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12:43 AM
@E_GAT4 to be clear cause I read again my message and my English is not clear: the question we talk about, I think it's a good question there is a MRE and the error message that contain the typo, I think the question is good but not useful cause this is a typo thus I think this question deserve a neutral score, typo is not a bad question, it's just not useful, that why we close it. But I don't think the OP didn't make effort in the question.
and so I think my vote is perfectly acceptable, I think the question is good
and again repeating myself, it's not a pity vote
on the contrary cause I didn't want on the first place give any rep that why I reach shep to know if it was him who downvoted and to understand why, trying to avoid the rep bonus
and so the real problem is asymmetric rep
8 hours later…
8:49 AM
Q: Error documenting Substrate Pallet Storagemap tems when using `\\!`

co2f2eIm adding some documentation around lib.rs in my pallet implementation as follows //! ## Genomes //! * Key 1 -> AccountId + GenomeHash //! * Value -> Genome structure //! //! ``` //! use frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageMap; //! use frame_support::Blake2_128Concat; //! use pallet_genomes::Co...

I can't find where is documented the doc feature of rust --'
5 hours later…
1:58 PM
Poll: Do you like prelude concept ?
2 hours later…
3:47 PM
I don't either I never use it and I found crate that often one is often not organized well.

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