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05:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

"Got downvoted. Lesson learned." is the good kind.
@W.Dodge new answers to old (by some definition of "old") questions go into a review queue and possibly even bump the question back to the main page depending... so you get exposure that way...
I was really embarrassed by the mistake but life goes on
How suspicious should be when an answer comes 4 minutes late with almost the same but slightly worse solution than mine, and it instantly gets an upvote when mine doesn't? Not wondering about plagiarism, only socks
How's your paranoia doing you these days? :p
As usual. I guess that means I should flag :D
shrugs it happens sometimes
had a quick look... I wouldn't flag it for now - a mod could only conclude it's just what happens...
ah, OK, thanks
@wim yeah, I know, I've seen weirder things.
there's also a commenter on my answer who had a Q&A with the other answerer in another language tag, but that's probably also just my paranoia...
I'm certainly not going to lose sleep over it :)
let me get back to giving away my rat cages...
dir works in more cases than vars btw
dir yes, __dict__ no, right?
but dir also contains a bunch of fluff like methods which I wouldn't care to put into the local namespace in this situation
@wim in which cases does dir work than vars ?
are @properties in vars?
@JonClements namedtuple is a notorious one
it is a tuple, so it can't carry around a dict, that would be too much dead weight
Isn't namedtuple the cousin we never talk about?
@wim ahh... so __slots__ stuff ?
@AndrasDeak it's the weird uncle that touches you in inappropriate ways, but is not quite bad enough to be exiled from the family
@AndrasDeak Yes and no. The property itself lives in the class, but there has to be field that stores the actual property value somewhere on the instance. So if you have a property foo, you'll likely find _foo in vars
@wim >:/
@Aran-Fey I guess in this context that means "no", at least the numexpr "foo**2" would break
> there has to be field that stores the actual property value somewhere on the instance
that's a pretty limited view of what properties are useful for
do you mean dynamically fetched properties for instance?
btw, you can do dict(inspect.getmembers(o)) instead of vars(o) to support classes with __slots__
I'm sorry I looked, salt!
@Aran-Fey thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind :)
not that I expect to ever meet a __slots__-ridden class in the wild
Maybe this is more convincing: That'll also include property values
@AndrasDeak besides though, unless the OP is adamant of being able to do it outside the instance... I'd have thought a better design would be a mixin class that supplies an evaluate that exposes self (or whatever it's publicly happy doing so) or evaluates according to the scope it wants to be evaluated against?
why do you think guys Python is on the rise ?
is taking over the planet, eating all other languages in general purpose programming
1) because the popular ML libraries use python
2) because it's easy and has minimal fluff
@Curcuma_ Is it?
@JonClements yeah, the premise seems a bit weird. That might be why I have this dataclass-like notion, I half assumed that the class is mostly a container
@AndrasDeak in my eyes, but you are right, it's a question
or maybe it's just my ignorance :P
Let's discuss: Reading from the end of a file should throw an exception instead of returning the empty string, yay or nay?
Nay, unless it can somehow be implicit like StopIteration
Is there a problem with returning the empty string? I mean ambiguity.
Well, iterating over the file with a loop would still work as it does now. Calling read() or readlines() would still work as they do now. How often do you actually call read(size)?
personally, never, but I'm the worst example :P
@Aran-Fey I sometimes use it for reading fixed width files or from sockets etc...
and in those cases, sometimes, it's not it's the "end" of something, it's just there's no data there "at the moment"
@AndrasDeak There is no ambiguity, no, but working with file objects is kind of a pain because their interface is "read(size) may return up to size characters, but it'll never return 0 characters unless you've hit the end of the file". I think an exception would actually be more convenient
Would make it easier to implement the file interface correctly, IMO
@Aran-Fey you forget that a read operation may genuinely not return anything... and that there's an abstraction of "files". They're just streams of data like sockets/other network protocols are...
And what if you hit the end -> raise -> rewind -> read again? Would you expect something meaningful to happen to something that had raised beforehand?
@JonClements Isn't that even more of a reason to communicate with exceptions? How do you tell the difference between "there's no data at the moment" and "there's no more data"?
this is more layman's musing than actual argument, mind you
@Aran-Fey you can't... it doesn't make sense to even try
not having data "just now" when I attempted to read something isn't an exception
@AndrasDeak Yes, I don't see any problems with that. Files are stateful objects, if you change their state by seeking to the beginning, their behavior may change. Nothing wrong with that.
@Aran-Fey errr... no - they're not quite stateful either
Huh? Every iterator is stateful
Unless it's, like, while True: yield whatever
heard of dirty reads and non-flushing, memory maps, protected memory spaces and such?
I know some of those words (:
memory map is what Sherlock Holmes uses to find his way in his mental house
@JonClements What about reading from the end of the file, though? It's like trying to advance an iterator past the end, which raises StopIteration. So why can't reading from a file also raise an exception?
I think the pup's point is that there's no inherent difference between a file and a socket (or other sausage-of-data structure). Is that it?
Not sure how that's a problem. Reading from a socket could throw an exception if the socket has been closed
it does it if it's closed
but you can still read from a file on disk using .read() - don't forget that iterating over a file and reading from a file are two different concepts
@Aran-Fey you can just use a recipe from asyncio that continuously awaits data from some input for instance...
I don't understand how the difference between iterating over a file and reading from a file is relevant here. What reason is there why read can't/shouldn't throw an exception?
Because using for line in file is using an iterator (which has a protocol that it'll raise a StopIteration at the end and will always re-raise that on subsequent requests) and using .read() is a more direct operation that doesn't use that but might/might not return data
style question: should I blankify (_) the dirs variable in for root, dirs, files in os.walk(...) if I never use it?
my linter is yelling at me, but I think it's wrong.
What does the linter yell?
@AdamSmith if you can - just use pathlib ?
@JonClements I understand that iteration and read use different protocols, but I want to know if there's any reason why the read protocol can't be changed to be more like the iterator protocol?
W0612:Unused variable 'dirs'
@JonClements not all of this codebase is Python3 yet. Working on it!
Wait, I thought the linter was telling you not to blankify it
No, vice versa
@Aran-Fey because it's more "bare bones"... don't forget that iterating line by line is using .read() underneath in buffer sizes and returning lines...
I have the dirs included, and the linter wants me to blank it if it's not being used
but I think it's idiomatic to leave that in
@JonClements what's the os.walk analog in pathlib? Just Path.glob("**")?
@AdamSmith can't you just put an `#IGNORE W0612" at the end of the line of the for loop (or whatever syntax it requires depending on the linter)?
Maybe it's because it's 1AM, but I really can't follow this logic no matter how hard I try. I guess we should leave it at that
there's also the possibility that you merely disagree
@Aran-Fey nay
@JonClements yeah I definitely can. Even easier, I can just ignore the silly green underscore. Just looking for rational python experts that agree with me :D
@AndrasDeak gone
05:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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