@Simon I'd reconsider deleting that answer. __all__ by itself doesn't answer the question, but it's useful if you want to get a list of all public functions defined in the module. You could rephrase your answer to something like "To expand on the other answers, you can use the __all__ attribute to filter out only the public functions" or something similar
@AndrasDeak It was failing for a test case of K (num clusters) = 30 and C.shape -> (64, 64) I think
I was multiplying the delta by the responsibilities twice, and since the responsibilities are <1, it was vanishing way too fast
Fixing that solved the problem, and now it works like a charm
not that you can really benchmark a clustering algorithm, except through plots and samples, which in this case look pretty solid, so I'm convinced it works alright
I've really come to appreciate the math behind these models after coding them. Learning something in theory is one thing, but actually implementing it in code is another. Your fingers tend to remember how you program (muscle memory), giving you a fresh perspective of something.
if you understand why something works when you program it, it becomes easier to understand the math behind it.
(sorry, that was too long, feel free to move to rotating knives.)
for k in range(self.n_cluster):
d = x - self.means[k]
c = check_rank(self.variances[k], x.shape[1])
i = np.exp(-.5 * np.diag(d.dot(np.linalg.inv(c)).dot(d.T)))
j = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * np.linalg.det(c))
gamma[:, k] = (i / j) * self.pi_k[k]
(i / j) is p(x | k), and self.pi_k[k] is the mixture coefficient p(z).
Also, any idea how I can make this initialisation a bit cleaner? self.variances = np.array([np.eye(D) for _ in range(self.n_cluster)]) I'm computing a 3D array, where each 2D slice is the Identity matrix.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Probably wouldn't have noticed it but it was my 100th edit review so I took time for it and it seemed like a joke that this one review ended up on such a typo
I have a read a file and returned the content in binary, I now want to substitute a byte at one location, I am using this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/1228299/… but it just seems to write over the entire file
Ah i've got it. Don't worry.
There we go ^
Just a black image before. Now to control the output properly.
Quick survey. If both work for a counting solution, what is preferred from collections module: Counter or defaultdict(int) ? [I know how they are different, but often the question is an isolated task where either would work.]
Fair answer. I usually make an assumption that you want to query the dictionary afterwards. The problem I have with defaultdict(int) is if you query a missing key, it adds the key. In a counting problem, that's probably not what you want.
But then I'm making assumptions (maybe I shouldn't be making assumptions?)
making assumptions can lead to bloated codebases. I usually have more problems because someone thought 'I will write this code because we might need it in the future' as opposed to 'if we need this function to behave differently in the future, we will change it then - and not sooner'
@AndrasDeak, yup that's exactly the reason I go with Counter(), but more than once I'm told that you should just use defaultdict(int) and shouldn't make assumptions on usage.
I might pad out the existing SO question on Counter vs defaultdict(int). There are important points to note such as performance (defaultdict ~2x faster as less Python-level code). Also elements method missing.
IIRC, when using python's standard logging, there is only one logger we are supposed to send messages to, right? e.g. I have appended a bunch of handlers to logging.logger and I only ever should say logger.info(..) and not loggers.ConsoleLogger.info()
Can I still select a specific logger/handler/whatever for some messages without breaking the design?
The case I have at hand is about sending a number of special log messages to a database, and I'd prefer to write it as Just Another Logger
Hello all, I have some linesof text in the form: (wroot#2) (wroot#28^wpretest#6^reset_lock_counter) (wroot#28^wpretest#7^wprepvis) (wroot#28^wpretest#7^wprepvis) (wroot#28^wpretest#8^wwinserv) (wroot#28^wpretest#9^wchkqship)(wroot#28^wpretest#42^wsysmonstrt) (wroot#28^wpretest#42^wsysmonstrt) (wroot#28^wpretest#43^wtmpstrt) (wroot#28) (wroot#28^wpretest#42^wsysmonstrt) (wroot#28^wpretest#43^wtmpstrt) (wroot#28^wpretest#46^wptproda) I want to split these line on ^. If the string contains just wroot it should remain unchanged. If it contains just one ^, I want to extract the first word before…
So you're figuring out how many carets there are in the string based on its length? That looks gross. Why not just split the line by carets and then see how many segments there are?
for x in parent_name:
segments = x.split('^')
if len(segments) == 2:
elif len(segments) == 3:
Similar to this: I have a list of dict and I want to know if there is one particular key which is either None in all dicts of list or not None in all dicts.
any will return when something is True, all will return early when anything is False... however, if nothing is falsey (an empty iterable) then it'll be True
count = collections.Counter()
for dct in dicts:
for key in keys:
count[key] += dct[key] is None
result = sum(count.values()) in {0, len(dicts)*len(keys)}
In [1]: data = [{'a':None, 'b':1, 'c':1},{'a':None,'b':2},{'a':None,'b':3}]
In [2]: {key: all(key in dct for dct in data) for key in set().union(*data)}
Out[2]: {'a': True, 'b': True, 'c': False}
count = collections.Counter()
for dct in dicts:
for key in keys:
count[key] += dct.get(key) is None
result = {key: count[key] in {0, len(dicts)} for key in keys}
one more question: I have a list of tuples: [(2,3), (4,8), (7,9)] - I want to know if they are continuous and mutually exclusive. For now, I am just sorting them and running a loop to find if high of prev tuple = low of cur tuple + 1 or not.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49732476 I feel bad that there are many (IMO) extremely-basic questions that `1` is too localized (<-- IMO) `2` is a combination of multiple existing "basic questions" `3` so can't be closed as dupe and `4` get multiple (often similar ≃ identical) answers. Thoughts? Am I correct/wrong? Should I downvote them?
(ps: applicable for most~all languages, but this particular one is Python)
If I check foo.txt in to my git repository, and later add foo.txt to my .gitignore, and then make a change to foo.txt, is it normal that git will inform me that I have unstaged changes in foo.txt?
I only have two hours worth of revision history so I might just delete the git data entirely and push the code I have now as the initial commit to a new repository
Convention is that each release should be clean (or build-able in your case). Tags can be arbitrary, but I am not sure how github handles tags & releases. (Releases are not there in git, just tags)
It'd be neat if there was a way to reject any commits whose message doesn't conform to some pattern. Then I wouldn't have to depend on Future Kevin to remember to tag every commit from now on.
if not any(message.endswith(f"[{state}]") for state in ("broken", "buggy", "stable")): raise Exception("You forgot the tag, you buffoon")
If this autopopulates git gui's window with a template, that should go a long way to enforcing consistency
It doesn't actually enforce consistency since Future Kevin could still just delete the template and type whatever, but that doesn't sound like something he'd do
The help window shows "copyright 2006-2010", so maybe it is
Peculiar since I dimly recall that the versions I have at home and work have slightly different features, which would indicate that it was updated in the six months in between the installations I performed
Last entry in the shortlog on that page is from 13 months ago. Not sure if that fits in my remembered timeline.
Present Kevin does not have the prerequisite number of spoons to perform a toolchain migration, but Future Kevin might, on some conceivable worldline
Although any spoon surplus is earmarked to first go towards higher-impact targets like eating right, exercising, calling my mother, cleaning those dirty dishes that have been in the sink for a couple days, spending time on neglected hobbies...
Does anyone use GitLab? I've been having issues with the site not rendering correctly (huge symbol/link images, apparently no layout as if the CSS hasn't loaded).
Back in '12 the Council of Selves ruled that you can't disparage backwards in time based on a standard of conduct that hadn't been created yet. Delegating spoon use to future selves is enshrined in the current bylaws, so future Kevin has no grounds against me.
hey guys ... Ive been having a weird issue lately where python-ldap cannot connect to the ldap server, then i open cmd and ping the server, it responds and then python-ldap can see the server ... is there some flush cache function that cmd.exe ping does that i could do in python?