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12:17 AM
@DenysSéguret relatable
@AntoninGAVREL 0xAAAAAAAA & ((1 << n) - 1)
double the number of As for 64-bit numbers, use 5 instead to swap 0s and 1s
1:00 AM
haha very nice
funny I was playing with mm128 register
@trentcl so basically I had to switch to 16 bytes because of what I am intending to do
__uint128_t mask = ((__uint128_t)0x0100010001000100 << 64) | 0x0100010001000100;
@AntoninGAVREL what is this unholy language
its called c++
I heard its not very safe
Maria was coding in C++ and got pregnant with Jesus :s
originally I wanted to compute things on 32 or 16 bits integer
but because I have to apply the mask on a char array I had to switch to 16 bytes
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

 vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {
     __uint128_t mask = ((__uint128_t)0x0100010001000100 << 64) | 0x0100010001000100;
    vector<string> res;
    //n = ((1 << n) - 1) << n;

    int i = 10;
    __uint128_t v = ((__uint128_t)0x2828282828282828 << 64) | 0x2828282828282828;
     n <<= 1;
    while ( i--) {
        int j = 8;
        string s;
        __uint128_t w = v | mask;
        __int64_t a = _mm_cvtsi128_si64 (_mm_srli_si128(w, 0));
18 hours later…
7:28 PM
The JavaScript pattern matching proposal was updated @FélixGagnon-Grenier github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching
Also, in regard to the discussion about es2015 modules the other day, I find myself in a situation where I can refactor away from transpiled js towards vanilla es2015 and it's rather nice
I just hope I'll be able to convince the clients that 94% of all browsers is enough and that we don't need to also support older browsers :P
Oh that's cool.
Generating a legacy bundle seems to be quite easy with Webpack in my case.
@Jason you generate es2015 modules with webpack, as well as older bundles, correct?
I was thinking about maybe directly writing the modules... :B
but yeah, the wiser decision would be to transpile to both modules and polyfills...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes, the older "legacy" bundle has some transformations that the one that uses es2015 modules does not need.
7:57 PM
I will be installing arch linux soon, thank you for the recommendation @Stargateur
archlinux-vegan-crossfitters unite
since when We are vegan ?
@AntoninGAVREL yay -Syu antonin
In other news, my Qt is apparently broken.
@Stargateur oh I was just memeing
... so, it's currently 4PM. I haven't worked a single minute since this morning. let's call this a slow wednesday. I'll go get some beer, at this point it's not like it can get worse...
8:17 PM
wrong, it's can always be worse
Avoid doing partial upgrades. In other words, never run pacman -Sy; instead, always use pacman -Syu.
thanks @Jason learnt something beforehand
I have to wait to receive my GPU from my parents home before running the system
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I prefer omnivore with low meat diet, probably the way to go
@Stargateur yeah. now I'm not working but at least I have beer to distract me from my procrastination
the thing is, I have to work with cropping images from coordinates sent from a javascript cropping library, and it's really not something that I 1. know the domain of 2. really think my software should be the one handling it
so instead of doing it I'm growing my factorio factory.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is it sharp?
8:32 PM
@Jason it's croppr.js
or rather
... wait a minute. well, it absolutely is server-side, but I'm in PHP, but probably there should be some kind of equivalent to sharp that I could use instead of working with the low-level image manipulation functions!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Oh, I see. Seems like fun!
it is! though there has been a rather cooling realization I got a few days ago, which is (if I understand correctly) that my long-held belief that client-side cropping libraries actually cropped the image locally and sent it to the server is actually false
it's more of a "moving a selection over an image and tell you the coordinates" than a cropping library...
Ha, yeah, I misunderstood at first.

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