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@smci What do you mean? I said PL/I does permit comments anywhere.
> I was surprised that a comment outside a function was legal syntax.
2 hours later…
@PM2Ring Oh I thought you said "does not"
@PM2Ring ? But a comment is like whitespace, the interpreter/compiler doesn't do anything with it. You can put newlines anywhere inside or outside a function, (other than possibly inside a string literal).
@smci Yes, I know a comment is like whitespace. I think I said that earlier. But maybe I didn't have that understanding in 1973. ;) I probably hadn't even heard the term "whitespace" at that stage. PL/I was pretty radical compared to Basic & Fortran in that era: it permitted multiple statements on one line.
2 hours later…
@PM2Ring You're making me wonder what the longest useful golf script anyone has fit into a 140-character post is.
4 hours later…
@Aran-Fey Not really any open issues, and main features are thoroughly vetted. However, CI only ever reached testing on Py3.7 and is now broken. Packaging is ancient and still recommends setup.py install.
An ancient relic of the past, I see
3 hours later…
In the past, I've used a pattern like this a lot:
client = None
    client = connect_client()
    # do stuff
    if client is not None:
but it always seemed a bit off to me. what about
    client = connect_client()
    # do stuff
    if client in locals():
If name shadowing is an issue, one could change the if-block to if client in locals() and isinstance(client, MyClientClass):, which I still prefer over handling potential None-ness and the setup-line.
What's your opinion on with contextlib.closing(connect_client()) as client:?
I'm aware of it, and in this particular case I'd use it of course. my question is only about the pattern itself. If it matters, I'm using it with the docker library right now, where it's finally: container.stop(timeout=TIMEOUT), so contextlib.closing wouldn't work.
FWIW I much prefer the first example, particularly since client = None could be initialised with some controlling object and not be physically "local", which is not easily conveyed with if in locals()
You can easily write a stopping context manager. Do you believe writing a bespoke class invalidates with as pattern in the race?
Granted, you'd probably have self.client in such cases, but at least the pattern is extensible and always coherent, while I feel that if client in locals(): has the ability to become ambiguous based on the situation
Are we sure that
client = None
    client = connect_client()
is actually any better than just
client = connect_client()
Either way there is a period of time where the object exists but won't be closed by the finally block, right?
As in; if you get a SystemExit raised before the try? As I'm pretty sure the context manager would have the problem too.
In the first case, something like a KeyboardInterrupt could happen between the assignment and the try, and in the 2nd case it could happen between the function call and the assignment
Ah silly me KeyboardInterrupt not SystemExit
I thought the assignment before the try might be better because try isn't actually an instruction that needs to be executed, but it actually compiles to a NOP :/
Gracefully handling a KeyboardInterrupt is surely less likely than expecting a client to fail to connect?
You mean an exception happens in connect_client? Then you have nothing to close()
I think I could still well see it in an SQL context whereby I'm going to snag a connection and then execute some transaction. I won't know whether it was the connection that failed or the transaction itself, but I'd know I cleaned up. The SQLA client is lazy (well, actually, you pull from an existing idle pool on demand). Instinctively I'd want both events in the try but perhaps that's sloppy now I think about it
@Aran-Fey I just realized I got the two snippets mixed up 🤦
I'm not familiar with SQL, (un?)fortunately :D
Just make sure you use SQLAlchemy for your engine even if you never intend to use the ORM itself and you'll have a happier, less-crashing-the-company-infra life :P
On something tangential, I'm curious about what you're spinning up in Docker @Arne. If it were load balancing then I would imagine you'd already have Kubernetes so I wonder what kind of thing you've dockerised on demand?
an integration test, the docker container contains the sandbox version of a production-dependency
@roganjosh in that case it'd be a different pattern, the one I mean always initializes with a sentinel that you then check for before running the correct close code
@Peilonrayz no, I love with. writing a context manager myself just moves the "problem" into the context manager code though, because I prefer contextlib.contextmanager over writing __enter__ and __exit__ myself
I'd go client = None >= Aran's == stopping > client in locals().
also, I didn't say that in the example code, but I assumed that the MyClientClass already exists, I wouldn't write it myself.
@Peilonrayz thanks, can you put into words what you dislike about the locals lookup compared to the alternatives?
I think I'd be duplicating Rogan's objection. And typing with principle of least astonishment
@Aran-Fey I'd assume that it's written like that because you often have excepts on those kinds of connect-calls too. something like
def get_client()
    client = None
        yield client = connect_client()
    except ClientError:
    except ServerError:
        yield from get_client()
        if client is not None:
@Peilonrayz funnily enough, checking locals is less astonishing for me personally, if "astonishing" were to mean "what would feel less confusing for you?" as opposed to the much more prevalent "what code would surprise you, given code you've seen (and understood) in the past?"
because when I write this kind of "free this resource when I'm done" code, the thought I want to express in the finally block is "if the resource was created, free it", which is much closer to looking up it's name in the local namespace than doing the "init as None, check if that's what it still is" stuff, which feels like a crutch
waaait, wouldn't you need to check for "client" in locals, not client?
you're absolutely right, I wrote that code in the text box and didn't test
@Arne This is what I get for print(locals()) in databricks
So yeah, having to refer to variable by its name in string is immediately a no-go for me
That's not exactly representative, but it does show that it can be a free-for-all depending on platform etc. I haven't run any other cell (I don't think) up to that point
.. and if it's only used within functions?
Is that to me?
I guess, yeah
you didn't explicitly make a point, but I took it as "locals might be full of stuff you don't expect, so you shouldn't use it"
Trololol, I can't get it to print anything now :/
def something():
--> zero output. Wut.
did you call something too? ;)
... yeah, no. <facepalm>. Ok, it's clean inside the function
exact same thing happened to me 5 minutes ago too haha
@matszwecja fair, I guess the overall consensus seems to be "yeah, no."
@Arne I blame the notebooks. Functions? What is functions? Spam the namespace! :P
if you squint real hard, a cell can be a function
@Arne Today is the first time I've seen client in locals(). Well the first time I've seen locals used outside of eval/exec. I would assume many others would be in a similar boat. I appreciate your sensible argument, but in my opinion "principle of least astonishment" is defined by the masses. So if the masses say I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.
I would also say that globals() and locals() make me think something is wrong; a code smell. I've only ever seen them in cases of abuse, even though I guess they're available for sensible things too
This is my general take on, should you use a framework or library someone made, or figure out how to do it yourself. Often we figure out how to abstract some work or complication into a library or tool that simplifies it. Now that open source is huge, we will often release these. Should you use them in your project? Of course it depends and there are many factors to consider. One aspect I think often gets overlooked, even if it should not always be the deciding factor:
If you make your own reusable code/tools that just use the core libraries, you will grow your expertise over time, be able to debug and fix anything that is not working right from your perspective. The problem is people always feel the need to release these as tools for someone else. On a team, it can be used and maintained internally. The company will grow their own expertise at using this tool.
But if you use someone else's library/tool, you will often end up having to reach out to the community to get help, instead of just being able to debug it easily yourself. And if you need custom changes, you will have to implement them yourself, or hope they will make them, or make your own wrapper.
Making changes to someone else's project is a lot harder than one that either you made or your team has world class expertise in because they made it.
I can really recommend building a small toy library for just about anything to get an understanding for it. This also helps understanding and debugging proper, third-party libraries.
<-- ponders what MM's idea of a small library is. Maybe it only steals half of the global compute
My, stealing is such a bad word...
My apologies. "Procuring"?
Joking aside, I agree with MisterMiyagi on building a small project. I think this comes about because you're trying to basically run a package within itself, which is why I linked to my example.py file that I use to see how the API works outside of the package
The only time I can think where I use python -m is when I want to create a virtualenv. But, that could just be me. I have a couple of working patterns that cover 99% of my bases and sort of build along a set mental framework
I often have libraries made for -m usage during development, when I haven't decided on the final CLI(s) yet.
Then again, I probably build a lot more CLIs than other folks. :/
Procurement is a harsh misstress.
I think I probably build CLIs badly tbh
activate specific virtualenv --> db-migrate is perfectly valid. I suppose it should be bound to the package name e.g. ex_machina db-migrate but... that's work
@still_dreaming_1 That's idealised version of it. More often than not, your team will not have world class expertise, especially for bigger projects where amount of dependencies grows very fast. Building on top of established ecosystem lets you focus on the important part and only tweak parts of existing libraries that don't fit you.
Using "just core libraries" is also kinda flawed approach, as those aren't much different from any other, it's just that community decided they should be part of standard libraries.
And if the project is big enough, unless you can get the hang of the original person who worked on the specific part (assuming they are still part of the team) debugging it will follow very similiar process to debugging open source code.
I'm working on packaging my application with few different entrypoints and I'm not sure how to write the cli script - I'd like to require dependancies only for commands that actually need them - should I do it by importing inside the function bound to that command or there is some better way?
@matszwecja Is your problem with importing conditionally or depending conditionally?
FWIW, importing in a function is perfectly fine for such a use-case.
That'd be importing I guess. Depending I can define in pyproject.toml
FWIW Flask has a single entry point which sort of defers around the package. That's what I meant by "... that's work". It goes through __main__ and ends up here
The reason that I use Flask here is that it's part of pallets, which also maintains click, so I kinda feel they should have a good template for CLIs. So I guess your imports would be in cli.py, and pyproject.toml is kinda small-fry in the whole thing
I'd be curious to know if @MisterMiyagi 's approach is similar to that, actually. I take blueprints where I find them, but perhaps there is another standard way to go about this
@roganjosh Hm, on a high-level my approaches are similar. There's a generic entrypoint ("start the service") which then dynamically loads code based on arguments/configuration. So if you never tell the service to use thing-that-needs-dependency-B, that thing never gets loaded and thus dependency-B also never is imported.
That was my general understanding of your suggested approach. If you move the imports into the CLI functions themselves, though, I don't know how you'd throw that error cleanly. If it's not installed the core dependency in pyproject.toml and the CLI function fails, are you just forced into a cycle of reinstalling the library with optional dependencies until it runs?
If the function imports something not installed as a core dependency*. I got the "you have 10 seconds of editing left" message and panicked :P
Depends a bit on how much work has gone into the library. It's quite doable to attach meta-data to dynamically imported stuff (e.g. we have inter-plugin dependencies to run imports in the correct order) and one could use that to annotate which "extra" is needed when failing an import.

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