I prefer to fight with the compiler than with runtime errors
I think this approach even has its name
something like "compiler-driven learning"
there are only 2 classes of errors in your code, both type-related and easy to fix
just declare i as let mut i: usize = 0;, call factorial with the correct numeric type: factorial(i as i64) and make sure the function always returns an i64 (which doesn't happen when break is encountered)
Ok, I've had enough of my extremely lousy google-fu. Better start using that Google trick to search on SO before I die from frustration waste much more of my time.
@E_net4 I feel like no German word correctly captures the meaning of "consciousness" (a word that I am unable to correctly spell without googling first. There are plenty of English words for which I don't know a good German one :/
@ljedrz this moderator can't stand an argument... I'm sorry to say that but if it was us who do that we would have been ban for a while at least. Every post I see from her people comment to argue and she loose her patience so quickly
I cleaned up a whole lot of comments while responding to some flags (and other ways of poking at me) letting me know some feelings weren't .. doing so well .. due to the direction conversations here were taking. I've purged the lot because, well, it was hard to weed out what wasn't really sticking someone in the side. Let's keep discussions here from going out in the weeds. If you feel that you honestly had a good point to make, you're welcome to repost it, and I hate to have inconvenienced you, but .. ouch. — Tim Post ♦yesterday
@LukasKalbertodt walk time ? or I'm going for a walk ?
This is a very interesting question.
There are actually several issues with these functions, making them unsound (i.e., not safe to expose) for various formal reasons.
At the same time, I am unable to actually construct a problematic interaction between these functions and compiler optimizations....