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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

7:01 PM
@Kevin I wouldn't blame them either way, which is my point
whaaat! self can be renamed poop?
You're welcome
so it doesn't function the same as this in c#?
until now I thought it was a keyword like this
@erotavlas Yes, or as one might put it: it's not special
<needs a glass of water. That was dry >
7:10 PM
@roganjosh so it's static "content"?
@AndrasDeak Oh, ok. Yeah, let 'em do what they want.
@Code-Apprentice We never really got to the bottom of it, but my best guess was that they basically wanted custom content to go into the library directory to make things extra-borked
Towards the end I thought the question might be "when a user uploads data to my website which I intend to keep around for only a minute, where should I store it?"
In which case I might answer "anywhere, as long as you clean up after yourself"
No point putting it in AppData if it's not going to outlive the session
It's almost like having a clear mission statement from the outset would have saved us all some calories but hey, I'm basically melded with my bed at this point and so taxing my brain with confusion is the biggest workout I'm willing to do
I never see my customers face-to-face any more, so I've got to keep my crystal ball exercised somehow :-)
7:57 PM
@roganjosh really?! I'm busy and can't script right now, but that's the next line I'm writing :D
And lo, learning was done this day
Because poop
class Foo:
    def bar(cls)

foo = Foo()
hmm...not a great example since cls is never used.
I thought poop was a better revelation before the extra confusion of that :P
yah, my point there was to be confusing by using cls where normally you would see self.
Sure, but I feel like that layers two wtf's into one example
8:10 PM
class Foo:
    bar = 'foobar'

    def __init__(cls, bar):
        cls.bar = bar

    def print_bar(cls):

    def print(self):

foo = Foo('barfoo')
How about more wtfs?
It might be fun to do this between "people in the-know" but having gone through this learning process entirely alone, it really isn't fun to have these kind of examples when they're just discovering my initial revelation. Let's not pile things on
8:25 PM
@Code-Apprentice just to be clear, I don't mind such examples if they're distinct from what people are just finding out :)
And that's not an RO perspective, just a "there's only so many wtfs I can handle at once when I'm learning this" :P
1 hour later…
9:46 PM
@roganjosh fair enough
10:27 PM
Anyone know how to represent this C object in Python?
byte turing [] = {
B1000111, B1000101, B1000001, B1111111,
B0000000, B1111111, B0001000, B0010000,
B0100000, B1111111, B0000000, B1111111,
B0000000, B0111011, B1000100, B1000100,
B1111111, B0000000, B1111111, B0000001,
B0000001, B1111111, B0000000, B1000000,
B1000000, B1111111, B1000000, B1000000,
bytearray([0b1000111, 0b1000101, ...])
bless you
what about this one?
byte data_prefix[] = {0x80, 0x83, 0xFF};
Same thing, bytearray([0x80, 0x83, 0xff])
oh nice, thank you
does capitalization matter? (f/F)
10:32 PM
solid, I've always seen the x in lower case so I'll leave it that way
Do you happen to know of a good Python library that interacts with Arduino?
nope, sorry
no worries. Can you help me understand what the bytes in 0x80, 0x83, 0xff mean?
is that hex?
Yes, but I have no idea what they mean. They're not ascii characters or anything
right, so they could each be understood as 8 bit integers?
10:38 PM
solid, and one could replace them with the Bxxxxxxx binary syntax?
excellent, thank you for your help!
10:53 PM
Heh, such a swift transaction. I should be so lucky :P
11:08 PM
the secret lies in the one-word responses. If it wasn't so late at night, I'd have started explaining why hex and binary are interchangeable
ok, to give credit where credit is due, it's mostly because duhaime asked clear and precise questions
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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