@W.Dodge new answers to old (by some definition of "old") questions go into a review queue and possibly even bump the question back to the main page depending... so you get exposure that way...
How suspicious should be when an answer comes 4 minutes late with almost the same but slightly worse solution than mine, and it instantly gets an upvote when mine doesn't? Not wondering about plagiarism, only socks
@AndrasDeak Yes and no. The property itself lives in the class, but there has to be field that stores the actual property value somewhere on the instance. So if you have a property foo, you'll likely find _foo in vars
@AndrasDeak besides though, unless the OP is adamant of being able to do it outside the instance... I'd have thought a better design would be a mixin class that supplies an evaluate that exposes self (or whatever it's publicly happy doing so) or evaluates according to the scope it wants to be evaluated against?
@JonClements yeah, the premise seems a bit weird. That might be why I have this dataclass-like notion, I half assumed that the class is mostly a container
Well, iterating over the file with a loop would still work as it does now. Calling read() or readlines() would still work as they do now. How often do you actually call read(size)?
@AndrasDeak There is no ambiguity, no, but working with file objects is kind of a pain because their interface is "read(size) may return up to size characters, but it'll never return 0 characters unless you've hit the end of the file". I think an exception would actually be more convenient
Would make it easier to implement the file interface correctly, IMO
@Aran-Fey you forget that a read operation may genuinely not return anything... and that there's an abstraction of "files". They're just streams of data like sockets/other network protocols are...
@JonClements Isn't that even more of a reason to communicate with exceptions? How do you tell the difference between "there's no data at the moment" and "there's no more data"?
@AndrasDeak Yes, I don't see any problems with that. Files are stateful objects, if you change their state by seeking to the beginning, their behavior may change. Nothing wrong with that.
@JonClements What about reading from the end of the file, though? It's like trying to advance an iterator past the end, which raises StopIteration. So why can't reading from a file also raise an exception?
I don't understand how the difference between iterating over a file and reading from a file is relevant here. What reason is there why read can't/shouldn't throw an exception?
Because using for line in file is using an iterator (which has a protocol that it'll raise a StopIteration at the end and will always re-raise that on subsequent requests) and using .read() is a more direct operation that doesn't use that but might/might not return data
@JonClements I understand that iteration and read use different protocols, but I want to know if there's any reason why the read protocol can't be changed to be more like the iterator protocol?
@Aran-Fey because it's more "bare bones"... don't forget that iterating line by line is using .read() underneath in buffer sizes and returning lines...
@JonClements yeah I definitely can. Even easier, I can just ignore the silly green underscore. Just looking for rational python experts that agree with me :D