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@Peilonrayz Yeah
@roganjosh Ah, yes. I use docker.
Oddly, some of the tests did find the files, while others didn't. I guess I should organize it all and post it as a question in SO. Thanks so far. You were all very helpful.
1 hour later…
@PythonForEver oh, well that's certainly a possible complication. You'd need to include your Dockerfile
3 hours later…
@roganjosh Uh yeah, just don't go there. I checked Discussions out and I didn't spot any spam, just lots of vaguely-worded unanswerable questions without any metrics, a la SO Documentation. Anyway here for light amusement is the Discussion questio least likely to overrun by AI slop: [Why are techniques used to identify AIGC not discussed in meta? [duplicate]](meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/432331/…)
When I went, it was packed with spam for live football broadcasts and adult entertainment that had been round for quite a substantial amount of time
Depends on which part of the day you visit. When I used to go there in the mornings (for me), it'd often have stuff piled up for hours.
Also, spammers do ramp up their efforts from time to time. Like one time there were 20+ pile-up of spam because they had posted so much of it that day. Most often you don't have more than a page of spam (15 items per page).
From your Meta post, though, I don't blame you backing away from moderating against the spam. I'd be more concerned if I thought Discussions actually added anything in the first place, but I can't really see that utility anyway so why should anyone bother cleaning it up all the time?
My reason was that I don't like spam. I had not looked at Discussions at all before they were opened to all tags. I anticipated that'd be an issue, and expected my effort to be short term. Either SE would retire the feature or add more tooling around it. But nothing like this happened.
SE didn't even add keyboard navigation to it. Which is small but extremely helpful to me. In the end I did it. Took maybe a couple of hours to do the userscript that adds pagination navigation and post selection with a userscript to all places (I found) that had pagination and posts. And I don't have SE's resources. It would have taken, generously, 30 minutes for them to enable the keyboard navigation shortcuts to Discussions which would have made my life so much easier.
You're right that Discussions doesn't have much value. I mean it could. In theory. In practice, it's more of "SO-lite" with less reason some evil mod to close your question because it's entirely a code dump with a tacked on "Help fix?" to the end of it. Or similar.
It's poor when they don't even give the API necessary for people who are actively volunteering to try maintain a feature. Sorry that it took your effort away from other things
Very few posts I found interesting and engaging. Most are extremely basic. Like "which language to learn". There were maybe 6-7 of those. Or stuff like "Does <tech> have a future?" which are the equivalent of clickbait article. Sounds interesting, lacks substance.
Heh, I've just read a job description that has a key requirement of "Fixing and enhancing the existing Databricks implementation for maximum efficiency.". Fixing you say? Do not pass Go. Do not collect salary. Looks like another company made a hash of the platform, which is comforting in some ways
8 hours later…
@Aran-Fey Thanks, I may have to give the show another go. Did you watch S&W 2024 -- did you like the remake?
For some reason, I can't make it all the way through the anime anymore. Even though the anime is how I originally discovered the franchise. Maybe it just works better in book form, idk
Oh, I stopped watching the remake right about when Nora is introduced. I'm not particularly fond of that arc, now that I think about it
Fair fair, thanks. I started watching the remake but stopped for no reason. The animations were quite nice.

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