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2:06 AM
@ker Y U no push tags? github.com/oli-obk/rust-si
6 hours later…
8:14 AM
b/c there's no automation for it? xD
I pretty much either automate something or don't do it
maybe cargo-publish should add a tag to the git at the same time
8:37 AM
added some tags
9:35 AM
I was wondering why you didn't use versions for your tag names and then realised it's all GH's release thingamajig's fault :v
4 hours later…
1:36 PM
@ker <3
2:16 PM
Maybe "Cyan" will be my next Stack Overflow nemesis...
My count of nemeses is too damn high
2:27 PM
> a feature to regularly check code snippets automatically
@ker That would be... exciting
yea... probably even doable through the API they offer
Then we'd have even more of a reason to complain about lacking MCVE
Although the external crate aspect would still be tricky
3:05 PM
playpen is planning to resolve it by supporting a whitelist of crates
3:20 PM
Yeah, that was the solution I came to after spending all of 2 seconds about it. Figured there'd be a smarter way :-)
Q: What is the following data declaration in less mainstream programming language?

BathlamosWhat would the following JavaScript look like in another programming language? var card = { rank: 1, suit: "Diamond" }; I’m trying to do a comparison of very small snippets of the same data declaration statement in different languages to show students how syntax isn’t important.

Alive for 13 hours
Look at me burning 11 points to downvote erryone

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