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4:00 PM
Thanks, Aran-Fey. Hopefully the OP agrees. :) But he hasn't been fast in responding to comments.
And I have a bad feeling that even if you did both of those, making empty collection placeholders for random attributes on instantiation might cause weird behavior somewhere else.
Greetings, @Grace. It's nice to see that you're dropping by this room on a semi-regular basis.
If you revise __getattr__ to have if "meta" in self.__dict__ and val in self.meta:, then you don't need to implement __new__. But again, that's not something you can easily staple onto a third party class
Making a fully generalized makePickleable function is perhaps beyond the scope of the question
Word up, party person.
@Kevin It's a bit tricky, because we can't see the full definition of the __getattr__ method. I'd love to know what's under that else block. But yeah, I'd rather not mnodify that if I can avoid it.
For some reason, we don't get a lot of female coders here in room 6. Maybe it's because the hockey players leave their gym socks lying around the place. :)
4:10 PM
I got myself curious about the earlier discussion of core dev weights in OSS projects
I should take a look how the contributions by mantainers and core devs relate to the overall code base on numpy/scipy/mpl
this spark of curiosity might or might nor be related to my other duties IRL (and I mean procrastination :P)
I think you were onto something by patching the class' __getstate__. The recursion gets initially entered when pickle tries to see if the instance implements __getstate__. My expectation is that this is the only attribute lookup that occurs before meta becomes accessible. So a mostly generalizable solution might be:
def setstate(self, state):
    self.__dict__ = state
Test.__setstate__ = setstate
I would expect this to work for any class that uses __dict__ and not __slots__
@Kevin I guess that should work. I'd rather not clobber __dict__ if that can be avoided. But maybe merely saving the meta dict (equivalent to the data dict in my version) won't be enough to pickle the class instance properly. It would be nice to see all the code for that class... but at this stage I'm not about to install the package just to satisfy my curiosity. I'll wait for some feedback from the OP.
4:22 PM
Question for those much wiser than me: I have a package (googlemaps) that is giving me a "ModuleNotFound" error when I use it, but it's definitely installed in the site packages. Furthermore, if I load up the python shell, i CAN load it interactively......
what gives?
wrong python version?
nope, both are python3.
always install with python -m and if you want to be sure fire up ipython or whatever the same way
@JGrindal I have 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
and a few virtualenvs
@AndrasDeak It's working fine in my VM, its when I'm deploying to test server that its failing
well is it installed on the test server?
4:25 PM
but on the test server, the module is in site-packages, and i can go into the interactive shell and import it just fine.
and if you do the same in a non-interactive way?
I presume python3; [wait for the REPL] import googlemaps works. So does python3 -c 'import googlemaps' error?
Just a sec, the test server is rebooting.
OK. No error thrown, it just returns to the command prompt
yup, so it can import it
the question is what you're doing differently when you're "deploying to test server"
4:33 PM
That's the thing... nothing. It's just cloning the repo
the exact same repo from my dev environment
Does that dev environment contain googlemaps too? Is that to be copied too?
dev and test both have it imported in the same way.
and its in the same relative path to the python3 binary
so googlemaps is not part of the "copying stuff" step?
no, it's a site package
so when you do python3 -c 'import googlemaps' it works, but when you python3 -c 'import your_package' where your_package imports googlemaps, it produces an error?
and if yes, are you sure you don't have something in your repo that interferes with googlemaps or the python path?
4:37 PM
well, its when I python manage.py runserver my package
when it imports googlemaps it produces an error
I thought it might be a circular dependency issue, so i lazy loaded googlemaps and it was still an erro
try printing sys.path from before you're importing googlemaps, I think something's being messed up
and compare with your djangoless sys.path
@PM2Ring It's a pretty minimal clobbering, all things considered, since I think pickle does obj.__dict__ = state behind the scenes anyway if it can't find a custom _-setstate__
Good point.
I just added some info about that to the end of my answer.
Question, looking to make an ini file and curious on what best practice to use. I know pickle is frowned upon but I would like it to work in a similar manner with a python dict. So I can open and modify keys/values in the ini file easily. Thoughts?
@ZackTarr so I actually had this argument with a manager
I argued for ini files but he argued for setting.py and/or .json configurations
and in the end I ended up doing .json and then migrating over to setting.py because if you really want a python dict, then you want a python dict, not an .ini file
4:52 PM
Just use an ini file and use a .json extension ;)
you also have that extra constraint of limited nested-ness
which is good for interpretability but less flexibility, and if you're doing something dev related you probably should've written documentation for interpretability anyways
I see. A setting.py file might be easiest for me. I have very little Json know how. But that may be a good reason to use json.
All you need is json.dump and json.load to turn your dictionary representation into json and back
@AndrasDeak so /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages is listed from both the interactive and the django side when I print sys.path
so the question is... why would sys.path be pointing where the package is and not loading it......
on a completely unrelated note - does anyone know how to use packer?
4:56 PM
@JGrindal yup, there's something fishy going on. Something is not (doing) what you think it is
Airbus A350 Cabbage.
also known as mile-high cabbage.
@AndrasDeak my problem is that I have no idea where to start troubleshooting this.
yeah, I don't know any django and we've reached the limits of my rubber ducking
5:01 PM
@ZackTarr JSON is good if you just need some combination of dictionaries, lists, strings, numbers, and booleans. It's very portable, fairly robust, tools exist in all modern languages to handle it. And it can be read in a text editor and safely edited by hand if necessary. Pickle is cool, but it's Python only and can get scary when things go wrong...
@PM2Ring protobuf is the new fad! :)
JSON not being able to support non-string keys is annoying. It's not the worst thing ever, but still.
Real programmers serialize their objects with struct.pack
If your user can change their configuration settings without using a hex editor, then you're setting the bar too low. Make 'em work for it.
I think I will have to move to something where they will need to work to see the data. Its going to store the database connection information. So likely I will need to hide it from the end users.
@AndrasDeak No worries, thanks for your help <3
5:08 PM
no problem
@ZackTarr what is it you're working on here? (although I get the feeling I should be scrolling back instead of asking...)
@JonClements Ok. I've never heard of it. But I'll check it out. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_Buffers
Here's something I occasionally see when a program wants to expose config settings, but only for users with more than a passing curiosity that are poking through your project directory: put the settings in a zipped file, but don't use the .zip extension.
Best way to store a programs settings. Preferably without showing the end users the data. Storing user/pass for a DB for example. Its a early stage question. So I dont have my details around it. Just was looking for direction.
Regular users will open the file and see nonsense, and give up; savvy users might recognize the file header for zip files, and then they can use 7zip or whatever to get a human-readable and editable version of the file
5:13 PM
The first rule of storing passwords: NEVER store passwords!
I had to rewrite history in a repo a while ago because I accidentally stored some more permanently than I was expecting. :-(
@Kevin Thats pretty clever! Ill have to take note of that.
What kind of DB are we talking about? is it local? Do you talk to it over a network connection?
@DSM And thats what I am trying to avoid.
Its a MS SQL db. I think I have to be on the network to use it so I likely am over thinking things.
All I needed to connect was the Server/Computer name and the Database name. Im really not sure what security it is using.
Im use to MySQL where its IP/USER/Pass. So this system is throwing me through loops.
@Arne yes. you don't have a setup.py.
the code not importing implicitly from current working directory is desired, and is the whole point of creating the src directory in the first place.
write the setup.py, pass in this stuff in the setup call :
    package_dir={"": "src"},
and then pip install --editable . from the directory where setup.py is located. then run pytest.
5:22 PM
@Kevin Fun fact: Almost all JPEG readers will ignore any bytes beyond the end of the actual file data, so you can "hide" arbitrary binary data by appending it to a JPEG file. Of course if you read the JPEG into an image editor & save it back out the extra stuff will get lost.
My project made it to QA 🎉
And it's crashing with a dll version incompatibility error deep deep within the Oracle ORM 💩
Management says "I bet that's just happening because you're using the wrong connection string". I want to live in the world where that's true.
It does seem like the wrong category of error. You could make up a story where that was the (surface) cause, but it's really hard to imagine it's the underlying problem.
@PM2Ring My preferred form of steganography is to hide data in the least significant bit of each color channel in each pixel. But that's only practical for lossless formats, I suppose.
My connection string actually is wrong, but if that was the only problem I'd expect, like, "could not find table", rather than Could not load type 'OracleInternal.Common.ConfigBaseClass' from assembly 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess'
Just like that :-)
Google tells me "this error is very easy to fix: simply remove the dll from the Global Assembly Cache". Absolutely easy to do on my machine. Hard to do in dev/QA/prod, where 99 other projects probably depend on that dll staying exactly where it is
Who would have thought that stuffing 100 projects into a single environment and requiring all of them to work with exactly identical globally specified dependencies would be a problem?
5:33 PM
(slowly raises hand) .. oh, that was probably rhetorical..
A slightly trickier (but less efficient) way is to encode each payload bit as 2 bits. Eg, a 0 is stored as 01, and a 1 is stored 10. Any 00 or 11 in the original datastream are ignored, you only modify the existing 01 & 10 pairs. That way the entropy of the original datastream is unchanged, making the payload much less obvious.
I thought up that scheme myself, but years later learned that it was related to a very old technology known as Manchester code.
@Kevin have you tried turning it off and on again?
If I work on this long enough, I'll be inclined to turn it off with a baseball bat
5:55 PM
@Kevin please don't do that on any project I'm involved with
Yeah, I don't think I'd do that personally in any of my own projects.
For is it not written in the Zen of Python, "Let your user shoot themselves in the foot if they want"?
hiding config files is more of a Java kind of thing. [contemptuous sniff]
That's extremely hacky and lame. About as secure as a suit of armor made out of celery. For people that actually need to read/edit configs, it's a minor annoyance at best.
Indeed... just make it clear "unless you know what you're doing - you shouldn't be touching this" and if they do... on their own head be it
Security through obscurity isn't secure.
"but it's correct syntax" Famous last words. :)
6:28 PM
What fool called them .pyc files and not pynaries
@abarnert "Some packages require you to import the top-level package before you can import their submodules/subpackages." How is this enforced? I can't think of an explicit example (probably not helped by the way Spyder resolves imports), can you give me one to look into please?
I can imagine a database package with all the data objects in the top level package, then with submodules for each individual database provider.
that first star is always the hardest to get; you're welcome
TIL there are a whole bunch of Python extensions I didn't know about. stackoverflow.com/a/18032741/4014959
6:36 PM
@roganjosh I can't think of a package that doesn't require the top level to be imported. That's literally built into the import system.
I mean, you can cd into the subdir, or munge sys.path directly and import submodules, but that doesn't really count.
I'm not exactly up on my South American geography, but I didn't think Bolivia had a claim on the Falklands.
@wim then I'm completely misunderstanding the comment badly on this question.
@DSM haha, I didn't focus on the geographical aspect of that question when I answered it
.py[cod] seems fishy to me
the extension is a red herring to distract you from its contents
6:42 PM
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ: the things which strike me as odd often aren't the things which bother other people..
Fishing for stars, @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ?
Kevin's on fire, similar to a star...
soon soon
@wim Am I supposed to do the same thing in a CI? I didn't want to depend on the build to succeed in case I want to run unit tests or a coverage analysis before them, so I just changed the pythonpath there.
@DSM seems like that bothered you and 5 other people... :p
6:49 PM
that's reassuring, I guess. :-)
@roganjosh A package can dynamically build its contents at runtime. Usually this isn't done explicitly in Python packages, but doing the equivalent in C extensions is more common.
-looking back to my AoC 2017 answers trying to improve them- for Day 18, the maze, did someone create a solution that didn't load the maze into memory ?
@Arne yes, same in ci
you should depend on the "build" to succeed. if that's not what you want, then don't bother with the src directory at all.
@abarnert example?
I have never seen that in the wild. (import top.sub not working without explicit import top).
@abarnert I had no idea about that at all. Thank you.
@wim: my memory's failing me at the moment but there's one reasonably well-known package I use sometimes which did that. Always found it annoying.
7:05 PM
@DSM Seemed unobjectionable enough to me. I either know less, or more than some others. Hmm..
@DSM I think there's a Tkinter submodule or two like that, eg the file dialog. But then, it doesn't make a lot of sense to use those submodules without the top module.
OTOH, I guess there's a use case for a free-standing file dialog. :)
With no understanding of C other than it comes with go-faster-stripes and fine-grained memory management, I'm not sure why it would make sense to build an entire package at runtime to be able to access certain methods?
Hi guys, if you are familiar with requests lib and POST API calls, please help me with this:
I am getting this error: "NameError: name 'true' is not defined"
"hasAccess": true,
this line in data var
7:17 PM
yes, that's why you need a capital T
or it should be a proper json, i.e. a string
No, it's True in Python, capital T
what you have there is a dict
or does the json kwarg only eat dicts? Nevermind; it should be True
its a value of data .. why is it complaining about that
because there's no variable named true, just like there's no variable named potato
... you don't know that. potato should be global in all code
7:21 PM
The name true is not a thing that exists as a built-in in python. There aren't many more ways to put this.
"true" is not a string that exists as a key in the global scope dictionary or the __dict__ of the builtins module
hmmm .. ok
"true" is not a word that is a thing that exists as a thing that you think is a thing, indeed it is a thing that is a thing of your imagination
Nevermind, I see examples of both in the docs
7:23 PM
If you're naming your variables "true", you have a problem.
@Grace true
I've seen worse... one = 1; zero = 0
> Instead of encoding the dict yourself, you can also pass it directly using the json parameter (added in version 2.4.2) and it will be encoded automatically:
so passing that thing as json should be fine, but you'll have to do something about true. I suspect that either "true" or True should work.
I personally use true = True when I'm having a hard time switching back from javascript. I also use:
class console:
  def log(s):

7:26 PM
let's just write a JIT compiler that compiles python to javascript
*transpiler, even better
yes, that's the one
it already exists though
7:30 PM
is there a modern one
the few of these things i've tried all sucked
Changed true to "True" and added this under post "data=json.dumps(data)"
Getting 401 but atleast its working
please don't change it to "True" :(
or did you change it to True?
no quotes :)
cool, OK
reddit.com/r/Python/comments/8dgoct/… was mentioned recently on reddit. I Don't know how good or bad it is though.
7:31 PM
technically these are AoT compilers
javascripthon, it already sounds scary
attack on titan?
Ahead of Time instead of Just in Time
I prefer after the fact compilers. Easier having my code compiled after it has already run
I just noticed that it's 2018.05.04 in my timezone. Happy Star Wars Day. May the Fourth be with you!
7:35 PM
does your code not like to run? Get it onto a treadmill and beat it with a stick
technically a JIT could be considered an after the fact compiler if you get unlucky enough to only have it be optimized after the last time you use a hot spot
u'' strings are a py2 thing, right? so if I'm porting to py3, I should remove the u?
it's compatible in py3, but yes
u'' is what '' is in python 3
cf. in python 2 b'' is the redundant one
okay, that's what I understood. Thanks for the clarification.
Why is it a bad idea to use bools to index into containers of size 2?
For example, ['a', 'b'][boolean_var] is not as good as 'b' if boolean_var else 'a'
7:49 PM
because semantics
because readability (or lack thereof)?
one man's readability is another man's you're wrong
Assuming you have no information about the type of boolean_var despite its name, the list approach has one more possible outcome than the ternary approach does. Namely, IndexError.
Yea I was going to say the first approach doens't work for all truthy values
and TypeError
7:53 PM
booleans shouldn't be an int subclass IMO, and everyone who uses them as ints should stop (with the single exception of sum(some_bool for x in y), because there's no good alternative)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Because Wim hates it. ;) Personally, I don't mind it, but I see why some people aren't fond of it, and as Andras says, it's a semantic thing. Semantically speaking, a bool isn't a number, so you shouldn't use it as an index.
@Aran-Fey it's just historical, from when python didn't have a boolean type, so it used 0 and 1.
But yea I agree
"Syntax should match semantics," as I always tell the minions.
the man of numbers has spoken
In Ancient Times, it was common for all bits off to be False, and all bits on to be True. And with signed ints, that means True was -1. That was very common in many dialects of BASIC, for example.
8:07 PM
@Aran-Fey len([x for x in y])?
sum(1 for x in y if some_bool)
@FlorianMargaine That could waste a lot of RAM.
And appending to a list wastes time compared to using a gen exp.
couldn't we use that out of a gen exp?
8:16 PM
A generator doesn't have a length.
Sometimes i wish iterators had a length
len(gen) works, no?
@AndrasDeak Not bad. I might use that.
>>> len(i for i in 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'generator' has no len()
>>> len(iter('a'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'str_iterator' has no len()
An iterator may provide a length hint, but it's not obliged to. And of course some iterators are infinite.
Here's an iterator with a __len__ method:
>>> len(range(100, 200, 5))
Nice try, but
>>> next(range(3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'range' object is not an iterator
8:28 PM
Oh, ok.
Python knows me so well, it finishes my sentences for me <3
I knew it's not an iterator, it's an iterable, though. It's getting rather late here, and I'm starting to get a bit vague. :)
hello everyone.
Anyone knows why if you upload a file larger than 2MB Django or Nginx sets the value as forbiden? I get 403 always if the file is larger than 2mb
I seem to recall there's a header or some such you have to set
To prevent an attacker from filling up your memory with a big file.
Or it's that thing where you have to put "multipart" in the form.
Q: Uploading large files with Python/Django

JeffCI am wondering if there are any ramifications in uploading files that are roughly 4GB in size through a web app using Django/Python? I remember in the past streaming uploads using Java was the preferred method but does this still today or is it perfectly safe to do so with Django/Python?

8:38 PM
For nginx it's something like:
server {
    client_max_body_size 8M;
Saw the docs and its 2.5Mb
just the size I was getting error.
make it bigger up to 5MB
gonna check.
I;ve made changes on nginx and nothing happned :( @8330
Did you do nginx -s reload or whatever
The link I posted gives both the ramifications and one method of doing it...
@chrisz my client_max_body_size 10M;
and still the same
also added FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 5242880
on my settings.py
still get 403 fobidden
no progress
the files get uploaded but cannot see it :(
9:01 PM
@MooingRawr: crazy inning!
If you're talking about the Astros I'm not happy about that
@DSM still at work, but I'm listening to the radio cast of it :D
btw.... thoughts on Ichiro Suzuki and him moving to front desk for this season ?
Oh if you're from canada I'm guessing you're talking about indians jays
DSM and I are part of the Northern Squad in this room (along with some other folks)
Is that actually what they call blue jays fans
9:07 PM
Nah, Northern Squad is just something I made up just now.
afternoon cabbage
charles cabbage to you too
@Aran-Fey what is sum(some_bool for x in y) supposed to do anyway
it's either 0 or something like len(y)
wim, are you sorely missing a ping there?
yeah, I was out for lunch
the one you suggested is my choice too
i.e. sum(1 for x in it if x)
9:21 PM
sorry about that
I see a 403
the file itself has no read permissions
Django is doing that
Just uploaded that file
9:22 PM
although I am guilty of this pluralization hack
the file is on the server
but django or nginx does not allows it to read it
Have you tried putting the file somewhere it can be read
reason I dont know.
Like a folder with the right permissions
the folder has permissions.
9:23 PM
Can you show your urls.py?
print('{n} file{s} uploaded'.format(n, 's'[:n!=1]))
the file does not.
your url patterns
url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', serve, {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),
@wim that's pretty ugly
9:24 PM
files lower than 2.5mb I can see them with no problems
but when they are over 2mb its 403
the file is already uploaded.
print(f'{n} file{"s" if n!=1 else ""} uploaded')
the uploaded files under 2mb I can see them but over that cannot access them.
url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', serve, {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),`.... I know now why I switched to Flask
@eddwinpaz wrong ping?
@AndrasDeak yes.
9:25 PM
so edit, you have 2 minutes after posting
@AndrasDeak the ugly here is English language's fault
-rw------- 1 root root 4664244 May 3 18:21 31ee8079-6ca9-4979-a0c1-d276b588e361.pdf
well it's the fault of English but it's up to you what you do about it :P
@AndrasDeak worse
9:26 PM
but it even has an f-string
Django saves it like that for no reason
f-because you should, not because you can
What's the permissions of the folder
I thought I should always f it
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 May 3 18:21 3
9:27 PM
That probably shouldn't belong to root, for one
Django is saving the file with -rw------- permissions when over 2MB
9:42 PM
@eddwinpaz You forgot to give that question the Python tag.
9:55 PM
Oh geez. I am faced with the task of dragging postgres onto our private gcloud
but there are so many security barriers and an incomplete artifactory... kill me
10:12 PM
del 5 of your own posts is not enough
annoying "feature"
too much room for abuse by rage quitters I guess
I don't buy it
delete is not a real delete from database anyway, because you can undelete posts
well usually you don't have to mass-delete your posts; do you?
no but I often want to delete more than 5 of mine per day
e.g. when you answer and then you find a dupe shortly after
did that happen 5 times?
10:18 PM
protip: search for the dupe first :p
thanks captain obvious
you're telling me you actually search for a dupe, then post an answer when you can't find one, and then you go dupe hunting again?
no I os.fork and one of me writes an answer while the other looks for the dupe.
sometimes the answer gets written first :(
try using some locks or semaphores or whatever
semaphores raise red flags for me and locks make me wanna bolt for the door
10:46 PM
hey guys, running into a "I'm sure there's a better way" problem here:
I am trying to get postgresql running on a cloud instance. This cloud instance is in our internal network. It cannot access anything from the outside world, only a few machines in our domain.
I am on one of those few machines, and I don't have access to yum install. I don't have squid so I can't set up a proxy. I can, however, curl -L -o .rpm files and send them over to the cloud.
now, I did a recursive dependency list of Postgres, and there are like at least a thousand dependencies it needs. I don't want to write a script to find out which mirrors I should go to install these dependencies, and then install all of them in a giant .rpm clusterduck and send that over to the cloud
Can you forward the ports you need over ssh?
11:26 PM
lol @ pynaries
I've had reservations about poutine on account of...well, fries and weird dairy product and whatnot. But what about the gravy? What do maplepeople make gravy from?
It's nothing special. It really is usually a mixture of beef and chicken stock and you add whatever thickening you need
Combined animal souce? Hmm...
we don't do that
11:29 PM
Yes. It needs to be as offensive as possible
You don't need to do that. Really it is "thick brown gravy"
that is pretty much it
let me see if I can find a legit recipe
yeah but we don't have gravy at all, so that doesn't tell me much
we have pörkölt which is usually translated to stew but that's not even close
@idjaw thanks :)
fries + cheese curds + gravy will qualify a poutine
cheese curds are super important
I know, I don't think there's a gram of that on Hungarian soil
11:31 PM
Oh Ricardo. He is pretty legit
hmm, wiki says "Cottage cheese is cheese curd". Mind blown!
@idjaw thanks a lot, I'll take a look
but it'll have to wait because I'm getting up in 4 hours :(
I'll get back to you with my findings :D
sleep you!
"squeaky cheese", pfft
good night :)
11:34 PM
squeak squeak
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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