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@DSM Thrusday, Will you make time starting Thrusday? :D Did you fill out a bracket? Also cbg
and cbg to the rest of you guys
I got a notification that someone edited a post of mine: they added parentheses to my print statements. I had no idea I had python 2 answers on SO...what a shame
We were all young once.
OK, I posted that answer exactly one week after first coming here. I must have not been indoctrinated with 3 yet
I still write print statements once a week or so by accident
The answers I posted here one week after joining awarded me exactly ten points total
Then, a week later, I got 22 upvotes on a question about heaps, which is still one of my highest voted answers. Talk about peaking early.
I joined SO in 2014, my first answer wasn't until roughtly 2 years later :\
Interesting. What might have prompted you to join, if it wasn't the impulse to answer a question right away?
Is there a good way to single-source a package version between Python and Git?
There's a ten minute span between my registration and my first answer, so my own reasoning was probably "this guy needs to be set straight"
It wasn't my quest to ask a question either because my first question came 2 months afterwards. I don't remember why I joined SO without participating... :\ sorry maybe past me knew future me would need this account and set it up for me...
@Kevin I have a similar pattern. I was prompted to join to ask questions. At the time, I was a dangerous coder. I understood logic and control flow. I understood math. I was a horrible coder (Though, I didn't think it then). It wasn't until 2 years later that I felt as if I had enough knowledge that it was worth sharing.
Ironically, Python's documentation suggests 7 different options for single-sourcing.
@MooingRawr Maybe there was something you wanted to ask, but you solved it yourself after registering but before posting.
Nevermind it seems like I can't math years and months properly. It seems like I made this account to ask a question...
My account was made in Oct 1 2014 which is the same day as my first question lol
Mystery solved.
@Kevin speak for yourself, I was young twice
"Python fastest search in a list of tuple/list that returns the index" -pukes-a-bit-in-my-mouth-
The number of times we were young is equal to or greater than one
all test cases passed
def searchCurrentPosting(iD,posting): The rare reverse-pascal-case naming scheme in that first parameter there
Some of my recent code has bIZARROpASCALcASE in it, actually. It was autogenerated by visual studio though, so it isn't my fault
-time to lurk people's profile to find out why they joined SO-
first 5 people I looked up seem to have joined to ask a question, that makes me feel a bit better on why I joined.
I suspect a large number of SO accounts are in the same boat.
My first question was about three weeks after registering.
You are special in the way of wanting to help someone (maybe you just wanted to correct someone by submitting a better answer).
Is present Kevin proud of past Kevin?
He did what he could with the resources available to him.
It's always fun to look back at my own lowest scoring questions to see how much I've grown
I want to hide in a hole, when I read my past questions :\
One of my favorite things is to see the disconnect between "highest scoring" and "most viewed"
I probably have a handful of negative scored answers that I didn't self-delete because I obstinately refused that I could be wrong. I will not be visiting that part of memory lane today.
I found this in my 3rd answer :(
> P.S: make sure not to use Python 3. That'd require some quirks.
Time to edit :P
Either I'd think "what an idiot I was" or "what an idiot everyone else was" and either way I don't need the negativity
Please excuse and forgive me, Kevin, but I an urge to take a peek.
As long as I don't have to look at them.
Reminds me of Stack Overflow's founding motto: None of Us is as Dumb as All of Us
Digg, now there's a blast from the past
I mean, I've been programming for 4-5 years and I can't even figure out how to single-source a version number.
I don't know what it means to single-source a version number, so you're a step ahead of me at least
Reprhrasing: I'm only now figuring out how to add a version number
I had to look up what Digg is .... I feel young/ignorant
I only know Digg from hearing people talk about it on Reddit
Coincidentally I just this morning read about Git - Tagging which seems to have to do with version numbers
Which... really isn't the most unbiased source of info
@Kevin I've been using Git Tags up until this point actually. The problem is I can't get the version number from my actual program that way
Digg isn't even the earliest Cool Stuff Aggregator I remember... There was also Slashdot and Fark, which were from 97 and 99 respectively
IE: If the user clicks "About", I want it to display "ProgramName x.y.z"
Compared to Digg's '04
@StevenVascellaro I see, and I assume that just writing it in the source code for your about window defeats the purpose of being "single source". You want to change it in one place and have that propagate to everywhere else.
@Kevin Exactly
my top upvoted answer literally tells people to use str.split
then theres some awesome answers that took hours to write and distill compicated concepts down to simple ideas and they get no upvotes :(
I looked at the Python source to see if they did anything terribly clever to make sure they only needed to specify the version number once. But I don't think they did. Just looking at the README at github.com/python/cpython, there's a version number right there in the heading.
thats the same method we use ;P
in another note ... people who implement soap interfaces instead of rest interfaces should be drug out back and shot
Put there by ned-deily, core developer and release manager for Python 3.6 & 3.7. So it seems like Python's strategy is "have one guy whose job description includes 'keeping the version numbers updated'"
Although if that's part of his job description, he really should update his profile to include "& 3.8"
Does that code update the readme? Pretty rad if so.
Check setup.py. It seems CPython is doing some sort of arcane trickery for version number.
I don't know what it does. I just know it's not as simple as "It's in the readme"
Oh wait a sec
version = sys.version.split()[0],
I'm not entirely sure how that works
So perhaps the solution is: define the version number once in the code, then have a suite of scripts that propagate that number to parts of your project not normally reachable during ordinary execution of your project, such as documentation and git labels
@StevenVascellaro does cpython figure that "hey, I'm python, so let's check sys.version for my version"?
I see no magic
I think its hardcoded
@AndrasDeak ...that would be amazing
That's what I thought it might be doing: the version gets defined in sys.version, and then the version gets updated everywhere else based on that
# === Variables set by configure
VERSION=        3.7
Not that I see evidence one way or the other that it's updating "everywhere", with the readme being one notable counterexample
Makefile ^
missing a micro version though
/* Python version identification scheme.
   When the major or minor version changes, the VERSION variable in
   configure.ac must also be changed.
   There is also (independent) API version information in modsupport.h.
Pretty strong evidence that they have to change the version number manually at least in two places (here and in configure.ac)
TODO: fix version info
If Python can't have one-click version deployment, what chance do the rest of us have
.h files, oh how I missed working with you.
When I worked with C++, I sure loved defining all my function signatures twice.
something something interfaces. :D
When I worked with C++, I sure loved defining all my function signatures twice.
I typed that message again just to get the sweet sweet feeling of repeating myself one more time
C++ is lame, you need to define everything in the same way. Fortran is much superior, you're free to omit a few variables or change their type or size on definition when you call
Actually, I think they change it in more than two files github.com/python/cpython/commit/…
> # Set VERSION so we only need to edit in one place (i.e., here)
They have one-click version deployment in the sense that every other dev has a button that sends an email to Ned saying "Hey, can you upgrade the version numbers?"
There's still a possibility that there's a version-updating script that's not a part of the source on github, because it's not part of the Python project, it's part of the project that creates the Python project.
It may or may not be a two line sed program on Ned's desktop
afternoon cabbage
only one more month and I'll get used to your new avatar ;)
At which point Wayne will upload a new one
@JonClements Nice, didn't know you could use bytearrays there. Yeah, view is my goto when a question has to deal with characters/ASCII in strings
I don't know why I joined, but apparently I answered 2 questions before asking one :D
My first action (answer) was 3 days a day after I joined.
Must have been a hell of a question, that you spent a full day composing an answer.
I had been lurking for a while, registered to ask, and started answering a month later
AD, I find it rather interesting your account is younger than mine yet you are 9 times ahead of me in reps :D
No, no, 2 days, not 1.
I suspect I had lurked, pre-registration, for a very long time.
I don't think there's a way to check that stat (lurking before registration)
by definition, no
If "coming back to the website a lot because my google queries kept pointing me there" counts as lurking
I would count that
@MooingRawr Slim chance if you had been on the same computer since those days, and if they're tracking IP data.
Doubt it would be publicly accessible information though
@Kevin yeah, apparently it now has a 100 upvotes.
but IP address changes, so it wouldn't be accurate
my first action was a convolution question in C, I remember it like it was yesterday
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ but you're an SO babby
I don't remember most of my answers, probably on account of the fugue state I enter each time
What does that mean? :D
@AndrasDeak baby? or babby?
Because for 2016 I'd call him a baby :-p
babby refers to "how is babby formed", sorry, old habit
and I missed that you're only a babby on SO chat, and your user (while young) is still one month older than mine on main
"How is babby formed" is from '06 so you can expect some of the babbys here to not get it
'06 is when I used to hang out in Yahoo groups and use "cool" yahoo mail I suppose.
So, yeah, pretty much noob, and babby.
I actually used to answer yahoo questions a long time ago
guess old habits die hard
just like yahoo
The only regular interaction I have/had with Yahoo Answers is listening to the worst of the bunch that are submitted to the comedy advice podcast, My Brother My Brother and Me
Hello, it's me again. I have sort of a weird dilemma today; my manager is asking me to ensure while my program that reads large amounts of data from block devices is running, that the system's loadavg doesn't exceed certain levels.
Now, the way I understand loadavgs, is that it's the average count of processes waiting for CPU time or disk I/O over 5, 10 and 15 minutes. So if my program is running (assuming it never `fork()`s), then it counts as one toward that limit throughout the time that it waits. It seems to me that the only way I could anticipate the impact on the system's loadavg incu
@ocket8888 I misread your username as "octet8888"
That's a very common mistake
I had to do a triple take. First I read "rocket", then "socket", and then I finally got it right.
rbrb, performing (I don't know why) Ubuntu upgrade to 18.04 (pre-release) without backup. Wish me luck!
Good luck, @AshishNitinPatil!
@Aran-Fey well, at least you just added a different letter, rather than completely transposed things
I am not entirely sure why I couldn't wait 2 more weeks.
But I somehow started the process, so didn't feel like halting (specially without backups)
@WayneWerner thanks, gonna need it quite a bit
@AshishNitinPatil I love that you had to edit this message because you couldn't wait to send it ;)
OS upgrades were one of the reasons why I decided to switch to a rolling release distro
@WayneWerner I don't think the edit was entirely necessary (I couldn'...)
@Aran-Fey which one? Arch Linux was my favorite! bleeding edge, always.
I use Manjaro. Based on arch, but has a graphical installer and some useful stuff (gnome) preinstalled
yeah, Arch can be quite a pain (but eventually worth it)
This month should be quite good, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic beaver) is coming up (April 26), we have (I think) Flask 1.0 lined up today or in coming few days. Hopefully should have Python 3.7 release too.
Ubuntu updates are easier as of 16.10. There's now a pre-packaged utility that does the upgrade for you in one line.
or maybe that's with 17.x?
no idea, I'm unfortunately on 16.04, and it's time to go. Installer going to lock me out. rbrb fingers crossed.
Mobile browsers are weird, but at least I get to have touch/swipe typing :-p
As per the release schedule, we will only get Py3.7 beta4 this month, final release on 15 June.
Sometimes I wish we could get python 4 just because the naming scheme in the stdlib is so horribly inconsistent, and that can't be fixed without breaking compatibility. Why doesn't the stdlib use snake case?!
And don't get me started on parameter names... timeit.timeit uses number, difflib uses n, and re.sub uses count
huh. Looks like I have a bug to fix O.o
perks of open source
I've also noticed a lack of type hinting in the standard libs. Though that could easily be intentional
well, type hints are pretty new and still a chaotic mess that's far from finished (I hope)
What's chaotic? (aside from the perf issues with generic classes)
the internals, primarily. As an end user who only uses the typing module to annotate your code, it shows its nice side. But if you try to write some code that validates annotated code, you'll run into problems like not being able to extract the sub-types from a typing.Generic
I asked a SO question about it, and there doesn't seem to be a documented way to get int out of Generic[int]
off topic, I miss 'rawing' the name :(
I miss confusing between you two
Doesn't this one sound way cooler though?
(I dare anyone to say "no")
Equally cool doesn't fit the dare criteria, does it? :-p
I can let that slide
(phew) but yeah, the new name goes better with the gravatar
Thanks! Good to know that all the hours I spent photoshopping were time well spent :)
@Aran-Fey no... the old one is a verb that sounds super edgy, this one sounds normal
Well, the last one was unintentionally edgy... so "normal" is an improvement as far as I'm concerned :p
something about applying photoshop to your favourite character...
totally worth it
@Aran-Fey did you make that? :o
It's amazing
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I had no choice; his hair was originally pink
Crazy nice Photoshop skills then!
Those are some rad skillz dude
(Also, hate that mobile chat doesn't open links in New tab)
@SebastianNielsen Thanks, but no, I only changed some colors. It's based on a card from a card game.
let me dig up the original gif real quick... found it
OK, I have a fun problem. I have a django app that needs to access a library. So /myapp/views/myview.py needs to access /library/helper.py but it's saying it can't find it.... is there a way to add the /library folder to the (forgive the term) classpath?
How are you trying to access it? (Import line plz) (mobile edits are hard)
I am glad you made his hair brown, it looks better that way. That said, the pink hair is not bad either. :p
Also, I'm assuming your / has a __init__.py
pink hair is very animesque
Did you just invent that word? xd
Oh, nvm, it seems to be a real word...
But someone pretty much did what coldspeed just did for the word to become "real"
I invent words all the time to convey my point across :D
and yes, it has a init.py
@AshishNitinPatil from helper import *
Or maybe they just borrowed it from the anime world :-p
@JGrindal as per your stated file structure, it should be from library.helper import *
Also, if possible, avoid stars, they are not so bright after all.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Shakespeare used to invent new words all the time, too. Maybe it's a sign that the english language is too restrictive for your genius
That's a nice way of calling someone a madcap
Shakespear also lived at around the 1500s, the english langauge had fewer words back then.
was Shakespeare a madcap? I'm not a history buff
They definitely didn't have "covfefe" back then :D
@AshishNitinPatil thanks.
That resolved it? Fun problem indeed :)
did... did you just imply that Trump is a genius of shakespearean level?
(I'm clicking invisible (hides suddenly) edit buttons here on mobile)
Trump's vocabulary is HUGE (exclaim it the Trump way)
@SebastianNielsen yuge?
yeah exactly xD
@Aran-Fey I am resisting "stable" comments on that. I've been advised to keep politics off this chat.
Yeah, let's not go any further in that direction
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ What with that answer? It was deleted and you undeleted it? Not sure to understand what happened
I meant question, sorry. For some reason, 'question' and 'asnwer' are two words I sometimes mix together. Which is kind of a problem on StackOverflow...
@OlivierMelançon Look at the timeline. A mod undeleted it
I suppose that would be a problem everywhere. Was that a question? :-p
@OlivierMelançon Yes, I flagged the post for un-deletion.
Did not know about the timeline, how do I access that in general?
oh... no button?
Not under 10k rep at least
oh ok, poor little low-rep user that I am.
But thanks for the info!
@OlivierMelançon There are userscripts that add a button
Aran-Fey to the rescue with their userscripts, as always
I'm hoping you/ someone makes something to magically take away pain from mobile chat.
not my own user script this time
In the world of open source, that doesn't matter (much) :)
Let's do away with mobile phones altogether. Replace them with a chip inside your brain.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I'd rather have smart glasses than something that plays inside me.
had to get this off my chest. been sitting on this for a week and a half. I'm super excited, I got a new job and I'll no longer have to commute 1000 miles every other week.
Yay, congrats!
oh wow, one of my questions is sitting at 99 votes now
fishing much?
I'm concerned with a chip inside my brain because as soon as soon as it's installed, a new updated model will be available and I'll feel inadequate.
That's just cheating. Now someone might upvote it :-p
Don't worry, it'll more than be compensated by Andras downvote :D
I'm too slow on mobile even with swipe typing.
Oh wow! One of my questions is hovering about 17... so close to 18... /clearsthroat (-:
Oh right, thanks for reminding me
Well, does that give your question the right to vote?
I'm really not happy about linking posts for the purpose of gathering votes
I suppose you should hand out official warnings then? (I'm serious)
It wasn't linked for that purpose but thanks for letting me know
I understand we don't want to become a voting ring
thanks for understanding
Nothing to see here mods (or evesdropping CIA)
But on the other hand, consider this: you want to share something you think is good, and whoever feels the content is good shouldn't refrain from voting just because it was linked here.
at the same time you shouldn't post here because you know people will do that - that's just taking advantage
I didn't mean that as a reminder as much as friendly ribbing. But thx. And I remember voting for that question a while ago. @abarnert taught me a lot in their answer.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Doesn't work that way. I see, I like, I like (upvote).
Linking a good post is fine and dandy. Hinting at a post because "oh wow it's at 99" is...uh...unnecessary
that was a different post though?
it was mostly just a remark to express my negative impression, no need to turn it into a tempest in a teapot
yeah but your point doesn't seem as strong now since it arose from a misunderstanding
Upgrading via CLI is boring. With a GUI, at least you can stare at cool pictures.
another expression that comes to mind is "mountain out of a molehill" :D
A third one is "storm in a teacup"
(there was no misunderstanding)
I'll be in real awe if you have a fourth (without looking up online or elsewhere)
Native language only ..;(
2 (3) is good enough :-p
making, uh... apples out of oranges? eh, close enough
Elephant out of a flea? Isn't that a thing?
@Aran-Fey Nope, not that close, but good try.
Andras' sounds much better and close.

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