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you are 17
(by the way it's really fun to see that deceze who was a lot argue with me about abuse of hammer time is in the top of this list...)
2 hours later…
@Stargateur *27
he got 27 vote but he is the 17 in the course
2 hours later…
hi @ShisuiUchiha
FWIW I found Rust much easier than C
I prefer to fight with the compiler than with runtime errors
I think this approach even has its name
something like "compiler-driven learning"
there are only 2 classes of errors in your code, both type-related and easy to fix
just declare i as let mut i: usize = 0;, call factorial with the correct numeric type: factorial(i as i64) and make sure the function always returns an i64 (which doesn't happen when break is encountered)
2 hours later…
I'm at the edge of doing something about that hack.
@E_net4 which
@Shepmaster The one you commented on a few minutes ago.
It's like "who needs MSBs anyway. also, no need for idiomatic code".
@Stargateur should normalize with # of tagged questions. bet id be #1
@ljedrz thoughts on a dupe of stackoverflow.com/q/45194220/155423 ?
@Shepmaster oh it's a dupe alright
I did search this time, but I didn't think of searching for "first"
@ljedrz yeah, i only know cause i answered it
site:stackoverflow.com rust hashmap iteration order
@Shepmaster google search does a much better job than SO
@ljedrz true fact. i only use so search for tag-based filtering
feel free to hammer it if you see fit
Ill let you get some points for a while :-)
@Shepmaster I'm ok with this
I am afraid. That kind of code is going to show up on real software, isn't it? :(
@E_net4 People finding the first element of a HashMap?
@PeterHall Nope, the other one.
Although that one is a bit scary as well.
@E_net4 only if they are told how to make it compile :p
Sounds like a reasonable job interview: "fix the compilation errors from this Tokio HTTPS program with impl Traits, and you're hired".
Ok, I've had enough of my extremely lousy google-fu. Better start using that Google trick to search on SO before I die from frustration waste much more of my time.
@E_net4 even SO employees know the search is poor
@Shepmaster I could go political right now. I'd better restrain myself and take a deep breath.
The sun shines, the grass is green, cats are fluffy.
I almost missed this absolute gem in meta.
I just came back from abroad only now have a chance to properly enjoy all the recent drama; they didn't have popcorn where I travelled :/.
I remember reading that one in Carnation day, while having my latte and toast.
And that is only part of it. The blog post has also been used as a red herring for backing situations where people have felt unwelcome.
Pointless edit suggestion over here.
The syntax highlighting in the question is fine as it is.
Pff, it was approved. Rollin'.
1 hour later…
@E_net4 should I answer with
fn call_some_func(some_enum: SomeEnum) {
    let x: &SomeTrait = match some_enum {
        SomeEnum::Value1(ref x) => x,
        SomeEnum::Value2(ref x) => x,
@Shepmaster also one wants to implement the trait for the enum, right?
@LukasKalbertodt I'd say that would be the right thing to do, yeah, but not quite what they are asking
Yeah, true... I guess for bigger enums I would also use a macro. Maybe.
Anyone of you people at Rustfest Paris?
My middle step would be to implement
impl SomeEnum {
    fn as_trait(&self) -> &SomeTrait {
        match *self {
            SomeEnum::Value1(ref x) => x,
            SomeEnum::Value2(ref x) => x,
Then you can implement all the trait methods quickly
Oh yeah that's nice as well
shower time!
Stroll time! (English doesn't have a nice word for Spaziergang :<)
@LukasKalbertodt It doesn't work if not all variants implement the trait.
@LukasKalbertodt Do let me know when you find the lack of a single German word for anything. :P
@E_net4 I feel like no German word correctly captures the meaning of "consciousness" (a word that I am unable to correctly spell without googling first. There are plenty of English words for which I don't know a good German one :/
1 hour later…
@ljedrz this moderator can't stand an argument... I'm sorry to say that but if it was us who do that we would have been ban for a while at least. Every post I see from her people comment to argue and she loose her patience so quickly
I cleaned up a whole lot of comments while responding to some flags (and other ways of poking at me) letting me know some feelings weren't .. doing so well .. due to the direction conversations here were taking. I've purged the lot because, well, it was hard to weed out what wasn't really sticking someone in the side. Let's keep discussions here from going out in the weeds. If you feel that you honestly had a good point to make, you're welcome to repost it, and I hate to have inconvenienced you, but .. ouch. — Tim Post ♦ yesterday
@LukasKalbertodt walk time ? or I'm going for a walk ?
@LukasKalbertodt Ah I would if I could :p
@Stargateur Yep exactly :P Shepmasters "shower time" presumably also meant that he was going to shower :P
thus everyone know that it's always hammer time
@Stargateur I'd take that more as a sign that whoever is involved in there can do better.
As for that particular person... I'd rather not comment.
@LukasKalbertodt That makes me wonder the difference between "consciousness" and "conscience".
2 hours later…
Ralf writes some fine answers
A: Does reading or writing a whole 32-bit word, even though we only have a reference to a part of it, result in undefined behaviour?

Ralf JungThis is a very interesting question. There are actually several issues with these functions, making them unsound (i.e., not safe to expose) for various formal reasons. At the same time, I am unable to actually construct a problematic interaction between these functions and compiler optimizations....

Holy s-. That's a book. I can't wait to read that
IF this question was post on C I will answer "is that look like something you shouldn't do this is UB" ;)

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