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9:43 AM
@Shepmaster Link? ;)
And what's going on here?
Maybe it's just my imagination, but whenever other language tags (apart from Rust) are used in the question, I have the feeling that everything is less calm and less nice 0.o
Also... and I'm might be wrong again... for me the comments read like "so many mistakes in the benchmark, not useful at all!!11" and in the answer, when they said "C wins", no one complains about the uselessness of the benchmark anymore...
My guess is that some "real programmers" got angry :D
7 hours later…
5:04 PM
5:15 PM
@JuanCarlos Hi ;)
5:36 PM
Just checkin out rust. Looks great. Clean sintax, i like it :)
Now im checkin wether it can be useful to me x)
6:02 PM
@JuanCarlos It's nice to hear that ^_^ However, don't be confused: this SO chat is rather inactive most of the time ;)
If you want to talk to more people, the IRC chat is probably better :P
6:56 PM
i know xD

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