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@Peilonrayz That's misrepresenting what I said, and I'd already posted it before your remark: [Read] CodeReview.SE... You'll learn terms and concepts you don't yet know." I advised the OP to read CR even for concepts they don't yet know - to guide their coding and learning. We're not quibbling whether you understand that CR is not for non-working code. Please take a little more care not to misread my comments here.
(Instead of going back and forth on that, if you or anyone has better advice for beginner coders than what I gave bit, go ahead and give it)
6 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel it's a hellscape. I would be lying if I said I knew the rules, but certainly it does not follow any logical sense
What's even worse is that I wouldn't even be sure it if was consistent between different platforms since notebooks are often embedded in 3rd party offerings, so it'll be different every time
The code I'm currently running locally also has to work in databricks and it can't be installed normally. Someone else wrote it but already you can see they mess about with the path before trying to import the actual "package"
# Databricks notebook source
"""Execution notebook for generating the shrink report."""

import datetime as dt
import sys

import mlflow  # type: ignore
import pandas as pd


import shrink  # type: ignore
@smci FWIW I don't think they misunderstood you but simply gave another option to the poster. Peilonrayz is an elected moderator of CR (different account, same name) so they are free to invite a post on the site, independent of the advice you gave.
Noob question from me: I've just been foiled by JSON by absent-mindedly thinking I could dump my dictionary to a file but it has tuple keys. That's a no no. Is there a simple way to get a structured output to a file (such as passing indent=4 to json.dump()) for a dict with tuple keys?
I guess I could try piping pprint to a file or something. <infomercial comedy ensues> There must be a better way!
2 hours later…
@roganjosh What are the tuple key items? You might be able to use the same hack that awk uses. In awk, everything is a string, but it permits multidimensional array access like arr[2,3,4] by using the string "2,3,4" as the key. It permits the use of a different index separator for cases where the index components may contain a comma.
The keys have to be tuples, unfortunately, because they can then be mapped onto a dataframe via two columns. I'm reading from SQL and the person that wrote the table didn't normalise the data properly - every inventory take for store/division pairs is its own column and, very helpfully, the inventory takes are cumulative (such that the second total includes the first, etc.). The code basically works but eyeballing the dict is not as easy as I hoped
I think awk would be too much for my purpose. The dict approach works for 8000+ rows but is failing on ~45 rows. It'd just be nice if I could get python to dump that dict out to a file to crosscheck. I could pprint it but then it means faffing in a terminal
Actually, I misread your question a bit. It's a tuple of two ints.
I was just talking about the process of turning your dict into JSON. You just need to convert the tuple key into a string so it can be saved as JSON. Then when you read the JSON back into Python you convert the string key back into a tuple.
@roganjosh So you can easily turn that into a string, eg using | as the separator.
Or a comma.
I'm curious now how you see awk coming in. It's an interim dict buried deep in python functions and it can't currently be dumped to JSON. Since it's produced at runtime, how might I inject awk to make the change you suggest?
@roganjosh I wasn't suggesting you use awk! I was just describing how awk deals with this situation, and saying that you can use the same trick in Python.
Maybe I misunderstand your question. I thought the problem was that you have a dict that you want to save as JSON, but you can't save it because JSON doesn't permit tuple keys.
Indeed that's my question. The only thing I could think of is piping pretty-print to a file since anything else feels like reinventing the wheel to get a decent, legible, layout
I could turn the tuple keys into strings, I guess. I just wondered whether there was a nice way of keeping it as it is
Actually, the string approach is probably more sensible than what I was imagining. It's a 1-liner dict comprehension. Thanks!
Well, a pretty-printed dict isn't exactly JSON, so yes, you're kind of reinventing the wheel to make that work safely so that you can read the pretty-printed dict back in & restore it to a proper dict.
@roganjosh Yep. Pre-processing & Pre-processing the keys is the simple way to do it.
There's a fancier way to do it, but you don't really need it, unless your dict is a nested complicated thing, containing tuple keys at multiple levels.
The fancy way is to subclass the JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder classes and over-ride their default() method. Then the encoder & decoder can do the tuple key conversions wherever it's needed.
The docs mention this, but the details there are a bit vague docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.JSONEncoder
I messed around with this stuff several years ago. It's fairly straightforward, but my memory is a little fuzzy.
Um. Pre-processing & post-processing the keys is the simple way to do it. :)
There needs to be a library for it, damn it! :P
<definitely not volunteering to make one> the arguments about string "1" and 1 in keys would be enough for me to throw the towel in
@smci I've found explaining misunderstandings to normally be a waste of time. Let's assume the user follows your advice. The user may, after some time, want to post a question. As such my offer presumed the ping would be in the not so near future: "feel free to ping me out of the blue". Perhaps putting the two largely independent parts of the message in different messages would have helped you understand my intent.
I hope you can see I'm the #3 python answerer and a moderator however my reputation graph is pretty flat, so I'm likely to miss the question without a ping. As such I hope you can better understand why I'd offer to answer a question on the site. I have additional reasons for offering the ping, but I'd rather not monologue. If you're interested you can ask.
13 hours later…
@Peilonrayz Sure, I was only disagreeing with the "if user very new (doesn't understand operators and functions say) then CR may be too advanced.", nothing at all about your "if you (@bit) post on CR feel free to ping me out of the blue and I'll look into writing an answer." What I was saying about CR is that it's useful even for a beginner to learn what you don't know about the language, as a signpost to direct learning. (I see tons of bad beginner courses teaching bad style.) Thass all...
@roganjosh Agree with PM2Ring. Tuple keys is the original sin, everything else working around it is fruit from that tree. Just hammer the tuple keys into strings/longints/whatever.

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