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3:00 AM
@Aran-Fey Thanks for the info. You'd think a company like Google hiring (I would imagine) the best devs in the world would have the best client libraries / docs ever. Theorizing why it's bad... I suspect it might be that when you get really good devs:

1) They hyper focus on patterns / anti patterns perhaps to the point where they focus so much on "correctness" that they lose sight of user friendliness.

2) Also perhaps they're so darn smart they don't have that pressure like most of us do to keep things simple to understand it. https://preview.redd.it/sxz1s1szt9591.png?width=909&format=png
4 hours later…
7:29 AM
my code is printing prompt infinitely if it finds any command. if it finds quit it exits.
any suggestions on to use break statement or shud i modify existing code
def main():

quitflag = 0

while not quitflag:

print(versionPrompt, end="")
if (cmdfct.find('QUIT') >= 0) or (cmdfct.find('quit') >= 0) :
quitflag = 1

elif (cmdfct.find('HELP') >= 0) or (cmdfct.find('help') >= 0) :

# elif (cmdfct.find('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') >= 0) :
# print(cmdfct) > cer_dir
# setcer()

else :
cmdstr = cmdfct
cmdargs = cmdstr.split('=')
if cmdargs[0] in fcttestHandlers.keys():
So the code works, and you want to make it prettier?
Indentation would be nice. There's a formatting guide in the Room description, I think.
Replace quitflag = 1 with break, cmdfct.find('foo') >= 0 with 'foo' in cmdfct, or even better, cmdfct == 'foo', use snake_case instead of camelCase, and use fewer abbreviations in your variable names. When I look at cmdfct, my brain goes "Command fact?", and fcttestHandlers is completely undecipherable for me
FWIW, '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' makes me itchy...
7:43 AM
Ah. What does that mean, though?
Oh I forgot, sys.stdin.readline() should just be input()
Dunno. Just giving my crystal ball a test run.
@Aran-Fey That Miyagi's eczema is getting worse
Been having fun with OpenSSL the past weeks at MiyagiInstitute, so I'm a little on edge with these things.
PSA: Stop using Python 2.7. Yes, you too.
Just stop supporting it :P
just alias python2 to rm -rf
Or symlink it. It would make you a BOFH (beautiful operator from heaven)
@Aran-Fey actual code is here pastebin.com/3J5fqSLd
7:57 AM
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I would. It's external users doing WAN stuff and such. Whoever came up with the idea of globally sharing scientific data...
when it receives other than quit command the prompt repeats infinitely. need to break it
Use sys.exit() if you want to terminate the entire program. That could be adequate here.
@Jordan 1) Be consistent about your naming scheme, you have a bunch of snake_case variables and also a bunch of camelCase variables. 2) Replace all your subprocess.call('... >> /dev/null', shell=True) with a function that does the same thing but with shell=False. 3) If you have a with file:, then you don't need file.close().
@Jordan Is there a reason why a large amount of things like gpio_map or param_map are defined twice in your code?
8:02 AM
That's as far as I'm willing to scroll, the code really needs to be split up into a bunch of shorter files
8:49 AM
@Kevin as someone also mentioned, pendulum could probably help with avoiding the modulo calcuations by using e.g. delta.remaining_seconds
9:01 AM
@Aran-Fey at the end of file line.no: 2954 there is main function, i need suggestion here, when it receives quit command prompt exits, but if it receives other command prompt is repeating infinitely. shud I make use of break statement after print stmt or else shud i change indentation.
Yes, definitely use break instead of quitflag
@Aran-Fey also cmdfct.lower() if you're not looking for a case-sensitive match
9:43 AM
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні You wouldn't happen to know if there is a practical difference in using .lower() vs .casefold() for Hungarian, would you?
@MisterMiyagi I don't know per se but I doubt there is one.
our fancy letters are all vowels, umlauts and single or double acutes
>>> 'ÁÉÍÓÚÖŐÜŰ'.casefold() == 'ÁÉÍÓÚÖŐÜŰ'.lower() == 'áéíóúöőüű'
(we also have consonants like ny, sz, dzs but these are all made up of ascii glyphs)
Interesting. Still looking for a case where .casefold() has an actual advantage. Was hoping that Hungarian is weird enough for it to be so. ;)
I thought your scharfes S was the go-to example...
Hungarian orthography looks a lot scarier than it is. The grammar, well... at least it's not Finnish.
10:13 AM
Page 238 of unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/ch05.pdf mentions Turkish as a locale with atypical case logic. I also saw Greek mentioned on the previous page.
I was about to point to ch03, "3.13 Default Case Algorithms" unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/ch03.pdf
page 151...
I was looking at that, but it didn't have any fun diagrams.
Incidentally, kudos to the Unicode consortium for not putting this information behind a paywall, like certain other standard-publishing bodies >_>
Here's a use case for casefold: You're a search engine like google. You scrape a website that has an all-caps title like "EIN SPASS FÜR DIE GANZE FAMILIE". Now if a user searches for "Spaß", of course the aforementioned website should show up in the results. You'll need casefold for that in some way or another
Not convinced that "EIN SPASS FÜR DIE GANZE FAMILIE" should match searching for "Spaß"...
I thought google just passionately beseeched their sentient AI to figure out what pages should be returned
10:21 AM
PEP XYZ: str.googlefold
@MisterMiyagi If you found the "SPASS" in the heading (as in <h1>) of a website, then I'm sure it should
1 hour later…
11:43 AM
Hey folks, figured I would come in here to pester you fine folks. Aren't you so very lucky?
It's been a while :-)
How on earth do I a mock out a function that's imported from a module separate from the place that's calling it? I'm writing some unit tests and I have:
* module A - where some_func() has been defined
* module B - where some_func is imported and used
* unit_test file - where I want to mock out / monkeypatch the behaviour of some_func
I feel like it's not as difficult as it should be, but I'm missing something. I haven't been able to use the unittest.mock.patch decorator because it's not playing nicely with my pytest fixtures
12:22 PM
You can always use it as a context manager
Depending on how module B imports some_func, you can either mock it by name in module B's namespace or mock moduleA.some_func directly
But you probably already knew/tried all of this
12:47 PM
def some_func():
    return "this is the string returned by some_func"

import a
def f():
    return "<<<" + a.some_func() + ">>>"
copy_of_some_func = a.some_func
def g():
    return "{{{" + copy_of_some_func() + "}}}"

import b
b.a.some_func = lambda: "this is a mock string"
print(b.f()) #<<<this is a mock string>>>
print(b.g()) #{{{this is the string returned by some_func}}}
Mixed results, as predicted
On the other hand, if you can get your hands on the a module before b does...
import a
a.some_func = lambda: "this is a mock string"
import b
print(b.f()) #<<<this is a mock string>>>
print(b.g()) #{{{this is a mock string}}}
I doubt you actually want to monkeypatch the module during the test run
I know, let's use ctypes to hack a trampoline into a.some_func and redirect all of its calls to a function of our choosing
Name resolution mechanism are for wusses, we invoke anonymous function pointers like men
If you're desperate, you can monkeypatch the function's code. Then it won't matter how it was imported. Just do f.__code__ = g.__code__ and you're done
Hmm, needs a dash of ctypes for flavor
Stick a if random.random() > 0.99: ctypes.cause_segfault() in there for the thrill of it
import a
import b
def g():
    return "this is a mock string"
a.some_func.__code__ = g.__code__
print(b.f()) #<<<this is a mock string>>>
print(b.g()) #<<<this is a mock string>>>
For completeness
I've got similar problems in a C# project. I've got a long function that, among other things, reads from a local file and makes a database query. But my test environment doesn't have that local file or database.
1:17 PM
Break it up into smaller functions and make someone else test it.
Perhaps I could rewrite the function so it takes an open file object and a database connection object as parameters. Then I can give it the C# equivalent of a StringIO and a sqlite conn object pointed at :memory:
Not 100% sure that such things exist in C#, but I digress
@vaultah But I presume I can't do it from the unit test namespace though without changing the code to mock things out?
Either way, I eventually used unittest.mock.patch to bypass the behaviour, but now fighting it to find out how I conduct my evil monkeypatch magicks.
(but it's hardly ideal)
Now pouring over the rest of the stuff you guys have typed - cheers
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні To a certain extent, I have broken the function up. The top-level logic simplifies down relatively well, even:
def do_complex_thing(user_id):
    important_data = read_file("important.txt")
    user = get_user_from_db(user_id)
    x = do_thing_a(important_data)
    y = do_thing_b(x, user)
    z = do_thing_c(z, important_data, user)
    return z
1:36 PM
Perhaps that's not meant to be unit tested
Presumably every function being called is unit tested
Nope :^)
Ah well, I'm unit testing my janky old code, so I want this to be properly covered
complications: 1) the do_thing family of methods are all marked private, so my testing class can't call them directly. 2) x, y, and z are big tangles of self-referential data structures and murky hidden state. Making mock copies of these would be a substantial effort. 3) Writing independent tests for the do_things still doesn't tell me whether do_complex_thing works.
@Kevin You see, when I tried this strategy, it doesn't seem to work. Is that because I'm doing a "from a import some_func"?
@OldTinfoil jumping into the conversation, but look at pytest-mock. its a wrapper library that works well with pytest. also, in a setup like this, you need to mock somefunc where its used, not where its defined. keep that in mind and you should be set hopefully
1:41 PM
@OldTinfoil If you're doing from a import some_func inside b.py, I wouldn't expect that to make a difference. That just adds a layer of indirection the same way copy_of_some_func = a.some_func does.
from a import func can be mocked, no issues. we have that in our code base im pretty sure
If you're doing from a import some_func inside test.py, and then doing some_func = lambda: "this is a mock string", that would be a problem. The function in the a module will remain unchanged.
The some_func.__code__ = g.__code__ approach would still work, I reckon
In any case, listen to Paritosh, and do it the right way if possible. I am but a humble madman living in a big jar in the town square.
i presume the mocking itself is just being done incorrectly*. its very easy to mock the wrong thing and then be like "why isnt this working" because it will successfully execute and give you the unmocked results. main thing is to mock where its being used, so for example, if module b does from a import some_func the correct thing to mock in a test is b.some_func
(assuming the test is for things in b)
as for the mocking syntax itself, i cant say much for unittest. i used mocker from pytest-mock and it seemed much more intuitive, so i stuck with that. mocker.patch("b.some_func", return_value=42) for our use case worked like a charm
"Worked like a charm" is an interesting idiom. I have no idea how charms work*, or even what they're supposed to do*, but I can tell when something works like one.
(*purportedly or otherwise)
Similarly, I often reap what I sow, and cry "what have I wrought?", without knowing anything about reaping or sowing or wrighting
1:59 PM
Hey all, anybody know of a way to Profile an Asynchronous API to analyze the CPU usage?
I've seen the grim reaper in movies, so I know you reap by swinging the pointy bit at the target. Seems a bit dangerous that the inside edge of the blade is the sharp one. I bet I'd cut my fingers on it.
@Kevin as far as I know wrought is "work"
Basically yes. "wrighting" is probably not a word.
I've seen the term "Ironwright" in reference to a person that makes wrought iron. But it was on a Magic: The Gathering card, so maybe English had a slightly different evolutionary path in the strange realm of Innistrad
2:12 PM
That's probably along the lines of shipwright. You still don't do shipwrighting (I hope).
Ah, ironwright is listed as a term derived from "wright". I guess my search didn't turn anything up the first time because it doesn't have its own page.
"playwright", that's a good one. Anyone that learned about Shakespeare in school has probably encountered it.
"wheelwright" -- perfect, something I know how to have wrought. I reinvent wheels every day. (wreinvent?)
@Kwsswart If you're only calling it once, perhaps you could profile it the same way you profile synchronous code.
Yeah, I'm using unittest.mock because it's not easy to update/remove packages for our end systems, I will rely on the builtin as much as possible for my own sanity
I'd expect timeit to give a sensible reading, for example
Although through its documentation made something apparent to me, and I no longer am tying to do some horrid kludge and am now doing it properly. Thanks Paritosh
@Kevin Unfortunately not it is currently running non-stop, thing is I am trying to identify whether compression of responses is happening wihtin nginx and thats consuming some memory or if rather the api itself is consuming more than what we think
2:36 PM
@Kevin damn wright!
2:47 PM
3:06 PM
@Kwsswart Oh, sounds tricky. If your coroutines are spending a lot of time waiting for an async I/O operation to finish, I guess it would be hard to tell if the resource on the other end is slow, or if there's a bottleneck somewhere, or what.
Thats my thoughts, and no way to check the other end....
I need to have a word with whoever decided that programming should be difficult
2 hours later…
5:21 PM
Cbg all.
I am using 2 delta tabes in databricks which I am streaming into using autoloader.

Next I want to stream these delta tables 2/3 tables and union them and write as stream in another delta table. Where you union 2 streams and write in one for each batch. How do you handle checkpointing for both the input streaming table. As I have only one writestream source with 2 input streams. Any idea if this is possible?
I understood as far as "I am using 2".
I understood every single word, but none of the sentences
Google tells me that databricks is a company that offers a system called "Lakehouse Platform". A lakehouse is a combination of a data lake and a data warehouse. I do not know what a data lake or data warehouse is.
There are no data silos in the lakehouse. I do not know what a data silo is.
This might not be pure python question. But I am. Implementing it using python Pyspark
Ok, sounds reasonable to me.
5:28 PM
ugg, more self inflicted python deployment problems
@anky there are a few data person regulars so it's not hopeless
A data person is like a data silo, but smaller and with more limbs
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні okay :) thanks
5:31 PM
Ah, I found a way out of the Databricks marketing fluff labyrinth. docs.databricks.com/getting-started/introduction/index.html will hopefully explain things in words I can understand.
"BI" means "business intelligence". That makes more sense than my guess, "bismuth"
@Kevin laurel func(bi, 83) for you
@Kevin a data warehouse is where you store your facts and dimension tables in, lakehouse overcomes the limitations of schema when reading so you can have any type is source not schema specific for the downstream. Hope that helps
5:58 PM
Ok, so "autoloader" can take lots of files with no formal schema, and send out a single stream of useful data. a "delta table" can grow itself using a stream of data, and it can also send a stream of data from itself. You can also make a "checkpoint" of a delta table, which is basically a backup. And "writestream" is... I haven't gotten that far.
6:14 PM
Autoloader is capable of reading Only the changed or fresh inserted files from a folder in the data lake via any messaging source. So it can read incremental files via a checkpoint whee it stores the METADATA(last file read) . Concepts of a delta table is ACID where either a transaction goes in or doesn't.
There is no concept of a partial load before a load fails. So you would always have a single source of truth. There are other features like time travel and version travel as well... You can have them as a batch or streaming.. But streaming comes with some limitations.. I am not well exper
@Kevin I tried. Though I might typo few things as I am on mobile. Pls ignore that
Schema for a delta table should be same for each autoloader batch or stream
If my first file load has name=Kevin, city=london autoloader will pick tha.. I will upsert it as an example.. Next time Kevin changes the city and the city is now syndey.. Autoloader sees that there is a new file based on the filename and informs me.. I merge it again to update the latest info.. One can use. Scd type 1 or 2
Here is a crude example I had tried to put: github.com/Ankan1991/pyscd/blob/master/SampleSCD2.ipynb
For scd 2
6:35 PM
Ok, I think I get the general idea. I will ponder this.
Read only new data and upsert.. That's it.. Eliminates trunc and load concept
7:17 PM
Hi, I asked this question on other chatroom, question was about in general what technologies to learn to be better at software development
that might be a tad too open-ended question like that
yes that it is, is it allowed
with the perspective of python developer
@jeea it's not forbidden per se, but beyond a certain level of vagueness it's hard to get useful answers :)
two things that definitely come to mind: version control (preferably git) and familiarity with a good IDE or equivalent setup
actually I have not posted the whole question lol
Well, go on then. You can also post the permalink to the message in the other room and it will embed the message here.
7:22 PM
in Lounge<C++>, 26 mins ago, by jeea
I am currently in final semester of my college, and in a few months will join corporate world as Entry Level software engineer. Throughout my college, I have only explored little bit of full stack development and algorithms for gettng through the interview.

Now I am starting to explore the backend part of web development, I want to know whether there is a list of checkboxes of technologies that I should surely be familiar with which will help me in my career. Basically from online opinions, I feel some of the topics are
Since you asked that in the lounge, but also mentioned "perspective of python developer", what do you even mean by "technology"?
I meant that the company mostly uses backend web development, but I am in general looking for skills or technologies that one needs to be aware of regardless of field
Do you mean development tooling, do you mean things like protocols and standards, do you mean libraries, frameworks etc.
What I mean is like the version control is so important, things like that which are good to know in general for software development, can include tools or libraries
backend also means familiarity with databases
Oh, this is bad: your oneboxed message goes on but it's truncated in the onebox :|
I haven't noticed that bug before
7:26 PM
I have some knowledge of sql, like writing sql queries but thats it. Also have used very small amount of mongo but that is negligible
definitely don't waste your time with "blockchain" mumbo-jumbo if you're just trying to prepare as a generic full-stack dev
Just pasting the whole text:

I am currently in final semester of my college, and in a few months will join corporate world as Entry Level software engineer. Throughout my college, I have only explored little bit of full stack development and algorithms for gettng through the interview.

Now I am starting to explore the backend part of web development, I want to know whether there is a list of checkboxes of technologies that I should surely be familiar with which will help me in my career. Basically from online opinions, I feel some of the topics are
yeah, that's probably better in this case
having taken a glance at that transcript, nwp seems to say things I'd say
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні actually I am not sure i want to go full stack, I just learn some backend so that I can use it on job. But its not like I want to be just full stack only
OK, that works for my point
"cybersecurity" like that also sounds like mumbo-jumbo; and "using TOR browser" is not what you should be looking for. Learn about security. How to handle passwords safely. How not to have injection vulnerabilities in your code, and more generally how to sanitise user input.
But note that I don't know anything about web/backend development.
7:31 PM
That is perfectly fine, I am just looking for real world perspective
Must be a middle-end developer then
as long as there are 5d numpy arrays in the middle
If you work in 5 dimensions you have 5 middles
I don't think those numbers add up; you must be an outside-end developer
I'm a train-end developer, because as soon as I show up the conversation gets derailed
7:50 PM
@jeea I don't think you need to know mongo unless the job states it. You probably will need to know SQL, though. And what Andras was suggesting is about parameterization
Docker and Kubernetes are also possibly in your remit. You'd also want to know what platform you're on e.g. AWS/Google Cloud/Azure
TOR/web3/blockchain seem to have come from no where in your question. That has nothing to do with general backend development, so I'm not sure if you read that in a job description
Also, you've missed the big things like nginx/apache, or your server like gunicorn/guvicorn, or the web frameworks like django/flask. These are more immediate things you'd be working with in backend web dev (from a python perspective)
I don't agree with nwp. Personal dilemma as to whether I can be bothered to talk in Lounge.
8:17 PM
Off question. How "Disputed Post flags" works?
I mean, will it ever pass or fail?
8:31 PM
IIRC flag age away if there is no decision made on it
You could have just searched that on Google - "If I remember correctly"
It's the first search result
8:52 PM
Ok, TY
If I were a native I would surely know what it is
Shower thought of the day: Lots of people have a favorite color, but hardly anybody has a favorite texture. If you ask me what my favorite color is I'll say yellow, but only because I can't say "gold", because gold is not a color. Gold as a color is just a weird dark yellow. I don't care about yellow, what I like is shiny glitzy sparkly reflective yellow
That's "gold". It's recognised as a colour
If you mean "multifaceted shards reflecting as the colour in varying degrees" then, well, I can't help you
Ok, maybe I could say gold. But if someone asks me how that's different from yellow I'm in trouble
"Golden statue" isn't necessarily read as "made of gold" because most people know that is usually ridiculously expensive
Also, "golden" could be used in more abstract cases, like "her face was golden" which tries to capture the quality you're describing from a physical sense and your admiration for it
9:09 PM
I believe that gold is considered a color because I think all golds have the gold color (they even have the same intensity), right? :P
Or, she got burned to a crisp on a sun bed. I mean... 21st century
Could also be spray painted like Trump's face, except gold instead of orange
... difference, Your Honour?
But "golden" would be more likely used for hair than anything else. I was just trying to find something that wouldn't sound too weird
@Aran-Fey It's superlative
Gold > yellow
(chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/54753252#54753252): they even must be the same intensity*
I'm talking about looks though. Gold is visually different from yellow. It's not about the association with riches and status
9:19 PM
I'm not immediately aware of such a word, but this has become my crossword clue for my next cig
My point is that the look of a material depends on more than just a color. By asking "what's your favorite color" you're picking out one specific attribute out of god-knows-how-many that all work together to create the final product (the look)
Let's say I built a complex 3D structure out of the same material but light hits it at difference angles. It happens to be made of gold. How can you describe that colour of any one part with a single word?
You can't describe the colour, only the effect of light being refracted in different ways by either its structure or its chemistry
Well, then you have your answer :P
9:28 PM
Not sure what the point of this exercise was. You asked me to describe a color. It's no different from asking me for my favorite color, is it?
28 mins ago, by Aran-Fey
Shower thought of the day: Lots of people have a favorite color, but hardly anybody has a favorite texture. If you ask me what my favorite color is I'll say yellow, but only because I can't say "gold", because gold is not a color. Gold as a color is just a weird dark yellow. I don't care about yellow, what I like is shiny glitzy sparkly reflective yellow
People understand the difference between "yellow" and "gold"
You can say "gold" and it will be universally accepted as a different answer to "yellow"
Well, yes and no. Generally when you think of "gold", you think of the material, not the color.
Not true. I don't speak any other language and this is my native language
Is this what comes to mind when you think "gold"?
Yes and no. It encapsulates everything I tried to trip you up on
It's the same colour but it automatically carries connotations
9:37 PM
That's kind of my point? By asking "what's your favorite color?" you're disregarding all that extra stuff that exists in addition to the color
In other words, the context of what you're saying can be reasoned out by the conversation. There is no immediate word coming to me
Have we done "only a Sith deals in absolutes" yet?
The more I think about it, "gold"/"golden" has to be really specific if you want it to mean a colour and, when you do, people will understand it
Probably because we had the Gold Standard for a long time
What does the Gold Standard have to do with colour?
Surely "gold" vs "yellow" is more of a philosophical/contextual difference. Like "gold squadron"/"gold leader" in a certain science fiction fantasy franchise. Or our two words for red: piros and vörös, and the only difference I can pin down is that blood and wine and roses are always the latter...
9:49 PM
That there could be ambiguity in expressing an actual colour. Otherwise I don't follow the convo. "What colour is this?" -> "Gold" and it would encapsulate everything
There's a convo to be followed? I'm just shouting words into the void...
What colour is it? "Gold"/"Urine" both mean yellow, but with a different relationship toward the object in question...
Let me try this: I have two spheres, one is made out of gold and one is made out of yellow plastic. Without touching the spheres, can you tell me which is which? How do you tell the difference?
I don't follow your intrajection @AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні. "but only because I can't say "gold"" was explicitly said, and I'm saying as a native speaker yes you can
@Aran-Fey The one that looks more golden
now we're getting into physically-based rendering
conductors are shiny :P
For exactly the qualities that you use to differentiate the two, between a blob of sulphur and a lump of gold
9:56 PM
hmm, I'm not sure what powdered gold looks like
@roganjosh *throws hands in the air*
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Yes! There's more to a material than just the color, there's like 2 dozen other parameters as well
@Aran-Fey oh yeah, I got your point at the start
not sure what the current discussion is about :'D
Neither am I tbh. All I know is that I didn't get my point across
I guess I'll call it a day. Go to bed before 2AM for once. Rbrb
^ two spheres coloured "gold"
@Aran-Fey revolutionary! Good night.
They are yellow
@Aran-Fey good night :)
10:03 PM
No, I specifically passed "color='gold'" :P
Wrapping it all up. "gold" is recognised in the UK as distinct from "yellow". Whether it be by iridescence, or by complimenting a thing, or other. It has a distinct meaning from "yellow", always, and it's the context that counts
I think we're all on the same page then
The only thing we've left out is "my favourite colour is gold", which is also fine. It's ill-defined but it works
2 hours later…
11:54 PM
anybody ever split a python package across different directories?
on the subject of self inflicted pain

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