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interesting. So your presentation was completely powered by python?
@MooingRawr I'm not surprised he was dealt off at all.
@AaronHall LINK?
@Code-Apprentice internal presentation, sorry! :)
@idjaw fairly unmodified JS in the browser too, I added a bit of js in a cell (%%javascript) so I could reenable hotkeys to move selected cells up and down... (they took them away because of conflicts with browsers...) here's the JS I used: stackoverflow.com/a/42788524/541136
@AaronHall very fair add-on ;). That's pretty neat
if you ever manage to OSS the base foundation of this, bring it on over here. 😀
What I'd like to do is get anything reusable into the upstream stuff so nobody has to install my own janky lib...
but all the features I've described you can use today.
ah ok I see how this all works. Neat.
I deleted the js cell before giving the presentation so there wouldn't be any noise on the screen.
@AndrasDeak What are we deleting that for?
Oh, yeah, I also went full screen (F11) with my browser, hid the Header and Toolbar (View menu), and made the text larger with Ctrl-+.
Today I am annoyed that "electrocution" is a portmanteau of "electric" and "execution" but everyone goes ahead and uses it as a synonym of "electric shock" even if it's not deadly
maybe they mean "execution" in terms of "they executed on that task" so it's more like the application of electricity to themselves was executed.
Devil's advocate: surely the shock killed some of your cells on the way through your body, even if you ultimately survived
But by that standard, it's hard to find an activity that doesn't kill you even a little bit.
Brb gonna go to the community pool for some light aquacution. It's great exercise.
Why doesn't Salad support feelings and emotions? Like how to say I am angry because I am hungry? I want to say it to my boyfriend :-D ( I am "Beetroot" because I am "Apple"?)
Computer programmers have no need for emotions
Make Salad Emotional Again
But I seriously do get angry when I am hungry and NO I am rhyming but not lying
"hangry" is a well documented phenomenon
@Kevin I need Asparagus from the creators of Salad!
hanger is my power animal
The way to cure hanger is with meat?
anything made out of food
so yes
anything is food the first time you eat, might be the only time you will eat it :D
The Ancients of Salad sleep eternally under a mountain, until the time of deadly peril
I'm totally hooked on buying this screen. tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/… send help or reason not to
passes all tests
good refresh too
spend money friend.
That money would be better spent on mosquito nets for impoverished nations
@FélixGagnon-Grenier <3 😀 you came to the wrong place to talk you out of spending
hahaha. well, I'll consider it to be the right place now :)
@Kevin yeah, let's feed moskitos to the hungry people
oh wait
btw fellow Canadians. I know it's a couple days old, but NCIX data leak, watch out for them data servers having your info
yeah, I think I never bought anything from them (thanks all the same :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier my PhD was around the manufacture of anti-malarial drugs so I can say with some confidence that your idea is novel in this fight.
Get publishing :)
You've disclosed it to us, so a patent is out the window now
the race to the paper is open!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I was reading someone's blog and it was about the importance of our work environment. He worked from home and his office was incredible with lots of big screens. He actually did an article about the importance of our "gear" so if you like it, why not?
I already wrote down "Felix's idea © 2018 Kevin Kevinson" on a piece of paper and mailed it to myself. By folk law, that means its mine now
hahahaha, fair play
Yeah, I like the screen, especially the idea of seeing all them minecraft pixels really well, but I wonder if it could get cheaper during christmas sales or something. It'll be a fight between how impulsive I feel and how much I care about the few dollars of difference
and this is coming from someone who lies on their stomach and codes on a laptop! :-D I seriously need to change my habits, I get a neckache all the time
hah, yeah, "stomach programming" can hurt
hi all
i'm still new to the chat and a beginner
@Aran-Fey because it's only confusion and a dupe and the answer only makes thing worse and roomba would take forever
What the heck, why not buy two?
or better yet, three!
talking about the ultrawide screens?
and curved!
wow, that's expensive
Someday, someday, I too shall buy those screens!
fitting a whole java class name on one line has no price
(totally stolen from twitter^)
@NasrinShirali Probably when they hit $10 at savers, because the projecting-lasers-into-our-eyballs-future is here
right across the corner
@WayneWerner eh eh then I’ll wait: -)
Here’s a question. I’m more proficient in C++ than Python. So for my university projects I go with C++ and for myself (just a hobby) I try to do things in python. Because they somehow are very similar I get confused. Do you ever get confused shifting between different languages which are similar?
If you can please answer this question
Q: Adding the results of a for loop to the same key in a nested dictionary

Shenu AmayaI have a dictionary where it includes few sub-dictionaries in it. Each sub-dictionary has many keys. After running a for loop with an if condition too, the results are generated. I want to add ALL the results to under the desired key; but all what my code actually does is adding the result of the...

@ShenuAmaya if you check out the room rules, you should wait >48 hours before posting questions in here
@NasrinShirali I mostly use C++ at work, and use mostly Python for personal projects. I find myself adding semicolons all over the place
sorry... i did not know that. joined the chat before few minutes
@user3483203 EXACTLY, the other day I wrote a python style lambda in my C++ code and was laughing at it for like 5 minutes!!
stackoverflow.com/users/6655984/welcome-to-stack-overflow <– Literal “Be nice” when closing questions… xD
heh, yeah, not sure who that is, but they have some kind of sense of humor
is has_listeners and notify(NewRequest(request)) a "clever" way of writing if has_listeners: notify[...] ?
hmmm... such clever. thx :)
@NasrinShirali Sometimes. The biggest challenge for me was after I started learning how to do things in Python it was really hard for me to care about doing the low level things you have to care about in C++
like using more than 5 characters to change a string to an integer
chaining statements together with boolean operators isn't objectively bad... Perl programmers are known to do function_that_returns_false_if_it_fails() or die "oops, something went horribly wrong.". But it's not very pythonic.
so that's where php took that or die() idea...
@WayneWerner I know... and now sometimes I think about embedding python code in my C++. I had this course this semester and all I wanted to do was to switch to Python!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It was a common pattern in C long before PHP existed. I do it occasionally in Python.
cabbage to you too
Interesting. I mean, it probably has roots in common sense / useful ideas
sadly, the way it's used by php newcomers these days is as a cheap content output system / debugging scaffolding, which produces hard to predict systems
But I probably tend to use or & and a little more often than is common in modern Python. It's a habit I carried over from C & other languages. My excuse is that the a if condition else b conditional expression didn't exist when I first learned Python.
@NasrinShirali I taught myself Python over my first two or three semesters at college. Then I took Java and it was so new to my classmates who were used to C++, but I was just like, "Eh, this is just like Python but with a lot more stupid words and why does it take 400 characters to read something from stdin???"
@NasrinShirali IMHO, Python looks different to C/C++. But I don't write much C these days, and I never learned C++ (it didn't exist until I'd been using C for more than a decade). And when I am in a situation of using multiple languages at once they tend to be fairly different, eg Python & PostScript.
@PM2Ring C++ has "really" become more Pythonic over the years. They're now super close. I'm afraid if I stop doing one of them I'll forget all about it because of the similarities which make you confused. Two weeks ago I had a project in SystemC and I kept on writing down Pythonic style code
My professor wasn't happy :-D He wants for me to concentrate on 'C' and not even C++. So I think Python scares him a bit
Aren't there some kind of memory concerns inherently c++-ian?
C++ and python being "super close". Forgive my doubt :P
In ancient times, I had my code editor set up to use a different colour scheme for the menu bar depending on the file I was editing to give my brain a cue for which language mode it was supposed to be in. Sadly, that's not so easy to do in most modern editors, AFAIK. But I guess you could use different colour schemes for syntax highlighting. Back then, we didn't have that: text was always monochrome.
I spent a day going through a C++ tutorial and it seemed reasonable enough for me to at least be productive. I kinda got the feeling it was an 80/20 situation, where 80% of the language can be learned in 20% of the time, and it's the remaining 20% of stuff that makes the computer explode if you get it wrong and takes 80% (or maybe a lifetime) to learn
you could probably subtly change the background color of your editor now
@PM2Ring cobol on white, fortran on blue cards? ;)
C++ is a pretty large language, so it's more like you can learn 10% of the language, while still being able to write 90% of the programs you want
^ probably a better description
@Kevin are you suggesting that not all things obey the 80/20 rule? mind blown
I estimate that only 80% of things obey the 80/20 rule
But I think going forwards I'm going to direct my energy into Cython rather than C++ from scratch
@Kevin Only 80% of things obey the 80/20 rule, including this rule <- Hofstadtered
@NasrinShirali What Andras said. There are some radical differences, because Python's data model is quite different to that of many other languages. See Facts and myths about Python names and values.
Also: how nice is pyenv? In my limited experience of today: pretty nice.
What the heck did that ever do? (Is that part of the point?)
Oh, it did do something. Never mind.
(If you don't know who Eric Lippert is, check out his SO profile and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Compiler_Platform#Roslyn_code)
hey, that's "single upvote ever" guy
@AndrasDeak Not quite. ;) But we did use colour coding with cards. Your program source was on the usual off-white cards, but cards containing JCL (job control language), kind of like batch file commands, were a different colour, often blue, with pink cards used to separate one job from the next.
@Code-Apprentice Pretty eager to close a 1 minute old question, aren't you :P
too lazy to post a request for mcve...
and I kinda need to get back to work after a too-long lunch break
please don't cv-pls <10 minute questions unless exception listed on cv-pls help page
actually, I didn't even look at the timestamp...
... someone retracted their vote. interesting. or caching vOv
I did because it bumped it up to 3 and I neglected to read the timestamp. It wouldn't be fair if I pushed it up to getting closed before they had the opportunity to fix
Had I not, it would be closed already now :)
meh, voting on new posts is fine, we just don't want to jump on salvageable posts unnecessarily
I vote on new posts all the time. The point is, calling for CV in here can start a rapid spiral
So that things happen far faster than it would naturally for that kind of question
by the way, does anyone know what that question actually is?
Looks to me like someone having no idea what they're doing.
Here's an unusual inversion of the pattern of calling a list an array: stackoverflow.com/questions/52491972/…
@PM2Ring This is a great idea.
@PM2Ring Sure I will. I meant the syntax of course not the languages :-)))))
@user3483203 "i know np.linalg.matrix_power ... but I'm trying to do everything with For cycle..." Wut? Why are they using numpy? :P
Why are this question's comments so amusing to me... :-)) question
Their response to every commenter has been "I already know that". So clearly they know everything...................except how to actually implement matrix multiplication...
Fast learner when they open the question with "I am realizing the power of a matrix" and apparently know all the methods
@NasrinShirali Oh boy, what a mess that question is...
@Aran-Fey The comments below the question though :-)))) Such amusement gained from such a debate! :-))))
def test_foo():
TIL this test exists in our test suite
Does it pass?
the test passes. What else do you want?
and sadly, I'm the one that wrote this
Yey, pass is not broken today, it passes the test! Now you need to write one to check if if works because that always seems to be broken
probably stubbed out the test then missed comming back to implement it
past code-apprentice looooved passing tests
someone should go make a PR or contact the Python doc maintainers :\
usually I write stubs so that they fail and it reminds me to implement the test
indeed. Or @pytest.mark.skip
but pass silently is no good
I guess that stackoverflow.com/questions/52506115/… ought to have the Pandas tag, but I'm scared that if I retag it, some "helpful" person will answer it.
@PM2Ring I voted to close
stackoverflow.com/q/52505432/1222951 OP clarified and even included an error traceback
A pandas solution wouldn't make it OOP, I think the tags are pretty irrelevant, the question is too user-oriented
cbg Jon
@roganjosh Oops, I forgot to do that.
:) My cv-pls is a different question. It's also too demanding in addition to being broad :)
@roganjosh LOL "I got work at 6 if you could go in for me and then get my check, cash it, and drop it off at my house that would be great!"
I think vash might get himself in some problems. He's made a few sarcastic comments to me, which I really don't mind, but they're not really constructive and the climate is different now.
@Aran-Fey reopened
He's harmless and only trying to have a bit of fun, and new to SO
@roganjosh just flag if needed and don't worry about other users...
@JonClements I don't want to flag him, he's only trying to be light-hearted
My concern is that he will run into flags from others
and there I have to stay mother about whether they have or have not already :p
@roganjosh Yeah. He's an interesting character, but he does need to tone the snark down. Should we invite him here for a little discussion...?
He's clearly trying hard to get involved in SO at a fast rate, I think a couple of flags would kill his steam
It was funny actually
@NasrinShirali the problem is that there's a new cohort that don't find it funny.
@PM2Ring if you have an idea of how to communicate it without also being demoralising :P
@PM2Ring I think I did invite them to come see the Python room in a comment... I know I've nudged them in a few answers etc... not sure if they've even joined chat yet?
I've not seen him
Oh. I agree that it's funny. And I often think similar things. But I don't actually post them. They aren't friendly, and don't actually help to prevent the unwanted questions.
Yes, that.
And when he first did it to me, I actually misread his comment because I'm used to them being pretty stale now so I didn't anticipate sarcasm. Had I not re-read and been a different person, I could well have flagged him and that's not nice
Umm... I can chat ping 'em if you guys want to welcome him to sopy and give a few tips?
I'm going AFK for 2 mins but happy to talk to him. Seems he might have a decent outlet in here as long as he's happy with the rules
@WayneWerner tfw he actually also hit 200 rep per day anyway
Up to any RO's that are going to present though as well... @PM2 ?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier IKR?
Speaking of hitting the rep cap... today was a wild ride...
Vash has posted complimentary comments on several of my recent answers, and directed me to related questions that were fun to answer. So I think I could say stuff to him without upsetting him.
I'm still kinda hoping I'm might hit 100k organically... 'cos I've not had a huge amount of time to answer stuff....
@JonClements Sure, that's fine by me.
@vash_the_stampede as I've said in a comment before - you're more than welcome to pop into the python room and come say hi to all of us...
You're making it sound like we're trying to recruit him into a cult, not like we have something important to discuss with him :P
Wait, we aren't?
I guess I should stop wearing these robes, and put away my ceremonial dagger...
:-D eh eh! Am I also part of the cult? I feel I belong somewhere now!!!
No no no, it's very important that this goes completely to plan
I'm super cereal
@WayneWerner I don't think so. Usually we get new members by brainwashing, so what need to we have to recruit people?
How else can we stop Manbearpig?
Manbearpig - the threat is real
Half man, half bear and half pig. What's not to fear?
incorrect math, I guess.
His math skills.
I take it there's no South Park fans in the room. I'll see myself out.
Just kidding, that would imply I had a life through the week. Leaving means staring at a wall all evening.
To be fair, you're probably only staring at an imaginary plane a foot or two in front of the wall
You should befriend a manbearpig. That's like making 1 and a half friends
Manbearpig is the greatest threat to humanity!
you're just focusing on light rays emitted from your screen
And honestly, last time I had half a friend, they didn't do so well
which is weeeeeird when you start to think about it
My monitor is far from imaginary
but you're not actually looking at the monitor
you're looking at the shapes we place there
On the plane that you said was imaginary but isn't.
@roganjosh yeah... half man, half pig, half bear is just wrong (not least mathematically ;)
We've moved on from "unconventional" biology to unconventional maths lol
@JonClements Look. I think Al Gore knows what he's talking about when he warns us of Manbearpig.
@Aran-Fey dayum
Some fool decided to put stupid backing music to it, but Manbearpig
@roganjosh manbearpig is my inconvenient truth
One of the sheeple, going about your daily life conveniently ignoring the real threats
I am woke
<something about chemtrails here>
that was an interesting escalation
@roganjosh /me queues up a certain southpark episode... :p
@JonClements yey, I'm not completely alone in my love of SP :)
You've seen the episode with Paris Hilton?
I don't think any celeb has been that badly roasted by them as her
IT EXISTS! I knew it
Do we all cut our palms and shake now hahahaha
^ Manbearpig? Are you as cereal as me?!
@vash_the_stampede welcome and cabbage :)
(for answers to questions ---> room rules over there)
haha is U9-forward in here too?
or atleast apart of it
Specifically, "cabbage" being explained here :)
welcome to the madhouse
Greetings, Vash.
This is amazing just made my day
we actually talk about python here a lot
And Manbearpig the rest of the time now I've highlighted the threat
First and foremost let me say, everyone in here I recognize the majority of all of you and you guys are extremely intelligent people, I am honored to be amongst at this early stage in my programming career
@vash_the_stampede cabbage :)
and who roasted my math skils
I just saw on your profile that you started programming only just a month ago. That's pretty darn impressive
haha it was you
Wow. That is impressive.
my math skilz
@vash_the_stampede there's a small thing I wanna get quickly out of the way and then we can drop it. There's a couple of things you've said to me that I find funny but I can't reply because they err on the sarcastic side. There was a bit of turmoil on Stack Overflow about new users getting offended at sarcasm and other things, so some people get flagged for things that the older crowd don't necessarily agree with as being offensive
100% I know the risk and the perception when I make those comments I'm aware of whose reading etc :)
I was getting a bit concerned you might get a couple of flags from new users for those comments. It's best that they aren't put under questions; it's a bit more free in here
But we are all here all day doing tedious work and when someone with a day old account post their homework I'm offended for all of us
as long as it's free of expletives
This is amazing wow
For a second there I read "explosives" and was very confused...
I absolutely knew your intention, others may not. We have rules here in chat, but it's a bit more relaxed. You've put a lot of time in to building your profile recently, I didn't want that to get shot down with the new climate
@vash_the_stampede be disappointed, flag accordingly and move onto something else :)
@vash_the_stampede you can also edit/delete messages for 2 minutes in chat, see also chat faq and chat help
Yeah and I like teasing @roganjosh hes can be quiet the serious one xD
... yeah :P
I'm sure everyone will agree with that
You're still supposed to Be Nice, and respectful in here. But humor is encouraged, as long as it's well-intentioned. On the main site, sarcasm is strongly discouraged because it's too easy to misinterpret. In here, it can be ok, since we can see the context.
So whats the plan , collect all the rep and then take over the world?
@PM2Ring since when did Oz start using American English :p
I came here to be rude :-( so it’s not a tutorial AND I cannot be rude? Such a bummer
@vash_the_stampede nah... chill out - have fun - and if that happens as a side effect - bonus...
greetings @JonClements very intelligent man
I just work hard to try and police the tag because, like you, I learned a lot of stuff from Stack Overflow so I don't want garbage there. It's not really the place to have fun, you should try to be objective there. We do talk a lot about Python in this room too, but it's more open. You may get pushed back in line every so often but it's much more reasonable
most of my friends knowledge extends to music videos and celebrity breakups, this is refreshing
have we told you about Kardashian Fridays here?
I'm waiting for the 35 man skype room
@vash_the_stampede I'm not a "man"... those hoomans are stoopid... I'm a puppy that just hits the keyboard and it happens to produce code... sheesh... :p
Also, we're on Read the Docs now instead of hosting our own builder and docs.
sounds neat
@JonClements :p I'm flexible in my spelling. I mostly use British spelling, but I occasionally lapse into American style, depending on the environment. Also, I make typos. :D And if I accidentally use an American spelling I don't usually bother to change it.
oops... probably shouldn't have chosen to pin that... unpin if wanted ROs - forgot myself there :(
p-p-p-puppy p-p-power
hold on I have to go tell all my friends that this chat exists brb
hey guys guess what there is a chat room with super elite SO users!
You may be overestimating a little :P
Is it room 6?
This is the general Python room, all Python users are welcome
But I am totally elite, it's true
I need to learn pandas and numpy
gotta catch up
:-< I feel deserted
@NasrinShirali you apparently need to be more hyper
Elite? 😅
I know.... doesn't quite cover it, does it? We need a new word :/
@NasrinShirali No you can't be rude in here. Or have an argument
@vash_the_stampede Do itertools first, since it's in the standard lib, and it's not a huge learning curve.And then start on Numpy
@PM2Ring I used your dicitonary trick here stackoverflow.com/a/52505222/10255652
@PM2Ring awesome method
@PM2Ring “I could be arguing in my spare time.” :-))))))
@vash_the_stampede Ok. I'll take a closer look at that shortly. But it's not my trick. I can't remember where or when I learned it. Python has always had dicts, since they're normally used to store object attributes. But we didn't get sets until 2.2 or 2.4, so we used to fake them with dicts. And then someone made a 3rd party set module that was eventually adopted into tbe core language.
@NasrinShirali Glad you like it. :)
Yey, I got to give 2 upvotes to balance things a bit with Is replace row-wise and will overwrite the value within the dict twice?
@PM2Ring A guy I worked with once did that but justified using them over sets because it retained the order (we were using 2.6, which we just decommissioned...)
@vash_the_stampede BTW, to make a list of a dict's values, don't use a list comp, unless you also want to modify or filter the values. Just do list(d.values()). You could also do [*d.values()], I can't remember which way is faster.
It's interesting that he was wrong then, but he'd be right if we were using Python 3...
3.7+ you mean?
if we must nitpick 3.6 did it too...
Just CPython, right? Then again, are there alternative implementations of 3.6 yet?
@PM2Ring fairly sure I've posted one of those in my early days... :p
pypy is still on 3.5
We're going to jump from 2.7 to 3.7 I think...
for all I know you could've been using AaronPython
@PM2Ring I like the * version better I dont like the output displaying [dict_values(...., what exactly is * the function of asterisk
@vash_the_stampede you're not doing what he's doing
AaronPython must be the most comprehensively-documented language in existence. "In the event you're deploying this on a rocket ship on a Tuesday whilst eating spaghetti, this is what you need."
either [*...] or list(...), not [...]
@AaronHall Sets of consecutive integers sort themselves. That can also happen with integers in arithmetic progression, for some step sizes, but it breaks down when the step size is 5. I saw a question about it a few days ago, but I can't remember if I answered it, or just commented on it.
@PM2Ring oops reading too fast
>>> set(range(-5, 5))
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -5, -4, -3, -2}
@vash slow down then and read properly :)
@JonClements so which is more efficient [*...] or list(....)
list(...) is more readable :p
@vash_the_stampede The star is the unpacking operator. And you can use double star to unpack key, value tuples from a dict. These operators are sometimes called "splat" and "double splat", but I think we stole those names from Ruby.
@vash_the_stampede time to use timeit :)
@vash efficient/readable etc... use timeit :)
omg... did I just get kevin'd by @rogan... :p
@JonClements totally stole my idea :)
splat should be faster as list is a global to builtins lookup...
@AaronHall IIRC it's about 3/4% faster plus since it's syntax doesn't run the list of the shadowed names...
@JonClements time to learn timeit :)
@AaronHall Sorry, I should've said non-negative integers. Negative integers mess up the pattern because of the special significance of -1 in hash. And try it with shuffled ints.
My recommendation for learning timeit: Don't bother and just use IPython's magic %timeit instead
Yup, what IDE do you use?
@roganjosh assuming this is directed towards me ?
it's a constant time cost against constructing the actual list in O(n) time... so it's not that big a deal unless you're doing it a lot... on short lists
@roganjosh I'm on a chromebook running galliumOS using vim to write my code and executing them in terminal
@Aran-Fey and even when you do - remember not to mutate variables as par for par tests :p (cough @rogan cough) :p
@vash_the_stampede we tend to try ping at a minimum here. It can get irritating and soon enough people get able to follow multiple threads of conversation blended in
Oh wow, low blow Jon!
@vash_the_stampede sounds so l33t ...
You just committed thought theft right in front of everyone, and now you're resorting to historical tests
Does ipython's magic timeit disable gc while it's timing?
Badge and Mjölnir on the table, Jon...
@AaronHall This O(n) complexity just pretend and go along with these converstaions,I know the general context but for the most part I fake it like my exes
@roganjosh just really fancy a sausage roll is all - sorry... /me does puppy dog eyes
@vash_the_stampede it just means the time cost of constructing the list is linearly proportional to the size of the list.
@roganjosh actually I tend to use directed replies myself when there's more than one discussion going on in parallel
For a large list, it's a much bigger cost than looking up the builtin.
@roganjosh not sure what that even means but....
@JonClements "badge and gun" for a suspended police officer? You must have heard that?
Like, when they go rogue
I've heard that - didn't see any correlation between a diamond and gold badge in a tag though....
But isn't the badge the same thing as the mjölnir?
You can shadow the builtin list with a global variable, so Python looks in the globals for it there first. I'm not sure if it caches it in the frame of a function call though.
:'( I was just trying to be funny
Sorry for overanalyzing :(
But yes, let's analyse the technicalities of the Mjölnir priviledge and why that destroys my joke :P
... unless mods actually get to wield guns, in which case I was well off the mark. I was just aiming for a weapon reference.

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