that's the frustrating part, this is an internal company tool and standing policy is no sharing of code, even if there isn't any proprietary code involved.
Ran pdb, it dealt with the normal imports at the top of the file, dealt the the click stuff for the program arguments, hit the main function then failed at: from setproctitle import setproctitle
hey all, I just tried to post a question on stack overflow, but it said I can only post one question every 90 minutes but I have not asked any questions in over two months!
Sorry it doesn't matter I managed to figure out my own problem!
I tried to post a SO question this morning, but I got an error saying:
You can only post once every 90 minutes.
However, I haven't posted in days, let alone 90 minutes.
What gives?
Hmm, does the re module have a character sequence representing "the empty string, regardless of whether it is inside a word or not?"? I don't want to write (\b|\B) all the time.
I don't have a specific practical use-case for it but it seems odd that it doesn't exist
My original use case was to use it in a pattern that I pass to re.split, so no characters would be left out of the return value. But it turns out that split requires a non-empty pattern match, so it wouldn't have worked anyway.
so, like, if you wanted to split on any point where a lowercase letter is followed by an upper case letter, you might do re.split(r"[a-z](\b|\B)[A-Z]", "fooBar") ==> ["foo", "Bar"]
Again, this does not actually work, but it's what I wanted.
I'm halfway to convincing myself that any time you might want to use \b|\B, you could instead use a literal empty string plus non-consuming matching paren groups
(?<=\d)(\B|\b)(?=.) ought to behave identically to (?<=\d)(?=.) for example
Or, er, perhaps the captured groups would be different but the matched segment would be the same.
This is independent of the question of whether there is actually a time where you'd need this behavior to begin with, an example of which I still haven't come up with
In college they taught us the underlying theory of regexes using a very feature-poor syntax: we had | and * and character literals and ε. I just find it curious that this barebones definition has functionality that re doesn't have amidst its many bells and whistles, regardless of whether said functionality has any practical use.
Or not "functionality" per se, because you can probably prove that any grammar expressible in tinyFormalRegex is also expressible in pythonRegex. But the latter might be less concise.
@Kevin No, they taught you about regular languages which can be expressed using a “regular expression”. But in practice, every thing that calls itself “regular expreession” is actually way more powerful and can easily describe non-regular languages.
@poke That's surprising to me. I know that some engines are powerful enough to, for example, match balanced nested parentheses. But I assumed those were in the minority. Or perhaps most engines are in the middle: more powerful than tinyFormalRegex but still not powerful enough to match "any number of As followed by the same number of Bs"?
regex is exactly the engine I was thinking of that qualifies as extra-powerful. It has recursive groups so you can in fact match nested parens with it.
I don’t know a single regex engine in programming languages that is really limited to regular languages.
I know that some don’t support more complex things like look behinds (just aheads) since they are expensive and require backtracking, but you usually have a lot things that allow you to match context sensitive languages.
Great error message shared on our internal Slack this morning: Apologies, we're having some trouble with your WebSocket connection. We've seen this problem clear up with a restart of [our app], a solution which we suggest to you now only with great regret and self-loathing.
I understand very well the deep shame that comes with having to reveal to the end-user the internal workaround you tried to keep secret because it reveals that the whole platform is made from duct tape and spit
But "try turning it off and on again" is one of the more moderate members of that category. Better that than "try these fifteen elaborate steps, no we don't know why it helps or which of them are actually necessary"
Duct tape? Nah... that's what proper frameworks are made of... The really cutting edge ones use that little sticky bit on post-it notes to gel everything together...
Simultaneously turn it on and off with your index finger and middle finger respectively. For biologically ordinary humans, this should resolve in the correct order.
I wanted to render a perspecitve-y sequence of As and Bs, kind of like the one at… but with two vanishing points, but I couldn't find a button in that could do that. So I settled for an ugly lemniscate
Good old "do that effect from the 0.999... page on Wikpedia" button
Other than the circular text, I composed the rest of the image in paint, because I can't figure out what the equivalent of "transparent selection" is
Humans have always been lazy. We've just gradually become more able to get away with it thanks to "the wheel" and "not being in danger of tiger attack 100% of the time"
There was never a golden age of virtue. There is graffiti preserved at Pompeii that's exactly as gross as what you'd find written in a modern gas station bathroom
Not all three-decimal-place numbers are exactly representable as floating point numbers. For example, 0.100 rounds up to 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. Although thankfully most of the time Python graciously chooses not to show the full value.
Bring me a Linux distro where ctrl-c, ctrl-V, alt-tab, and windows-D all do the same things they do on my current box, and I'll install it the next time I upgrade hardware
Alternate interpretation of requirements: render a float as an integer iff its string form looks like an integer, even if it's not actually an integer. Ex. 1.000000000000001 normally prints as "1.0" so it counts as integer-y.
Byte came in here to improve his code golf ranking. Alerting possible competitors of the existence of the challenge he's working on would do the opposite of that :-P
@yode Nobody was able to help thirty minutes ago, and I don't think anybody new has come in since then, so it's not likely that anybody can help now.
I don't think the room is full of tensorflow experts that just don't feel like helping you unless you beg hard enough. I think the room is full of people that don't know enough about tensorflow to help you.
If you tried every solution in those similar posts and none of them worked, you can probably justify writing your own post. Make sure you go into detail about why each existing solution didn't work for you
If you say "I tried X, Y, and Z, and they gave me error messages A, B, and C", then people are unlikely to close your post as a duplicate of a question whose answer says "try X, Y, and Z"
you need to ask a specific question. "Help config tensorflow" is super broad.... What do you need help with, what is it you are trying to do, what went wrong. Create a MCVE, maybe you will find your own answer.
I think they have different seasons in the southern hemisphere. Or maybe it just seems like it because the fastest tall ships of Her Majesty's Fleet take six months to cross the intervening seas
Good bandwidth (think of all the spices you can bring back!), bad latency
I'm trying to figure out how to create, for example, a dictionary that looks like this: d[keys[0]][keys[1]][keys[2]] from a list like this : keys = ["key1", "key2", "key3"] ...
I've tried the following:
keys = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
d = {}
entry_ref = d
for key_num, key in enumerate...
Sure, that's the practical approach. I just thought this might be one of the once-in-a-blue-moon instances where the arithmetic works out perfectly. Evidently not.
isclose has the benefit of overloadable tolerance values, so you can define for yourself exactly what counts as "close". Can't do that with an equalish operator.
@JonClements The implementation phones home to the International Astronomical Union to make sure that the body in question is actually a planet. So that "Hi Pluto" doesn't try to sneak its way in
Nothing, as long as the answer explains what it does, and it's not just a straight copy. Copying content wholesale is plagiarism, even if you say where it's from. You're getting rewareded for someone else's work.
Neither of those things make it not plagiarism. I really don't want to have this debate. I just want the people voting and answering in flask to not promote low effort and low quality.
Great, now someone upvoted the question. Also, it's a dupe, and they outright admitted they can't search or read documentation or try anything themselves. Argh!
We recently discovered a tasty, red grapefruit-infused vodka for some good vodka-and-tonics with a wedge of lime. It may be getting close to that time, @davidism .
Might be time to walk away and take a 30 mins break from stackoverflow @davidism No amount of angry comments can stop the deluge of bad questions (and the bad answers they attract) ...
Remember to portion your anger because if you spend all of it online before noon, you won't have any left later when something truly anger-worthy happens to you. What if your car gets smooshed by a steamroller and you only have 5% rage remaining? You can't work up a good head of steam with a tank that empty.
If you explain an answer and use an example from documentation and you link to the example directly, that's still plagiarism? (not trying to antagonize, just curious)