument
@Stargateur Watch it. You and I can disagree all you want, but accusations of being blind are inappropriate.
@E_GAT4 you say my vote was unhelpful
@Stargateur So you just choose to take that personally and call me blind out of nowhere? Please adjust your expectations.
@E_GAT4 i call you blind cause you don't listen to what I say, I don't blame you in anyway, I just say that your action cause shep to recast his downvote and so cause me to cast an upvote period. you denied this fact.
your campaign for downvote is out of control here, take a break
Well this is going nowhere. For the record, this is a warning that if you call me or anyone else blind again, I'll treat is as a code of conduct violation.
I'm sure it's way worse to call my vote useless
2 hours later…
@Stargateur you should probably answer that question you commented
@DenysSéguret mmm, guess yes, do bad this kind of question is very hard to find duplicate
6 hours later…
pfff two question of begging that try async, I really think we should advice people that learn rust to stay out of async in the beginning.
trying to answer the async problem but also need to explain basic of rust is too much

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