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77% more chance of breaking me than JPEG, 43% more chance breaking me than PNG.
@Simon I'd reconsider deleting that answer. __all__ by itself doesn't answer the question, but it's useful if you want to get a list of all public functions defined in the module. You could rephrase your answer to something like "To expand on the other answers, you can use the __all__ attribute to filter out only the public functions" or something similar
And explain that it also may not always work, as you mentioned in the comments?
I'm going to delete the docstring part. Not even sure why I included it in the first place
Re cabbage
nothing more satisfying than a victory nap
Cbg :)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ how large is self.n_cluster and the size of c?
if either is very large you should pre-compute the determinant and only recalculate if it's 0
then you're not computing it three times in the worst-case scenario and twice otherwise
@AndrasDeak It was failing for a test case of K (num clusters) = 30 and C.shape -> (64, 64) I think
I was multiplying the delta by the responsibilities twice, and since the responsibilities are <1, it was vanishing way too fast
Fixing that solved the problem, and now it works like a charm
not that you can really benchmark a clustering algorithm, except through plots and samples, which in this case look pretty solid, so I'm convinced it works alright
I've really come to appreciate the math behind these models after coding them. Learning something in theory is one thing, but actually implementing it in code is another. Your fingers tend to remember how you program (muscle memory), giving you a fresh perspective of something.
if you understand why something works when you program it, it becomes easier to understand the math behind it.
(sorry, that was too long, feel free to move to rotating knives.)
My point was you can make it a bit faster :P
aha, alright :D
Well, it doesn't make much sense to do so, since it changes every iteration, right?
For reference, this is how I correct invertibility:
def check_rank(matrix, rank):
    c = matrix
    while np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) != rank:
        c += 1e-4 * np.eye(matrix.shape[0])

    return c
@Aran-Fey Would you mind quickly going over my answer again and see what you think.
E-step is then computed in this manner:
    for k in range(self.n_cluster):
        d = x - self.means[k]
        c = check_rank(self.variances[k], x.shape[1])

        i = np.exp(-.5 * np.diag(d.dot(np.linalg.inv(c)).dot(d.T)))
        j = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * np.linalg.det(c))
        gamma[:, k] = (i / j) * self.pi_k[k]
(i / j) is p(x | k), and self.pi_k[k] is the mixture coefficient p(z).
@Simon Looks good. Should I remove my comments?
I would've never imagined the code for a gaussian would look like that, but now that I do, I doubt I'll forget it
Yeah if you don't mind. @Aran-Fey
Nuked them. Going to get some sleep now, rhubarb all
Rhubarb, thanks for the help :)
Good night.
Also, any idea how I can make this initialisation a bit cleaner? self.variances = np.array([np.eye(D) for _ in range(self.n_cluster)]) I'm computing a 3D array, where each 2D slice is the Identity matrix.
Aha... found one by Divakar^TM, but way too advanced to use
eh what the hell, I'll use it.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ ah OK, this is different from what you had in dpaste
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I'd probably initialize an empty array then arr[...] = np.eye(D) assuming that works
Wow, that actually worked
Anyway, good night
@AndrasDeak I know nothing about Hungarian politics. Just heard about the elections on the news today.
^ first use ever of salad language from me
And nobody is there to see that :(
You witnessed
But how can mirrors be real if our eyes can't see...
Most tree are blue
My 100th edit review is a golden one
Someone wrote a c# answer and forgot the "l" everywhere in public methods
@OlivierMelançon cabbage!
@OlivierMelançon gee, I wonder what that spells
@Code-Apprentice :D
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Probably wouldn't have noticed it but it was my 100th edit review so I took time for it and it seemed like a joke that this one review ended up on such a typo
3 hours later…
Hi guys!
morning cbg
I have a read a file and returned the content in binary, I now want to substitute a byte at one location, I am using this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/1228299/… but it just seems to write over the entire file
Ah i've got it. Don't worry.
There we go ^
Just a black image before. Now to control the output properly.
Quick survey. If both work for a counting solution, what is preferred from collections module: Counter or defaultdict(int) ? [I know how they are different, but often the question is an isolated task where either would work.]
whichever is more readable, which for my personal taste is usually defaultdict.
Fair answer. I usually make an assumption that you want to query the dictionary afterwards. The problem I have with defaultdict(int) is if you query a missing key, it adds the key. In a counting problem, that's probably not what you want.
But then I'm making assumptions (maybe I shouldn't be making assumptions?)
making assumptions can lead to bloated codebases. I usually have more problems because someone thought 'I will write this code because we might need it in the future' as opposed to 'if we need this function to behave differently in the future, we will change it then - and not sooner'
is it just me, or does google finally list python 3 docu results before python 2 ones? \o/
Just you
Googled "collections python" from mobile, got 2.7
ah, sadness
@jpp in a counting problem there's no semantic difference between "missing" and "0 count"
But you can instantiate a Counter from an iterable and it has useful methods so I'd probably go with that
@AndrasDeak, yup that's exactly the reason I go with Counter(), but more than once I'm told that you should just use defaultdict(int) and shouldn't make assumptions on usage.
I might pad out the existing SO question on Counter vs defaultdict(int). There are important points to note such as performance (defaultdict ~2x faster as less Python-level code). Also elements method missing.
The only assumption I made was "counting problem" :P
hi all
@kanishktanwar cbg
how are you?
good :) How's your day?
great going thanks for asking
IIRC, when using python's standard logging, there is only one logger we are supposed to send messages to, right? e.g. I have appended a bunch of handlers to logging.logger and I only ever should say logger.info(..) and not loggers.ConsoleLogger.info()
Can I still select a specific logger/handler/whatever for some messages without breaking the design?
The case I have at hand is about sending a number of special log messages to a database, and I'd prefer to write it as Just Another Logger
Hello all,
I have some linesof text in the form:
I want to split these line on ^.
If the string contains just wroot it should remain unchanged. If it contains just one ^, I want to extract the first word before
So you're figuring out how many carets there are in the string based on its length? That looks gross. Why not just split the line by carets and then see how many segments there are?
for x in parent_name:
    segments = x.split('^')
    if len(segments) == 2:
    elif len(segments) == 3:
Bah, beat me
>>> s1 = "asdasdasd^asdasdasdasd"
>>> s2 = "asdafsdf^sdfsgsgdfg^awawersdfsdf"
>>> def the_needful(s):
...   a = s.split("^")
...   if len(a) == 2:
...     return a[0]
...   elif len(a) == 3:
...     return a[1]
...   raise ValueError()
>>> the_needful(s1)
>>> the_needful(s2)
and mine doesn't even throw an error when you feed it "(wroot#28)" as input :P
Yeah true, I shouldn't have pasted :)
I was trying to emphasise the fact that it might be worth explicitly handling the case where there are more than 2 carets
if (a is not None and b is None) or (a is None and b is not None) - is there a better way to check this in python?
@Anuj these checks are always tricky, and I think we usually end up with "not really"
if the other option beside None is something truthy, you can at least make it shorter as (a and not b) or (b and not a)
ok thanks
but then you might be bitten later if you pass an empty string or an empty list
that is why i have a not None check there
Mar 2 at 12:04, by jjj
if ((u1, u2) in g1.edges() and (v1, v2) in g2.edges()) or (
    (u1, u2) not in g1.edges() and (v1, v2) not in g2.edges()):
Mar 2 at 12:06, by Andras Deak
well it's not XOR I guess...
the last time that came up, my bottom line was "you could use not XOR but that is probably harder to read"
that is not a good idea
i was just thinking if there is something pythonic
yeah, if there is I'm not aware of it :)
(a is None) ^ (b is None) ?
that will also paas when both are None?
sorry, that is indeed a XOR, not a (not XOR)
I tested it :P
why did I think that XOR and not XOR are different *facepalm*
proved yet again that Past Self is stupid
@Anuj no, that's the point of XOR
yeah I agree
exclusive or, as in "either but not both"
why i did not think of that
Thanks @Aran-Fey
(a is None) != (b is None) is this same?
for booleans it seems != is same as ^
semantically ^ is better if you want to go with that
it literally means what you mean
actually I think != is better just because more people know it. ^ can probably confuse some people
They know what it does, but they won't make them understand "(a is None) != (b is None)" in a glance.
Similar to this: I have a list of dict and I want to know if there is one particular key which is either None in all dicts of list or not None in all dicts.
all(key in dct for dct in lst) or all(key not in dct for dct in lst)?
sum(dct[key] is None for dct in dicts) == len(dicts) ?
What if there are no Nones? Don't you get 0?
or sum(...) in [0, len(dicts)] maybe
getting very unclear
yeah, I interpreted the question differently
though yours is much more efficient with only one pass
all dicts have key set to None = True, otherwise = False
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ interesting answer there... I was starting to play with the df.Number.str.lower().apply(bytearray, encoding='utf-8') route...
sorry, my "key in dct" should rather be "dct[key] is None", whatever :P
any(dct[key] is None for dct in lst)
which is more efficient any or all - i think both are same right?
Well, any([]) and all([]) differ :)
complexity wise?
any() might return early if the condition is True, all() might return early if the condition is False
got it
but they both return early, so...
any will return when something is True, all will return early when anything is False... however, if nothing is falsey (an empty iterable) then it'll be True
it depends on list
so... any is something has to be truthy and all is there has to be something that's false to short circuit
@Aran-Fey but depending on your expected probability for truthy/falsey conditions, one might be better than the other
x = any(dct[key] is None for dct in list)
if x or not x
probably not
x or not x is a bit of a tautology in most cases
your x is "are there any None keys in any of the dicts?" which is not what you want to ask
all(key in dct for dct in lst) or all(key not in dct for dct in lst) - can it become better if we are checking the same for multiple keys?
or we need to have this condition for all the keys
for each key i want to know if it is None or not None in all dicts
Example inputs being?
count = collections.Counter()
for dct in dicts:
    for key in keys:
        count[key] += dct[key] is None
result = sum(count.values()) in {0, len(dicts)*len(keys)}
[{'a':None, 'b':1, 'c':1},{'a':None,'b':2},{'a':None,'b':3}]
@Anuj and the output for that would be?
Here, a is None in all dicts, b is not None in all dicts but c is None in some and not None in some
so it will pass for a, b but fail for c
Well, it's not none, it's just not present - did you need to distinguish between the two?
i want to check if it is passing for all a.b and c
So the output would be...?
just for example, I assumed, if it is not present then None
i don't need to distinguish between the two
You want a result like {'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': False}?
that would necessitate all()
yes @Aran-Fey
in this case, {'a': True, 'b': True, 'c': False}?
and I would know the keys without looking into the list
What if the key is missing in a dict? Should it be considered None?
i don't want to do it for all keys is all dicts
yes if it is missing then None
In [1]: data = [{'a':None, 'b':1, 'c':1},{'a':None,'b':2},{'a':None,'b':3}]

In [2]: {key: all(key in dct for dct in data) for key in set().union(*data)}
Out[2]: {'a': True, 'b': True, 'c': False}
count = collections.Counter()
for dct in dicts:
    for key in keys:
        count[key] += dct.get(key) is None
result = {key: count[key] in {0, len(dicts)} for key in keys}
Is that getting close?
@JonClements i can't use set. there are some keys which are unhashable
If they're not hashable they can't be dict keys
oh yeah. I was thinking of values and then got confused. sorry.
but this is amazing. can you please explain?
@Aran-Fey i understood your code
it is much simpler
I'll take that as a compliment :D
set().union(*data) gives you a set of the unique keys across all dictionaries: {'a', 'b', 'c'}
you then loop over those and check that all dictionaries in data have that key present (all(key in dct for dct in data))
@JonClements I think my example wass not clear
data = [{'a':None, 'b':1, 'c':1},{'a':None,'b':2, 'c':None},{'a':None,'b':3, 'c': None}]
this will return True for 'c' which i don't want
Then: {key: all(dct.get(key) is not None for dct in data) for key in set().union(*data)}
for each key, either it is None (or not present) in all dict or not None in all dict
but this one will return False for 'a' also
that is why I think we need two all
and for each of those keys it will run loop twice.
umm.... okay... goes to make more coffee
one more question: I have a list of tuples: [(2,3), (4,8), (7,9)] - I want to know if they are continuous and mutually exclusive. For now, I am just sorting them and running a loop to find if high of prev tuple = low of cur tuple + 1 or not.
are they always sorted?
I feel bad that there are many (IMO) extremely-basic questions that `1` is too localized (<-- IMO) `2` is a combination of multiple existing "basic questions" `3` so can't be closed as dupe and `4` get multiple (often similar ≃ identical) answers.
Thoughts? Am I correct/wrong? Should I downvote them?

(ps: applicable for most~all languages, but this particular one is Python)
Didn't we have a meta post about chameleon questions somewhere? I need a link for an unreasonable OP
I usually don't care how basic the question is, if the OP shows effort, and question seems genuine, it should not be downvoted (I definitely upvote).
Don't see any effort this time, although... not everytime it's necessary.
Yes, this one I'd downvote for the lack of effort.
And yeah, not everytime it's necessary, but those are usually rare for me.
@user202729 Nah, I need something that'd make the OP understand how unreasonable he's being. That post's target audience isn't OPs.
@JonClements no they can be unsorted
@Anuj Your method is O(n log n). What do you expect?
... "chameleon question" also means "constantly changing question"? ...
I just want to know if there is a better way of doing that. pythonic way
There is a zip(z,z[1:]) if you want.
isn't that allowed here?
@Aran-Fey "exit strategies for chameleon questions"
@AndrasDeak Exactly (one of) what I linked above. But that is more about constantly-changing than multi-part.
Ah sorry, didn't click links; on mobile in commute
And yes, chameleon = Columbo. "One more thing..."
Hmm, the "what do we do with multiple questions questions" one isn't bad, I might use that one
Multiple from start is plain too broad
Hehehe, is fr equivalent to f for f-strings was a fun question. Shame the OP deleted it.
The fr prefix should make it a french-string
>>> fr'yes'
\o cbg
hi guys!
Some good 'scraper' here?
probably not
I would get some cool idea for a scraping project... boring at work
I don't understand the revisions on this - stackoverflow.com/posts/49733811/revisions
Meh, gone.
What, it was flagged as spam?
I don't know, didn't understand the reason for being nuked so fast.
Shouldn't be surprising that an answer like "You can also use pythonanywhere. Visit www.pythonanywhere.com to get started." gets flagged as spam :P
Flag bot: Too easy. Standard spam.
Even taking into account that the question is a recommendation request, it still sounds like an ad...
PythonAnywhere is a well-known site, I doubt they would use an 8 months old account with Twitter and stuff for promotion on SO
@vaultah probably yes
Why should I use django instead of laravel for web developing?
Because Python
Yes but that's not the only reason I think XD
@NotSoSnake use whatever you prefer
@marxin that's sure but I asked another thing
Coming from a Python background, PHP was torture. Laravel did inhibit the pain to some extent though.
you asked why and what I want to say is that you should use django if you prefer to use it ;)
I'd love to move to Django cause you know, python is python... But i want to be sure first XD
You don't have to move to Django necessarily, but that'd probably be your best bet if you were more comfortable with Laravel than PHP.
Pretty sure there is tonne of material out there that discusses the differences in a better way than you'd get here.
I think that Django is good because is unified, its easy to find devs and there are a lot of good documentation
it also gives you a lot of useful tools out of the box
solid framework
All of these points would be there in any Django vs Laravel blog, so I didn't feel like repeating.
@Aran-Fey then again mods prefer not to spamhandle spam magnet questions meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/365691/…
@vaultah that should probably be raised somewhere, but I'm pre-occupied
On Meta?
Or a flag if you're brave :D
the hidden content suggests spam-nuke
A few of the recently posted complaints about spam flags were quite coldly received on Meta
I can do it later if you remind me
... and also the old "I sure know why you're going after that moderator"
I can do it though, later today or tomorrow
One hundred percent cabbage
complete recbg :D
It's like Spyro though, complete is actually 120%.
whatever-you-prefer recbg then :-p
@davidism Nice, so we are all set for 1.0 release?!
Gotta get the hidden loot first.
Boss raid?
hidden loot = hidden loot table = more data mining :D
If I check foo.txt in to my git repository, and later add foo.txt to my .gitignore, and then make a change to foo.txt, is it normal that git will inform me that I have unstaged changes in foo.txt?
Yes. .gitignore does not ignore files already present in the index, IIRC.
Darn. I was in a hurry when I first made this repository, so my first commit is an unfiltered load of dlls and intermediary build files and such.
Force push with index updates? (please backup (copy paste into different dir) before doing anything)
rb folks
\o rbrb Andy
I only have two hours worth of revision history so I might just delete the git data entirely and push the code I have now as the initial commit to a new repository
That works as well :-p
Since I'm at a stable-ish build and probably won't need to roll back to before now
Probably safer too, if you don't want any history.
Jumping to the recovery step
Easier to ask for forgiveness than jump
Now the above 3 comments look funny (jump to recovery -> removed -> ask forgiveness).
Speaking of stability, is there some convention I should be using for indicating whether any particular commit is build-able?
releases / tags
If I could tag each commit as broken/buggy/stable, that would save a little time when doing rollbacks
git tags are a different thing I believe
I guess I could just stick, like, [broken] at the end of the commit message
I don't think git has github-esque labels
Convention is that each release should be clean (or build-able in your case). Tags can be arbitrary, but I am not sure how github handles tags & releases. (Releases are not there in git, just tags)
Yup, multiline commit msg might work
git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging is a thing but it doesn't quite match what I was imagining
Nope, it doesn't.
Github Releases might work, but for personal repos, I don't see much of a point. Better stick to good ol' commit msg thing.
On GH you can just define arbitrary labels I believe
Like [easy-fix] or [documentation]
I don't think labels work for commits / branches, just issues / PRs.
Ooooh you might be right, sorry
Anyway you'll want a solution for which git show works
It'd be neat if there was a way to reject any commits whose message doesn't conform to some pattern. Then I wouldn't have to depend on Future Kevin to remember to tag every commit from now on.
if not any(message.endswith(f"[{state}]") for state in ("broken", "buggy", "stable")): raise Exception("You forgot the tag, you buffoon")
I presume that doesn't work with commit -m. Does it?
doesn't look like it. yep, won't work
If this autopopulates git gui's window with a template, that should go a long way to enforcing consistency
It doesn't actually enforce consistency since Future Kevin could still just delete the template and type whatever, but that doesn't sound like something he'd do
@Kevin I bet it should, but I am not so sure how well GUI is.
@Kevin You can enforce things server side, (client side will need installing hooks). See git-scm.com/book/en/v2/…
But it would be too much of an effort. Just trust future Kevin, like we all do :-p
Let's see. Nope, commit window is still empty.
Not sure if the feature is unsupported, or if I just did it wrong
Doing git commit from the command line properly shows the template I specified, so I guess it's git gui's fault.
I wonder if they accept PRs...
(assuming that's the one you have)
I think the one I have is repo.or.cz/w/git-gui.git
The screenshot on the Github Desktop page doesn't match what I usually see. It's too nice looking.
You're on windows right? I always felt github's GUI was best.
You can always switch :-p
@Kevin That feels like something from at least 5-7 years ago.
The help window shows "copyright 2006-2010", so maybe it is
Peculiar since I dimly recall that the versions I have at home and work have slightly different features, which would indicate that it was updated in the six months in between the installations I performed
Last entry in the shortlog on that page is from 13 months ago. Not sure if that fits in my remembered timeline.
In any case, I recommend you make a gradual switch to the github GUI tool (or some other newer thing you may like).
It's quite nice, even if you are very accustomed to cli
I'll add it to my list of things to do eventually
Trusting future Kevin are we? :-p
Present Kevin does not have the prerequisite number of spoons to perform a toolchain migration, but Future Kevin might, on some conceivable worldline
Although any spoon surplus is earmarked to first go towards higher-impact targets like eating right, exercising, calling my mother, cleaning those dirty dishes that have been in the sink for a couple days, spending time on neglected hobbies...
@Kevin I hope future Kevin isn't going to be disparaging of the past Kevin that was relying on his future self...
cbg \o thefourtheye
uh oh... evil twin's here... /me runs
Does anyone use GitLab? I've been having issues with the site not rendering correctly (huge symbol/link images, apparently no layout as if the CSS hasn't loaded).
@AndrasDeak posted
Back in '12 the Council of Selves ruled that you can't disparage backwards in time based on a standard of conduct that hadn't been created yet. Delegating spoon use to future selves is enshrined in the current bylaws, so future Kevin has no grounds against me.
The title of the What is the purpose of self? question sounds a bit like it's going through an existential crisis
Monday morning afternoon cabbage for all!
@vaultah thanks! I didn't know about the valid-on-Q-delete mechanism
So it might have been a single spam flag
Yeah, at least I learned something from this
hey guys ... Ive been having a weird issue lately where python-ldap cannot connect to the ldap server, then i open cmd and ping the server, it responds and then python-ldap can see the server ... is there some flush cache function that cmd.exe ping does that i could do in python?
did that make any sense?
Not to me, but that doesn't mean much :P
(I suspect its the ldap or network configuration issue, but ping.exe seems to resolve it somehow)

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