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12:15 AM
Guess what was part of my dinner
12:41 AM
Hi everyone! I'm new to this website. :) Does anyone have experience with time-series analysis in Python? :D
You'd be shaping the healthcare of the future! Well, I guess everybody is sleeping.. Let me know if you're interested :)
I am already shaping the healthcare of the future...by promoting the consumption of cbg
3 hours later…
3:24 AM
@MartijnPieters I tried without the open set and you're right it was crazy slow
I don't know what it is then. Here's my one: hastebin.com/giyacapalu.py
$ time python aoc2018/q22.py
python aoc2018/q22.py  4.43s user 0.14s system 98% cpu 4.613 total
$ time python aoc2018/q22_martijn.py
Part 1: 7380
Part 2: 1013
python aoc2018/q22_martijn.py  11.18s user 0.24s system 98% cpu 11.600 total
It looks like the same heap A* but that's > 100% slower for some reason, I assumed it was the open set but must be missing something else
The A* is at line 40. I'm stumped, I can't see anything else obviously different in the algorithm.
4:33 AM
Is there anyone who can help me to solve my django issue? Thanks in advance.
3 hours later…
7:22 AM
Jun 23 '17 at 15:54, by wim
a heavily downvoted answer actually provides useful information
2 hours later…
9:43 AM
Hey guys, I'm really stuck on this one. Trying to install tables package (in order to install pandana) and getting this eccos-iMac:~ ecco$ sudo -H pip3 install tables
Collecting tables
Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/4d/53/8f34ce887c2a2ad80518980419a5f6f41defc85a287a355987e559ce9385/tables-3.4.4.tar.gz (4.6MB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 4.6MB 6.0MB/s
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
/tmp/H5closeyn2ngfcf.c:1:1: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
Searched here on stack and github but got nothing useful
Would really appreciate some help
Already updated setuptools, pip
9:58 AM
python 3.7.0 pip 18.1
1 hour later…
11:09 AM
hey guys i'm trying to write a generic combine dict method gist.github.com/lordlycastle/431a48c71b9e7cd4b8224364d634c166 here is what i have. but it won't go in the final loop for some reason. what silly mistake am i making
11:34 AM
{**{k: v for x in args for k, v in x.items()}}
@seizethedata sounds like you need hdf5 installed, which happens on your OS level rather than python. See e.g. pytables.org/usersguide/installation.html
> If setup.py can not find libhdf5, libhdf5 (or liblzo, or libbz2 that you may wish to use) or if you have several versions of a library installed and want to use a particular one, then you can set the path to the resource in the environment, by setting the values of the HDF5_DIR, LZO_DIR, BZIP2_DIR or BLOSC_DIR environment variables to the path to the particular resource.
Probably have to install libhdf5 using your package manager
11:56 AM
@AndrasDeak Hey, thanks, I've actually solved this via homebrew command in this link: github.com/Homebrew/legacy-homebrew/issues/…
@AndrasDeak But I have another question, if you don't mind. I'm trying to install pandana and there's some stuff I don't get about gcc...
Multithreaded Installation on Mac
The default compilers on Mac do not support OpenMP (which we use to parallelize the computations). To get multithreaded Pandana on Mac you’ll need to install GNU GCC and then compile Pandana from source. The easiest way to get GCC is via Homebrew or MacPorts:

Homebrew: brew install gcc
MacPorts: port install gcc
Then you must specify the GCC compilers for use during compilation via environment variables and tell the setup.py script explicitly to build with OpenMP:
This is a quote from installation docs and I don't really get how do I specify GCC compilers
I tried just doing export CC=gcc-4.9
export CXX=g++-4.9
export USEOPENMP=1 but this doesn't seem to do anything
12:20 PM
do you have gcc-4.9 and g++-4.9 installed?
gcc 4.9, yes, g++4.9 not sure =/
though I guess you should get an error if it's missing
I get this kind of error when trying to install pandana: unable to execute 'gcc-4.9': No such file or directory
error: command 'gcc-4.9' failed with exit status 1
Is there are reason you're not installing pandana via pip? I'd expect the wheels to be best and easiest. Or are those single-threaded?
@seizethedata :|
Yeah I'm on mac and they say pip does the single threaded version
12:22 PM
which gcc-4.9 g++-4.9
(I'd expect two tabs in a terminal after "gcc" would also tell you which version is available...)
gcc-4.9 --version
gcc-4.9 (Homebrew GCC 4.9.4_1) 4.9.4

g++-4.9 --version
g++-4.9 (Homebrew GCC 4.9.4_1) 4.9.4
@vaultah haha. nice one. remanence of a different implementation
@seizethedata weird. Very. Is there some context to the error you mentioned? Is there a chance that "no such file or directory" refers to something other than gcc-4.9?
when I use pip install -U --no-use-wheel pandana i get:

pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ...
pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ...
pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ...
pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ...
pip install [options] <archive url/path> ...

no such option: --no-use-wheel
then don't do that
12:31 PM
when i try to install from git, I get: Installing collected packages: pandana
Running setup.py install for pandana ... error
Complete output from command /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3.7 -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/private/var/folders/ww/ccj4ly8s3nbdnm4_khjgl76c0000gn/T/pip-req-build-fbh36gup/setup.py';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /private/var/folders/ww/ccj4ly8s3nbdnm4_khjgl76c0000gn/T/pip-record-s0ch9grb/install-record.txt --
that's a bit too much output, next time please drop it in a code paste service and link here
Well it seems to me the error indeed says that gcc-4.9 is what's missing. Did you try the install from a new terminal, or the terminal which gave you the gcc/g++ versions? If you have an older terminal window open from before you installed gcc, you won't have the right path there
@AndrasDeak sorry, i'll be smarter next time with the code
Kinda new here
of course, it's OK
I'll try rebooting and see if it will get me the same error
OK, better to be safe
12:40 PM
@user14492 I'm on my phone, so I haven't run your code, but I suspect you have some fencepost errors. I suggest you throw in a print call or two, to make sure your loop variables are what you expect them to be. BTW, there are various improvements that could be made. Eg, loop directly over items, rather than using indices. Use a set to detect repeated keys. Use the dict.update method.
Cabbage. I did pretty well on this recent Physics question. My answer started life as a comment, but I decided to enhance it a little. :) It's "common knowledge" that antimatter & matter annihilate each other into pure energy when they meet. Unfortunately, that common knowledge is only correct for low energy electron + positron collisions.
side note: that's a started life hat-trick for you, PM ;)
@AndrasDeak turns out just had to reboot. Damn how I always forget to do this
Thanks a lot for bearing with me
No problem :)
Oops. I'm getting a bit repetitive. :)
Keep'em coming, I did not know that stuff :)
12:56 PM
@PM2Ring nah, I believe it's just a coincidence of similar events. Synchronicity? :P
Something like that... :)
1:53 PM
new xkcd has 291x470 pixels, Randall done goofed
or perhaps I should subscribe for premium membership for fullHD resolution
@AndrasDeak He did. And the mobile view is pixellated
I expect it'll get repaired within 24 hours.
It's so new that there isn't a forum thread yet.
How to atutomatically generate pdf file and save to system after submitting the form in django?
2:11 PM
I don't know django at all, but I would imagine that the separate steps you need is 1. generating a pdf file (this probably includes saving to the disk), 2. triggering #1 after a form submit. Do you know how to do either of these?
I can convert the html table into pdf file only
You mean you know how to do #1 but not #2?
i don't have an idea how to automatically generate pdf file and save to the software after filling the form and clicking save button
do you know javascript?
The two messages you just wrote contradict each other.
A search for "django generate pdf" or "python generate pdf" returns plenty of results. What specific issue are you having? google.com/…
I can only convert html file to pdf file by using javascript
I will try that
i have another django related problem also
2:18 PM
First, have you reviewed our room rules? sopython.com/chatroom
No, sorry
I'm in problem. I have searched a lot for the answer but i c'touldn
couldn't do
Plelase help me
2:34 PM
\o cbg
Okay, so maybe I missed something in decorator school, but can anyone explain why this doesn't work:
class TestMyFunc(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.mock_imported_path_var = Path('my_test_path')

    @mock.patch('my_app.test_module.imported_path_var', self.mock_imported_path_var)
    def my_funct(self):
        # use patched Path obj
but this does:
class TestMyFunc(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    mock_imported_path_var = Path('my_test_path')

    @mock.patch('my_app.test_module.imported_path_var', mock_imported_path_var)
    def my_funct(self):
        # use patched Path obj
2:46 PM
@toonarmycaptain mock.patch() gets called and returns a function, then my_funct gets passed as the arg to that function. Those things happen while the class definition is being executed to create the class, and at that time the instance attributes don't exist: you don't have an instance, and setUp hasn't been called yet.
Hmm I see. So what would be the way to refer to the patched value in my assert statement?
What seemed intuitive to me was that self.var would work, and assert self.var == ... would work too
But using just my_var in the patch doesn't also work in assert my_var == ...
I guess what I want to be able to do is:
Dear detox users: @gjbernat is adding parallel execution in tox core 🥳 https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/pull/1102 Plan is that this replaces detox, so the first release of tox with detox merged in will also be the end of detox maintenance. cc @flubdevork @brianokken
mocked_my_var = 2
@mock.patch('my_var', mocked_my_var)
def test_squaring_func(self):
assert mocked_my_var*mocked_my_var == squaring_func(mocked_my_var)
Sorry, I don't know much about mocking.
@PM2Ring Me either - trying to pick it up, but it would just seem unpythonic to have to declare a value twice.
2:59 PM
<in a whiny voice>"I don't know much about mocking"</in a whiny voice>
oh my cabbage
and that doesn't even include .appends (900k hits github.com/search?q=%22sys.path.append(0%2C%22&type=Code )
didn't wim yell at me for that? (-: Glad to see i'm not the only one
3:28 PM
@AndrasDeak Here are stereo pairs of Ultima Thule, in both wide eye & cross eye formats, courtesy of Dr Brian May. brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssbjan19a.html#03
neat, thanks :)
Hopefully we'll get some higher res images when the data becomes available. That may take a while because New Horizons transmits at a rather low bitrate to conserve energy & to minimize bit errors.
Ultima Thule looks like cocoa krispies
I want the high res images already ^^
@piRSquared I guess so (we call them Coco Pops in Australia). I'd like to know what gives it the reddish brown colour. I suppose it's similar to the brownish bands of Jupiter.
3:42 PM
@PM2Ring Seriously, Brian May's done some stuff...Queen, plus legit astrophysicist.
@PM2Ring Psst...they don't taste the same :/
@PM2Ring what do you think space vampires eat? xkcd.com/1791
folks in academia, what is the most convincing argument when petitioning to get a course removed from your requirements?
As a student?
@toonarmycaptain Indeed! And he's been an enthusiast of 3D photography since he was a kid. So he has a stack of 3D photographs of Queen. And he's revived the old London Stereoscopic Company. londonstereo.com
3:46 PM
I'd have a suggested replacement course ready
That's how it works here anyway
I have to take an Introduction to AI course, but I want to drop it and take Augmented Reality (more interested in taking this one, I have considered a lot of factors like the course layout, syllabus, and the professor). I'm hoping I can argue that, since I've already taken a course on Machine Learning which has a few topics in common, I can drop this and do something I'm more interested in.
And of course as a teenager he built his electric guitar (with his dad's help), which is why it has a unique sound.
Here students have little say in what they are taught. And the useless crap is there on purpose in order to broaden the view of students...
I also want to say the syllabus does not interest me, or that I was not able to register for the class with the prof I wanted, but I don't know how well they take these arguments
One of my fellow students even managed to get one course replaced by some Coursera course
3:50 PM
Oh, wow
I once heard that the wood for the body of Brian's guitar came from an old fireplace, so it had been cured for several centuries. But I don't have a solud reference for that factoid. ;)
@PM2Ring I'm lowkey pretty upset that I can't see those 3D images... not having stereo vision and all. Not an issue in everyday life, but when you want to do something like that...
@PM2Ring I heard that too, and it's believable, as a lot of houses in the UK are very old. Dunno a source, pretty sure there's sources for some of the metalwork (tremolo springs etc) coming from an old motorcycle though, as I've definitely heard that in several places.
@toonarmycaptain That's a shame. Take a look at the wiggle anim, that'll give you a bit of 3D data evdn without stereopsis. google.com.au/amp/s/qz.com/1514633/…
@PM2Ring Cheers. Some day I'll have a chat with an expert, but I'm not sure I personally gain much more data from the gif than from the two images side by side. It's possible I've subconsciously adapted to processing mono visuals differently than people who process stereo normally. Afterall, I manage to play basketball, played cricket etc, with little issue. Hmm.
4:55 PM
anybody know what's up with this error:

    ipdb> diff
    ipdb> np.nonzero(diff)
    (array([0], dtype=int64),)
    ipdb> diff[np.nonzero(diff)]
    *** IndexError: too many indices for array
also is there a way to expand the text box in this chat?
@toonarmycaptain I focus on a point more distant than the image to align them such that the left image is seen by the left eye and right image by the right eye. Much in the same way I see the squirrel in this image
Unless I missed something and there is only a single eye
@piRSquared Ooh, these are super cool. You see the image if you stare at infinity.
@piRSquared I don't see with both eyes simultaneously - when I try to do what you or the usual instructions suggests, I see it from the perspective of one eye or the other, or have the odd experience of seeing my perspective switch quickly, as if a normal person were only looking through/opening one eye at a time and then switching.
Ahh, I understand now.
Or rather, I don't have stereoscopic vision - my brain only sees one eye's image at a time, kinda like Python has GIL if my eyes were two threads ;)
5:05 PM
@toonarmycaptain lol, nice analogy
@toonarmycaptain I have no idea if this is related but all the 3-d movie shenanigans they were attempting with red/blue filters never worked for me. However, the polarized light technique works perfectly for me.
I used to know an artist that didn't have stereopsis, due to a childhood injury. He could do brilliant perspective drawings, though. I guess that because he didn't get 3D info from stereopsis his brain paid extra attention to all the other 3D visual cues.
@piRSquared You may have some colour blindness.
@piRSquared I used to have issues with it, some of the more recent attempts haven't been so bad (notably the 3D shorts at Disney.World?), I'm not sure which technique they're using though - without the glasses it looks like two images slightly offset. I'm sure it looks ok because my eyes/brain are doing what they normally do to give me a semblance of 3D, but it's not looking strange when it isn't working for me, so...
Huh!? Never thought of that. You're right. I've passed many tests but there may still be something to that.
@PM2Ring I have some degree of colour blindness also. So maybe it's that polarised light technique they were using, or a less problematic combination of colours?
NB I can actually pass at least the US Army colour blindness tests. I have as much issue with grey/pink, green/brown as I do with red/green though.
@piRSquared See how you go on the Munsell hue test. colormunki.com/game/huetest_kiosk
5:14 PM
@AndrasDeak 😰
@piRSquared great, now I have 826,189 more people to go yell at
@piRSquared Dang, it blows me away how cool the 3d effect is every time I actually manage to see the hidden image (3 times in my life so far :( )
@wim (-:
@piRSquared Ok. In that case, it's rather odd that polarised stereo works for you but red-cyan doesn't.
@Aran-Fey If you have trouble viewing Magic Eye stereo images, try looking at them through a stereoscope. It's a lot easier. :)
5:21 PM
Huh. Do those actually work with these kinds of images?
my tolerance for staring at those colors dramatically drops after a few minutes
Sure! And if you don't have a stereoscope you can make a cheap crude one from a Fresnel magnifying sheet.
I always thought stereoscopes required like 2 separate images to work
@piRSquared Ok. That's a very good score. FWIW, I linked to that test a few years ago. Poke was not pleased with the somewhat high number he got. But maybe he rushed through it a bit. ;)
@Aran-Fey So did I. But it does work, since the stereoscope gets your eyes to converge in a different plane to the focal plane.
I am here to discuss regarding the question i posted on stackoverflow 3 days ago, which failed to grab the attention of experts
Q: How to get Hindi voice using google translate/google cloud

user9181286I am building a personal assistant, which requires to speak back in hindi. I find it weird that google cloud text to speech doesn't offer hindi language, https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/voices while google translator speaks back if you ever translate from english to Hindi and clic...

this is google translator's api: translate.google.com.vn/…
change ANYTHING_TEXT to anything in english and it will convert the text into voice
now i want to do the same with hindi language
so technically speaking, if I change tl=en to tl=hi, and ANYTHING_TEXT to anythign in hindi, it should convert the hindi text into hindi voice
but it's not happening
5:36 PM
wow, this one was super easy to see. I almost couldn't get rid of the 3d vision!
I see those very easily now. I trained myself by aligning bathroom tiles while staring at the wall at the urinal.
Any hidden 3d images in your bathroom?
some of those images are quite racy. possibly even nsfw if it didn't require odd staring to actually see.
@Aran-Fey hah, no (-: but it did create an interesting visual effect
When I was younger, I could easily freeview stereo stuff, and switch between wide eye & cross eye almost instantly. These days, cross eye is a lot easier, and it takes me a bit of time & effort to view in wide eye mode, which is what's required for Magic Eye stereograms and traditional stereoscope cards. So when I look at those things I tend to get inverted depth until I force my eyes to go into wide eye mode.
6:02 PM
If you have a building in your town that has a pair of identical towers, try looking at the towers in wide eye mode for a hyper stereo effect. You can get a bit of stereo from this photo of St Mary's cathedral, Sydney, although it gets messed up by the mirror imaging in the lower parts of the towers. But it's more fun to do it with the actual building, rather than a photo.
my eyes hurt
that's a funny 3 towered building
6:31 PM
@user14492 diff == array(1.83186799e-15) is a scalar, not a 1-element 1d array. Its shape is not (1,), it's (). You can't index into it. Compare np.array(2) and np.array([2])
6:49 PM
@PM2Ring I couldn't do those until I did them cross eye... but it wasn't until I was like... 18 or older? that I learned they were inverted when you do them crosseye
7:00 PM
@WayneWerner same here, more or less. Just enlightenment in mid teens
7:12 PM
I think I just had a small eureka moment that, putting multiple classes / things in a file is not only possible, but actually simpler in terms of importing symbols. Oh and resolves the ugly from Foo.Bar import Bar and new Bar.Bar() stuff
You could also have an __init__.py that pulls stuff from the Bar namespace
yes. I'm super lazy however. after like, three of these pulls, I'm tired
maybe my next eureka moment will be to realize that I prefer the import in __init__.py even more :)
You only have to write it once :P __all__ + star import in __init__.py
ooooohhhhh.... :D (really?)
Put __all__ = [Bar] in bar.py, from bar import * in foo/__init__.py
Then you'll have Bar in the foo namespace
7:19 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You can do star imports in the __init__.py file, to merge names from several files. In fact, that's the main reason star imports exist; the other reason being for quick experiments in the REPL.
Ninja'd by Andras.
Writing dunders is a yam from mobile
heh, thanks for the effort :)
__all__ = ['Bar'] rather
Yeah, that, thanks
7:24 PM
hun... well, I'll be trying those around \o/
(__all__ goes on top and at that point Bar doesn't even exist, so it can't be anything other than a string)
7:52 PM
__all__ can go anywhere afaik
so can imports, but I've only seem them on top
> Module level "dunders" (i.e. names with two leading and two trailing underscores) such as __all__,__author__, __version__, etc. should be placed after the module docstring but before any import statements except from __future__ imports. Python mandates that future-imports must appear in the module before any other code except docstrings:
now I know why (PEP 8)
so, imports would generally go before __all__. you're contradicting yourself :P
not topest top, but above any class Bar
special placement: future statements, coding declarations, shebangs.
I didn't know that __future__ must come first. That's where I put it anyway.
I always use future -> built-in/stdlib -> third party -> custom imports
7:55 PM
Cold lasagne is kinda like eating a bolognese sandwich.
I thought shebangs were the topmost of the topest tops to be placed
@toonarmycaptain not sure which of these that statement is an insult to :P
fun fact: Python put the coding declaration in the wrong place for a long time until I fixed it fairly recently: bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issues/111/…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Neither? I'll often finish off leftover bolognese or taco meat etc by sticking it in a sandwich.
there are probably bazillions of installations out there with the shebang just being ignored since it's on line 3. fortunately most people don't use non-ascii characters in console scripts so it probably doesn't break much
@AndrasDeak in fact it must because it affects parsing the file
8:00 PM
@wim why isn't pypa on github like cpython?
@toonarmycaptain because Vinay (the maintainer) likes bitbucket
@wim I see
@toonarmycaptain most of it is github.com/pypa
@wim Fair enough. Although I don't what's more unexpected to me, pypa not being with cpython on github, or "most of it" being on github with cpython!
Vinay seems to do everything a little different than other Python devs, that's why logging looks so weird.
PyPA is somewhat disjoint from CPython, they are more like a ragtag bunch of volunteers trying to improve Python's packaging woes in what spare time they have available. Also pip + setuptools were only vendored to CPython installations relatively recently.
8:10 PM
hi guys I accidentally clicked the Update index.. button in Anaconda and now at the bottom of the window it says Updating package index and metadata.... what did I do?
there an indeterminate progress indicator running and its been going for a long time now
run! The anaconda is coming to eat you!
no way
So, from what I'm seeing, Brett Cannon, Barry Warsaw, and Guido are all candidates for the steering council. How is this any different from how things were before again?
meet the new boss. same as old boss.
long live the democratic king
now Guido can force his bad ideas through while taking only part of the blame
8:35 PM
i'm having a problem updating matplot lib...when I use conda search it show there is aversion 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 I'm currently installed matplotlib 3.0.0 but when I try to update it says I have the latest already
are you installing it with conda?
Are you sure you installed 3.0.0?
yes, when i run conda list the version shows as 3.0.0
sorry, I don't use conda so this is as much as I can help you
8:39 PM
I just installed 3.0.2 without issues using pip
well it worked with pip instead of conda for me too
well, sure, I just don't know if that interferes with your conda stuff
welp, I just upvoted the LBYL and downvoted the try/except. eats hat
8:57 PM
no need, just broadcast
oh, I assumed it might be nice to save memory
broadcasting saves memory
@AndrasDeak I found the correct commands to install it anaconda.org/conda-forge/matplotlib
that needs an MCVE. Likely i'd use slice assignment IIUC or np.add.at but I'm not sure what they really want
unless you mean they want to have an array which always contains smaller data, which is not clear from the question
9:02 PM
@AndrasDeak no it doesn't .. still dense array
I think they just want to reset an array without copying, but then want to work on it and change it (i.e. not a subarray)
presumably if they always want the same contents they could just use a (1,2) shaped array and broadcast everything
Is a way in Excel to test if every element in a list is found within a range for a particular ID (ID column is a unique number per row)? Values can repeat for IDs, so a simple countif won't work
Is there*
this is the python room
opps lol
> “Did You Lose the Keys Here?” “No, But the Light Is Much Better Here”
9:05 PM
a = np.empty((1000, 10))
a[...] = range(10)

# array([[0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.],
#        [0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.],
#        [0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.],
#        ...,
#        [0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.],
#        [0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.],
#        [0., 1., 2., ..., 7., 8., 9.]])
@piRSquared yes?
Is it really necessary to be a true math expert for ML/AI or can you dive into it when you only know 'basic math'.
depends on how deep you want to go
It's just for hobby as in home projects nothing that serious but I am eager to understand the basics of it
in order to use it, a solid knowledge on statistics is completely sufficient, and you don't need pure math at all. If you want to implement your own libraries or want to understand the algorithms, you'll need some pretty heavy stuff
for home projects you usually don't even need to train your own models, so just being good at programming should do it =)
9:19 PM
It's pretty much overwhelming when you want to start with Python and ML
no problem, and i wish you lots of success and fun. ML is one of the most fun topics to dabble in
It's totally different than what I am used to(ASP.Net)
both snake related.
but yes it looks like lot of fun!
If you are still searching for reading material, and since you already know programming, I can recommend "hands on ML with scikit learn and tensorflow" by Aurelien Geron
covers the topic nicely without getting too crazy
9:22 PM
Yeah I bought it yesterday! should get it tomorrow.
=D good taste!
Thanks! Found it on reddit with good reviews :P
Is everyone using that Anaconda-Navigator tool in combination with Spyder?
Is it that much better than Visual Code?
<-- not on windows, so no clue
@wim strides added for your viewing pleasure
I find it highly unlikely that it fits OP's use case though
@Arne Also on Mac here :D
9:27 PM
well, I like pycharm, and I know that it works well enough on mac. But anaconda & co might be better, I just never felt the need to try them
10:14 PM
@Falcon I'd say you need to be stubborn to get a good grasp of ML :)
If you're a programmer, you're already doing AI. :)
Google itself says that Machine Learning is the meeting between Philosophy and Mathematics (Statistics more precisely)
So you need to understand what the algorithms do. Like : You don't need to understand all the maths in Graph theory to apply pre-made algorithms of the networkx library. Such as bipartitematching.
I suggest you follow some LinkedIn influencers about Data Science. They are really good mentors and share a lot of stuff about Data Science. :)

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