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lets see- lets start with u dont have to worrry about curly brackets and u get cleaner looking and more readable code in python
Shiva, you x-ists make me sick. Everyone knows y is better, for all values of x and y.
I don't engage in language wars. a) I don't know enough about python to debate it. b) I doubt you know enough about js to debate it. c) they're almost always nothing but silly. d) I don't like having only three points.
I'm most convinced by point d
I am a software developer who writes code in JS as well, so we can discuss it.
you asked what jQuery was
forgive me for not trusting you
@BOi if it wasn't obvious, our responses weren't an attempt to encourage you
jquery is a library used for simplyfying HTML scripts. i read that wrongly. sorry. also, @AndrasDeak, you weren't encouraging anything. i just misunderstood. i thought there was a jquery in python.
there probably is :)
@rlemon forgive me for the confusion. I am extremely sorry!
wim will tell you that it is itertools ;D
@rlemon so what exactly do you do in JS for a living?
There is a jquery. They even grabbed the name on PyPI. It's the TurboGears plugin that injects your vendored version of jquery into all of the JS you serve.
@BOi bunch of stuff.
mostly node and react right now
@rlemon oh wow. so u use like nodemon and stuff haha. u seem like a full stack developer. am i right?
no, node.js
@rlemon nice. npm..
npm is terrible.
@rlemon i like ur juice box. haha
@rlemon why is npm terrible? i think it's a decent package manager
Anthon, did you seriously just delete the ruamel.yaml issue 28? Why? It had tons of helpful info from the conda guys and others for how to workaround the problems with this installer! If possible, please restore it, so the discussion (and the reasons for your final decision) remains visible for users of your library. — wim 9 mins ago
@BOi I have no response for that.
@rlemon u know why my name is @BOi
because you have BO and like apple?
omg yes exactly. how did u know? except i dont have BO i have extremely BAD BO. lol. thats why i dont have gf
this is a good time for me to go to sleep
so....python.com lol
Too much skin
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ r u a snail
the chat just go realy silent....
that is a good sign that you should change your communication strategy or the topic or just stop talking altogether
should i leave?
should i shut up?
i see how it is.
bye and thx for the "help"
love ya
u guys wanna hang out sometime on SO?
@BOi You will earn my companionship once you can successfully tell the difference between input and raw_input ;-)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ input analyzes the input that has been inserted by the user and can figure out the type of input the user had inserted(for ex. int, str, list, tuple, etc). raw_input simply stores it as a string. it does not analyze the input provided by said user. How about now? cause im up right now.
reminder: annoying people can be ignored with 2 easy clicks
wow. why u gotta be so ruuude?
so that's how it's done
yup, works great.
past messages get removed too.
don't u know im human too? wait..but im a bot..lol jk. ANyway, dont block me please stop. im just tryna be friendly, not annoying. @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ please tell them. @rlemon help please
Huh, you guys hear something?
what is it?
Just kidding, @BOi don't worry, I won't block you. Can't pay for entertainment like this.
what entertainment? my friendliness? yup, no one can pay for that
Call it what you like ;)
they cant handle it. @wim and the others ;)
@vaultah why trashed? I should have anonymized the user I put as an example?
it felt a bit excessive, @wim, though I get you meant no ill will
@wim that was personal and rude
@wim thanks a lot wim. u didn't even anonymize... now everyone can see that. wow. REALLY loving my first experience on SO
:( one quick fix is to log off right now, and log on during another time of day, that way you won't be hounded by all the mean people here >:I
oops. wasn't trying to be rude, just trying to be helpful.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ true. all these yams just flagging and reporting and ignoring for no reason.
there are other dark themes besides yours :P
Everyone has reasons! "Not having a reason" is also a reason btw
@rlemon funny guy.
"not having a reason is also a reason" so...is nothing something?
Yes, nullity is an important concept in mathematics.
@BOi could you cut the number of messages you're posting in half? That would be a good start.
and dropping the textspk
@rlemon It seems like you've spilled black paint all over the screen... I'd recommend darkula, it's just the right shade of dark...
Is it possible to update a published chrome plugin? Also, I don't have chrome ;-;
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Yeah sure. Sorry i might have talked too much. Will only respond with intellectual words. Really sorry guys. I'm a Green Bean u know..:)
@vaultah i meant to tag u not @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ sorry. now..shutting up
@AndrasDeak yes i will do that sorry.
Man, this room is as far from being harmful monoculture as one can hope
@BOi You aren't helping yourself, and wim will never see that message anyway :\
don't help, cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ
My suggestion is to take a breather and come back in a bit
@AndrasDeak wow thanks
so perhaps I should read about that NotImplemented/~Error thing
Just sleep dude :p
wonder if the use cases are actually documented somewhere
..."somewhere" in the documentation
deleted messages shouldn't be a RO thing they should be a RO + 10K+ thing
unfortunately most of the cute animal things I see online move
Speaking of cute moving animals i.redd.it/taribnqfyxo01.gif
I'm pretty sure I've only seen NotImplemented 1. in mul/add/etc, and 2. in a numpy nditer perhaps? Something written in C
Cbg guys.
then again I usually colour within the lines so I only see straightforward errors
Interestingly, they're highlighted differently on IPython
does NotImplemented not extend generic Exception?
what about other exceptions and singletons?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ easy enough to find out
I don't think the syntax highlighter actually checks the mro, it's probably hard-wired
So... no
In [191]: type(NotImplemented)
Out[191]: NotImplementedType

In [193]: type(NotImplementedError)
Out[193]: type
wipes sweat off brow
Welcome back, @BOi. Please try to be a constructive member of our community. It's in the best interest of us all to get along fine here :)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ yeah, that's what wim noted. But what about issubclass?
how'd u know i got blocked for no reason
In [190]: issubclass(NotImplemented, Exception)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-190-9accc15165c8> in <module>()
----> 1 issubclass(NotImplemented, Exception)

TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
Even more cryptic
arg1 is a singleton instance, try the error instead
Or maybe I just don't know enough to understand what is happening here
hey how do u post code into a message. i mean how to format?
@AndrasDeak I'm sorry, come again?
NotImplemented is a singleton
Okay, I don't know what that is. I'll look it up
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ NotImplemented is an object of type NotImplementedType. NotImplementedError is an Error-like subclass
It's an instance of the class NotImplementedError. use isinstance instead. Andras'd.
Ah, I see. A singleton => class with only one instantiated object at any time?
like True, False, None, Ellipsis, (etc?)
Aight, this makes sense to me
now brings me to the question of why even have that in the first place :p I'm way behind the discussion
Have what?
wrote some cool code to send ur computer a notification. check it out
@AndrasDeak the singleton
NotImplemented is returned from certain dundermethods to indicate that the class doesn't support that operation. docs
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ singletons in general, or this specific singleton?
That specific one. Rawing addressed it though, will read thx
also wim gave a short recap of the Error vs nonError in what I linked
rbrb ("it's your problem now hehehehe")
Will the interpreter handle that error differently? Or is it just convention you've to follow?
@vaultah :D I'm about to sleep too...
> Note: When a binary (or in-place) method returns NotImplemented the interpreter will try the reflected operation on the other type (or some other fallback, depending on the operator). If all attempts return NotImplemented, the interpreter will raise an appropriate exception. Incorrectly returning NotImplemented will result in a misleading error message or the NotImplemented value being returned to Python code.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I can't tell if you're doing that because a) you want to confuse people who became active chat members after that event, b) you've installed that userscript that I implemented as a joke that changes my name back and so it's just normal for you, or c) for no particular reason
so it really is meant to only be used in this context
@Aran-Fey FWIW I mostly call you Rawing in my head :P
it's also easier to type a name with no hyphen in it
@Aran-Fey Calling you "Aran-Fey" feels very unnatural and somewhat jarring to me ;)
For some real fun, NotImplementedType is not a singleton type in the CPython-source-code sense that NoneType is. IIRC, its constructor actually returns the first baked-into-memory object, which is usually 0.
Is there a short and good reason for that?
In [200]: type(NotImplemented)()
Out[200]: NotImplemented
Huh, I see. I never thought you guys would have a harder time getting used to the new name than I did :P
Ah, I guess they fixed that.
Ahh tomato! @Aran-Fey what was your prior name. I thought you were some cool new person.
I wonder if there's a way to trick cpython into creating another instance of a singleton like None or NotImplemented
What's the opposite of Rawing...? Cooking :D
aight, I'll see myself out
bah, I shouldn't have asked I liked you better
@piRSquared Oh, weren't you there at the GM? I made an announcement back then, so I thought everyone knew
Feb 5 at 15:50, by Aran-Fey
Let's get this out of the way before the GM: It's me, Rawing. I finally got around to that name change we discussed months ago. And I also got a facelift while I was at it. For those who can't be bothered to keep up with my frequent changes in persona, here's a user script that changes my nickname back :)
@piRSquared burn!
well, it still beats "I liked old you better"
>>> object.__new__(type(None))

TypeError: object.__new__(NoneType) is not safe, use NoneType.__new__()
WOW, that is a bug
weirdly specific TypeError there
pretty much all builtin classes do that
I'd imagine it should special case NoneType and NotImplementedType.
And if you do call NoneType.__new__(), the implementation for that is basically just Py_RETURN_NONE.
I never __new__
>>> object.__new__(int)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object.__new__(int) is not safe, use int.__new__()
Also scroll up from there:
> There is (and should be!) no way to create other objects of this type,
so there is exactly one (which is indestructible, by the way).
"indestructible"... if I knew ctypes I'd say "challenge accepted"
Destroying it will lead to a Py_FatalError before you can actually segfault.
sounds like an achievement
Creating another None without hacking up a buffer and casting it to the struct type, that might be worth a few points.
Creating a copy of a singleton would open up cool new possibilities to break everyone's code. People freak out about assigning True = False; just imagine if you could do True = copy(True)? that'd be evil
Who would that bite, though? Only people doing _ is True, no?
When they first added the code to make assigning to True, False, and None syntax errors, the first time I did was post a library that rebinds True and False to 1 and 0.
dinner rbrb
I think it's just builtins.__dict__['True'] = 1 or something equally simple.
@KevinMGranger You're right, now that I think about it. Dang. My imagination was running wild :(
>>> vars(__builtins__)['True'] = False
>>> True
What sorcery is this
cpython taking shortcuts again instead of actually looking things up, apparently
I know there's special code in the compiler to make sure that None doesn't compile to a Name node, but a special NameConstant node, which then stores the hardcoded constant into the co_consts instead of whatever value it has at compile time.
I'm sure the same is true for True and False.
does that mean...
>>> vars(__builtins__)['Ellipsis'] = 0
>>> Ellipsis
>>> ...
I think that's different. Ellipsis doesn't get the quasi-keyword treatment at all; you can just write Ellipsis = 0.
yeah, I was following the singleton line :(
But ... is special, and it's always the Ellipsis value even if Ellipsis isn't.
... isn't even the same NameConstant node as True and None, there's a whole other node type called Ellipsis just for ....
Is that because it isn't a valid identifier? Or because it is coupled to syntax?
>>> ast.dump(ast.parse('a[normal, True, ...]'))
"Module(body=[Expr(value=Subscript(value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()), slice=Index(value=Tuple(elts=[Name(id='normal', ctx=Load()), NameConstant(value=True), Ellipsis()], ctx=Load())), ctx=Load()))])"
That's probably why it was done, but if you just replaced every Ellipsis node with a NamedConstant(Ellipsis) node, you'd get the same bytecode in the end.
I suppose it's useful for people who need to write non-hacky AST-walking import hooks for numpy code, if there were any such people.
    >>> dis.dis('a[normal, True, ...]')
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              2 LOAD_NAME                1 (normal)
              4 LOAD_CONST               0 (True)
              6 LOAD_CONST               1 (Ellipsis)
              8 BUILD_TUPLE              3
             10 BINARY_SUBSCR
             12 RETURN_VALUE
See, the different AST node has no effect on the bytecode or the consts array.
Actually, now that I think about it… is .../Ellipsis older than the quasi-keyword change for None/True/False? That may be why it's a different node.
Could be. In python 2.7, True = False still works and ... throws a SyntaxError, so both of those changes must've happened in 3.x
huh, I thought ... was there in 2 too
I thought so too, but in python 2 you have to use Ellipsis instead
>>> np.random.rand(2,2,2)[0,...]
array([[0.64314943, 0.23149963],
       [0.72699601, 0.60502214]])
for some reason it works inside indexing
aha! I found a fun toy to play with!
>>> __builtins__.AssertionError = ZeroDivisionError
>>> assert False
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
there's probably a good and simple reason
>>> __builtins__.__build_class__ = lambda *_: 'foo'
>>> class Bar:pass
>>> Bar
legit rbrb
back from pho cbg
When I unpack a Pandas series object with kw-splat, it gets treated like a dictionary and unpacks as if I'd done **series.to_dict(). What is the dunder that explains how to present itself in a dictionary context?
@KevinMGranger wrong.
class A(object):


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-73-6dccb091ef1d> in <module>()
      2     pass
----> 4 {**A()}

TypeError: 'A' object is not a mapping
Any ROs online, there's an inappropriately starred comment there. Please see what you can do.
@piRSquared it's not a dunder
it's 2, "keys" and "__getitem__"
This is the (poorly documented) mapping protocol.
>>> class A:
...     def keys(self):
...         return ['x']
...     def __getitem__(self, item):
...         return 1
>>> {**A()}
{'x': 1}
Awesome, thx @wim
@Aran-Fey diabolical
Is search completely broken for everyone, or just me? stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A674039+python
ahha, so I wasn't going crazy
@Aran-Fey check out also this
>>> with open('<stdin>', 'w') as f:
...     n = f.write('Aran-Fey is doing evil hacks')
>>> __builtins__.AssertionError = ZeroDivisionError
>>> assert not 'the error message you expected'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    Aran-Fey is doing evil hacks
The rules for **, and for mappings in general, aren't the same as the rules for dict constructor arguments. You can't kw-splat an iterable of pairs, and the rules for what does and doesn't get copied (as far as actual dict vs. dict subclass vs. other mapping) are different, so I wouldn't assume the checks for what counts as an "other mapping" are necessarily the same.
@AndrasDeak ellipsis literal was not in 2.7 ... new in 3.0 IIRC
And Guido agreed to add it because it was cute.
I've never liked the fact that constructors aren't considered part of the protocol in Python, so ABCs don't even have comments or docs on them. I understand the argument that you want defaultdict to count as a mapping, but there should be a way to say "this mapping takes standard mapping constructor arguments".
I don't think they should be part of the protocol, that's too restricting on subclasses.
Yeah, that's the defaultdict argument.
Liskov is overrated
I also wish there were better helpers in the stdlib to implement negative indexing and slicing on sequences. You can write everything else to support the API in a few lines of really obvious code, but then the code to handle slices, even with the help of slice.indices, is verbose and complicated, and has to be written at least twice.
You want to substitute someone for Barbara Liskov?
ok, have yr star.
The OSS way is contributing it yourself, not wishing and hoping.
My rejected patch should still be on b.p.o.
I should probably have converted it into a PyPI project after that, though…
yup.. didn't realise you already wrote a patch, my bad.
ok i'm out..adios
just wondering how would I implement the average function properly without data and history being undefined pastebin.com/7a9SzXRK
It's for deap so I can't just add data and history variables into the function definition
context is undefined not history*
What are you asking? days is already there as a parameter, and history is an attribute of data, not a variable of its own.
cbg all
so basically i need the average function to be able to use the data and context variables but I can't pass them in the function decleration
Anyway, I suspect that what you want is a class, with a bunch of attributes on it, and then you can pass methods of an instance of that class down into the framework in place of plain functions. (Or, alternatively, maybe you could use partial, or a closure, but th effect is the same.)
I'm assuming average is a callback function you give to the framework in some way, and it later calls your function with exactly two arguments, right?
@wim thanks for this, I learned something cool here
Hold on a second… you're the one calling average directly. I can see the call inside handle_data. So why can't you pass two more argument?
one second I'll post my whole code
Also, where is handle_data getting either that string or that days that it's already passing in to average?
so basically I'm creating a tree from deap so that's why I can't add on two more parameters
@shuttle87 no prob
Why not? Can a tree node not have four children?
one second I'll try it with 4 nodes
If your operation inherently uses four parameters, a tree node that doesn't have two of those parameters seems just as wrong as a normal function call that doesn't pass arguments for two of them.
I honestly know next to nothing about deap, and nothing at all about this zipline library that the context thing seems to come from. You may need some kind of converting between what one library provides and the other expects, or you may need to create a class instance somewhere (handle_data? top level?) and register its methods as tree primitives instead of functions, or maybe you just need a mess of globals; I'm not sure.
hey guys, how would I be able to fill out this pdf using python (i then plan to serve it using django in case you were wondering) foersom.com/net/HowTo/data/OoPdfFormExample.pdf
just getting the names of the form fields is a PITA
the actual docs im using are digitally signed gov docs so i need to use their version
After reading up closures somehow I'm connecting it to the decorators!
well.. Almost!
@wim Family X-Mas photo? Adorable kids!
> A collective name suggested for a group of colonial badgers is a cete, but badger colonies are more often called clans.
@wim sweet cete
how can I get the index range by using in operation on python strings?
for example "text" in "some random text" should return 12,15
is there any way??
You can use index
>>> sample = "some random text"
>>> query = "text"
>>> start = sample.index(query)
>>> end = start + len(query)
>>> (start, end)
(12, 16)
close enough? I don't know a simpler expression, and it won't work with the in keyword.
If you write a function that does this, you should call it span. That's how this kind of range querying is called in regular expressions.
>>> import re
>>> re.search(query, sample).span()
(12, 16)
2 hours later…
Oct 22 '16 at 16:35, by enderland
cabbage breaker
phew, finally
@wim so how does ... in numpy indexing work? What I posted was 2.7
I guess it gets converted to Ellipsis inside [], just like a slice
@wim huh O.o
>>> class Foo(object):
...     def __getitem__(self, *args):
...         print(args)
>>> Foo()[...]
>>> print(...)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
this is fun, but yeah, I guess similar to :
@wim So the ellipsis literal was basically added just so python is more compatible with pseudocode. That's awesome.
That's the good^[citation needed] thing about having a BDFL. When would a committee ever agree to adding syntax that is cute?
2 hours later…
Isn't there a python package for ui? So far I have had no luck finding one.
Not gui
Gui has limitiations with regard to ui
So a command line interface?
All graphical user interfaces are necessarily user interfaces
I'm not sure what kind of user interface you're talking about that has less limitations than a GUI
considering that you can completely emulate a console inside a tkinter window, for example
So, to get to the point of my rambling: please describe in more detail what you are hoping this hypothetical UI package would do
Idk, it's just that whenever I see something in a ui sence, it looks a lot nicer.
Ui typically have a lot nicer interface
Please elaborate on the category of "something". Parking meters and gas pumps and notebooks are arguably UIs.
something: google.dk/…:
Pictures of a google search on "ui"
so a well-designed gui
Yeah, I guess you could call it that :p
I am sorry I thought there was a design difference between ui and gui
Whenever I saw some ui software it just always looked smoother and more neat.

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